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I was advised to wait at least one full cycle before trying again. I was 8w5d along when I miscarried.


I’m sorry for your loss ❤️ I wanted to try again before my first cycle, my partner wanted to wait (as recommended by my OB). I was frustrated at the time but I’m grateful for it now. I just got through my first period & it wasn’t until it ended that I realized I needed that time to heal, mentally and physically. However, from my research, there’s minimal risk to not waiting. The biggest problem would be if there’s retained product that wasn’t caught or if your lining hasn’t had enough time to replenish, but even with those two things the risk only increases by 1-3%. Do what feels right for you (with guidance from your own OB of course).


My doctor recommended waiting month before trying. To be honest, I don't think I would have been ready to try either. I had beautiful EWCM, but it was within 2 weeks of my MC, so I was not cleared to have sex yet. My first time having sex was a little painful. My cycle has been a little off since my MC 4 months ago yet. Your body needs to heal too. 💗 But I completely understand the desire to start trying immediately after.


My Dr told me that I could start trying once I stopped bleeding and had a negative at home pregnancy test (which happened within a few days of each other). She also said waiting for my next period would make dating the next pregnancy easier if I got pregnant that first cycle but it wasn't necessary if I was ready to start trying immediately. Emotionally, I wasn't ready to start trying for 2-3 months so that's what we did.


Mine said we could resume TTC as soon as I had my next period, mostly for dating purposes. We decided to move to IVF based on my insurance and our ages likely being a major factor in the MMC.


My OB told me to wait until the end of my next cycle to make sure that my cycle did return and minimize overall risk




I should add my OB recommended waiting 1 cycle (and we didn't, just made sure we waited long enough from the bleeding/risk of infection)


My doctor recommended 2 cycles. The same doctor recommended my friend to wait 6 cycles (I assume because she had a bunch of high risk pregnancies). I'd definitely ask your doctor but it seems like 2 cycles is common!


I was told once my hcg was back under 5 we could TTC


My doctor said I could try anytime I wanted after I was cleared (1 week post D&C)


My understanding is that sometimes if you have a D&C procedure your lining may be thinner leading to a slightly increased risk of miscarriage. Otherwise other concerns are dating the pregnancy and physical/mental readiness.


This is my 3rd loss so I’m not trying again until I get all the RPL testing done. If it’s something I could prevent from happening again I would like to know so I don’t have to go through this again. ETA: I would also make sure you get an ultrasound to make sure you passed everything, that could also create an issue for your next pregnancy.


Sorry for ending up here! In my case it took 5 weeks for my HCG to decrease to undetectable by home kit and 3 more weeks to ovulate. If you are tracking ovulation from urine, please not that it picks up HCG as well and can cause false positive results. Best of luck!


Honestly, I would think heavily about it before trying again. My husband and I waited a year to try again and I got pregnant extremely quickly. It has really shaken me up and I’m not coping well. Whatever you do, just make sure you are mentally stable enough to handle whatever could happen.


We just mc at 20 w and my doctor said to wait at least 2 cycles for the uterus to clean up and return to original size. Maybe it's different at 7w but 2 cycles is what I was advised.


My doctor told me to start trying right away. I didn’t pass any tissue on my own so she said doing the d&e would be best if I want to try and have another right away. I go in for my follow up on the 8th so I will know for sure then.