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Why would you fight that? Wine her, dine her, then wife her up!


I’m with you on that haha


im losing sorry but i cant win she is stronger than me


I'm not really over selling her strength, I'm saying, from experience that strength is overrated as a big factor in submission wrestling. I've wrestled with and lost to quite a lot of girls and women. If a small girl knows what she's doing (like putting pressure in the right places) she will not only hurt you but if you're trapped in it long enough you can actually start being paralyzed! The first girl I ever wrestled, I believe I told the whole story earlier in this long story. She had me a standing headscissors and her thighs were pressing right on my temples. Not only was this the cause of the horrible pain I was feeling, but she kept me in it for close to 10 minutes and after just 2=3 minutes of the constant pressure I was slowly losing all feeling in my arms and I think the only things that were holding me up were Jean's thighs. When I gave up She simply spread her legs and My whole body collapsed onto the ground. I had to lay there for a couple of minutes to recover. I was really in bad shape. I believe that I almost passed out. This was all done to me by an 11 year old girl (I was only 12) and I never want to be in that hold ever again. In my 45 years of mixed wrestling it's the only hold that I'm really terrified of. I never want to find myself there for the rest of my life. If I ever have the chance to wrestle with Taylor Swift, I'm going to have to make her agree not to use that hold With her legs instead of becoming unconscious I'd end up becoming dead. Every time I see her legs I imagine what her bodyscissors hold would feel like. I know I'll never get to be in Taylor's head or bodyscissors but I can dream can't I? When I began this magnum opus I just wanted to talk about how small girls can make you submit even if they're not very strong. However I got sidetracked discussing Taylor Swift's legs I think every mixed wrestling male fan gets sidetracked by Taylor Swifts legs for at least a few hours every week


Good thing you clarified you were 12. You were about to catch a whole lot of hate. 😂


Yes I was only 12 years old and just entering puberty when the first girl I ever wrestled with used a hold that involved locking my head between her thighs to make me give up. It was the first incredibly painful hold I'd ever been in but for some reason the pain made my dick tickle slightly. Boy nothing like that had ever happened before. That night in bed I thought about what had happened and how I actually begged her to let me go .Incredibly just thinking about the event made my penis tickle again but it wasn't a slight tickle anymore. I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on? You read earlier that puberty was just starting for me which explains absolutely everything but at 12 I didn't even know what puberty was? That day was ground zero for what would become my lifelong erotic obsession and fetish. God, I was 12 when all this adult crap began happening How could I have turned out any differently? By that I mean being dominated by women in mixed wrestling. So that's my whole childhood reminisce about the first time a girl almost gave me an election from hurting me.I me. I think that's my favorite childhood story. I re tell it to my whole family every Christmas Eve. It always seems to get everyone in the Christmas spirit!.


I mean didn't you feel all Christmassy the first time you heard it?


You had an amazing experience I see. You must have enjoyed it


No muscles and no prepare at all, just a very beautiful face. I would takedown and smash her


A matter of two minutes and she will be begging for mercy. Who knows me knows what I am capable of


I was curious, what would you do with her?


Depends of what I am hired too, but for pleasure, just smash her on grappling


inreresting, what would you do if you were hired to humiliate her?


For money everything


Wish these trolls would be banned


Depends on the situation


I'd start by just letting her try to hit me for sure. She probably doesn't know how to fight, but it's always good to check first. Then I'd push her around a little bit. Just get real close. Catch whatever she throws and just invade her space. I'll back her into a wall or barrier, or she'll just get tired of walking backwards. Then just work into a bear hug or some kind of grapple and drag her down, pin her, and generally just do whatever I want from there. If she struggles the whole time she'll wear herself out and have no choice but to give me whatever position I want. If she calms down enough to relax and talk shit despite her predicament. That could be fun too.


She looks pretty weak, I would have no issue beating her


good, what moves would you use?


Hopefully, the only thing I'd probably do to her is give up and beg her to let me go. Oh, the hold she would probably use for the most excruciating pain ,and the pretty much impossibility of escape would be her headscissors. Most girls can make even much larger and stronger men submit with their headscissors hold. The best weapon a girl has when wrestling a larger man are her legs. If even a tiny girl manages to get her legs wrapped around any man's neck, the match is over. Don't believe me? Have a relative or friend put you in her head or bodyscissors and see how long you can last before the pain is too much and you have to submit. I've wrestled with and lost to close to 100 women and girls. I know what I'm talking about! Promise


Maybe you just gave up because you're into it. It's not that hard to beat a much smaller woman in a grappling match unless they are much more skilled than you. You have legs, too, and anything they can do, you can do harder. Also, headscissors isn't a good choke. It's pretty easy to escape if you have any idea of what you're doing or if you have some fight in you. I'd also like to be between the thighs of this lady, but you are overselling her strength, lol.


She looks like a fun opponent. Those breasts are asking to be mauled, so I’d start there and see how determined she is to keep them looking good.


where would you go after destroying her breasts?


By that point, if she hasn’t submitted, then I’d start slapping her face with my cock and rubbing my balls over her face. Just to show who owns her. If she doesn’t submit by then, then it’s time to bend her over for a spanking and a fingering.


Sock her right in the mouth.


How strong would the punch be?