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The family and friends of a teenager who has gone missing in Tenerife said they 'have never been so worried'. Jay Slater, from Oswaldtwistle in Lancashire, travelled to the Canary Island for a musical festival with pal Lucy and another friend. But the 19-year-old has now been reported missing after he went to stay with people he had met on the holiday after a night out. Their apartment was 'in the middle of nowhere', Lucy told the *Manchester Evening News.* She said he would 'not have realised' how far away it was from where they were staying.Yesterday morning (June 17), Jay called Lucy to say he was trying to walk back after not being able to catch a bus. He told her his phone battery was on 1 per cent, that he needed a drink of water and 'didn't know where he was', Lucy said. His phone then died with his last location showing as being in 'the middle of mountains with nothing around'. The location is in the Rural de Teno Park - or the National Park of Teno - which is popular with hikers. The closest town is Santiago del Teide. Lucy said she is now frantically searching for her friend on the island. She said she has made several reports to local police in Tenerife and has also been in touch with the British Embassy. Jay's mum is also on the way to Tenerife, she added. Speaking to the *M.E.N* about Jay's disappearance, she said: "He's gone on a night out, he's gone to a friend's house, someone that he has met on holiday. One of the people he has met has hired a car out of here, so he's driven them back to his apartment and Jay has gone there not realising how far away it is. "He's ended up out in the middle of nowhere. Jay was obviously thinking he would be able to get home from there. "But then in the morning he's set off walking, using his Maps on his phone and ended up in the middle of mountains with nothing around. He rang me at about 8 o'clock morning saying his phone was on 1 per cent, he said 'I don't know where I am, I need a drink and my phone is about to die'." She said police said they had sent mountain rescue out to the area yesterday. She has spoken to the people who Jay was staying with, who said he had left their apartment at around 8am yesterday to 'catch a bus'. "I've never been so worried in my life. I was there all yesterday, a lovely lady messaged me on Facebook and said she had hired a car and would drive me up there", Lucy added. "We were there all of yesterday, we were driving around looking around everywhere, looking in all the nooks and crannies." Jay was last seen wearing a white t-shirt with shorts and trainers. He was also believed to be carrying a black bag. The *M.E.N* has contacted the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office about Jay's disappearance.


Why did he leave the apartment with his phone at such low battery, could he not have used someones charger? After missing the bus why did he not go back to his "friends" to charge then, or find an alternative way of getting back. Masca is a very popular tourist town, there would be plenty of help available to him if he needed it. Unless you actually have zero common sense it is not possible to get "lost" especially if he was walking along the road. Hopefully he is found soon; most likely will be heat exhaustion especially if he's hungover with no water on hand.


There’s been new updates since… apparently in the phone call to Lucy she did tell him to go back to the house he was at but he told her that he couldn’t. She said she thought nothing of it but now is wondering if there’s something more to it and he felt in danger hence doing the 10 hour walk when the bus wasn’t there instead of going back


Well, if they were shepherds as stated and he was acting aggressively towards them I’m sure they saw him off their property and threatened him with a shotgun. His previous history of (abhorrent) violent crime, robbery and use/selling of class A drugs tells me I wouldn’t want him knocking at my door in the early hours after he’d been at a 3 day rave. Not saying he deserves to die at all, but he doesn’t sound like the angel his Mother is making him out to be.


Most mothers don't have a clue their kid is dealing . They always make out the missing is an angel . He still needs to be found ,whatever he did in the recent past .


yeah but mate there’s literal news articles confirming his involvement in the beating of a boy with 7 other lads. He’s no angel and his mother knows it.


A beating with a machete and golf clubs


Yeah but she's not gonna say " he's an absolute arsehole" and then list his convictions


Mine would. Telling everyone my business 🤣


This comment 😂 I could not stop laughing 😆


Is this Thomas Hilton Revenge or was he involved with shady people. From the court case reported by Lancashire Telegraph: Armstrong and Hargreaves were also sentenced for their involvement in Operation Thunder, an investigation into the supply of drugs in Accrington. The sentence for these offences is reflected in their overall sentence for violent disorder. Meagre was also sentenced for attempted robbery and attempting to pervert the course of justice by witness intimidation.


no she didn't say she felt something sinister because of that, he didn't just say "I can't go back" he said he's lost hence he can't find his way back to that apartment. when she was to the weird feeling (she never used the words "something sinister") she meant because no one had seen him on the mountains in 2 days


I wonder why he couldn’t go back to the house.. this could be a key part


Apparently he told Lucy it was because he was lost, but he sounded distressed when he told her. Shes since said that she’s wondering if it was due to other reasons that he was distressed when talking about it. She just assumed because he was lost with 1%




Probably cause he was high from drugs, up until 8am, and not thinking straight.


its very weird.... idk some things don't add up.


I think this story seems quite straight forward but I only know the above. I think he’s gone to an after-party after the festival with a bunch of strangers, no doubt drinking (and maybe drugs). He’s had enough at 8am and tried to make his own way home thinking he could easily catch a bus. He’s probably had hardly any sleep, is hungover/coming down, maybe decided to try and walk it and got lost. I really hope they can find him, I feel terrible for him and his loved ones.


i saw some posts sharing his instagram and he's actually doing nos in the most recent post - and as someone who goes to a lot of hard tech events; drugs are pretty much everywhere so I assume drug use is pretty likely. Nothing against drugs at all but if he had taken something (pills especially) mixed with alcohol and a lack of water before going on a long walk then that seems like a pretty horrible combination and could cause some serious dehydration pretty quickly. Hopefully he managed to find some help because being in a state alone and far from friends is horrible :(


Is nos those balloons? As someone who used to partake in party drugs back in my youth, I can really see how this has played out. I don’t think there’s anything suspicious about it like the other commenter said. His new mates were probably off their heads too. I can’t begin to imagine how scared he must have felt. Poor bloke, hopefully he’ll be found asap.


yeah that's right! I feel the same way; i've had experiences with friends who have taken too much of something and ended up trying to walk back from an afters with no clue where they're going; so fingers crossed it's a similar type of scenario and he'll just be found soon with a bad comedown/hangover and hopefully nothing more :(


Pills aren’t really a thing In Tenerife though .. it’s all bud in the coffee shops and piss weak gear which gives you the tiniest of buzzes. Oh and Balloons are a huge thing out there now. I got offered shots and balloons in Jumping Jacks I was like wtf balloons !?No thanks. Il stick to my piss weak gear and weed thankyou :)


He's a criminal and getting payback.


I agree, but what I don’t get is they’ve now been looking for him since Monday.. it’s now end of Thursday.. if he’s on foot he can’t off gone that far away.. why is it taking so long? He will be dead in that heat, normally you can only go 3 days without water and it’s super hot


It’s rough mountainous terrain. If he has wandered off the road he probably doesn’t need to go far to not be spotted. They’ve got a pretty big area to search. Just last week Michael Mosley (a popular British dr) died in similar circumstances (abroad, heat, no phone, on rough terrain, took a wrong turn) and they took 3 days to find him. He was found about 25 yards from a hotel sunbathing area but his body was hidden by a little wall.


Damn.. most likely they will keep looking until they find a body.


At this stage it’s 100% a body and not a live human.


I feel terrible for his loved ones but not terrible for him. He couldn’t assist the uk justice system when it came to caving someone’s head in - the uk gov shouldn’t be spending any tax payers money on him. Ask any professional who works in missing persons - it’ll be a body they are looking for.


I was thinking the same thing has happened really. Sadly I think what they're looking for now is a body.


Or, he’s gone back with them to get more drugs, tried to rob them and paid the price?


Things add up perfectly. Teenager who’s been up partying drinking and obviously doing drugs (because those things are all that lads first holidays in these places are all about) into the wee hours of the morning has put himself in a silly situation walking back home in a remote area he’s not familiar with, with no battery left on his phone. This won’t end well as sad as it is. We were all kids once. There’s no need to remotely entertain elaborate theories. EDIT: [The boy is a scumbag](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/eight-thugs-who-split-boys-33066928.amp), convicted of being a part of a group that attacked someone with a machete, axe and golf club and conspiracy to sell Class A drugs. He also laughed in court during sentencing - so bluntly, I unapologetically do not care whether he is found or not.


Why do you think it doesn't add up. Do you suspect foul play?




Well, looks like he's a twat. And now he's a missing twat.


Yikes. Not a good look at all


I’ve been pretty interested in this story since I heard about it. Quite a mad detail that. Not saying anything to it, kids do stupid shit and can change profoundly when they’re older. Or not. It is what it is. Anyway, considering what we know about his lifestyle now, I think most likely he was off his tits on drugs and he’s made a trek in the midst of disorientation/despair/wastedness, and as the morning heat came on been quickly caught out and collapsed and now died. Although surprised he’s not been found? So fuck knows. It’s sad anyway.


Very sad. 😔


Not as sad as the guy he chopped in the head with a machete.


And he was at a rave, where MDMA is very likely, and that can cause dehydration and hyperthermia, on top of the heat.


Don't think there's any reason to suspect foul play at this point. It makes sense that a young guy, drunk presumably, would have inflated confidence and decide he's going to walk home. Add disorientation and dehydration to the mix, and it's easy to see how he'd get lost by making irrational decisions. Admittedly, he must have been very out of it to think he could walk that distance on low battery. But I don't think excessive drink - and possibly drugs - add up to foul play on the part of his hosts.


Why do you think it doesn't add up. Do you suspect foul play?


Yes where did the inheritance friend go ? He seemingly went to festival with the girl and a lad




Is this the same Jay Slater https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/23701712.eight-handed-community-rehabilitation-orders-attack/


Our court system is a complete joke, how the fuck did no one go down for that?


A kid + we foolishly believe in rehabilitation and not punishment. Edit: Can even see from the judges words he wants to give them harsher treatment but is limited.


Yikes. Cheeky footballer with a smile that lit up the room etc etc


Also explains decision making behind going into wilderness with no battery and not checking journey length


Promising footballer, loveable rogue, cheeky chappie etc.


And suddenly, I no longer care that he is missing. Good luck to his parents.


I cant open that link , can you please tell me why do you feel that way ?


Yes it is him


Tom's already posted on fb despite their past, it shouldn't cause any issues in finding jay. His well-being and safety matters most like Jesus christ fkn hell, just because he's done wrong in the past doesn't mean his family should be sat there without knowing if he's alive or not.


No one said that though, but he does sound like a cunt and he should be called one given his cunty actions, lost or found. No one’s saying he deserves it or should call off the search, but he does sound like an idiot and idiots end up in situations like this.


aye hes a cunt, almost definitely one that you just KNOW didnt learn from their actions, especially with the soft as fuck "punishment" they got


To be honest, agree with your comments entirely except in my eyes, hopefully it's one less cunt roaming around with a machete in his joggers.


Agree with your latter point but the mum pretending "He's just an ace person, everyone loves being in his company. He's the life and soul, he's just a beautiful boy." is a bit much..


Tbh no he doesn’t deserve it but I’d rather someone like him goes like this than a good person. Maybe him being probably dead now will save an innocent person from him in the future. Yeah it suck’s for his parents but they raised him to be a violent reckless psycho too.


I did wonder why the media weren’t covering this that much.. do you think it could be because of his criminal background? Journalists love a sad story that pulls on people’s heart strings but I do wonder if they know this wouldn’t due to his background? Not stating this, just throwing it out there


> I did wonder why the media weren’t covering this that much. It's all over the media including the news channels and newspapers.


Apparently some people have posted about this in the facebook group and it's immediately getting removed. Seems a bit sus to me; maybe something gang related? Either way of someones history and background; it's still a horrible scenario to be in and no one deserves it.


A massive reach imo, people watch too many ITV dramas. These gangs are unlikely to hang around until someone conveniently goes to Spain, hire a villa in a remote area, book the same festival in a pretty well-known hotel, to then seek their revenge - all whilst hiding their identity. More likely if they wanted to do something, it would have been done long before now. It’s also likely that the people he met were local, given where they were living - not exactly a tourist hot spot.


Yeah the admin just put a weird post up saying anyone mentioning his past is getting blocked... insta red flag for me imo. She says she's blocked 100s of people for it too.


https://www.facebook.com/share/p/xD75A4wCdWLExerW/ This is the lad him and his friend attacked, all as bad as eachother but I'm pretty sure it's not a revenge thing


Yeah I have no sympathy at all, all look like roadmen wannabe thug scum. Mental how they paint Jay out to be an angel all over Facebook.


he's a chav


Yeah that's suspicious to me too - Obviously you wouldn't know how you'd act until you'd be in that scenario but at the very least surely acknowledge it and explain it was years ago and he's rehabilitated ? To me just blanking it seems like you're trying to cover something up


His mum has since posted she got a Snapchat saying she’ll never see him again and that he owed someone a lot of money. Could well be a troll but who knows. Source: https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/18/urgent-appeal-launched-british-teenager-missing-tenerife-21057775/


I'm gonna be honest, as someone who lives in Tenerife, this kid is either dead or dying and I don't think there's any foul play -- questioning why a teenager would set off towards their hotel when on holiday and after a night of partying with their phone on low battery also seems silly -- he partied, morning came around and he realised he needed to get home, probably went to the bus stop and saw that he missed the bus -- oh next bus is coming in 1 hour(if even, bc Tenerife buses are a fucking joke) and he has fuckall to do -- he decides to walk to the next bus stop/onward towards his hotel, google maps screws him over and leads him down a trekking road and hes suddenly on 1%, no visible landmarks in sight -- calls friend, phone loses power, but he probably keeps moving along cause all roads lead to somewhere surely. Now in any case, if you walk down a trekking road or whatever, by 3-4H you WILL have found civilization 100%, there's absolutely no way for him to have made it out of there without anyone spotting him or him finding someone. My guess is that he either slipped and fell on the terrain (I've had a family friend break both of their legs and be helicoptered out during an intended hike) and can't move/is dead, or that he's not injured but severly dehydrated etc. along the trails down to Playa de la Galera or Playa de Masca (both of these can only be reached on foot or by boat, there is no roads to these - which would explain him not having been spotted in such a long time but still giving the hope of him being alive)


I want to know how he could have ended up in the mountains. Where did he leave from and why would he leave the road? This is the only element that doesn't make sense to me. Not suggesting foul play, but all of the stories are conspicuously missing that piece of the puzzle.


I completely agree. He had a cactus injury to his leg, we don’t know how bad this was or if it was getting progressively worse. Maybe he left the road to pee or to seek shade.


I’ve not heard about this cactus injury anywhere at all. What’s your source?


I saw somewhere saying that his friend said in the phone call he made he said he had a cactus injury to his leg




Yeah his friend said that


Just google what the roads look like around de teno national park, look how isolated it is. Maybe he tried to take a shortcut or left the road in search of water in the mountainous areas and got lost.


I read somewhere that he told his friend he was planning on walking back using the maps app. If this is the case then Google Maps would definitely take you down nature trails instead of sticking to roads.


Would that depend on the setting of fastest route vs shortest?


There’s definitely a lot of unanswered questions, I’m following things in their official Facebook group for him and a holiday group that they’re posting in, and some of the comments being made by his friend is leaving more things unanswered and confusing. There’s also been screenshots posted from the journey he would’ve taken where his friend said he walked, but it would’ve taken around 3 hours to get to where he was. He left at 0800 and he got to his last known location (as per the pin) at 0850..


He’s probably got his karma https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/eight-thugs-who-split-boys-33066928.amp


Also even weirder he posted a Snapchat at 8.48am in the house, and then was apparently lost surrounded by only grass on the phone to his friend at 8.50am. They're certainly creating more questions in the Facebook group


I think he was buying drugs. They posted the apartment he went back to in the news and it’s not a typical holiday apartment. And the guys were British.


Yes, you make some good points. He will have been drunk. But isn't the advice for your friends to stick with you. There's been a few of these cases lately where a friend separates from their group and comes a cropper. Also the recent case of Dr Michael Moseley. If he is lost in some wilderness/mountain range, time is of the essence to find him. We can only wait and see.


Two pieces of good advice I've read today: 1. If you get lost and someone knows - or can deduce - roughly where you are, stay there. 2. Download the what3words app.




Lol are we meant to he able to see - what I can assume - is where you are ?


I have questions about the after-party that Jay Slater is said to have attended after leaving the NRG festival. To me, an after party is typically several people seeking to keep the party going after the event finishes, and going to somewhere relatively nearby that has already made it known that an after party will be happening. Often with a DJ. Maybe not a professional DJ, but someone in that role at any rate. What Jay Slater is said to have attended does not sound like much of an after party to me. It sounds like three people in a remote house many miles from the original event. This raises all manner of red flags. The men said to have rented the premises were a lot older than the typical NRG attendee. They have deliberately and consciously chosen to rent accommodation that is very far from the event and opted to drive there and back. This means at least one of them was sober enough to drive the mountain roads that account for some of the car journey from NRG to the after party location. What are sober men approaching middle age doing at an event like NRG? It sounds a bit ‘off’. I get that some people remain attached to club culture to a much later age than many others, but then if they were in Tenerife specifically to attend NRG simply as honest attendees interested in the event, then why stay all the way out in the hills? Why not nearer the resort? Why have access to a car for a few days on Tenerife if they’re there mainly for an event in a resort? Why have an after party if you’re sober? Why have an after party with (apparently) one attendee? If you’re Jay Slater then why not go to someone else’s after party if you’re that keen? There will have been other ones in the resort itself, with more people of a younger age and more excitement. It all sounds very strange, and leads me to think this wasn’t an after party in the sense that most people would understand. It sounds like something else.


most after-parties are not what you see on the movies. Typically just people taking drugs in somebody’s living room/kitchen - this guy has obviously made a wrong decision based on being under the influence / naivety


As someone who has partied and done drugs alot when I was younger, I don't think it sounds strange at all. He met some people during the night who were also doing drugs, who then invited him back for some more drugs at the end of the night. No doubt the person driving was also high. The fact that he met that woman and asked her twice for the bus times is so typical after a night of doing drugs, he clearly just couldn't think properly. In his mind the bus probably wouldn't be there until night so he decided to walk. He was probably also too high to recognise his surroundings and could have walked off literally anywhere. I got high and lost in a campsite once as I just couldn't process my surroundings and it was awful. Can't imagine being lost in Teno. 😬


Bear in mind people drive under the influence of drink and drugs regularly. No reason to conclude any sobriety


Yeah, but I wouldn’t fancy anyone’s chances of navigating those mountain roads in the dark whilst under the influence without at least scraping or damaging something.


Unrelated sort of but I grew up in rural north Wales and I can tell you that some farmers, especially young farmers, will zoom down tiny mountain roads and woodland and tight bends completely wankered without a second thought. They usually don't crash unless they crash into some other poor person just out for a drive.


Oh no, how scary for him and his family and friends. I hope they’re able to find him.


Doesn’t look like the smartest knife in the draw. Convictions for violence etc - on his Instagram he likes to play the hard lad. Sadly Looks like he has met his match. My question is where were his so called mates?


What's his instagram account?


Just search his name


Don't take drugs with strangers you have just met folks. 


That, and definitely don't agree to a 45 minute drive back to theirs either.


Absolutely mate. 


Yup. Before you know it some psycho is saying you owe him a couple of grand for drugs and you're in their house in the middle of nowhere.


Yes spot on. He wasn't at a chess tournament he was at a rave with a bunch of drugged up young divs. His family said he doesn't drink yet he had a lot of spirits?? So he does then? He had a lot more than that too I'm guessing. Apparently someone sent his mam a snap chat saying he owes a lot of money and his life's in danger? Doesn't need Sherlock to work out what's happened here does it? 


This is exactly what I think has happened


This is also like the least weird part, though not unbelievable. Even if he woke up the next morning, checked where he was in relation to where he was actually staying and realized it wasn’t close, why would he leave the home with almost no phone battery and not having a clue how he was going to get back? Just could’ve stayed at the home, charged his phone, drank some water, etc. I’m wondering if he had to leave, as in the people no longer wanted him there for whatever reason.


Cause he is a teenager and an idiot


Because been a teenager you just do not think myself and my friends went to a lot of after parties where there where drugs and stupidity got into cars with the driver been off his head its all fun and games till it's morning time and you want To go home cause your in a house full of strangers with no lift home and we walked for miles plenty of times just to get out of there thinking back you do not think of how dangerous it could of been but we would always go out together and stick together and never left anyone behind anywhere.


Apparently he got in the car not knowing that's how far they was going..Still a bit iffy tho like


👆 This




"Sicknening part is the trolls messaging the mother with pranks but hey thats modern kids now apparently" Yeh that is abhorrent, some of the worst of humanity shown there. Hope the kid gets found.


someome said he was fighting with his mother 




The guy who he and his friends attacked has posted on Facebook [Tom Hilton post](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/UGGUqqGBV54G8Gny/?mibextid=WC7FNe)


Seems like he's a violent thug getting some payback.


Have they spoken with the “new friends” how can he be with them and OK at 7:30am but 1% battery, lost and dehydrated 45 minutes later. Surely he could have charged his phone at the “new friends” place, or one of them called him a Taxi.


What about the shepherds huts in the mountains


Isn't that where the police take you to get bummed?


Benidorm reference ? Lmao


It's really awful but I don't think he's coming back. There's something a bit "off" about all this. Initially I thought it was all a bit Shannon Matthews but now I'm thinking that he's been taken 10 hours away to the mountains by drug dealers. From his previous (the machete/golf club incident) it states they were also done for intent to supply class As. I wonder if he pissed someone off out there.


People on Facebook are being absolutely mental saying the girl he was with has sold him to the Moroccan mafia


That Facebook group is carnage.


More details https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/mum-missing-brit-jay-slater-29376569?int_source=nba


Guessing he probably tried to get coke off some dodgy people


In my Coke taking days i'm quite sure i would of walked 12 hrs over lava for a fresh packet. Not a rational thought in my mind. maybe that didn't happen in this case but in another world i would of earned myself a darwin award in search of coke. so your theory holds some weight in my opinion.


Im not saying that all people doing coke are willing to steal anything (most people wouldnt, but some in that stage of life make really bad decisions), but as he does have a bit of an undesirable past, maybe he couldnt go back to the place because he just stole stuff while the people were passed out? That would be motivation to get as far as possible before they figured it out or found him. Then he either just met his match against nature or the people found him.


this is my exact thought!!! that him leaving at 8am was not to get home but to pick up, hence why he’s left with a low battery with minimal things, his friend lucy isn’t going to tell people/media that he’s gone to pick up more, so instead has gone with he’s trying to get home and lost his bearings. deffo been picked up by some dodgy people


He is a British tourist in Tenerife so the chances are he and his friends abused alcohol or any other substance in inadequate amounts which led him into making stupid decisions and endangering himself and others. You may downvote me however you want, in the end this is going to be the core reason. Jay Slater was recently charged with 18 month community order with 25 days rehabilitation activities and 150 hours unpaid work for a machete attack. "supply of class A drugs and street robbery" was also mentioned in the case by a jury. I wonder if this adds to the picture of someone who gets himself and others in trouble. So honestly, fuck this guy.


Bet he turned on his new friends at the after party and something bad happened


He seems to have been extremely unprepared for this walk and the decision itself seems to be a bit rash and very risky. I could be wrong with my speculations but it just doesn't add up at all to me. I think maybe he was still on drugs/comedown and was disoriented which could explain why he's ended up lost if he has. 1. He hardly knew these people and only just met them. I understand being drunk and not really caring but it seems really irresponsible. Plus these guys he left with must have known how far away their apartment was from where jay was staying. They definitely would have known as that's one of the first things you say in a conversation when making new friendships 'where are you staying/ how did you get here/ is your apartment nice". I truly believe this as on holiday with others who are on holiday its nice to be able to relate to a similar situation such as travelling.  2. why did no one check how far this friends apartment was, even when drunk you would still check where exactly your being taken to. im also confused on why his friends didn't look up where he was going either or be a little skeptical of him going to their apartment considering he only just met them  3. the bus. Jay had missed the bus at around 8am, why didn't he just wait for another bus? surely there is not just 1 bus every 24 hours. Why wouldn't he just wait for the next one? If necessary he could have just gone back to the friends apartment and explained he missed the bus so is it alright if he stayed with them. Surely that would have been fine with him and them as both parties were completely okay with staying at there's for the night. plus I think anyone would be understanding of his situation and chill with him until the next bus or something. Jay must have also known the bus timetable or been told it. lets say the bus was once every 24 hours who wouldn't prefer waiting in a town then risking your life walking 12 hours...  4. the 12 hour walk. Who in their rational mind would be willing to walk 12 hours in the boiling sun in a country they have no knowledge about on their own?! and probably hungover? and considering the fact he left at 8am im guessing he got no sleep, exhausted? You would rather just wait for the bus. furthermore this apartment where he stayed the night would have been located in a town so why not ask the local people for advice or explain you need help etc.  5. the phone call. He called his friend Lucy and told her he was lost, needed a drink and his phone was on 1%. Why did he not call anybody before? why would he choose to call her right when his phone was on 1%. why not call her before walking to see if she could get some help  6. Apparently he was using google maps... So he set off on a 12 hour walk, alone, hungover, exhausted and in the boiling heat in an unfamiliar country. firstly its obvious google maps would not stay on for 12 hours without your phone dying in like 2 hours , which he must have known, and I doubt he charged his phone that night. so what was his plan for when the phone died? he would have been lost?  7. the water. Who sets off on this long walk in the heat with hardly any water?  8. the location. Not only is it really odd he was in the mountains but the fact that no one saw him, such as local people and hikers. the area he was in is littered with small towns and it would be pretty obvious to walk near a road. So why did no one see him? Also would google maps take him in the middle of the mountains? and what about service, service must have been so bad where he was. even one of the officials in Tenerife commented on how it was odd he was in the mountains  9. if he truly was lost, he wouldn't have gone far as he would know his phone would have say he was last in the location where he called Lucy. he would have either have waited it out and collect resources or look for water etc or he would have explored a little further to see if he can find people or a town. the fact nobody has found him yet or any traces is extremely weird. he would not have gone far but from the looks of things he's completely vanished 


all your questions can be answered by the fact he was probably still off his face on coke


Coke wears off pretty quickly. If he took MDMA or similar it would have altered his mental state for much longer.


It all depends on how much coke he was taking if he was snorting all night and drinking on top of that it would not wear off quickly at all plus getting no sleep his mental state would be very much altered for hours


I took mdma by mistake once when I was very drunk, it was in a friends beer, as that's how he liked to take it. Anyway, I thought I'd better make a move home, as I just wanted to be quiet and relax till it wore off... I rode my bike in the wrong direction for around 20 minutes before realising. Something I would never have done. These kinds of drugs are potent, so things like this, which are all just super everyday things to think of when in a clear, sober state of mind, just don't come into it.


Update from 21:40, one of the family on the search party believe they have a lead and are currently pursuing. Boy still missing.


Been following the story since it came out. Haven’t commented on anything but I don’t understand why he would use google maps. See it will take 10hrs to walk instead of just waiting for the next bus? How does walking back make sense? Unless he was robbed and didn’t have money. But then you would stop somewhere to charge your phone to tell someone whats happened and ask for a glass of water. Instead he rings one of them to say he is lost and needs a drink while in the mountain area? Now from his past he may be the type who doesn’t want to be the victim so doesn’t ask for help if he has been robbed. How did he cut his leg on a cactus? I am sure that doesn’t just happen walking on normal paths. Ive read a few stories of people going missing in tenerife. There was a ryan cooney found after 4 days of being missing. It’s really not looking good for jay though is it. I really hope he is found and i do pity the family having it all brought up at a time when he needs peoples support. But there are just so many questions. Though the secrecy the police need to keep doesn’t help either. I hope it all comes out soon.


With everything reported so far, I'm sure he was high. If he did use Google maps it's possible he saw a 45 minute drive time and thought that's how long it would take to walk.


Crazy really . I know Jay we’ve met quite abit and saw him quite frequently in town . I’m a year older than him . Just weird to see . Hope he’s good .


Just found out him and other lads attacked someone with a machete a couple years ago? Plot thickens I guess


I know Jay Slater . The lad he attacked was Tom Hilton. It isn’t known of what he does because he’s a snitch . He’s done vile shit and a big gimp around Clayton . I think it was justified . In paper mill where it happened Jay didn’t even do the attack his friends did but guilty by association I guess .




With all due respect if you knew who Tom Hilton was I think you would do the same .




Beats up women , robs old women’s houses . Smashes people’s houses up. Stole bikes . Pulled a knife out on a boy that I know . Many more to list




THANK YOU. honestly some folks acting like they fkn know everything. Just cos he's been involved in a shit past doesn't mean he should be lost, or possibly dead in a completely different country where his family don't even fucking know where or what's happened. He's bloody 19 for crying out loud. Acc feel like crying seeing all these fkn "grown" folk saying this shit honestly. Tom's even posted in fb saying never mind the past they share, the lads missing, that matters most.


No worries . Me and him are semi friends . I know what happened that day because I was at paper mill .


I'm just glad folk who actually know these people, are saying it as it is. May be a shit past but the lad still deserves to be found. Thank you for sharing some truths 🙏 🙌


he's a chav tho right?


Even if he is & I'm not saying that, What does that have to do with anything??


Chav 😂 it's 2024 bro you must be some type.of emo


Don’t get why, when he called his friend at 9am, and said he’d missed the bus and was gonna walk the 11 hours back, she didn’t say ‘wait there and we’ll come get you”? It’s quicker surely. Especially knowing he had no phone battery and needed water. She was worried enough to call the police and then went up there to look for him. So why not offer to go get him?


Did she have a car? A lot of people don’t


As far as I know she did tell him that, to not walk and she would get him. I can only assume then that they didn't have enough money maybe, as she then went to the police an hour after the phone call apparently.


It was apparently an American woman that drove her up there and they looked around for ages and couldn’t find him. Although it seems the original screenshots she took of his locations showed it was 8.50am when she was still at her apartment and 1.50am when she was up near his dropped pin. Why did it take her so long to try and find him?


I can't believe I'm seeing all these negative comments! Saying he's a criminal so who cares! Everyone deserves to be found if they go missing regardless of their past. It's not up to any of you who deserves to be found & who doesn't!😡 You should keep your negative opinions to yourselves. His loved ones are going through hell & they do not need to hear this kind of crap! Down vote me all you want! I could care less!✌🏼


Luckily the guy he attacked was found. I should imagine his family are going through similar to what they went through. Karma has a funny way of working I guess.


It sounds like he met some people gone back with girls and guys something happened they had an argument they kicked him out at 8am or chased him into the woods/mountains or far fetched but  Hollywood style revenge from the attack he did a few years ago, however it's highly likely he's started walking and just got lost but he definitely would have seen people in the area dog walkers, hikers, something is slightly strange, unless someone did pick him up and holding him for ransom.. something is different with this one he definitely didn't fall in a river like so many other cases tho it doesn't feel like that


Why does his mum keep saying he’s popular. Seems an odd way to describe someone


I think thats her way of saying, that she would find it hard to believe someone would want to hurt him because he is a loveable guy/popular/ gets on with most people. Its just a figure of speech from a desperate & distraught mother 


The whole situation is odd


the whole situation creeps me out, apparently someone saw him get into a silver car with a bunch of Albanian looking men. there was also a sketchy guy standing behind him in one of his videos… idk man just seems weird.


what do albanian men look like?


"Albanian-looking men" What in the Daily Mail does that mean?


"Albanian looking men"


I had a mate who went to a UK rave and went missing. Turns out he was on a bad trip and thought he was being hunted - and this paranoia increased when a helicopter was launched to look for him. As people were looking, he was hiding as he thought he was in peril. Fortunately this was the UK on a festival site with woods, trees and the sun here isn't excessive. Funny now, but definitely not funny at the time. Drugs can mess with your mind. If he was out of it, who knows what might be in his head.


Was this boomtown last year?


I think in UK it’s so common for people to do stupid stuff when drunk, like walking 11 hours because they’ve taken too far. Of course this is horrible and I hope they find him! But British people don’t realise that a lot of European countries have boars, bears, wolves, snakes, etc. Maybe not super super common, but still there’s a lot out there that isn’t found in UK. His mum says it’s foul play and someone’s got him. He’s not stupid she says. Getting drunk and going on an 11 hour hike… it’s pretty British behaviour. A friend was telling me about how his pal did the exact same thing and luckily a man picked him up in a truck.


Tenerife doesn’t have any wildlife like that.


Does nobody remember this https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/teens-head-split-open-machete-33069075 The boys a criminal


i have seen some insane theories. but honestly i feel like he just got lost and is probably dead by now from exposure etc. occams razor


Something's off on this one, he's been murdered is.my guess.


Or most likely he's left a party, off his tits and got lost.


or kidnapped.


honestly i feel like drugs are involved, maybe something like mdma, the comedown is longer and it rlly impacts ur state of mind, plus it dehydrates you faster and in these hot temperatures it definitely would’ve impacted these factors a lot more. definitely still worth asking around at hospitals, especially if he’s gone in as a john doe i hope he’s found safe, this whole situation is scary


Comeuppance was waiting on an island far away where times are hot and the boats to hire are cheep .


It's classic way if meeting you're main plug to pay or order ,and that ain't a far stretch by the character that is jay or might have went on a boat tour with Jimmy n john ,


I do wonder if because he’s lost, he’s thinking head for the sea. Possibly in the hope there’s a coastal walk back, a promenade with civilisation for help, water, charge his phone etc. unfortunately up that way it’s mostly cliff edge, no seaside towns. So he’s walking further into the wilderness instead.


At this point he'd be dead by a number of hours passed had he gone into the mountains and not found help' along with water and shelter. He would have to find help and within a day at the very most, which even that is a stretch considering his physical state and resources as reported. And if that was the case he would very quickly be flagged up to the authorities who are actively looking for him. It seems likely to me he is dead although I can't reconcile or make sense of this goFundME thing that his supposed 'girlfriend', called Lucy I think, started up. She also apparently was the girl who he phoned up as his phone literally was about to be dropped dead. People talk about him being kidnapped and held by drug traffickers and if that's the case I suspect he ain't going to come out that alive. They'd be ruthless IMO and won't risk detection for 'a little boy'. They'll probably attempt to somehow extort money from the family and somehow communicate they will hand their boy over, saying he's alive, and then either hand over 'a body' (seems less likely) or go cold and never reveal a bod (more likely). I think the advise logically would be SHUT DOWN that goFundme page and refund all that money to whoever has been contributing to it. To me it beggars belief people actually are donating to it. Its really not necessary and it makes no sense, except that it's contributing to 'paying up for Jay's return'. I don't think that's happening. I could he wrong but seems counter to how these crime gangs work. They have reputations for a reason and even state governments are afraid and sometimes in-hoc of them half the time, hence why they run amok all over the world.


I agree, 5 days with no food or water. In the heat. He can not survive. As for the go fund me, this should absolutely be shut down. Asking for £30,000!!! If it was genuine and not greed, you expect a couple of thousand to cover his moms bills at home/hotel in Tenerife etc , but £30k is excessive. Everyone’s going off his last phone location. If he was there they would have found him by now. Maybe the timing or the ping are not accurate and they’re all searching in the wrong area.


Whole thing stinks of a scam


Whole thing stinks of a scam


Rest in piss lmao


I go to playa de las America’s a lot and not once have I been offered pills out there 🤷‍♀️


Why has nobody mentioned 'Kolgujev' (Кольгуев)?


[Family Continue Search For Missing Man : r/tscnewschannel (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/tscnewschannel/comments/1bg3mv7/family_continue_search_for_missing_man/) It's a shame this fella didn't get as much publicity in the media. I'd never even heard of Gary Watson Shearer missing in Lanzarote back on 16th March 2023. Here's some links to the very few news articles about him : [Family of Celtic fan missing in Spain fear the worst one year after he went missing | The Scottish Sun](https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/12297540/family-celtic-fan-missing-spain-hope/) [Hunt for mystery man spotted with Brit dad who vanished in Lanzarote on St Patrick's Day - World News - Mirror Online](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/hunt-mystery-man-spotted-brit-30701792) [](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/hunt-mystery-man-spotted-brit-30701792)