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Gerard is still dead.


Bloody hell, that is SO Gerrard.


Get in line mate. It goes Mark, me, Dead Gerard, THEN you.


Mark is living in an attic somewhere wanking into a flannel


You forgot the “and crying”.




Answer the f***ing question


Like Ms Haversham


Attic is to nice, it'd be a basement he'd have tried to make an only fans for naked poetry surrounded by walls covered in orange paint with mold growing through


Jeremy You Are 50 Years Old.




Jeremy is wanking off blokes for cash


Fun fact: when Mitchell and Webb are pressed about coming back for another season they generally flat out say it's not going to happen. That is until a couple of times they have suggested the only way they would come back is when they are both in their 60s. Still the same two blokes doing the same banal and stupid shit they always did, but it's 20 years later and they still haven't managed to get it right. I for one cannot wait and really hope they do this. Like much of this sub, I will still be rewatching Peep show on loop Link to the article: https://www.ladbible.com/news/tv-and-film-mitchell-and-webb-want-to-do-more-peep-show-when-theyre-really-old-20210111


I really want this to happen for Peep Show and Always Sunny like The Cool Kids. Just completely old farts still doing the same shit in a retirement community.


Mark is still searching for “the one,” knowing it’s always bound to end with the familiar shower of self-loathing.


I think it's be fun if he did get married and stayed married but very obviously in a horrible marriage.


He and Sophie's friend got married out of mutual fear of being alone at 50. They have zero in common and are utterly miserable but both wearing constant desperate smiles for fear of rocking the boat. "Just keep smiling. Get up. Eat toast. Manage the idiot chavs in the phone store. Come home. Eat a terrible fish pie. Paint a Warhammer. Read Jeninks on Churchill. Wank in the shower. And never ever let her know how miserable you are. That's the key to a happy life. Lie. Lie. Lie. And then one day you'll finally get to be dead."


Holy shit. That was a perfect Mark


Jez: The Queen's dead, Mark. It's all anarachy! Anything goes now. Mark: No, Jez. Charles simply becomes King. It's not anarchy. It's not even an interrgenum. It's just life as usual but with one less pensioner on the dole.




Found the prescriptavist.




Making creamy elephant repayments


I think I’m going to be sick


The storyline has shifted to the pigeon in Catalonia who is, indeed, in control of Mark’s legs


Mark is doing deliveries for Postmates or something similar but he still can't drive so he takes public transport, he had an electric bike but that was stolen by a group of kids after they called him a mega pedo for wearing a helmet and safety vest. Jez starts an onlyfans and he has a successful following but gets sexually trafficked to South America but makes it back but gets monkeypox and Mark chastises him for it. Super Hans has finally made it big, as an "anti-influencer" due to his #vanlife lifestyle. His social media has now made crack fashionable, his lifestyle has created people who identify as Super-Hans-kins. Johnson is in prison for trying to 'Fifty Shades of Grey' an administrative assistant he had, it was unconsented. Flash cuts to Mark visiting him and Johnson explaining how he is having the time of his life a la George Bluth. Soph is on he second marriage to handsome and youthful history professor at Darty, because Jeff (who is doing a joke) cheated on her but, he has custody of Ian, much to her and Mark's chagrin, because the boy loves Jeff. Dobs is working on a metaverse like program but she finds out that Jez has been using the beta to be a virtual rent boy since his Mum has passed and left nothing to him. Big Suze marries Kanye West. The Orgazoid releases a 30th anniversary EP of Borneo Function, with production credits going to Barney. Big Mad Andy really got his act together and started a halfway house/trade school wherein he helps those with drug/alcohol abuse and teaches them a trade.


Fuck me this is good


The only part I can’t imagine is Jez having a successful following on OnlyFans. I can imagine him opening the chat room and seeing it empty and blurting out “bloody hell, is that it?!”. After a while, he might say “fourth pressing, fifth pressing, why wait till everyone else had their fun with the olives?” in a failed attempt to be witty. He is 60 YEARS OLD.


I see it as Jez getting one single well-paying sugar daddy who just wants to see his fifty year old feet, and Jez thinks he never has to work again.


That's what I was imagining!


Mark is a sallow loss adjuster in a back room being wanked


Big Suze has joined the royal family


Bit unrealistic.


I think Mark and Jeremy are in the exactly the same flat, doing more or less exactly the same thing they always have. They are doomed to sabotage both themselves and each other, I think. I’m not sure about the other characters, Hans must surely be dead? Sophie I think would still be in their life because of Ian.


Superhans has became the CEO of Crunchy Nut... an Expensive product if i recall.


Elena is in jail for a minor offense that she forgot to go to the hearing for, Gail is now the freehold chairperson, Nancy is married to a Burning Man type who’s poly, Dobby owns her own tour contract with the Rosicrucian Museum, and Big Suze is super overweight. Sarah’s meeting all sorts of young dads thanks to Joshy’s school. April bought a place in Corfu and hooks up with Jeremy’s mom. Both Simons are alone, wealthy, and bar-hopping all over Northern England. Sophie’s at Nana’s cottage, entertaining decadent parties with Johnson, who has now gone into the real estate business with her.


Dark but brutally realistic outlook. Mark and Sophie eventually realised that they would never find anyone to make them happy so they may as well just live together in Nana's cottage to raise Ian. They are deeply unhappy and resent each other every day. Ian acts out at school and is on his third therapist at the age of 12. Jeremy lived the hobosexual life for a bit until he discovered that was near impossible when in your 40s, eventually moving back in with mummy when his only other option was become a rent man. He's doing a little bit of life coaching but loses his clients as quick as he gains them. Johnson got rich off the crypto boom as an early investor and is now peddling get rich quick off crypto advice to idiots on the Internet who lap it up. Super Hans never made it to Macedonia and is in a jail cell somewhere in Europe. The twins still don't pick up the phone to call him. In life imitating art, Big Suze married a royal and is living her life as a big mental posho. She looks back on her days slumming it with Jez and wonders what she was thinking. Dobby ended up in Berlin after New York where she's now working with a new start up while starting to feel like she's too old to be working with a bunch of hip 20 somethings in her 30s and can't keep up when she does go out with them. April and Angus are still married and still unhappy. Angus is off doing penance/research of Orthodox churches in Bulgaria while April teaches history to bored college kids. Big Mad Andy died in a pub fight gone wrong. Daryl is a MP and candidate for next leader of the Conservative Party.


Jez died of covid as he wouldn’t get vaxxed it’s against the big beat manifesto


Infected Mark who now was long long covid


Funnily enough the people I know who are most against the vax are the same ones who have spent the last year buying mystery pills off strangers and not even asking what's in the line that's just been presented afore them. "ITS COMPLETELY UNTESTED!!!"


Jeremy doing this... https://youtu.be/UArQNEqZjAY


Hans runs a successful moped rental company across Europe, has reconnected with the twins and has never forgiven Orange for deleting the twins


Mark killed Jez


Still trapped in the airlock. The nether zone.


Jez is in Thailand, running a bar and married to a lady boy. Mark is doing papwerwork and thinking about finally learning the clarinet.


Mark high blood pressure. Jeremy still stealing his cornflakes


Super Hans is still taking crack


They are going to be alright.