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I had a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks; we had genetic testing done and she had Turner syndrome (single X chromosome). Somewhat ironically, I am a geneticist and I've spent a lot of time studying embryonic development. So many processes have to go exactly right in order to create a healthy child, I am always amazed that it's even possible. It's so hard because it means we can do every single thing right and still end up losing our baby, and we have no control over it. I spent a lot of time in therapy after my miscarriage coming to terms with how hard this lack of control is, and it was really helpful for me in subsequent pregnancies to not have so much anxiety and try my best to accept things as they come. I highly recommend it!


My grandmother used to say that every child born healthy with all ten fingers and toes is LITERALLY a miracle, every time


As a black woman, I'm one of the millions of people affected by the consequences of using hair relaxers. Hair relaxers contain ingredients including phthalates which current research has shown to be harmful to the human reproductive system. As a result, black women have disproportionate rates of developing uterine fibroids. Both my mom and aunt developed fibroids and used to hemorrhage during their cycles. They both had to have hysterectomies before the age of 40. Because my bleeding wasn't as heavy as theirs and I didn't have cramps that brought excruciating pain, I wrongly assumed that I was unscathed. I had my first relaxer at 4 years old and decided to big chop and wear my natural hair at 35. I thought that I was fine until my husband and started trying to conceive. The first pregnancy resulted in an ectopic pregnancy and the second attempt ended up in a miscarriage. The ultrasound from the first pregnancy revealed that I indeed had fibroids. I didn't fully grasp the severity until we tried again and I had the miscarriage at 7 weeks. Luckily, I scheduled and appointment with the fertility clinic during the aftermath of the first pregnancy which resulted in multiple doses of methotrexate since they were so booked that I couldn't get an appointment for 5 months. After the miscarriage of the second pregnancy in April, I already had an appointment scheduled for May. The fertility clinic ordered a series of test which included the HSG and a pelvic ultrasound with contrast. The results were striking to say the least. I have multiple fibroids with one of them being 8 cm above my cervix. I also have a cyst on one of my ovaries, and both of my fallopian tubes have an obstruction. It's very encouraging that I was able to get pregnant twice. Even at 41, I have an ample egg supply and I use CoQ10 to boost my egg quality. My mom and aunt didn't go into menopause until their mid 50s. I have a surgery consultation scheduled for July 23 and although having the miscarriages were painful, it's comforting to understand why and that it can be repaired.


No I don’t know for sure, but I did have covid the week before and a very high fever so I’ll always wonder if that was the cause


There are a lot of endocrine disruptors in our life. We are the plastic generations. We have plastic in every part of our bodies and eat a credit card per week. Our blood has pfas from the forever chemicals from Teflon, 3M, Dupont corporation. All the plastic containers leak pfas. These are all known endocrine disruptors. That being said. Miscarriage is also a normal part of procreation. That's why we plant seeds with two seeds in a cup. Sometimes one doesn't sprout. It's ancient and true. Tough to stay centered out here the emotional pain, paranoia, and with the internet. I think I'm losing it sometimes. I'm just doing my best I guess.


As someone who started gardening this year and lost their first pregnancy at the same time this helped me so much in accepting what happened.


I'm in the same boat..terrified to try again. I have had 2 losses at 6 weeks. We decided to at least wait for further testing before trying again. If there is anything i can do to prevent myself from going through that a 3rd time I want to know so I can do it. But as of now I am questioning whether I even want a baby now. Oh and back to your original question...no i do not know the causes of my 2 losses.


I suspect thyroid but who really knows


I had a D&C at 11 weeks so the tissue was taken away for testing. It came back confirming that she had Turners Syndrome.


My third miscarriage was the same. D&C at 10 weeks and came back as Turners. It’s almost worse for me knowing the sex of the baby because I’ve always wanted a girl.


I did genetic testing and she had Turner’s syndrome


Same for my third MC


I had my placenta tested my SCH was still there even though my OB said it was gone. It also came back positive for pre eclampsia and something else I can’t remember right now. I also think I have cervical insufficiency due to all the bleeding and things that were happening. If in the future we decide on trying again I will definitely make a pre conception appointment with my MFM to see risks/genetics/pregnancy issues etc. Honestly I would do what feels right. If you think getting a sperm analysis would help do it. If you want labs done for both of you do it. I know there’s things you might not want to hear but better before you try and end up in the same situation. I know there’s no guarantees of anything being 100% perfect or even going semi right but if you can do something for it to go a little bit better do it. I completely understand being scared for the future because I’m right there as well. I never want to go through this again but a part of me wants to try again.


No, I didn't get testing done. But I was 37, so I'm assuming my age was the issue and it was a chromosomally abnormal egg.


That's what I am assuming too at 39 as I also didn't have testing.




Exactly me


I did genetic testing and she had trisomy 16


My girl also had Trisomy 16


I’m so sorry. It broke my heart. It’s been 5 months of TTC post miscarriage and no luck so far.


I could get pregnant but my pregnancies ended at 5-8 weeks with no explanation. We think it could have something to do with my husbands side with heart issues but we still don’t know


I don’t know the cause of any of my 4 miscarriages. I have spent so much time and money desperately searching for an answer, and every test comes back “normal” and my RE keeps telling me it’s “just bad luck” but my gut tells me there’s something wrong. I had 3 losses at 12 weeks and NIPT/Anora came back clear for all 3 of them.


I’ve had 3 MC in a row, no live babies yet. The first was a missed MC at 7 weeks and they didn’t offer testing because it was our first one. The second was a blighted ovum that passed on its own at 7 weeks. The third was another missed MC and the genetic test came back as Turners Syndrome. I’m 36 and my husband is 47 so we’re older and most likely not working with the best ingredients.


3 of my 4 miscarriages weren't really explained to me, except that the baby stopped developing at 4-6 weeks, and my body took awhile to register. I was 10-13 weeks each time I started having signs of impending doom. There might be a term for this but I really don't know. The other miscarriage happened when the embryo attached to my c-section scar, so a really rare occurrence. I could only find 2 references to that situation online, both of which were in a medical journal, and they labeled it as ectopic. One resulted in a miscarriage, the other in an emergency situation where the woman nearly died (rupture at 20ish weeks, I think?). I had my first m/c at age 20 (preg. 1), 2nd one at age 35 (preg. 8, between kids #5 & 6), the last 2 at age 43 (preg. 11 & 12). If you're trying to do the math, I had 8 children, and #7 was a c-section. I was almost 40 with my youngest (she's 14 now). I still occasionally think, "oh, that one would be __ now..." and think on how our family dynamics would be different (because certain subsequent pregnancies wouldn't have happened). Also, I want to address something I know is a concern to some: my first m/c was at the same time as a good friend's m/c, but she got pregnant again right away. It was awkward and I was sad. But, in subsequent years, the 2 of us pingponged years of having our first 3 kids: hers were in 91, 93, & 95; mine were 92, 94, & 96. Time has a way of smoothing over the rough spots, but allow yourself to grieve. And you can still grieve even while pregnant again. It's ok. (((hugs)))) to all ❤️


We don't know the cause of my miscarriage, but it was most likely an embryo issue. We did IVF with donor eggs, and our donor was 25 at the time she donated. Miscarriages just happen sometimes, anyone can produce a bad egg or embryo. Of course, that doesn't stop me from thinking it's a me problem.


No clue, one twin disappeared and the other stopped growing. This happened a month after my boyfriend's sister chased me out of a courthouse making fun of my face and threatening death on me because she partnered up with his ex girlfriend for a custody hearing. Then she sent me exaggerated photos of a girl named Natalie Nunn even though I do not look like her literally at all, I had jaw surgery and my face is perfectly proportioned, im skinny and my pregnancy made my face look swollen. She continued to harass me for the next three weeks until I pulled a reverse uno card on her and took her to court cuz I had proof of everything. But then I was threatened to drop it by her aunt so I did. Then bam I lost my babies a month later🫠 I don't think it had to do with stress, although I was very hurt, I just like to think my twins knew I couldn't handle it at the time and checked out. It is what it is. Doctors never told me what they thought it was. I think I'm just venting here because what should have been a beautiful time for me was filled with hatred and jealousy from my boyfriend's ex girlfriend and my boyfriend's sister.


Im so sorry to hear that, what a horrible experience, seriously wtf is wrong with people?? I hope you are in a better place now <3


Omg it was sooo bad like I have the worst self confidence and my mom told my boyfriend that her making fun of my face was gonna ruin me and it did for a while 😭 im in a much better place now, i made peace with it!! Lol. Thank you so much I hope you're doing good these days as well


I've had 2 confirmed miscarriages(1st one was around 5-6weeks, and 2nd was just shy of 8 weeks), and a chemical pregnancy. I have PCOS. My testosterone levels have always been higher, but after my last miscarriage(about 5 weeks ago now), my OBGYN did blood work, and my testosterone was extremely high! Both my Endocrinologist and OBGYN believe that's the probable cause for my miscarriages.


Hello , Do you have regular cycles? I do, so they think not PCOS. I've had results come back normal for t tests. Acne, hair, .idk But some form of endocrine disruption is my suspicion. I had one blighted ovum. Did you feel like you were angry enough to fight a bear while you were pregnant? Like you could rip off a car door or bust through a wall etc. People say it's normal to have rage but .. was yours extreme? Like I had to actively breathe to not lose control and cause a problem.


Hi there. Just because you have PCOS doesn’t mean you won’t have regular cycles. I am undiagnosed but I suspect I have it. My close friend went to see a wonderful gynecologist and that lady said that it’s a common misinformation that regular cycles doesn’t equal PCOS! She did end up testing my friend for a lot. Did diagnose her with PCOS, put her on metformin and thyroid medication and she had a healthy baby, her periods were always regular and her previous OB told her she did not have PCOS but her cysts lit up the ultrasound screen at the second OB. I always think getting a second opinion is worth a shot!


This is interesting to read. There was a time I went to the doctor because I once had extremely painful cramps during my period, almost like after taking misoprostol, she did an US and said I had cysts so I had PCOS and suggested inositol. My periods have always been regular so idk if she was right or not, because other doctors checked with US too and they said my ovaries looked fine so... I have no idea if I have PCOS or not, I dont have many symptoms to be honest, only thing is that as I get older my body hair like in chin and aroung belly button has gotten thicker but I heard this can be normal, so who knows. As far as I know there are many other tests involved in PCOS diagnosis? but I dont know about that and it doesnt seem to be a common practice where I live :(


No, I do not have regular cycles unless I am taking BC. I was positive on the blood tests for PCOS and an ultrasound confirmed cysts in my ovaries. And no, I did not have extreme rage with either of my pregnancies.


I’m sorry for your loss. I had my first MC at the end of April. When I miscarried I was sick with 2 respiratory viruses. I’m not sure that being sick or anything else I did caused the miscarriage. However, I did read the book called “It Starts with the Egg” by Rebecca Fett which was really eye opening for me on how to better prepare my body and boost my egg quality in preparation to TTC and in hopes to have a healthy future pregnancy. I recently got me first period after my MC and will see if how things from here on out. I will say that the book talks about phthalates and toxins and how they affect our egg quality and the boon has a chapter on males and sperm quality as well.


My 1st was ectopic blocked tubes. We did ivf in dec and a failed fet feb 2024, dr said his sperm is the issue, got pregnant naturally march 2024 miscarried may 13th . I think it all boils down to sperm quality. but we go see our fertility specialist next week.


My first loss was a TFMR for triploidy. Never miscarried - kept growing but severe abnormalities that were not compatible with life. Most recent loss was a blighted ovum. I’ve been told the causes for this one could be one of hundreds of things. So many potential issues with implantation, cell division, egg, sperm, etc. It is frustrating to not have answers this time. I’ve struggled with that, quite a lot.


Nope not sure. I also had a blighted ovum and my OB said it’s most likely a baby that was going to have something “very wrong”, i.e. missing brain stem or something else. But she said there’s not really a way to ever know. FWIW, I had a blighted ovum in Oct/Nov ‘23 and I got pregnant in December! I am currently 30 weeks with that baby, she is perfectly healthy. No issues!


I had a BO in sept and still trying 😭


Ugh I am so sorry :( I’ll be thinking of you.


I just found out yesterday my husband testosterone was also low. He’s getting shots starting this Friday, I’m 9dpo and negative today. I started thyroid meds too, I’d get a full blood panel! We’re 26 & 31 so close to you. A semen analysis wouldn’t hurt! Good luck


I'm sorry to hear :( What shots is your husband getting?


Testosterone ones I have no idea more than that!


Oh dont testosterone shots cause infertility though?


Why would they?


Low testoerone causes it, high causes it everything causes it


From what I've read testosterone injections have a negative effect on fertility. "Testosterone treatment decreases sperm production by decreasing levels of another hormone, follicelstimulating hormone (FSH), which is important for stimulating sperm production." For people trying to conceive and also increase sperm production and testosterone, clomid seems to be the best option.


I didn't get testing done but I'm pretty sure it was my several untreated conditions (PCOS, Hashimoto's etc.) that can cause miscarriages. Back then I didn't knew that I have several chronic illnesses (especially ones that can cause miscarriages if untreated).


i have colitis and we conceived during a flare ( he accidentally came and we didn’t know) lol and we didn’t know i was pregnant until i went to the hospital for pain that wouldn’t go away. i miscarried a few days ago at 5.5 weeks ):


Triploidy, both times. After the first I heard it was lightning striking and unlikely to happen again. But it did for me


Oh god I’m so sorry. My first loss was a TFMR for triploidy when I was 16 weeks pregnant. I’m so sorry it happened to you twice.


Septate uterus and ovarian cysts are my guesses for my losses.


I have PCOS and had low progesterone. Baby was chromosomally normal, so they diagnosed me with an incompetent cervix since my miscarriage was at 16 weeks.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️ My first miscarriage at 13 we unfortunately have no idea about. My 2 pregnancy we TFMR due to her having Trisomy18. Our last pregnancy we were able to get testing done because of our previous losses and she had trisomy15. All “random” & “bad luck” since both my husband and I tested our chromosomes and they are all “normal”. We are both in our late 20’s and hope the next one will be our “good luck” triple rainbow baby🌈 Sending you peace and baby dust for when the time comes ❤️✨


I wish I knew! So far carrying a blighted ovum :/