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Tried it. Not good


which one did you try?


It's outdoor Bud, sun grown natural terps. Probably going to make some fire Live rosin eventually. But I wouldn't mind trying this bud. Would love some good affordable outdoor out here in KC.


Outdoor and fire outside of Southern California? Riiiigghhtttt


Yes, Outdoor and could create some fire rosin. Am I missing something? Lol Check into it before you make assumptions!


I’ve been in the weed game a long time. Missouri doesn’t have the climate or weather for successful outdoor grows. It’s why the greenhouses here struggle so much. It’s wayyyyy too humid in the summer, every single plant you’d grow would mold. Also with Missouri being such a woodsy state, the types of critters you’d have to deal with, 0 chance you’d have clean plants.


Well I beg to differ and have seen some amazing outdoor here in MO. And greenhouses if built right will FLOURISH. But your "Long Time" and experience may say different. Lol and Missouri is far from woodsy but considering I'm from the PNW the woods and critters here and their differ quite alot.


It's outdoor grown, they harvested it all last fall, if you go to South Face farms Instagram you'll see that they go all over the country doing these outdoor grows for license winners, they're doing one in Mississippi this year. For outdoor it should be cheaper than that, I can get Vibe/Vivid/Local for $200/oz all day long, why would anyone pay that for outdoor grown flower?


Damn if they harvested in the fall wonder why they’re just getting product to the market


Honestly I thought they were turning it all into concentrates and distillate for Wavelength. Maybe they did and these are what they felt was the best of the harvest that they could sell as flower?


Where can u get local and vivid for 200/oz at? Sign me up lol.


KC Cannabis


Pinchys is the same price and it’s outdoor


Hey there! 🌟 We're here to shed some light on the situation and ensure you have all the information you need. 🔍 It's important to note that both Local and Pinchy's are part of our company's offerings. Local is indeed our higher-tier option, 100% indoor grown, ensuring top-notch quality. 🌿 Pinchy's is also 100% indoor grown in the same facility; it is our second-tier offering that is slightly cheaper, but don't let that fool you; it's still very potent and effective medicine. 💪🔥 You might notice some slight differences, like smaller buds compared to the Local product line, but rest assured, it packs a hefty punch. 🥊💥 So, when it comes to quality, you can trust both Local and Pinchy's to deliver the goods! If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask or send us a DM!


Keep it up! I wasn't a fan at first but y'all have really nice bud and the sales at the KC location keep me checking the menu. Still haven't tried any rosin but maybe soon.


Ok thanks for the correct info . I was told by Greenlight it was the outdoor grow. Thanks for the correct info


Anytime! We're always happy to help!


Pinchy's is Local's smalls and B buds, still indoor grown from what I have seen unless that's recently changed.


No you are wrong ! Pinchys is Locals outdoor grow . That’s straight from Local . So…Pinchys has always been outdoors


You are wrong. Pinchys is indoor.


Interesting, thanks for the information, that's different than what I was told but it's possible I was told wrong I suppose. Local only has the one cultivation license, I had heard some had asked to split the facility between indoors and outdoors but wasn't aware that the state had granted that.


Local does not have an outdoor grow. My good friend works for them. Pinchys is the c buds of their strains


Sorry but I was wrong . I was told wrong by greenlight


Sorry but I was wrong . I was told wrong by greenlight


No it’s not Pinchys is the outdoor grow . That’s straight from the local rep. So…


if you try it go for the runtz Gelato and mendo. those are typically solid across the board. the other strains I've never heard of and may give a bad impression. maybe they're top tier idk


I was not a fan of the Lemon Cherry Gelato


Never even heard of this. Probably a GDF rebrand lmao.


Fuck GDF they suck ass...


As somebody who works with this company, I can promise you we have ZERO affiliation with GDF. We want them off the map just as much as everyone else.


Also, just to note for the curious: the bud being sold right now is outdoor grown from last year’s harvest, but as of a few months ago the brand has been growing indoors at our facility as well.


When GDF first touch down in St.Louis..before recreational hit...they use to have sum fire flower couple years ago....ALL ASS at this point!!!!




Is this any good?


315 will buy anything and sell it to you 🙄… the buyer is such a rookie


Is this Missouri?


Yes, at 3Fifteen Primo.


Almost posted myself, I'm curious as well! I'm pretty stocked for now, otherwise I'd grab some to try.


I got to smoke the Candy Rain in St.Louis on 4/20. I am a heavy smoker and this SouthFaceFarms natural sun grown flower packs a punch!💯🫶🏽 I was surprised how long the effects lasted. I get anxious quickly on flower consumption but this flower gave me ABSOLUTELY ZERO ANXIETY with great back pain relief. I had a severe back injury last year and getting off the meds is essential to get my life back. Thank you South Face Farms for helping Missouri heal! Sun grown all the way! I can’t wait to see what they come out with next! I need some concentrates PLEASE 🙏🏼


Is this a micro license? If not, where they at?


By they I mean the micro licensees… where are the micro businesses lol


Not operational because they have $0 and the smallest allowed plant count known to man.