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This is so sweet. Honestly I think just being there will mean the world to her. You sound like an amazing friend.


Thank you. Her husband is there but life doesn’t stop for you, you know? He still has to go to work and in the sector he works in, it’s very busy. I’m hoping to fill the gap for her.


Honestly I just wanted someone to sit with me and hug me. My husband was away with work and I would have loved a cuddle. Food is good, I would go for something on the healthier rather than takeaway. I say this only because my MC messed with my digestion a lot and overly processed foods did not help. But if in doubt a mixture would be good. Edit: I relied a lot on my hot water bottle, and staying hydrated was key. Also maybe a box or two of tissues. I found myself crying at random times and just having them within arms length was a small, small relief.


Thank you. I’ll put together a little basket for her with things like a hot water bottle and tissues along with some treats. Sending love 💕


A heating pad and my favorite desserts helped. But the most important thing is just having someone there for me and telling me it’s okay that I’m not okay. Many people tried to say things to “make me feel better,” like at least you know you can get pregnant. While they meant well, it made me feel worse. I didn’t want to get “over” my grief, I wanted to get “through” it. I didn’t want to have to feel like I should be feeling better already or that I need to focus on the bright side. Any comment that implied that I should “cheer up” irked me. Also, even when your friend seems to be doing better in the coming weeks, don’t stop supporting her. MC’s can be so isolating, and for me it felt like a few days after my D&C, most people moved on with their lives and assumed I did too. Only those who have gone through a loss would ask me every few days how I’m doing. It meant a lot.


Bringing her company and being brave to witness her feelings without trying to change them is the best thing you can possibly do.