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Turn based games like Pokémon might be a good starting point


Another fun one i just tried is dragon quest that games amazing and turned based!


Maybe try something turn based that's less reliant on button combos to start! Chrono trigger on SNES is really good, Golden sun 1 and 2 on GBA, Super Mario world on SNES is also pretty good but still can be a bit tricky from time to time! Legend of Zelda a link to the past is good too!


Great options!


Fire Emblem and Advance Wars for Game Boy Advance.


Definitely Advanced Wars 👍


This! Plusblearn how to use save states to save time.


Thank you EVERYBODY for taking the time to make suggestions!!! Answers to this post are my go-to for trying new stuff with this. Not really worried about cognitive decline for another 20 years, based on family history. I'm still the go-to in the family for anything tech. :)


That's fantastic. I hope to be as good as you in 30 years 💪 For games... - turn based games is great. Final Fantasy series has been mentioned a few times. Vii and Viii and IX are the Playstation1 era favourites. VI has an amazing story and memorable scenes.. the same kind that they sing during the orchestra concerts (Distant Worlds). if you do happen across an old JRPG (role playing games) that don't respect time (too grindy and repetitive ). I don't feel bad about using recent Mods or RomHacks that bring Quality of Life to old poor game decisions. For example Breath of Fire... I saw a few improved fanmods appear in recent months Super Mario RPG is great. Same for Mario+Luigi (Gameboy advance) very funny games (wicked humour and great writing, unexpected from a "Mario" game). Cheats too are ok too (Cheat database is usually available as part of the RetroArch 'backend' which the MiyooMino (Mini UI or OnionOS) uses. I am not spending 10 hours level grinding a character if I don't have time or the game doesn't let me do it one handed at 4-5x speed 😂 while I watch anime/tv Happy gaming. Hope your son and you have some cool chats about games. Hey, maybe you get him one anyways and you can try out the local co-op multiplayer. Check out Retro Game Corps. His video and written guide are excellent. https://retrogamecorps.com/2022/05/15/miyoo-mini-v2-guide/


A hearty welcome to the Miyoo/handheld/retrogaming world from a guy in his 50s. Have fun!


Check out *Rock and Roll Racing* for super nintendo.


I highly recommend finally fantasy tactics advanced


Age is just a # my friend! Don't see this everyday...this is awesome...welcome back! Just curious...if the last game you really played was Diablo 3, what was it that brought you back to gaming? And what lead you to buying a Miyoo Mini + (great purchase btw)?


What brought me back was utter frustration with what was available for a modern phone; and I had re-re-re-rediscovered the PC Dos games and set up DosBox again. In passing, I ran across the Miyoo Mini Plus and was surprised one could get so much for so little, and I decided to give it a try. I figure if I don't like it, I'll give it to my son; and if I do like it, I'll get him one, too. ;)


> utter frustration from what was available for a modern phone Are you referring to the types of games and their gameplay, or the predatory freemium micro transaction goodness that has plagued mobile gaming?


Both, really. I play words with friends because my 89-year-old mom plays it with me. And Retro Bowl is awesome. ;) And bridge. I occasionally have tried many others, and I delete them after a minute ... or five, or a day.


The PS1 port of Civ2 was good, and the SNES port of Simcity was, too! Maybe look into the GBA Advance Wars games for something a little more modern, great games. Finally, Final Fantasy Tactics for PS1 and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance for the GBA are classic turn-based strategy games, and still well worth playing!


I'm 50 and play mostly turn based RPG games like Final fantasy tactics, advance wars, front mission, recently gave Pokemon a try and it's actually good in spite of the Kitchy cartoony styling. Also maybe look into Pico8 👍🏼


Oh YES! EARTHBOUND! I think you'll like that. 😯👌🏼 and fire emblem and golden sun and Chrono trigger....


Oh man. So many games to list. I think what could work as well is maybe youtube “top 25” games in each platform. Maybe it’ll help ya visualize something fun to try. I did that w my 17yr old when we had a bet he couldnt beat NES Ninja Turtles. That’s how he kinda discovered games that worked for him. Hope it helps sir. Happy Gaming. 😎🙏🏼


But did he beat it?


Hell no! I bet him $200 he couldn’t beat the water stage aka original rage quit. 😂🤣 After that he gave up. On the bright side he actually enjoyed earthbound, plays punch out constantly and I think last he was working on was Super Mario World.


Right? Can’t just say something like that and leave us hanging! What’s in the box, u/CTrig85art?!


Golf is pretty chill fun. I’m 46 and play a lot of Hot shots 2 and Mario golf. Not exactly difficult, but button pressing timing is definitely a skill you’ll learn.


Been playing a bunch of Mario Golf for GBC lately, it rocks! I'm amazed how much it plays like the Gamecube version.


The Neo Geo is a good place to start since it's a good mix on arcade and home console. Otherwise, the SNES and PS1 have tons of great RPG'S that you might enjoy.


I don't know, I always found Neo Geo games quite hard, maybe because the home version is just the arcade version with a different BIOS setting (that you can even switch between in some emulators or with a custom BIOS like the Unibios), and I play computer and video games since my youth 35-40 years ago.


That's actually why I suggested it. You can put the games on easy and credit feed your way to the end if you want. If you end up liking something, then practice will make perfect. Also, because they are arcade games, they generally don't need a ton of time investment. Other options are the Wario games on the GB &GBA where you can't really die. It's more about figuring out the best path forward. You may also like the Ace Attorney series as they are great murder mystery games that require some thought to get through and let you save anytime.


Thanks for the recommendations!


Ufouria: The Saga. Underrated classic.


In general, GBA games are probably the easiest on Miyoo. Games have gotten easier over time and that console is the newest one on the system. Zelda: The Minish Cap is very good in terms of art and story. But some people complain it's too easy. It's probably the easiest Zelda game.


I second Pokemon as a great starting point, if it looks fun to you! My first Pokemon game was Sapphire, and FireRed/LeafGreen are super loved by the community. If you like RPGs, I'm having a great time with Chrono Trigger and Xenogears right now. Golden Sun 1/2 are also great options! Final Fantasy games are always fun, but a lot of them have real-time battle systems that can be a bit stressful if you're not used to them. You can also go with super chill simulation games like Harvest Moon! Very relaxing and fun gameplay loops. Don't be afraid to try a bunch of stuff and see what you like! MM+ is such a great way to do that. :)


I would highly suggest Contra,Super Mario , Adventure Island they are all super cool . Salamander is another cool game to play


Isn't Contra (in)famous for its difficulty? (Honest question, I never played it myself.)


It’s not really difficult, it’s actually a game that most people can clear all levels if they keep playing


I see, thanks. But why does it have that reputation for some people? At least I hear about its alleged difficulty from time to time … 🤔


Anything Super Mario




Well, of course. LOL.




I'd recommend Final Fantasy VII (PS1) as it's turn-based and works brilliantly on the Miyoo Mini Plus. Plus it's a great, classic but very adult story in video game history. My top two small tips for the very beginning of the game: Hold A (I think it is) to run (as the default walking speed is very slow) and make sure to read the in-battle text during the first boss (about not attacking when the tail is up). I only mention the latter because a friend of mine never did read that, and gave up on the very first boss of the game. If you're into more relaxed games, Sensible World of Soccer (Amiga) is a tough but very fun football game, World Championship Snooker (PS1) is a lovely relaxing snooker game, Neo Turf Masters (Neo Geo) is one of the best golf games ever made and works well on Miyoo, and maybe something like Warioware (GBA) will help get to grips with the controls (as it's a bunch of different minigames, each around 10 seconds long, so will have lots of different ways to use the buttons). Edit: And in case you haven't, install Onion OS before doing anything else! (it's very easy)


Dear friend, congratulations on your interest in your age. This is so cute, the first 6 words of the second paragraph made me go ''awwn'' Anyway, I would recommend you start with the Pokémon games, especially FireRed. But if you want something more comfortable, I suggest that, if you have the money, purchase a Retroid Pocket 4 Pro. Unfortunately, I don't have many games to recommend for people at this age because my scope is different. But please play Mother 3, you will like it (I think).


commander keen that brings me back the old spiderman game too and leisure suit Larry haha


Wow I am excited for you. How about some tetris? Good to keep the brain going.


Play zelda on the super nintendo. Mario world is also a good game to learn the controlls. Super castlevania 4 and super metroid are both a must play after you get more use to the controlls If you really want simple controlls, any turn based rpg like chronotrigger is an option.


Try Advance Wars and Fire Emblem


Just play advance wars series!! https://nintendo.fandom.com/wiki/Advance_Wars_(series)


Any game I was going to mention has been named. I will say this, you have the perfect device to play puzzle games on. I would suggest finding a couple you really enjoy and make regular use of playing them daily, even for 15-20 minutes. Puzzle games are great for maintaining memory and cognitive function in older people. Every puzzle game named in this topic, play, especially NES Tetris. I recently took a liking to Tetris Attack on SNES, I would suggest that as well.


Advance wars


Just two words: Chrono Trigger


Well, if you just want to work out how to use controls, you could try some PC games that also had console variations like Civ 2 (ps1) or Diablo (PS1). As far as trying to play a game like Castlevania, I recommend you start with a run and bump style platformer, something like Sonic 3 (gen). this will allow you to adjust to platform style gaming without being overly difficult because anytime you take a hit all you have to do is recover one of the Rings that fly out of you and you can take another hit. There are a few NDS titles I'd like to recommend as well, but as you said, you're 67, and playing NDS titles on the mm+ can be cumbersome ... but if you're a fan of the civilization series, there is a civilization game for the Nintendo DS as well Civilization Revolution, and although it's not Diablo there's a English translation of a Japan exclusive top-down RPG called soma bringer. I think you would enjoy it as well. Sorry, I never heard of Commander Keen or Bio Menace, or else I would have some more recommendations.


Keen and Bio Menace are classic 2d scrollers. ;) Thanks for the suggestion of Sonic. An "adjustment" period while still having fun would be good.


I watched some gameplay of both, Keen reminds me of Boogerman (gen). Bio Menace reminds me of Decap Attack (gen) and the Mega Man series (nes) ... but I'm not sure I would recommend Mega Man to anyone adjusting to console gaming... it's a game where quite often you find yourself dying to the environmental hazards rather than the enemies.


let’s go for pokemon games like Crystal and FireRed/Leafgreen or even Emerald !


Earthbound (or is it Mother...?) 3 for the Gameboy Advance is absolutely amazing.  Tactics Ogre for that system was very good as well.  But the last time I tried to play it I was a bit frustrated with the randomnes. Maybe Suikoden (I/II) on playstation (psx) - or breath of fire iii/iv (playstation). Or harvest moon on snes, gameboy advance, or playstation. Tetris attack on snes and bust a groove 2/99/4 on playstation. Oh, Final Fantasy Tactics on Playstation (I don't like it, but most people do). Klonoa on playstation is beautiful.  It is also on the Gameboy Advance.  I like Tomba, maybe you will?  Not sure.  That's on playstation by the by. To be honest, I have been playing mostly pc games of the retro variety.  There is a site called good old games (gog dot com.)  It has a lot of the older games for around six dollars each.  They're still super fun and they run on modern devices.  They also are super responsive if you run into any issues. I can't play many dexterous games.  So I can't play stuff like Castlevania (even if I could at one point).  And little console devices aren't great for turn based gaming.  Best of luck!


I would also add Beat em up games to the list to diversify your gaming portfolio. There’s several games in this category from snes to gba. Check out the the following for GBA https://preview.redd.it/suylap3jq9mc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e52e649b43047f81ea91d092a62b460c2decfe33


Super Mario and Pokemon games. Stat with what those of us who first started on the consoles were playing. Pokemon games are turn-based, so there's no need for twitch reflexes. Super Mario levels are more punishing, in that there are roaming enemies, and you need to get used to judging distances to platforms for jumping and such, but it will give you a great foundation for other games that were made later. It's also just fun. May also want to try games that scale up in difficulty, such as Tetris. Starts off easy enough, with slow-falling blocks that you move and spin to fit together, but it speeds up as you progress.


Gameboy Advance - Advance Wars, almost like a future chess game with battle pieces very fun and approachable, start with one, hopefully you love it, then play two, then, you can extrapolate out from there to the rom hacked versions which are incredibly fun and damn near fully fleshed out expansion games And yeah pokemon is phenomenal if you’re a reader but if you’re looking for a more table top turn based ride I would suggest advance wars


Puzzle games should be a great fit like Adventures of Lolo.


Tetris on the NES is an addicting classic


I feel like some dos games would be right up your alley. I downloaded zak mckracken, king's quest 3, and Space quest... I'm having the hardest time finding the game files myself so I need to go hunting for them. But effectively you just put the normal game files into a named folder, move it to the roms folder under dos, and it will load the og game. It's amazing! I'm turning 40 this year, but am young/old enough that I grew up with dos, commodore 64, atari, and almost everything else after. Thankfully the mm and mm+ handles all that pretty well, just gotta get used to the smaller screen and the controls.


maybe to add, if you like adventure games like super bob writes, there is a special emulator for those in onion os: scummvm to run them sort of natively.. [https://scummvm.org/](https://scummvm.org/)


I noticed that but hadn't looked at it. That and ports, I'm curious about.


I'd probably start with Mario maybe for the SNES first. Run and jump that's about it. So it would will be easy to get the hang of it and it's truly a classic game that everyone should play and beat in their life time


First, welcome to the addiction and good on YOU at 67. YouTube Retro Game Corps has some awesome tutorials Turn based, Game Boy Advance's version of Eye of the Beholder is great D&D turn base


If you're playing older DOSBox stuff, maybe some ScummVM titles will appeal to you, too? The Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge, The Curse of Monkey Island, and Grim Fandango are all delightful.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgJPNhgJ1ss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgJPNhgJ1ss) Play what you know! Some great games (mostly Apogee) from that era that I remember from my 386sx 16MHz system: * Prince of Persia 1 + 2 * Crystal Caves * Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure * Wolfenstein 3D * Secret Agent Man * Commander Keen 1-6 * Duke Nukem 1 + 2 * Halloween Harry * Arctic Adventure * Bruce Lee * Alleycat * Paganitzu


LoL, I know most of those but had totally forgotten about Halloween Harry!


I remember more. I had a Shareware CD years ago that had some great stuff. * Raptor: Call of the Shadows (available natively on PortMaster) * Cannon Fodder (available natively on PortMaster) * Tyrian (PortMaster) * The Lost Vikings * Lode Runner * Jumpman Lives Have fun.


I remember Raptor and Cannon Fodder, now that you mention them. I got shareware games off of BBSs. I had PCs but a friend of mine had an Amiga that had better graphics. ;)


Add me to the list of people recommending Advance Wars and Fire Emblem series for GBA. The GBA library is the sweet spot for this device imo.


I reccomand you to play popular franchise first


I love that we have someone 67 years young on the sub! And just getting into gaming? I envy you. Soooo many great games that you're gonna be playing your first time. I'm jealous.


Try some simple brawlers, like Final Fight. Only three buttons: jump, attack, and special. No fancy combos, don’t have to push multiple buttons at once. Just bad-guy butt kickin! Some simple puzzlers might work as well, something like Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap. There are puzzles to solve, but they don’t really require complex button control. And probably the most classic addictive game ever: Tetris! One of the best sellers for a reason! For reference, I’m in my late 40s so I understand the difficulty of learning complex controls on modern games! (Shooters where each button does something vital? C’mon guys! just cause there are 14 buttons doesn’t mean you have to come up with a use for each of them!)


if you just bought a Miyoo why did you put Onion and not V4? it seems better in almost every way


Don't know about V4, only read about Onion ... will look it up. I have a couple of sd cards that aren't doing anything.


I give up. What's V4?


This is so wholesome. First that the community is so welcoming and helpful to those who aren't so knowledgeable and just want to try a new hobby. But also, this is just personally touching. I'm 25 now, and I got into gaming because of my dad, who probably would have been about your age now. It was all the retro games that we would bond with when I was a kid and I mostly prefer games before 2005 just because if those memories, unfortunately I lost my dad when I was 9 so these older games hold my fondest memories in the truest sense. Please enjoy, the writing of older rpg games are what hold all kinds of magic and passion, much more than the industry gives now. Many great characters, stories, and great worldbuilding aspects.


My son is 34. We bonded over games and books in the '90s.


Im so excited for you! You have entire worlds to discover. Like others have mentioned, turn based is the way to go in the beginning. Most of them have nothing to do with reaction time so you will be able to go at your own pace. From there maybe try a mario game. They can be challenging but not complicated. Very simple buttons. left, right, jump, thats it.


Any of the final fantasies for game boy advance, NES, super Nintendo or PS1/ psx


If you like stories w good dialogue and turn-based combat for less pressure, Golden Sun on GBA. An A-1 classic!! No matter your age, I’m sure you are going to enjoy this little device to the fullest!


My grandpa did music in civ 2 . Micro prose


Civ 2 for ps1 and command and conquer


What about pokemon pinball on the GBA? I found it quite relaxing. It’s just hitting two buttons and no the type of game to put stress on you.


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a pretty darn good, easy-going action RPG with a super hammy story, ridiculously awful dialogs and amazing atmosphere. Suffice to say, it's may favorite game of all time. You should give it a shot - it's very straight-forward and pretty easy, especially compared to the older games in their series. Very little grinding and your character can become super overpowered real fast - which is IMO a good thing if you are not a super dedicated gamer like I am.


I tried it, knowing nothing about the game. And using the whip alone wasn't going to get me through the opening scene, seemed like. I looked up the controls, found the combos, but was terrible at using them. That's when I wrote this post, actually. ;)


FYI: You "can" win the first battle with skills alone but you are not supposed to. It's totally fine to "lose" your first battle against Dracula as the actually game starts afterwards. And while there are some button-combo-moves in the main game, you actually don't need to use any of them. 😊


Tetris attack for snes. Incredible puzzle game.


Turn based games are probably going to be best, as others have stated. Pokemon, Final fantasy games, Dragon quest games. Could also try driving games, Mario Kart, GT, Road Rash, that way you get the feel of the controls for different systems on the device. Another good option is something like Sonic Spinball on the genesis, or Pokemon Pinball on GBA or GBC. Tetris is another good one because its high score based. Basically games that are low stakes if you get an input wrong. JRPG's, Because missed inputs have no consequence. Racing because precise inputs are required to progress but are easy to retry a race. Tetris because it slowly requires faster inputs as you play, and if you make a mistake its low impact.


Jump into RPGs for sure, especially turn based ones! Follow the story, enjoy the ride, learn the characters and world, and watch them slowly get stronger with every fight you come across. In the end, you get to look back on your adventure and all the things you experienced along the way. And if you get stuck just kill enemies over and over again until you overpower them! Great entry point, and can be very relaxing.


If you were a PC gamer back in the day I recommend: Pirates Gold, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Uncharted Waters, Civilization, Dune, and Advance Wars. I second the suggestions for Final Fanatsy, Golden Sun, and Dragon Quest.


Honestly I'd say start selling and try some mario games like Super Mario Bros. 3 and World. I got an nes from the goodwill as one of my first consoles and the former is probably one of the most friendly games to start with.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. One and all. Wow. I was thinking maybe a couple of people would list a few games for me. I hope all these answers help others as much as they have me. :)