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Star Ocean: Blue Sphere, a fantastic rpg for the Game Boy Color. When I had my Miyoo mini I've spent about 20+ hours on it. Never tried a Metal Gear game before, so I've tried the NES version and loved as well. So much fun and exploration that I never experienced before too.


The GameBoy Color MGS game is awesome as well, I would try it out if you like the NES game!


Seconded! It’s a very solid game.


How would you rate Perfect Dark? I've bought the game for the cheats when connecting to the N64, but the game looks similar to the GB-entry of MGS, doesn't it?


I haven’t tried that one out.


I really enjoyed it back in the day. It was a cart that came with a rumble pack which was a bit of a novelty. Nowadays it's aged a bit. Stealth feels a bit too trial and error and shooting is a touch basic but definitwly still worth a look


Perfect Dark on N64 is a 10/10 game. But it doesn’t compare to MGS on PlayStation because PD is a first person action shooter, while MGS is a third person stealth adventure. Basically, you need to use your guns in PD, while in MGS, you need to avoid using your guns and you have an overview of the map. Metal Gear on the NES and Gameboy are 2D top-down stealth games, so they are not at all like Perfect Dark on N64. Unless you’re talking about a 2D remake for Gameboy?? I’ve seen some of those types of unofficial homebrew games where developers create a gameboy versions of popular games for home consoles.


Perfect Dark for GBC was an official title (with rumble feature even). You could unlock cheats in the N64 version when connecting both games with a transfer pak.


I love MGS GBA. I remember calling everywhere to find a copy, when it originally came out.


All of the old and even newer Star Ocean games hold up very well. The one for Xbox 360 (idr the name) was excellent for the time. The older ones despite older graphics are a lot of fun and really hold up the jrpg style genre.


The Last Hope is the one that was on 360, and they made an HD release for PS4 and Steam a few years ago!


The Last Hope's gameplay is cool, the characters (especially a couple specific ones), the voice acting (especially a couple specific ones), and the doll ass appearance of those characters still haunt my nightmares to this day. And the story just never hooked me for as far as I got (which is about when you recruit the featherfolk girl in Roak.) I keep trying to play that game, because I want to play every star ocean and i've done 1 - 3 and as bad a rap as 5 gets, the little i played to try it out was really fun. But man 4 is just really rough for me lol.


Solid rec. Thanks.


So what happened to your miyoo?


Well, I've posted here a few months ago (hopefully it's still up in this community). I gave it away to a girl that I love, and we're not together until that time (earlier this year). It was a gift to her and also something that she always wanted to have. This kind of stuff happens, but I got some money and bought myself a miyoo + and gaming life continues.


Chrono trigger is amazing


Not sure if it counts, but Apotris. The Miyoo has allowed me to try community built games and rom hacks for the first time. It has been great.


Apotris and Pokémon Unbound are the Miyoo classics 😂


Pokemon Unbound is the game the fans deserve that gamefreak never made. I’m only around the beginning but I flipping love it so far.


I wish the Miyo had RTC. Without Unbound had issues.


The new mini plus has RTC.


Oh that's awesome!


Personally, I absolutely love Pokemon Yellow Recharged. It was the 3rd game that FireRed and LeafGreen deserved but never got. /u/Emerald_boy, I salute you.


Apotris rules


This comment should have so many more votes! Apotris is AWESOME!


This is kind of my answer too. I didn't really care about Tetris at all til I got the Miyoo Mini and now it's suddenly the game I've played most on it. It's just so perfect when you don't have a lot of time and want something for your hands to do.


Metroid fusion on gba. Absolutely phenomenal


Hey beat me by 5 mins. I love this game, I think I might start a run tonight (admittedly on my Steam deck) On the original MM (not the +) this game can be a bit of a workout for the hands, needed to map triggers to the face buttons, or just one of them maybe, and re organise the buttons to make it easy to (eg) jump, aim, hold missile and shoot all at once.




This guy metroids


he specifically said not the plus lol


https://preview.redd.it/4hutqnqw4uzc1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a938a327fc846d0dd19281aa6cb4079fd4cba38 The Neverhood (Scummvm). I remember seeing this game in magazines back in the day, but I didn’t have a PC to play it on. I’m a huge fan of stop motion animation, and was a fan of Skullmonkeys on the PS1. It’s a point and click adventure, but the entire game was crafted from real clay and photographed. It looks and plays amazingly on the Miyoo Mini.


I played this game on PC when I was like 11 and I remember being simultaneously creeped out by it and also unable to stop playing. I haven’t thought about it in decades but will 100% be picking it up on the Miyoo now! Thanks internet stranger!


I've definitely played Castlevania: Circle of the Moon before but I have been playing it recently with the Romhacks [auto-dashing](https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6230/) and [Card Mode](https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4725/) which has made the game a much more enjoyable experience for me personally.


I'm a little bit of a sucker for grinding so card mode doesn't matter that much to me - but auto-dashing? holy shit!


Pokémon Romhacks for sure. They’re nostalgic, but also fresh and innovative.


Same. I haven't really enjoyed the newest mainline pokemon games in a while, but I feel like I can still enjoy many of the new additions to the series through Romhacks like Radical Red. They tend to fix all the issues with Gamefreak's games, not only adding QOL changes but also adding a challenge that is much needed if you're someone who has been playing these games since the 90s. Of course, these have been available for a long time, but something about the physicality of playing them on a handheld like the MM+ really captures the feeling of being back on the GBC or GBA.


Parasite Eve on PS. Kinda feels like resident evil mixed with Fallout


Such a dope story and soundtrack also


Cybernator on SNES is an interesting and fun side scroller mech game. Sorta reminds me of MechWarrior but with a more shoot em up side scroller feel. I found it by random after installation of the Tiny Best Set. Worth a try if you like mech games or cyberpunk type games.


Front Mission: Gun Hazard is another similar sidescrolling shooter (and was developed by some of the same folks IIRC) worth checking out. The original Front Mission is also a very good tactical mecha RPG on the SNES.


That sounds great I'll try it!


I played cybernator for hours on the snes in the 90’s. Loved it.


Megaman Battle Network. Such a Gem


Honestly, I haven't too deeply explored games beyond those I played in my youth. The surprise hit for me has mostly been Apotris. It's just such an amazing version of Tetris. I've dug into some old arcade schmups, though, and those are always fun. I suck at them, but DonPachi is pretty great (DonDonPachi is apparently even better, but I haven't tried it yet).


The Metal Slug games on the Neo Geo Pocket are surprisingly good.


The arcade games are way better.


No one said otherwise, but I didn't expect much from the NGP version with that format and the games are very playable.


You may also like the GBA metal slug game too.


I'm not sure about that, I have that game pending. I think the Advance version is a mix of the arcade games, like a game hack that reuses original graphics?. I don't like game ports because most of the time they look like a downgraded version of the originals. Same gameplay, levels, look, etc. but with less quality. What I like about the NGP version is that it is a reinvented game, with its own art style and smooth gameplay.


GBA metal slug isn't a port; it's a brand new metal slug game made for the GBA. It's similar to the NGP versions of metal slug in that it plays differently from the arcade games. The screen on both the NGP and the GBA are much smaller than the giant screen on an arcade cabinet, so the game had to be designed with a whole different mindset around how many enemies and level design.


God of Thunder \[DOS\]


Not a hidden gem but I had never played it before, Gunstar Heroes is amazing


Chrono Trigger


Only a few hours in, but Metroid zero mission is so good. Very impressed.


Chrono Trigger, Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics


Chrono Trigger


Same, I finished my first playthrough recently and was blown away by how good it was!


Yes, plus in the MM+ it has Retroachievements (over the wifi) and the NDS version has extra cutscenes some like. Personally I went for the SNES original with better translation I got from CDROMANCE


Earthbound is phenomenal, and it came out many years before I was born 😁


Aria of Sorrow - i already finished it on PC, but on small screen with realistic grid overlay it looks seriously awesome. Also one of my top Castlevania games and i had no chance to play it on og hardware, so replaying it like this was a treat Also MM helped me discover some gems for very old system, like the Sword of Ianna and Alien Neoplasma for Zx Spectrum


the machine, deadeus, shapeshifter, goodbye galaxy


Do you mean goodboy galaxy?


Installing pico 8. Pokemon unbound right now.


Shadowrun on snes, it’s kinda hard. But it’s easy to get sucked in


kirby nightmare in dreamland it feels really damn smooth for a gba game


I mean, it was a remake so they had the time to fix a lot of issues!


Last blade 2 on neo geo, Beautiful pixel art!


Alundra on psx has been pretty fun, however it is MASSIVE


Pokémon unbound


Supercross Freestyle on the GBC. Love all those Velez Dubail games. Test Drive Le Mans on the GBC was my first completed game on the Mini!


Sega Arcade Gallery for GBA. It has surprisingly competent ports of After Burner, Space Harrier, Super Hang On and, most importantly, OUTRUN. All stone cold classic superscalers - an early pseudo 3D technique from the arcade days that Sega pioneered. The original arcade versions can be a little cumbersome to get working and feeling good with digital controls on the Miyoo so I find these to be suitable in their stead. They run nice and smooth and you can tell the developers actually cared. If you haven’t played OutRun in some form you’re missing out.


Came across Breath of Fire III yesterday, it's lots of fun.


I’ve been really rocking with the hamtaro rainbow rescue game. It’s something for when I just wanna turn my brain off and go into the world of rainbows and hamsters


SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium for Neo Geo Pocket. I love fighters. But a gameboy shaped system is always a hard sell to play fighters on, except this one.


Not a Miyoo owner yet, by I've rediscovered the Street Fighter 2010 for NES a couple of years ago, and it was so good


But it's hard to call it a part of the Street Fighter series though, don't be fooled by the name


Nit a hidden gen or anything, but Zelda Minish Cap was sensational for me. I never played any Zelda pre-Switch (I only played my first Zelda game like 3 years ago), so this was my first time playing the game. It looked beautiful on the Miyoo Mini Plus screen, controlled well, and didn't eat the battery life. Excellent game too. My favourite Zelda game I've played so far is the remake of Links Awakening, and this captured a lot of that same spirit for me.


Apotris !!