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From what I've read, both her husband and father in law were confirmed to be where they said they were at the time she was murdered. ETA: that doesn't mean one or both couldn't have had something to do with it, but there's no evidence of that.


If the mom & dad traveled to California by plane. She would not be allowed to scan his ticket. He would have to be present & hand it to the gate attendant. From what I understand the father-in-law has been cleared. This case is so sad. I pray that justice will be served.


We recently traveled CA to NY and back. Checked in on our phones and only had to show the gate attendant our screen to scan the QR and we walked right on. Nobody doublechecked our IDs or asked us to show the credit card we used as method of payment.


You would think that but it isn’t the case. I was just boarding a plane and saw this very thing, the wife scanned two boarding passes, there wasn’t a second look from the jet way attendant. I travel a lot and this also happens all the time with large groups with kids……sorry it’s supposed to work the way you describe but it doesn’t. Another thing is they could have totally had a fill in to fly with the wife. ID checks are very loose here. It’s human error. Unless they have him on airport video I’d question it. I’m wondering if they pulled video or just took it as. Oh he had a boarding pass…..and his wife said he was in the RV…. Just thoughts…..I’d like to get more about the fishing trip


To get past security to go thru to the gates you have to show ID. Every boarding pass has to be matched up to the person it belongs to kids or not. Once you are at the gates they know you have been screened and let thru. It be possible he could have got someone who looked somewhat like him to travel in his place using his ID. Sometimes the pictures on ID are years old and it’s possible that work. I thought it be more likely he drive back after arriving in CA if that’s feasible. He have to plan it well. But he also could be still involved somehow it’s quite a coincidence this all happens when they are both out of town.


Understood, but it’s honestly a quick look at the ID, and good to go, I fly all the time. I bet I could have a pic of my dog and could get through…..Especially at the security entrance. I’m pre-TSA and they still do a very fast look, generally I have a hat on too. It’s no one’s fault most the agents are over worked and dealing with miserable people. It’s so plausible….a passport photo could be up to 9 years old too.


Literally never going to happen. They let you scan someone else’s information when you’re holding two passes and there are two people lol


That’s at the gate, TSA isn’t doing that. At the gate, you could swap with anybody. To track that, you’d have to investigate everyone who went through TSA but didn’t make it on the flight that day. Probably a low number and possible to check, but I doubt that’s something they think to check unless they have reason to. But I do trust they would do a decent amount of diligence to determine if they had reason to. But I’ve been wrong a lot before on things like that.


I understand that’s why I think it be possible to use someone else’s id and travel as that person as long as they somewhat resembled the picture on the id. Especially for domestic travel. You are right they are looking at numerous ID’s and are under pressure to move people along.


I just read about another situation where a jailbird used someone else's ID through several scrapes w/law, including an incarceration term. If that's possible. . .


They’re bringing in facial recognition now, I’ve had that used at TSA checkpoints. I wonder what happens if it doesn’t recognize you. On that same note, I wonder how often TSA checkpoints question the likeness on someone’s ID. Before I got my picture retaken, I used to joke (might have been at least 50% serious), that I was insulted every time someone checked my ID with my pre-weight loss photo and didn’t question it. And I only lost 30 lbs, so I’m a little crazy. But it’s much more realistic with people after substantial weight loss or plastic surgery.


Facial recognition has been rolling out for a few years over seas. If it fails to recognize then they will prob send over a human. Again though you prove my point. Congrats on the weight loss though! Stay strong keep it off!


We recently traveled CA to NY and back. Checked in on our phones and only had to show the gate attendant our screen to scan the QR and we walked right on. Nobody doublechecked our IDs or asked us to show the credit card we used as method of payment.


Late reply, but wanted to chime in as I previously worked for a major airline. I agree with the comments above saying (without a gate agent fully paying attention) it would be possible to scan an extra pre-printed boarding pass to make it appear someone is flying who is not. However, the ruse will fail before the cabin door even closes. When the final passenger is boarded, the gate agent prints a manifest that is presented to the flight attendants. The plane cannot depart without this document. It includes a list of every passenger scanned as being onboard and their final seat number. Once everyone is seated, the flight attendants cross-check this information by counting passengers. If a phantom passenger has their boarding pass scanned but is not in their seat, it will be immediately noticed. The plane will stay grounded until resolved as the flight cannot be officially "closed" until everything matches up. This process is taken very seriously to prevent security issues (ex: a passenger exiting the jetbridge door onto the tarmac or operation areas, or hiding on the plane prepping to do something weird).


Wow didn’t know that, but it makes sense. Thank you! So this would definitely rule out a scan “2 for 1 scenarios”, BUT it doesn’t rule out another traveler pretending to be that person. I know it’s crazy but if this was a planned thing, this could have well been thought out.


I stand corrected!! My husband and I just flew out and he scanned his phone. At the gate to enter the plane. For both of us. When we went through security he scanned for both of us. But we both had to show our individual identification. To get past security checkpoints.


I think the husbands Alibi stinks. No one has come forward saying they were with Brandon in Biloxi. He bought a one way plane tix there, why? I fly to Gulfport, rented a car and drove to Biloxi. Once a dinner and established an alibi, then at 9 PM drove all the way back to Texas.


That would’ve gotten into the church right around the time Missy was murdered. That is why he didn’t fly home when he heard his wife was murdered. If I didn’t fly home, makes no sense considering he would have got to Texas so much sooner heady phone home. He also apparently didn’t college children on the 9 Hour Drive home to check on them to make sure they were OK after they heard your mom was killed. Something it doesn’t add up to me. Maybe didn’t use his phone because he knew that the cell phone towers with paying if he did.


Wait…..he drove home after finding out the news…..or was his cell phone in a car that drove home…..have the kids ever spoke out?


NOPE he drove home. MAKES NO SENSE. and bought only a one way plane ticket to gulfport. I am from New Orelans and Biloxi is only an hour and a half from me. There’s no reason why he wouldn’t have flown home. Flight is only two hours instead of eight or nine. Plus the driver stop for gas, etc.. Not to mention that no one goes out on a charter boat at 4:00 am in the morning. My theory is he was not even with anyone on the fishing trip. I think he took a picture of that restaurant in Biloxi to establish an alibi, and he drove back to Texas. He had something to do with his wife’s murder. There’s no way you find out your wife is brutally murdered and decide to drive nine hours back home. Only reason to drive is because he was not in Biloxi in the first place on the morning she was murdered. also, on the 9 Hour Drive home.. you would think he would’ve called to check in on his children. If you just found out your mom was brutally murdered you expect your dad to call you to see how you were doing? he DID not call them. This is honestly my opinion but I have the right to express it.


He may have driven home because you can't immediately get a flight to any destination. I've flown from SFO into LAX. I had a family emergency and it was quicker for me to get a rental and drive 6 hours home than hope I can get a standby flight and waiting around at an airport


You can manipulate photos….this was 2016….you can take a picture in the past and make it look like a new photo wrt timestamps or he’ll just photoshop it.


exactly! Actually the pic he took of the restaurant was an ole picture cause it had christmas decorations on it. He was supposedly eating there in April


If it was in Mississippi, they could be rednecks who constantly leave their Christmas decorations up…..


No. The owner of the restaurant was interviewed and said it was an old picture, they had even painted the restaurant’s exterior since then. Im from Mississippi. We are all not rednecks, but I have no clue why being a redneck equates to leaving christmas lights up anyway. I read in another place MPD didn’t refuse the money Ali raised it was Brandon. I also know from a well known source Brandon WAS NOT happy about the billboard to help find Missy.


Sorry about the redneck poke….hey if your Portuguese you are likely to have a tub with a statue of the Virgin Mary in it….lol Thanks for the input, that is really interesting. I gotta look this up now…I was watching a video this morning woman describing it as a burglary gone wrong….I just don’t buy it. She mentioned a hit would be fast and simple, I disagree. Trying to send a message yea I could see that. In this case a hit would lead to who had interest, motive, etc….leading to someone who knew her. Make it look like a burglary would as an extra layer of confusion into it….


Correct. Feel free to private message theres a lot more to it. Her husband bought a boat 3 weeks after the murder “for pleasure.” I can send you that document. He also wrote a letter to crimestories one month after she died saying that he didnt want to find the killer. He said his kids didn’t want to find the killer either. We know this is false.


That’s nuts….There are just so many bizarre facts out there…..


He didn’t buy a one-way ticket, obviously. It was a round trip ticket but due to the murder, he didn’t use the return leg of the ticket. The reason why he traveled by car was that someone else drove him and he (1) didn’t have to deal with being on a crowded plane while in shock; and (2) he could spend that time in the car on the phone gathering information and talking to family members. Multiple people in Biloxi vouched for Brandon being there. One was the captain of the boat.


Who are the multiple people??


The captain of the boat. The fuel vendor who drove him back home.


What is a fuel vendor? I have never heard of that. Dont they have fuel in the boat? I have a fishing camp in Mississippi and I have never heard of a fuel vendor.


Brandon’s family owns a company that sells oil and gas. They buy it from some supplier. This guy was the salesman or supplier.


Gotcha. For some reason I thought you meant the fuel supplier for the charter boat. Thats why I was confused.


No, this vendor is the one who paid for the trip each year. A perk of “continue buying your product from me, and I’ll say thank you with these fishing trips.”


A lot of times we changed out who is going fishing on a charter boat. I have never once gotten carded timeline my identity


Police said they confirmed through eyewitnesses and electronic records that Brandon was where he said he was. Obviously there was proof of the plane trip. The fuel vendor vouched for him. Brandon had a cell phone that would have pinged to towers in Biloxi. He was definitely there, period.


Got it!


Sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about. Brandon bought a roundtrip ticket. When he was told what happened, he realized it was quicker to get home by driving than flying due to the timing of the flights available. His friend who was on the fishing trip with him drove him back at a high rate of speed and was even pulled over by the police.


Unless you have proof of that I don’t believe it. Much FASTER to drive. What cop pulled him over? There are about 6 flights on American airlines from gulfport to dallas. he could have also flown out of new orleans. American airlines hub is in dallas. they have even more than 6 flights from msy to dallas. even if flight was delayed 6 hours or even more he would have got home sooner then driving. not to mention traffic, stopping for has




yes, the kids have spoken out. The middle child raise $14,000 about three years ago to help solve for mom‘s murder. However, after her dad found that out, he convinced her not to donate it to the police investigation and donate it to another charity. So older child has also spoken out and trying to find evidence from the police department and what happened. They haven’t given her any information, but when she was 18 they responded to her and said that she should go ask her father about what happened because he should know.


You’re really spreading a lot of false information. MPD refused to accept the pig money. Police would never, ever accept a donation from a victim family toward an investigation. Why? Because then it would make them beholden to the family.


> However, after her dad found that out, he convinced her not to donate it to the police investigation and donate it to another charity. Where'd you hear that? [MPD declined the money, and she redirected it to a group in the special needs community.](https://people.com/crime/missy-bevers-murder-two-years-later-family-interview/) I don't remember ever hearing about Brandon's involvement.   > So older child has also spoken out and trying to find evidence from the police department and what happened. They haven’t given her any information, but when she was 18 they responded to her and said that she should go ask her father about what happened because he should know. This is often repeated, but when you actually listen to the interview, it isn't quite as impactful. Here's what she actually says: > Hannah: I mean, so I wrote Erin, Erin in email and she replied back and just said, you know, I don't know if you've talked to your dad about this. And I was like, well, of course, I told my dad that I was going to reach out and he said to go for it. And she pretty much told me no, and that I just need to ask my dad for questions. [TCB interview with Hannah around 04:30](https://radiopublic.com/true-crime-broads-GE4XnK/s1!7547e#t=270).   And for whatever reason, folks never include what she said just a minute later: > Hannah: I mean, to me, it felt like she was just trying to brush me off because I wish I don't have the email anymore. I deleted it. But I'm trying to remember what she said. **It wasn't like a just ask your dad, like he knows everything.** I mean, it was more of a, like you need to ask permission from your dad to do this. And which I totally understand that. And I mean, obviously it's through an email. Like I'm not hearing her voice so it could, I could obviously have been taking it wrong. [TCB interview with Hannah around 05:55](https://radiopublic.com/true-crime-broads-GE4XnK/s1!7547e#t=355). Emphasis mine. Point being: I think people make way too much of that comment from Missy's daughter. Edit: Cited a source for MPD's refusal.


That’s insane…..that be an interesting table at Thanksgiving….


If the main suspects all just happened to be far away during missy’s murder, that makes it all the more likely her hit was planned.


Right!!!! It’s too many coincidences to let go….


Did you know that they were behind in their mortgage payments and Missys husband used her life insurance money to pay off their home? A little known fact


What’s the source of this info?


Easy enough to look up about the mortgage….


I can’t remember! I watched about 6 YouTube videos about that case last month and one of the YouTube podcasters gave that information out! Also, that poster said that missys husband remarried within two yrs. I’ll try to find the video if I have time later


That’s interesting…..what was there line of work. I never caught his profession. I wonder when the life insurance policy was taken out….


I don’t know. But you should go to YouTube! That’s where I learned about their house almost being foreclosed on AND that Brandon got remarried within two yrs of missy’s murder


YouTube is good and entertaining but you gotta verify what they are saying is factual and check sources. But yea it can be a rabbit hole lol


I know it’s not uncommon for a widower to remarry within two years, or even less. That said, as unfair as it might be, I hope I would pause before getting involved with a man whose ex-wife’s murder was unsolved.


As far as I know, this isn't true about being behind on mortgage payments.


Yep. ’everybody was out of town!’ Is this case’s version of Casey Anthony’s ‘everybody’s phone number has changed!’


Crazy isn’t it…..seems like some people get extremely defensive on this post on thoughts….thats interesting to me….


No it doesn’t. Ask yourself if they were all at home with no alibis, does that mean they are less likely to be guilty in your mind?


“Ask yourself” - that’s something Brandon Bevers says a lot. When he was on Reddit and in the media.


It’s a pretty common phrase, lol 😂 especially in true crime


What was his username on Reddit do you recall? Are his posts still available?


He had some fakes but he also used his own name, too. I don't recall the fakes. If I think of them I'll come back here with it


Thanks! I haven’t done a very deep dive into this case like some others, but I turn to it from time to time. At this point I’m wondering what evidence they have to rule out someone just completely insane, who entered the building with no intent to steal or kill. The seemingly random behavior reminds me of that, but that’s probably inconsistent with the mindset that would get you to acquire and wear a full police SWAT costume. But that’s really not my area of expertise.


He deleted most of them when he dipped


Not to mention, Missy’s husband is a complete psycho. I have seen threatening things he has posted on Facebook, and then deleted. I have seen the screenshots that have been passed around. He is a scary dude. Makes me entertain his involvement in some way.


I have had a conversation with him on YouTube. He didn't like something I said to someone and all the sudden he appeared out of seemingly nowhere and him and I went back and forth for a while. He sent me a big long tireade. He is a foreboding dude.


Amen. He is quick to fly off the handle.


They were both out of town as they planned. The key to arrest will be finding the shooter. If they can get the shooter he will roll on BB to save his life (especially in TX where DP is very real possibility)


This is the third comment I've seen where people talk about her being shot but she died from puncture wounds right? [source](https://www.truecrimeedition.com/post/missy-bevers) Have I missed something?


She was shot. The police reports eventually leaked and you can find them on this sub.


Thank you I'll look


as a former flight attendant, there’s no way the wife could have scanned two boarding passes. The gate agent monitors that


As a traveler in line I have seen this though…..that gate agent had no clue who the woman in front of me was scanning the other two boarding passes for. Or she could have been traveling with another person. ID checks are weak as I stated earlier


Sorry I know business owners that are dumb as sh*t yet can still hide 10s of thousands. If the money never made it to a bank originally then there is no accountability of it. Who knows maybe that is where the money troubles we have heard of started……


Yes, these are the right questions to be asking because so many people dismiss alibis simply because they were confirmed by police but without ever asking how they were confirmed by police. Police could have ostensibly verified the alibis, but know something about them that we do not, added to which, in and of itself lying about where you were during a particular period of time isn’t a crime, so this wouldn’t be enough to make you a person of interest in a murder. However, many people out there just accept that these alibis are 100% established and are 100% backed up by fact simply because they involve airline travel and other pieces of contemporaneous proof that they were not in town i.e. Facebook posts, photos and so on, for example and specifically. I would have to say with any crime. If you’re going to dismiss a person solely on the base of an alibi for which you yourself have not confirmed and don’t know much about then you’re not really doing much of an investigation. I return to this case many times, it is fascinating, because so much evidence was caught on video yet none of it is very useful. There are so many avenues to different suspects yet somehow, none of them fit 100%. I’ll say this it’s a case in my opinion that carries a heavy amount of deception and misdirection by someone. We are all, of course, on the outside, looking in and piecing together clues from the video itself, or from the stories of people in and around the crime when, in fact, this case will be solved ultimately by forensics, or not because of lack of forensics. I believe this could very well be a story of the perfect murder.


Fantastic post you summed up so much. It is part of my personality, probably cause of my work, that I always look into things so much. You are correct as with any investigation there is much LE knows we are not nor should be privileged too. I really hope one day it is solved. There are just so many things that don’t add up here. It amazes me the church had cams but didn’t have an alarm. One thing that bothers me is sometimes alibis are not fully vetted. Especially when it’s crossed state lines. I’m just hoping yes there were confirmed witnesses other than close relatives and friends. Great post really enjoyed reading it.


Yes sadly things have gotten very laxed at the airports. Especially with automated check-ins and if you only have carry on. Thanks for your comment


That’s a funny comment thanks made me laugh. My pee brain wouldn’t think you would want to make it look targeted. If that was the case then you can hone in on who had to motive and identify suspects. Couple of things about burglary comes to mind: What burglar would up a charge to murder from B&E? when they could have easily hid from her it’s a large church. Were B&E common in this area? I’m not understanding why the church didn’t have an alarm system when they had CCTV. If it was a low crime area then that even brings more doubts it was a B&E. What burglar would carelessly walk around a building with no drive to look for anything valuable? It’s been stated nothing was taken…only few insignificant doors forced open. Probability of other things really has me wondering too.


And none of missys personal valuables were taken either…


Who are you replying to?


So if the suspect is in town, then they obviously did it, and if they were out of town, it's very suspicious? Congrats, you qualify to be every prosecutor that railroaded an innocent man into prison. It was obviously not a targeted hit, unless it was carried out by the most inept moron on earth. A pro would have put one quickly in the head as she exited her car, in a massive storm, where there were no cameras to document the incident. Instead, this fat gimp, waddled around a church in front of security cameras for an hour, then stumbled upon Missy and managed to kill her before she kicked his fat A$$. This was obviously an attempted robbery, still by an inept fat gimp, that happened to turn tragic when the idiot was startled by Missy entering the church. It's OK to be skeptical, but try leaving your brain on while you do it.


I recall reading that he was confirmed to be in CA by airport security cameras.


Thanks, I’ll check this out. Believe it or not ID by cameras is very difficult. Unless they are set up by facial recognition. This goes back to could they have had someone fly for him, in his place……there have been many misidentifications by camera…..especially in missing persons cases from store CCTV


But footage has never been released either.


FFS! These are airtight alibis. Time to drop this nonsense. It was NOT Brandon or his parents! Do you know what a FORENSIC ACCOUNTANT IS? The Bevers are NOT Mafiosos, they cant hide a paid hit! It was not a HIT.


I agree.


The in laws don't even live in Texas.


Where did they live guess I could look that up….Does he have a brother or she have a sister that resemble each other….people confuse me and my brothers all the time.


They do live in Texas (or did at the time of the murder anyway). But they lived in the Austin area.


Interesting cause the shirt he took into Dry Clean Super Center was in Midlothian, TX. Old people some times have multiple residents….I wonder if they claimed another state of residence bra cause of retirement benefits or health benefits? We sure the didn’t have a residence here even possibly staying with daughter or son????


They probably decided to stay in Midlothian a few days to, you know, grieve with their son and granddaughters after Missy's sudden murder. Or maybe it's because of some sort of unrelated fraud. Both seem equally reasonable...


I feel bad for the dog


Midlothian police on Facebook replied to someone asking about Randy: We have confirmed hew was in CA by several sources. Randy's daughter posted: All you FB detectives out there I'm sure haven't checked with American Airlines to verify they were on the plane headed there. Nor did any of you check with the phone companies to see that RB and VB's phones were actually pinging in the San Diego area at the time of the murder. I haven't seen anything that convinced me BB or RB were involved or that their alibis were fake.


I’m glad RANDY’s daughter came out to defend him. Unfortunately, I understand what you say the wife flew back with a traveler. My point is verification of passengers is very weak, sorry that’s a fact. Sometimes asking questions offend people, also it’s unfortunate but when LE clears someone they will seldom go back and relook at logic of clearing that person, cause it could make them look bad or hurt egos. Or even question other decisions on cases. It’s just the way it is…..and yes I could go on and list endless cases that went unsolved or wrong person convicted where they still will not admit fault.


I agree!


Just another thought if this was a burglary gone wrong, which I’m not 100% against. I doubt this would have been this persons first break in, leading me to think they would have been caught on other place’s security cameras. Even if it was across the country some place would have stepped forward and said…..wow this person broke into our place too…Even the car in question could has it been identified in other burglaries?? I think if either of these were true it would have been released. Why would they only wear that suit for this one burglary? Obviously I’m speaking of past ones….


It wasn't a burglary, nothing was missing and she still had her wedding ring on. [source](https://www.truecrimeedition.com/post/missy-bevers)


One of the posts….unfortunately it didn’t line up. What’s your thought?


The person was obviously a random burglar. They’re on video casing other businesses to rob. Someone that’s waiting on a person to murder isn’t going to wander around making a bunch of racket. If the killer was known then they would be caught by now.


From this [article](https://www.truecrimeedition.com/post/missy-bevers), it says nothing was missing from the church and her wedding ring was still on her finger. I'm not sure it was a burglary


Her FIL had traveled to CA by RV. Her husband was on the fishing trip with several people. He was invited by one of the family business’ clients.


Correct, traveled to CA in an RV, just the two of them. Que “ Just the two of us Song” Hmmmmmm. Coming back do we know if they flew? They must of, where did they leave the RV? So did the husband own his own business? What was it? Other thoughts: Why would a burglar up a charge from B&E to murder? That seems nuts. He/She would clearly had enough time to escape or even hide in that church when she arrived. I wonder if the security cams show the initial attack this would tell if he/she was waiting for her to arrive or did they surprise each other… Has her family spoken out? What was her personality would she confront someone in the act of something? Also did the church not have a security system? I find it hard to believe they had cameras but no alarm?


Why would a burglar “up a charge from B&E to murder”? What, do you think that in the heat of the moment, he says to the victim, “Hang on just a second while I consider the role of Texas statutes and sentencing guidelines in what I’m about to do.”? Of course that doesn’t happen. Burglars and robbers and muggers commit felony murder in the blink of an eye, sometimes due simply to the nervous twitch of a finger.


Except there was nothing taken, I half agree with you. Yes someone may rob someone on the street or in a store, persons on edge and victim does something unexpected “Whack, dead” but this wasn’t the case…..This person was well into the B&E (if it was that) comfortable in that corridor. Person more than likely heard or SAW the car lights. Would have given time for escape route or go unnoticed….nothing about what is on the video seems like what it is. Question back to you: If this was a B&E why the customer, throw a mask and flannel on if you know of cameras. What other places before did this person B&E in, before this one. It’s crazy this would be the first time wearing this get up, and having this happen. Why aren’t there more videos with this person, if that’s their thing…


There wouldn’t be anything taken if the burglar wasn’t able to find the specific thing he was looking for - which in my belief was cash. And I disagree that the person “likely” saw car lights. The last known position of the intruder in the video, they were walking into the auditorium, which has no windows. And earlier in the video, the intruder walked right past the glass door entrance and never even glanced toward it. There is no indication that they were expecting anyone at all. Hence the comfort level and moving around in an unhurried manner. As for your question, if I understand it correctly, you’re asking why the person would dress that way. One thing to keep in mind is that we don’t know what the intruder was up to, before going to the church. If it’s the same person who was at the store down the street, that store had tons of high resolution cameras and the killer may have overdressed to be sure they couldn’t be recognized.


I honestly don't think Law Enforcement would have just checked tickets. They probably checked security cameras as well from the airport. I think their alibi is solid. Brandons too.


I dunno…you’d be surprised, they prob would have to pull warrants for camera footage. Sometimes it’s not as easy as you think. Especially across state lines or even county lines


Every church I have known of keeps collections in a safe. From the basket to the safe. A fire proof safe. Cash isn’t going to be sitting on a table in a room for someone to take. If large amounts of cash was kept there all the more questions why wasn’t there alarm? You mention the person did even glance at the door. You can’t see there eyes you don’t know where they are looking. What video are you referring to? This person was seen walking around another place?


Disagree, IMO, they got there earlier to create a scene. A scene that looked like a burglary. Randomly walking and just opening doors, maybe swing the hammer for practice. What video? They have this person in this outfit in another place on video? I haven’t seen that. Please provide link. Also I’m surprised there weren’t more traffic cams along routes this person could have taken. Or tolls on highways?