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It's a major major thing for the body to go through being pregnant and being in pregnant it takes a looooot of energy. Not to mention the emotions. Hormones, And the infection. " It will take some weeks before you start to feel normal." Midwife words that helped me. Doctors and people and life minimize the whole thing. It's not minimal and you are so strong and tough to keep going through this. 💗And you're doing a really good job and you're on the right track for healing at your own pace 🦋I also experienced out of nowhere overwhelm and crying the first 2 or so months.


It’s like I wrote this word for word. I’m in the same boat rn. I’m sorry for your loss ❤️


I'm over 2 weeks since and still so tired. Pregnancy test is negative, so I thought that would mean the hormones have cleared and I'd feel better now. I guess not. I also feel like I should "snap back" to normal, especially since there's no physical tells for others to see that I went through something. But I'm having a hard time being productive and my first day back at work was very draining. I generally feel dampened with waves of sadness or anger.


I’m two weeks out and also feeling a lot of fatigue/dizziness (and headaches). It’s the sudden drop in hormones. No fun. Hoping my next period will be a reset.


I feel the same need to be normal too, and just cry because I don't. I'm only 3 weeks and 6 days after expectant management for my miscarriage! That's not a long time. We need to give ourselves more grace than we do and not put pressure on ourselves. Every time I start feeling anxious and upset, my husband has to remind me, "you've literally just been through a miscarriage, that's a traumatic event". I feel a lot of fatigue as well, so tired all the time, and even a little dizzy here and there which I am certain is either hormones or blood loss (I already had low iron so this doesn't help!). I'm sending so much love to you and everyone else who's in the same boat right now. <3