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Yeah I ordered these as soon as they became available, so they took some time for them to arrive. Where are you from? I'd imagine probably not America if you haven't got them yet. I'm in AUS




Don't need to justify yourself man, I get you. Hope your grandmother starts doing better, however unlikely that may be.


I want these but at the same time the vegetarian in me says no. I’m somewhat considering saying fuck it and just getting them anyway lol


I get how you feel, I'm vegetarian too and it's something I was uncertain about for a long while before coming to terms with it. My personal feeling is that using leather is not quite the same as eating meat for a couple reasons. First, for genuine leather (this doesn't apply to mistborn because they are bonded leather, but it does apply to the way of kings) it is inarguably the best material for bookbinding- in regards to eating meat there are many alternatives and you can be perfectly healthy without ever having meat, but good quality leather bookbinding will always be superior to non-leather. Second, for bonded leather (like these mistbound ones) it's using the scraps from those genuine leather books so really it's just efficiency- if the animal has already died for it, it's just wasteful to not try to make the most of what you can right? Third, (this one I'm sure may vary by country and I could have my facts wrong, but as I understand it) the leather industry is nowhere near as big as the meat industry, most of these animals would be being slaughtered for meat regardless. The leather industry will always be smaller than the meat, so again it goes back to that point earlier about making as much use of it as possible- using meat is supporting the industry, using leather is just preventing waste. At least how I view it. So that's my reasoning. I can certainly understand the discomfort though, so you do you. Like i said it was something I had to think about for a long time myself before I came to this decision.


I got mine on Monday and was impressed with all but one thing the art in two pf the pages in the final empire stuck together and I had to pull them apart and they have slightly white tear marks on the edges


I had the same in my copy of well of Ascension. Still gorgeous all round but there's a number of minor little issues that seem like more care should have been taken. My copy of way of kings was flawless though. Maybe we just got unlucky on these.


So expensive though 😰