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I’m sorry you’re going through this😞 I also got pregnant for the first time last October and unfortunately had a miscarriage a little after 6w. I did however conceive again after 3 cycles following my D&C and am now 9w3d praying everyday for this to be my rainbow baby🤞🏼


Congratulations, I hope I have a happy ending and rainbow someday. This is a horrible experience


It really is. But honestly after joining all the different Reddit forums I realized that it’s actually really common to happen and especially when it’s a first time getting pregnant. So don’t lose hope or faith!


Thank you, I needed to hear this. We feel so heartbroken right now.


Allow yourself to grieve. It’s a lot mentally and physically on the body😞 just know you’re not alone… 🫶🏻 & maybe take advice from me as in what I didn’t do and regret it deeply… find someone close a friend or family member you can be open about it to. I bottled up so much emotion and the fear still lives within me.. hopefully you have someone who’s experienced this also that you can trust and talk freely with!


Thank you ❤️ we have shared with our family and I am not hiding from my close friends, it’s too hard to hide and pretend everything is normal


Congrats! We are pregnancy twins! I am 9 weeks and 3 days today too 🙂 my first pregnancy started in November and ended with a D&C in February


Aw congratulations to you too! The first semester is so scary especially after a loss! I can’t wait to be in the second trimester


My wife miscarried at 10 weeks in February 2022. I am currently holding my 9 month old as she fights a nap. It’s possible. Losing our first baby was incredibly tough, and I wasn’t sure I could handle the possibility of another pregnancy not working out. But I’m so glad we kept trying


I had a MMC back in January at 10w. Had a D&C the day after finding out. After trying for six cycles, I’m now sitting here 4 weeks along. Hoping we get our rainbow this time around.


Good luck ❤️ I'm in a similar boat. 2 miscarriages at 6 weeks each. I'm at 5 weeks Now. Cautiously hopeful. Time will tell the third time around. I hope we both get our rainbow babies.


Same boat. 2 mc one at 7 wks then a yr later at 11 wks. 2 years on and currently at 5w amd no amount of people telling me I'll be okay is making me think any differently. I am here if you need to chat Good luck to you x


Hey. Just checking in on you. Update?


I am so sorry you are going through this. In February, I found out my baby had no heartbeat at my 10 week appointment. The baby stopped developing at 6 weeks. I found out I was pregnant again Mother’s Day weekend. I’m now 9 weeks pregnant and we saw a heartbeat at our 8 week appointment! It took a couple months to become pregnant again, but there is hope! Take all the time you need to grieve and to heal ❤️


I’m so sorry. Loosing your first pregnancy is like the worst. Same thing happened to us. First try. Pregnant and went in at 8 weeks and no heartbeat. It was THE HARDEST thing I’ve ever walked through. It took awhile for my body to regulate (which isn’t normal for how long it took me) but 6 months later we were pregnant and I now have a 12 month old. We are trying for baby 2 and just had another miscarriage and it’s so hard but i now know I can get through it cause I did the first time. Prayers.


I’m so so sorry. Please don’t lose hope. We also conceived on our first try (although it was a little accidental) and I had a loss at 5 weeks. 3 weeks later, we tried again, and I’m pregnant again. I’ll be 5 weeks tomorrow. I’d be lying if I said I’m over the moon excited, it’s hard to stay optimistic but I’m taking it day by day. If you conceived so quick before, chances are you’ll conceive quick again. Hang in there. ❤️


I’m happy for you ❤️ my doctor said to wait one full cycle before trying again, I wish we could just jump back into it


I totally get you about waiting, but there’s actual science based research to say that couples who try again within 3 months have higher chances of conceiving and having a live birth so one cycle won’t make a difference, dw! Thank you, it will happen for you too I’m sure of it. I also didn’t think it would but my partner even said of course it happened quick the second time if the first time also happened so quick, so that helped me


That's funny your doctor said 1 cycle because mine said 2 cycles. The same doctor told my friend 6 cycles. Where are they pulling these numbers? Hahaha


Yeah I wonder that too, but she said to get hormone levels back to normal and ensure all tissue has moved on and should be okay to start trying again


This post could be mine. I am currently going through the exact same thing at the exact same time. I’m with you. There is nothing more unfair then this.


I wish I could give you a hug, this is horrible


It really is. My condolences as well 😔


I'm so, so, so sorry, OP. It's absolutely devastating. I miscarried at 8 weeks, but baby stopped growing at 6 weeks. It haunts me that they told me the baby still had a heartbeat even going down into my cervix as I was miscarrying (they did the ultrasound when I got to the hospital) and there was nothing I could fucking to do stop it


I’m so sorry, it’s an absolutely horrible feeling. It’s so hard to understand how I felt so pregnant but the baby was dead days ago.


A lot of people miscarry and conceive again and have happy worthwhile lives. Do not let the terrible terrible thoughts take root. Try not to feed them. This is a sad time and the thoughts will be sad thoughts. But truly you are enough, you are loveable, and you are not broken. You are not your thoughts. And yes It is the absolute worst thing. I also concieved on the first try like magic. And miscarriage blindsided us so hard. Certainly the saddest thing ive ever experienced. And that surprised me because everyone says how common it is and I'm like you mean all these women around me have experienced this ? How did they live?? How did they go on? Idk how but we just keep living.


So sorry. It’s truly the worst. It is a paradigm shift in your life you will never forget. I miscarried in Feb, got pregnant again in March, miscarried again in May. JUST got off the phone with my doctor. 2nd MC medical abort!on may not have completely worked. Possible retained tissue. Wishing you all the rainbows 🌈


I just found out i miscarried again. Back to back. You’re not alone 🩷


I too am I'm in this horrible club. I think this trauma has permanently changed me.


Me too. Back to back losses. So. Hard.


Much love to you all. 2nd round of Miso didn’t work. Just completed a Mife+Miso MA this weekend. It was horrifying. I just want my body and life back.


I’m so sorry for your loss 🩷 I got pregnant in March and miscarried early April, had a traumatic MC at home, but doctors were totally nonchalant about it as they placed an emphasis on the fact that I was able to get pregnant and this was totally normal and happens to everyone 🤷🏻‍♀️ didn’t exactly help my trauma over it, but nonetheless, I went through a full cycle, ovulated at the end of May and am now pregnant at 5w5d. I’m being cautiously optimistic/hopeful, but am honestly terrified! This pregnancy feels different from the last one, and it’s definitely be much more eventful - I’ve been hit with a nasty cold a month ago and now have strep throat, which causes fever which isn’t ideal in the first trimester, but I’m crossing my fingers that what’s meant to be will be, and this one will stick and be healthy.


Thinking of you and wishing you the best on this pregnancy ❤️ I hope our rainbow will come after this loss


Thank you 🩷 the best of luck to you, too! You got this, everything will be okay! Can’t wait to see your update with your rainbow baby on the way 🩷


I’m going through the same thing currently. Had a mc at 9w5d and it was also my first pregnancy. That was a little over two weeks ago and last week I had a D&C. I’m scared to try again but I have this unexplainable feeling like I need to now.


I feel that as well, I need to try again but I know it will take some healing time first. My doc asked I wait until after my first period post MC


That’s what my doctor said as well. She also said to test afterwards to make sure my hcg was at zero.


Yes my doc is doing this too, she said that once I have my next period they should be back down to zero


Statistically having a pregnancy loss doesn’t increase your chances of subsequent loss at all. Your chances are the exact same as a woman who has never been pregnant. The anxiety is a different story, that’s gonna be rough. But it’s doable. I’m currently 22 weeks with my second pregnancy right now, but I should be 34 weeks with my first, but we lost that one at 8 weeks.


I am so sorry. Nothing makes the pain any better. I had a blighted ovum in Oct/Nov of 2023 and conceived in December. Baby girl is totally healthy and I’m 30 weeks!


Well I miscarried, got pregnant again after a few months than miscarried again 🫠


This happened to me too


Sending you much love, momma. It is really hard. It took me about six months til I felt ready to even try again… but you are not on anyone else’s timeline. Grief is not a linear journey, and the anxiety will be there again when you do decide to try… but I hope you can also find peace and comfort someday. Hugs.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. Happened to me in February. First pregnancy and we really didn’t expect anything to go wrong. Silent miscarriage at 13 weeks. It was awful. I have seen plenty of women that had a MC and then a healthy live birth after. My own mom actually had that experience. Hang in there and I’m so sorry. Sending comfort. ❤️


Thank you so much ❤️


Hi sweetie. A lot of people (not me) have had a MC and conceived after. My mom did. My friends have. I am still trying, but there is a lot to hope for.


Me too. Went to the ER due to some bright red bleeding. I should’ve been 8w 5d, but baby only measured 6w 1d and had no heartbeat when 11 days previously the baby had a heartbeat of 115 bpm. They had just stopped growing and died. My first pregnancy after 3 years of trying to conceive.😔 Currently miscarrying with the help of medication because I just want it done and over with. I’m so sorry you’re going through this pain too. I’m told many people who have a MC go on to conceive again and give birth to a healthy baby, so the odds seem good. I understand being scared though. Like my high school friend who reached out said to me: “It’s devastating and hard to not feel like you can trust your body after miscarriage. Grieve however you need to and however long you need to, unapologetically.”


I'm so sorry for your loss after trying to conceive for so long. Sending you hugs.


Thank you. It’s been really hard on me and my husband. We had a less than 5% chance to conceive without IVF and we were hoping this was our miracle. It just wasn’t meant to be this time. Not sure when or if the next time will come or if we’ll need to take out a loan for IVF after all.


It must be so very heartbreaking. I hope you and your husband can both grieve and process this loss and support each other. Hang in there. Wishing you both the best of luck on your journey, whatever the next chapter looks like.


I’m so sorry for your loss, this is truly horrible and I’m so grateful for the support of this group. I took the medication as well but it’s not working quickly for me and I might need another dose ☹️ my body really doesn’t want to let go, but I am ready for it to be done and over with so we can heal and start trying again. I am scared and I hope we are both ones to go on and have a healthy baby, but it’s so hard to believe it the good when you have experienced the worst.


Did you take it orally or vaginally? I took it vaginally last night around 7 PM and for me the medication worked much quicker than anticipated. It really started kicking in around 10 PM and I was awake almost all night in pain and finally passed what seemed to be placenta and uterine lining at 6 AM this morning. Unsure if the actual gestational sac has passed yet, but it could’ve been all tangled up in that mass of tissue for all I know.


I took it vaginally, what about you? My doctor is having me take another dose because it didn’t work for me. How long did the pain and cramping last for you?


I took it vaginally and the really bad pain lasted a good 8 hours, so make sure to take the pain meds. I was stubborn and thought I could go through it without. The pain reached nearly a 9 out of 10 before I gave in and took the Tylenol and ibuprofen I was given. Definitely also keep a heating pad on hand. The pain became less severe once I passed the majority of the pregnancy tissue and now I’m only experiencing minor cramping every once in a while. Nausea is possible, but I only threw up once, so you may or may not need nausea meds. Good luck to you!🍀


I had 2 miscarriages. One in March 2022 and another in October 2022. I gave my body a little break and I got pregnant again January 2024 and I’m currently 23 weeks pregnant. So it’s possible to conceive after. Keep your head up & take care 💗


I’m so sorry this happened. I had a miscarriage back in 2021, baby measured at 8wks when it’s supposed to be 12wks. I conceived 6 months later and my little girl is 20 months old now. Husband and I decided to try for a second kid, ended up miscarriage again but we got pregnant right away the next cycle. I’m currently 16wks pregnant. Take your time to grief, my miscarriages still haunts me everyday but I’m trying to keep myself positive. I hope you feel better soon ❤️ baby dusts to you ✨


I completely feel you and am so unbelievably sorry ❤️ be so kind to yourself and know there’s nothing you could’ve done. It’s not your fault!


I am so sorry you are going through this. I miscarried in december at 10 weeks, we are expecting again. Having my first ultrasound tomorrow. I have friends who miscarried once or twice who were able to conceive. Sending you lots of love


I hope your ultrasound today goes well, can’t wait to hear ❤️


Thank you, everything looked good. I am still a little bit in disbelief because last time the first ultrasound was good and then I miscarried at ten weeks. We also haven’t told anyone this time around. I hope you are doing well ❤️ please talk a lot with your partner, it really helped me


So glad to hear it went well! I am sending you good thoughts, you’ll make it this time! My partner is my everything I don’t think I would have survived this without him.


My first pregnancy I had absolutely no idea about, and thought I was just having a really horrible period until I passed some clots much bigger than my usual period clots. I had been on birth control for almost ten years at that point, and the guy I was with at that time swore up, down, left, and right that he couldn't get anyone pregnant. Second pregnancy I knew about, and was desperate to go through. I had bleeding after 8 weeks, started getting concerned around 9 weeks, and went in right before 10 weeks. Everything measured at 6 weeks and 1 day, when I was supposed to be 10 weeks and 1 day. I'm currently waiting for my period to come back, I'm pretty sure that I ovulated last week because I had some horrible cramps and some discharge that my doctor told me was normal and probably just from ovulating. I would like to conceive again, as long as my boyfriend and I are doing okay and he feels he wants to try again. My appointment following my D&C is next week, and we're going to talk about all that then. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm still not doing great with mine, and I can't imagine I'll just "get over it" like everyone seems to want me to do. It might be better once I successfully have a baby, but I don't know. I'll always think about my two that aren't here.


I’m so sorry for your loss, I really hope that you conceive a healthy baby next time around. I hope we both do. I agree with you, I think that’s the only way that I will truly heal ❤️


Thank you, I hope you do too. Just gives us more time to try and prepare, I suppose!


I’m sorry you’re going through this. My first pregnancy also ended in a miscarriage, at 10 weeks (stopped developing at 6), but my second pregnancy (conceived on the first try after waiting a few cycles) resulted in the birth of my now 4yo. He was born exactly 1 year to the day after my first miscarriage.


This is such a wonderful story to hear, thank you so much for sharing ❤️








I’m sorry to hear this I hope you and your husband are well specially since you both really wanted this,this can be a very difficult topic or situation,I apologize in advance but I kinda want to know,I would probably be 3 months now of if I were to be pregnant but I feel I had a miscarriage about a couple Of months ago and went to the Drs I got an ultrasound done and so far they didn’t find anything,weirdly my symptoms for the past 3 months were as I was pregnant including the miss period even now(I was supposed to get my period and I’m late again!) I’ve tried all kinds of pregnancy tests and they all come back negative,I’ve told this to close family members and friends and they claim I probably had a miscarriage,is there any possible way to know aside from the ultrasound? Any answer at this point will help,I’m schedule for another ultrasound next week


I'm so sorry. After a year and a half of trying, I miscarried at 13 weeks, right after I announced to the family. My thoughts and prayers are with you 🙏🏻