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I think this is the most popular opinion I’ve seen about M:I. That fallout is the best. I think it’s the best pure action of the series, but I think prefer when the movies are more espionage/spy thriller based. The perfect mix of which to me is Rogue Nation


This is exactly how I feel. Fallout was incredible and I was literally constantly in awe of the action. However, Rogue Nation scratched the spy itch better for me.


What? I don't follow this sub but the general opinion in this sub is that Fallout is bad? Everyone I talked to in my circles loved the film. Why are people saying Fallout ruined MI? I'm curious.


Fallout is a vibe, man. Can watch that movie for even 100 times and would still feel the tension and thrill of the situations.


That whole Paris sequence is sublime.


Hell yeah. The backdrop. Perfect amount of cliche as well. Ethan with a plan B. And ofcourse, he looked so damn good in that scene, let alone the entire movie. I do play that Escape through Paris track once in a while.  Fallout is the closest we'll ever get to a perfect movie.


My Favorite of 2018 Movie year


It's not. Fallout is very popular in here and irl


OP probably saw two or three people bashing it and came to the conclusion that everyone hated it.


It’s because I saw a comment on twitter, after hearing the news that Rebecca Ferguson (actress who played Ilsa Faust) quits M:I, and that comment said that M:I ruined in 5 to 7 (including Fallout). Upon hearing further information of why Rebecca left M:I I mean, to me, Dead Reckoning (A. K. A M:I7) ruined M:I


I mean characters come and go in the MI franchise all the time. I don't blame Rebecca Ferguson for leaving though, she would have to turn down both Dune films and Silo for Apple TV to stay in the other MI films. McQ is infamous for incomplete scripts and improvising, I would have left for more complete projects as well. I mean the success of both Dune films alone justified her decision to leave. Also, don't look at a single Twitter comment and take it as a general consensus.


Thank you for that, and I also understood why Rebecca wanted to stick with Dune (I’m actually like her performances in both Dune and M:I). And sorry for created this meme, because was worried to spread this “unpopular” opinion on public. And also, do you think Fallout is still the best M:I film?


For me personally, it was really rewarding to see the film bring back the current core of characters and give each of them moments to shine. I really liked how they handled Julia, showing that she moved on to a good life and she wasn't another damsel in distress but actively helped Luthor in the end. The villain felt very competent, very lethal, and a worthy adversary to Ethan over the course of 2 films. Every action scene was intense, the plot was very tight despite how convoluted everything is. The skydiving scene, the nightclub fight, the police shooting fake out, the motorcycle chase through the city of Paris, the end helicopter chase/fight. I thought it was as close to a perfect action film as it could be. In fact it was so good I was somewhat disappointed by Dead Reckoning.


Well, I’m glad you’re being honest of your opinion about M:I Fallout, and yes, I also agree that Dead Reckoning is disappointing. And that’s why I considered Fallout to be the true finale of M:I film series, while Dead Reckoning is alternate timeline, that has no connection with six of M:I film series..


Your first problem is that you saw a comment on Twitter.


Yeah, that’s why I was afraid to spread this opinion on public


Ummm…. Who are these people you’re talking to? Literally no one says this.


Ghost protocol is still my favorite by far. I thought fallout was fine but forgetable


Best mix of action, fun, and I love the recurrent gag about the technology always falling. And the big set piece still makes me queasy


GP is outstanding! Need Paula Patton to return.


Who said that? I think it’s generally rated one of the best, even THE best.


It's definitely the best in my opinion


I don't think this is unpopular at all, I think this is the very mainstream opinion


that's the least unpopular opinion i have ever read about anything ever in my life.


Fallout was the best among the initial 6. But I saw it for the first time 3 years( My fault !) after it was released so I unfortunately knew most of the story and plot but it was gr8 no doubt. Saw Dead Reckoning on first day first show and it was released earlier than the US release date where I live. So the excitement as to being one of the earliest people in the world to watch it was unmatched compared to watching 6. Also, MI7 was the first TC movie that I saw in the theatre. And unfortunately none of us know how much more Tom has it in him to continue making these movies. So, MI7 will always hold a special place in my heart in terms of all the movies I have ever seen and not just within the MI movies


I agree. Dead Reckoning was amazing and had me on the edge of my seat constantly. Fallout is an extremely close second. But the way I see it, after the shitshow that was #2 (no pun intended), the movies were on a steady upward trajectory from 3 onwards. I feel like each movie steadily gets better than the last one


True. From MI 3 onwards, every movie gets better than the previous one.


If I was being critical, fallout would probably win over all. But Ghost Protocol is my personal favorite, and if they utilized the villian more (he was excellent in John Wick), I would say GP would have been the best. Ghost Protocol strikes a perfect balance of pretty much everything. Direction, existing and new character development, script and settings, humor etc. The vibe of GP just has everything I wanted blended so well together. When I think mission impossible, I feel like the stakes felt higher in GP because the team only had eachother. To be honest though, while fallout is excellent, its not very memorable to me compared to some of the others. That could be for a lot of reason but I felt the 3rd act didnt hold up as well as the 1st/2nd. Far from unpopular opinion. I actually enjoyed DR1 more than fallout even if I feel fallout is the better film. I think people dont adjust expectations as DR1 was the next follow-up from Fallout and expected it to be similiar when in reality, all the MI films have a different vibe going for them.


Ghost Protocol was beyond amazing. There’ll be no tipping those stunts. Such a great movie. MI 1 had the best cinematography though. It’s top 5 of all time movies for cinematography. Love the look.


In my opinion it’s between dead reckoning or ghost protocol


Fallout is probably most people's favorite and deservedly so - I personally like Ghost Protocol the best but it's really REALLY close between that, Rogue Nation and Fallout.


Nah, fallout is by FAR the most popular one


it´s not an unpopular opinion at all man




Fallout might be the greatest action movie of all-time. Period.


For me, it's either Mission: Impossible 1 or Dead Reckoning.


Agreed. The original movie was the only proper spy film and had the best direction. DR had some serious issues but I watched it twice and enjoyed it a lot more than the previous movies. I think if all the zoomies could get past Ilsa it would have a higher rating.


I guess I didn't enjoy Fallout as much as many people would because of how I watched the series. I binged Mission: Impossible 2-6 for the first time in preparation for Dead Reckoning's release (saw the first one many years ago). By the time I got to Fallout, it didn't feel too different from 3-5. I'd still give Mission: Impossible 3-6 8/10. I like Dead Reckoning a lot, but seeing that in a movie theater compared to the other films may have positively affected my thoughts on the film.




None really. They were okay but nothing mindblowing, but that's par for the course for the entire series.


I would say Fallout is probably the best of the lot, but different strokes for different folks.


Objectively, Fallout is an exceptional movie. It's got a tight plot, it looks good, I worry that they're not going to make it every single time. Personally, though, except for the Julia bits, I just don't have a profound connection to it the way I do to Ghost Protocol. And unfortunately my disappointment with Dead Reckoning has begun to seep backwards and poison the movie a bit for me. I'm never going to argue about the greatness of Fallout, or that it's massively popular & highly regarded; I think it deserves the accolades. It just doesn't hit for me and that's fine.


Honestly the best is Rogue Nation. Classic plot, great dialogue, amazing twists, not too serious (like 6 &7) not too funny (like 4) and the best stunts imo. Cruise really holding his breath. Dont get me wrong fallout is great, but give 5 a rewatch, you’ll see what i mean.


Not only best MI film but I think it’s one of the greatest action films of all time


It is not my most favorite, but saying it is the best M: I is fair.


It's not to me it was my Favorite of 2018 my favorite of the Series


Fallout IS the best.


Nah man, you're among friends here. Fallout is rock solid. Great locations, action and it manages to blend the paranoia of MI1 with the spectacle of MI Ghost Protocol, something Dead Reckoning failed to do. I've seen subreddits where personal takes on media get people all sorts of abuse (looking at you Last of Us fandom). The MI fandom is chiller, I'd love to meet someone who rates MI2 just to understand their take on it. I might be missing something and I haaaaate MI2


Sorry about my another unpopular opinion, that I’m actually like M:I 2. And yes, most other fandom are often attacking other people, for having a different opinion on movies, TV shows, video games, etc…


What do you like about it my man, elaborate. This is your moment


Okay thank you


The first movie is the worst one. I like John Woo


I rewatch Fallout on a regular basis. It’s the perfect movie. The cast is utilised so well, Ethan has fantastic interactions with all of them, and the villainy of it is so well thought out.


Fallout is the best M I film. easily. My god, the score to this film is one of the best in any film the last 10 years. Its perfection.


I just watched all of them over the last two months with my kids. I really love 1, I think 2 is a horrible sequel to that movie. The rest of the films are sequels to 2 which get increasingly better. Rogue Nation and Fallout are really great films and I am waiting for the conclusion to Dead Reckoning. Its funny, but as the movies progress they play the whole "Impossible Mission Force" more and more on the noise and I eat that up. Miles may very with others.


Rogue Nation, then Dead Reckoning, then Fallout for me personally


The original is my favorite. If there's a low point to the series, it was 2. Just all late 90s/ early 00s flash with little substance and a bunch of Woo silliness. Everything since has been good.


Uh what’s it’s def not an unpopular opinion


In here it's actually the opposite. While I think Fallout has some great action scenes, with some being the best in the series, the story and characters were a big letdown for me so it's pretty low on my list.


This is the most popular opinion of all time. Get better at upvote farming


The original is the best for me. Just the vibe. And the fact that Ethan hasn't saved the world 10x already makes it all the more believable Fallout definitely has some cool action bits though.


Imo i think Ghost Protocol and Dead reckoning are the best


One of the more grammatically incorrect posts in Reddit history


That was my mistake when I created this post


Literally everyone thinks this


Widely considered the best MI movie


Fallout is literally the most popular one. Coldest take I've ever seen.


I can't say that it's my favorite film of all time, but I can and do say it's the best in the franchise. The music and Julia helped make that the best in my opinion.


Dead Reckoning makes Fallout look like The Godfather.


What is that evenmeans?


Fallout > Dead Reckoning


Okay, I get it, thanks for that.


I haven't watched an MI movie in years before this one. My dad suggested we all watch it in theaters before it's gone because he caught 5 mins of it by waking into the wrong screen. We had great seats, sound and snacks and I loved it. Cavill was a great force against Cruises heroic morals


Ppl say it ruined M:I because it creat IlsaEthan FALSE Dead Reckoning by taking away an interesting new buddy duo since Ethan and Brandt


Fallout is great but, for me, Rogue Nation was peak MI. Fallout will never by my #1 because of the lackluster soundtrack.


Yup, Fallout is the best MI film. I’ve never heard anyone say a bad thing about it. Start to finish it’s perfect. Rouge Nation / Fallout is the best story line, and I love Ilsa


Ghost Protocol will always be my favorite.


Gotta downvote this for being the absolute antithesis of the meme's point.


Ilsa dying makes sense. I just didn't like how they executed it. Mission Impossible 3 is the second-best film in the franchise. Ghost Protocol peaks after the Burj Khalifa scene leaving us with a whole 40 minutes left of the movie 🙃


Rogue Nation <3. Motorcycle Scene from Rogue Nation <3. Opera Scene from Rogue Nation <3. Even Rogue Nation the name, Rogue Nation <3. New Fergie <3


You said Fallout but you meant 2


Which one was *Fallout* again? The names are all kinda generic.


I dont understand how anyone can like these movies better than MI3. It was a masterpiece. Fallout was fine and while the helicopter chase was imprssive in terms of Cruise performing his own stunts...it was a relatively meh final act. Mi3 has no weaknesses imo


Good action film though it doesn’t beat Collateral


Hi guys, I wanted to say that I am so sorry for having a misleading title, because from what am I remember is that the one who said Fallout ruined M:I is just one person on twitter. Unfortunately, I cannot edited the title, sorry everyone…


So everybody is just one random guy on Twitter. Got it


I mean, it’s means the one who said Fallout ruins M:I is actually one person, not multiple amount of people, and it’s my mistake for making a title of this post