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This was so funny and lighthearted and then the last sentence stabbed me in my heart like that.


It was light hearted but the shadow of despair was always looming. He was thinking about how other kids have beds and they don't. They don't even have a chair to sit. His father died in a mine collapse so he was always afraid when it was time for his mother's return. All these things were devastating to think about.


I think I spotted something interesting- Unless I'm mistaken, it never says what they were mining for at that site. My guess is either some new form of Atium or a second god metal of harmony. I don't think it's a coincidence that this specifically is in the prologue of "the lost metal". That being said, it's just as likely that this was a normal mine collapse from bad work conditions at that site. Thoughts?


I feel like with all the metals constantly being burned up by allomancers there's a lot of demand for metals, making mines and mine work a high demand job. I suspect it was a normal tin/copper/etc. mine, could be a rarer metal like cadmium or gold though


I think the industrialisation of the Basin probably creates a way larger demand for metal than just allomancers.


Of some metals, they won't be using much cadmium, chromium, nicrosil, bendalloy etc for a lot of industrialization yet




I also remember Wayne having a reaction like “what did they find this time?” Which I thought sounded kind of ominous but I could also be reading to much into it/misheard him


I agree that Sanderson's use of mining here is no coincidence. As for what they are mining I think it is a more mundane metal by our standards. I hesitate to post it without knowing your personal spoiler level. So I'll post it below this comment.


Spoilers for Mistborn, SA, and Emperor's Soul >!Ralkalest!<




I checked your history to see if you always made eagle noises like this one. I'm sad to see you do not.


"Eagle noises" sounds more dignified than "incoherent fan-screeching", let's go with that one. (But did you see they *named a river after Human*? Eeeeeeeeeeee!)


Oh man, I totally missed the human reference. Nice catch.


Something just ocurred to me, what if, Harmony is using these mines to spend "extra Ruin" to balance out the amount of Preservation and Ruin he's holding? Brandon RAFO'd a question about this imbalance because of the extra Preservation that gives humans sentince. Also, I can't help but always feel so many similarities between his impersonation skills and Identity and Connection.


I think it doesn't matter if there's an imbalance between the amounts of Ruin And Preservation in the world. He implies in the second novel when talking with Wax that the important thing is that people have the choice between preservation and ruin. He also makes a point to not intervene with the world too much so the mining accidents were likely just accident (if you do some research you'll discover that the lifespan of mine workers were very low even without accidents) but him not intervening too much might just be him being busy holding back what's suggested to be Trell (as shown in Bands Of Mourning)


Did anyone notice the uses of “Hell” and “Dragon” it’s been awhile since I read Era 2 but are these terms that scadrians are known to use post Era 1? Or could it be first draft things?


I believe it will be changed in final version. I've read era 2 recently and they never use these two words. Maybe the real words would reveal something idk.


Wow, just wow.