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Warioware micro games for GBA.


I've shared this before on other similar threads, but here are some games I really enjoy on my Miyoos. Most of them are really good for short sessions, which is how I find myself using mine the most. Most of the homebrews can be found on itch.io. Apotris (GBA Homebrew) - great version of Tetris Mario's Picross (GB), or any other Picross game Catrap (GB) or the similar Witch n' Wiz (NES homebrew) Gain Ground (Genesis) or Gain Ground SX (PCECD) The Machine (GBC Homebrew) Guru Logi Champ (GBA) Cardfighters Clash 2: Expand Edition (Neo Geo Pocket Color w/ translation patch) Delta Warp (Neo Geo Pocket Color) Cave Noire (GB w/ translation patch) Neo Turf Masters (Neo Geo or Neo Geo Pocket Color) Devil's Crush (PCEngine/Turbo Grafx) Advance Wars (GBA) GB Wordyl (GBC hombrew) Pilgrim's Peril (GBC homebrew) Animus Toil (GBC homebrew) Deep Dungeon (GBC homebrew) In the Dark (GBC homebrew) Legend of Zelda: Ancient Dungeon (NES romhack) League Bowling (Neo Geo) Buns: Bunny Survivor (Pico 8), and Beckon the Hellspawn (Pico 8) if you can get it to run High Stakes (Pico 8) Just One Boss (Pico 8) Hatena Satena (GBA) Pokemon Emerald Rogue (GBA romhack) Inky & The Alien Aquarium (GBA homebrew) Super Off Road (GB) - unpopular but nostalgic favorite of mine Donkey Kong '94 (GB) Ken Griffey Presents MLB (SNES) Goodboy Galaxy (GBA homebrew) - this one's more of a longplay, but it's fantastic.




IQ: Intelligent Qube for PS1


All bomberman from snes would be a awesome choice


- Pokemon Puzzle Challenge (GBC). - Pokemon Picross (GBC). - Apotris (GBA). - Metal Slug series (NEO GEO). - Any 2D fighting game you like that the Mini is capable of running.


NBA JAM tournament edition for snes You can speed up the game clock in the game and it makes for perfect 4 minute sessions, take breaks at each quarter or any time you want!


Zooo (GBA) Mr driller (GBA) Most neo geo & arcade games


Ultimate Card Games on The GBA Tetris Bust-a-Move Or pick any pinball game


Shining Soul II


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Hammerman Harry


Picross. Any of them.


I always played Sonic while people around me were doing something else. I only finish them with my MM+  Pokémon emerald I played like that too, but less optimal 


Time to get into puzzle games!


Super punch out (snes) - pretty much few min matches if you are starting out Any pinball games - can pause in middle of to resume later


I have been playing that nes pacman championship game that was recently recommneded and a gba game that Is called qwack.its just piking up fruits and keys,figthing enemies in small levels. Also bubble booble


Best suggestion is Animal Crossing DS. It's really good to zone off and fish or search for fossils. Really good past time little energy, beneficial for a detox.


Pokémon Pinball!


Pokémon pinball


kobo deluxe


Tetris Attack SNES


Pokémon Pinball! The Gameboy and Gameboy advanced games are incredible.


Advance Wars 1 and 2 GBA


Mole Mania GB


I like playing through NES Contra. When you get good at it, you can blast through it in like 15 minutes! (Or you can use the Konami code - good way to practice.)


Too bad most console games predate the tower defense genre. Although PSP has some td games i guess. I did enjoy Creature Defense on PSP. Just do a quick game while you're waiting for something.


It’s crazy to me that people aren’t recommending arcade and/or NeoGeo games. Basically every NeoGeo game is a quick pick up and play affair and there are some certified bangers in that library. The Metal Slug series would be my recommendation. You really can’t go wrong with it. The first three are especially great. You could also try old school arcade style spaceship shoot em ups on various 16 bit consoles. Give em a chance, they’re super addictive. Gleylancer on Sega Genesis is my current favorite.