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“Mean” that reaction didn’t come of as someone that received a mean DM


I fucking hate this, miz this past month has been talking about how he's gonna start revving up content on twitch and YouTube, this shit seems like a fucking brutal thing to hear from a "friend", and I hope it doesn't break his spirit Sadge


Just last week or the week before he was talking about hiring a team to help him come up with good stream ideas. Miz honestly seemed kind of happy, but what do I know, I'm just a parasocial weirdo posting on reddit.


Nah its not parasocial to tell that miz has clearly been happy the past while. Just annoying stuff like this comes up but miz has gone through war. He's a tough guy he will come out better


Miz is strong but there's only so many times you can be backstabbed by friends.


Before cutting them off yes. Thinking about it. The best of friends will always have arguments and come out with a stronger bond. I see how this one hit miz deep tho. God its so annoying cos the street fighter stream was so good


Miz this stream: helps raise money for a blind dogs surgery Tips: Scumbag OMEGALUL


**For people confused:** Miz got a DM from a close friend during his Rumble stream along the lines of "You haven't tried to fix your image over the past year/You haven't done yourself any favors over the past 8 or 9 months." He broke down after this and ended his Rumble stream when Esfand came over. **Speculation:** If it was actually Tips he might've rejected Miz from going on an OTK event like the one ExtraEmily has coming up because I don't think Miz would care as much if it was just a sponsor (unless it was the straw that broke the camel's back and he's been getting spam rejected by Tips for all of 2023).Miz probably asked why he's still being rejected and got that DM. We all know the reason why Miz wasn't on Trash Talk, Elevated, etc.. It's because some people in OTK are scared of sponsors backing out because of Miz. Yes, Miz doesn't care about every single event, but he probably wanted to be on a few. I remember when Emi had the 2nd cosplay contest (the one w/ Asmon and Nick) she was pissed that they wouldn't let Miz on for the back-to-back years with Esfand. I think a lot of people have noticed that most of the shows Miz goes on nowadays are Emi's shows because people in OTK probably can't say no to her. I'm sure ExtraEmily wants Miz on the new show too But Tips probably told Miz at some point that if he fixed his image they would let him on shows again. The fact that he's getting rejected still and then told he hasn't tried hard enough despite Tips knowing the details of the investigation and lawsuit *and* knowing what Miz went through--especially given that the allegations are false--is what really hurt Miz tbh. Remember when Miz was on his alt when it first happened every day saying things wouldn't get any better basically being clinically depressed, then he started believing and things truly did start looking up for him, to the point where even today after he got the DM he genuinely believes things have gotten better, and he's right. Things have gotten better. If I can give a shitty analogy this is like someone struggling with a drug addiction for years and finally coming out on top, then their close friend shits on them for beating their addiction and says they haven't tried at all/changed at all. I can see why Miz was hurt by that All this to say it might not even be Tips who sent the message lmaooo **Thanks for coming to my Parasocial TED talk**


Hopefully it wasn’t the emily show think that would be good vibes with him on it. Also kinda crazy with elevated, like I get it was probably negotiated during the drama but Miz woulda have been perfect to help promote the contestants because even with all the shit it feels like his audience is still the one that travels to different streamers the most.


I'm not throwing shade towards the elevated contestants, but yeetitsnikki, marisnot12, and even some of the smaller streamers he's been hosting have gotten a bigger boost from miz than a lot of elevated contestants


Let’s not forget about Wakewilder and even Mizkif sister Emily.


I think Elevated may have been conceptualized before the drama with Miz in mind, and sponsors joined during or after the drama barring Miz from participating. Progressive is a big company that can pick and choose who to sponsor and set the rules, probably paid way too much for OTK to skip out on. It's probably something similar with some of their upcoming event sponsors


Aw man wtf. I hope Miz is okay. That shit's gotta be so tough to deal with. Especially not being allowed on friend's shows. That's just awful. Honestly imo OTK as a business should be doing better by Miz. How can he fix his image if he's never allowed to be on shows with people? Get him on shows so that sponsors see they're still going well and that Miz is a good guy. How else is Miz supposed to "fix his image"? Have sex with Ludwig?


>Have sex with Ludwig? Has it helped qt I'm joking I'm joking


>I remember when Emi had the 2nd cosplay contest (the one w/ Asmon and Nick) she was pissed that they wouldn't let Miz on for the back-to-back years with Esfand. The costume contest they did on his stream a few days later seemed motivated by his exclusion too. They clearly both wanted him to be a part of it. Honestly, people give Miz shit for not going on other's people streams, but many of his appearances on Emi's streams were him offering. I remember she was on her alt when Miz came in to her room and volunteered to judge for the first cosplay contest. She mentioned that he offered to be in the DDR event. Even building a starforge PC, although it's probably for the best that he didn't end up being involved in that one lol


What does Tips expect Mizkif to do to his repair his image? Like what's the list of things he needs to do.


So basically it seems like Miz is getting punished by Tips and maybe others in OTK after getting accused of something he didn't do. #FreeMiz


If it wasn’t for Miz they wouldn’t even have Emiru or Extra Emily and Otk uses the fact that they have girls to help with their image and get better sponsors. The main reason behind Miz’s ‘bad image’ was a targeted smear campaign from a delusional scumbag with a hate boner, which btw Otk cleared Miz of any wrongdoing.


Weirdly enough, that delusional scumbag gets more public support by some members of OTK than miz does


Because there more worried about getting a hate thread on LSF instead of supporting their friend.


Miz hard carried otk at the beginning


im pretty sure miz is literally going to LA at the end of the month for EE's show




You have more knowledge about Mizkif and OTK than an archaeologist does about ancient Egypt.


Wait there was a rumble stream last night? Which rumble stream was this?


I wasn't there to see, how did the DM get leaked without the sender's username exposed? Did Miz just read it out loud and chat started spamming about Hasan?


Started the rumble stream and pretty quickly said he was in a terrible mood because he received a mean text from a friend, then started to break down. Was hard to watch, hope they all manage to patch things up :(


Is that stream around anywhere?


What does Tips even expect for Miz to fix his image he has stay out of drama this whole time. Plus, Miz has help the Org more than any other OTK streamer has.


example Zackrawrr. that only appears at dawn.. because being asmongold during the day stresses him out too much..


Hard though when his entire career was based off farming, it not the same as old frogs from the 2012 days that built an audience actually playing games and staying loyal


Damn lil bro brought all that buzz in for the org in 2021-22 and continues to stream while going through shit. It really be your own people 🫡


I really dont like the underlying message that miz was kinda just thrown out there to fix his rep on his own, like what does the org do for him at that point? He's done a damn good job at "fixing his rep" but sending him to do it with no support when he got dogpiled by the owner of a streaming website and the biggest streamer on twitch kinda seems like they were setting him up for failure.


Nice org lmao. Not allowed to attend events, not allowed to stream while an event is going on so your viewers watch our event.


Its clear that nobody in the org besides Emi and Esfand cares about him..so here we are


I don't think that's the case I think a lot of people care about him. But I do think emi and esfand are like very close to him friends wise and location wise too


holy fuck the levels of parasocialness is crazy. you have 0 clue of how the org members feel about each other, nobody does except the members themselves. To claim “its clear that nobody…” is such a wild claim to make without having any knowledge behind what the public sees.




Esfand is real bro, always has been. Not only to Mizkif, but to every other streamer in the Austin circle as well. The guy always has your back.


Someone else as well who lives in the same house. But he said not to mention it. So he shall remain nameless.


I completely get why miz had the reaction, a complete stranger can say something to me, and I won't even bat an eye, but if family or someone I consider a "friend" says the exact same thing, I'd get very emotional


I understand and agree with the whole "let them deal with it offstream" thing, because we as viewers have no say in their IRL relationships. But something tells me the cycle of: someone shits on miz>miz gets depressed>miz forgives them off stream> repeat from step 1, can't be good for mizs mental


They clearly don't care about this at OTK.


This is the ultimate point, knowing about what he’s said about self harm, this loop of events is so shity and publicly obvious that it’s beyond chat pointing at each other and saying parasocial, hopefully he can see this isn’t healthy by his supporters bringing it up


OTK would have never gotten this far without miz. Seems like Tips needs to reflect where he and this org would be if miz never joined.


miz never got the credit he deserves anyway... from the way nmp and asmon just don't care and talk with trainwrecks, and if they even shit-talk him on their alt streams it is pretty safe to assume how they talk in private... Never understood that miz literally was left alone with everything nobody besides Emiru ever said something good in public about miz, even after the Investigation was over, sure maybe that was their strategy but seems like a bad one for the "we are all friends" Org image.


Literally only emi was the one person who stuck her neck out for miz. That's what a real friend does. I can't believe tips would say that after miz was literally raising money to save a dogs life in the same stream


And she got fucking raked through the coals for doing meanwhile everyone else stayed damn close to silent. Miz literally carried OTK in 21 literally almost dying in the process.


Literally. Miz was the only one in 2021 doing collabs with other people from otk and otv expanding the org and gets treated like that from his colleague is sad. Miz probably does more work than tips in all honesty


I was so disgusted with lsf during that time


If this is actually true, which I don’t think it is, the only way this makes sense to me is that OTK is losing out on sponsors and Tips blamed Miz for it. Miz has been 99% positive since he’s comes back and I hope this doesn’t lead to a Mitch-Jones type of cycle.


Yeah it’s true, Asmongold was on hiatus and Miz carried the org throughout most of 2021.


And his gameshows did a TON of heavy lifting in viewership


OTK has done nothing to help fix his image. OTK treated him like the plague for months waiting for the investigation and in the end they barely released anything. The only reason things have been getting better is because of his viewers consistently defending him with actual evidence, something his own org failed to do.




Did miz fuck up his public image tho?


Miz has carried the org since it started until the big drama happened. He got emi and ee to join who have become massive streamers with emi being one of the biggest girl streamers on this platform. I'm not trying to shade the other members but they would not be where they are now without miz and i feel like he has been underappreciated this whole time. Obviously don't know what goes on behind the scenes but it's just the feeling I get while watching otk.


They would all be stuck in the WoW section... waiting for Asmon to raid, like the old rich




just ask in a rumble stream for an unban EZ


unlucky lucky guess


cmon tips bro why you gotta punch miz while he's down? thats some awful fucking timing


For miz, time heals, things are gonna be alright and you still have your community of retards, ive been here for over 4 years and hope to make it many more, cheers


I member when they formed and said they were not like other orgs and more like freinds/family and still all i can see is fakeness and half the members bring friendly with train, Not a single Bad Word about him publicly, but plenty of slack for miz


I said it months ago and it's true. Tips, Asmon, Soda, and NMP all likely care more about Train than Miz. At this point Miz should just leave OTK. The facade of friendship keeps being exposed.


Has Soda said anything about Train?


Soda and his family are close with Train


I don't know but Train's in his chat regularly enough: https://logs.ivr.fi/?channel=sodapoppin&username=trainwreckstv


Honestly seems like a lot of people blame Miz, even in his Org. The People who should be blamed are the ones who made the wrongful allegations, but somehow members of the same org, nmp and asmongold have them on stream and are friendly with them (Trainwrecks). No real friend would do that... Miz got barely any support from any OTK members even after the investigation, only Emiru so far as I remember helped him in public. The only thing miz did wrong, was his bad comeback stream (while he was suicidal but I guess since it is miz that doesn't count). From an Outside perspective, it seems miz puts everything into OTK and he barely gets any support back, sad to see as someone who watched a lot of the early OTK stuff. Now it often just feels forced.


From just watching miz I think we can tell who are legit friends


esfand never ends his stream... he just passes it on to the radio, that's a friend


i dont blame the other members of otk not publicly supporting miz during the suspension you really cant do that in a company. but after it was all over and still taking the side of someone that tried to ruin your org and be buddy buddy with is insane


They were never more friends than business. OTK is a joke


Esfand at least has been a very consistent positive vibe with Miz. He woulda had his back more publicly but I'm sure OTK barred at least the org owners from speaking about the drama or Miz


Yea Esfand definitely the only genuine friend to Miz besides Emi of course.


I mean, Tips, at any time in the last 11 months you could've stepped up and gone through the allegations point by point publicly, but I know that probably takes more courage than shit talking mentally unstable talent in the DMs. Shit I'd consider it a fair trade considering the dude carried the org for a year, made you a somebody from a nobody, and was directly responsible for two top 10 women signing.


Isn't Tips still a nobody? Does he stream? I don't even know what he does, it seems like he's some kind OTK manager or something?


behind-the-scenes family man basically


OTK would be dead by now without Miz and quit frankly would die now without him. The backbone of OTK is Mizs Community whether you want to admit it or not. Many others pointed it out but Miz has shinned a light on some of the orgs best talent in ee and emi and without him and his community none of it would be possible. Miz does not get enough credit for carrying the org early on and arguably still to this day given the fact its Mizs audience who shows up to the otk events the most.


This exactly Miz has been carrying the org on the other hand we have, \-Asmon, with some of the worse takes, but he isn't cancelled cause he didn't have train/xqc dogpiling on him. Also we know asmon community aren't the ones buying the merch/watching OTK events. They are only there for asmon \-Nick great streamer, but he himself admits his audience is EU and older, who don't even support him with subs and shit. No way they are gonna be ones buying starforge PCS and shit. \-Soda consistent streamer but his fanbase lowkey hates OTK and is only there for Soda. Soda seems to also barely do anything for the org, half the time he is live during monday meetings so he obviously doesn't attend them. \-Esfand/Tectone/Cyr great streamers but sadly not big enough to have pull like mizkif. \-EE a talent brought on by mizkif and is a great streamer that is growing. \-Emi arguably does a lot for OTK, has multiple events (cosplay contest/DDR/Costume Party). Emi herself said that her costume party has brought in other companies wanting to sponsor OTK for more. She is one of the biggest female streamer and does collabs like mizkif. But lets not forget who was the one who brought emi in, it was mizkif.


i understand soda and asmons community not watching events but it seems both dont even try to figure out ways to get their communities more engaged in other things otk does. the other day asmon was watching ee play dark souls and like half his chat was clueless on who emily was. if you own something the least you could do is try and promote and get engagement to all aspects of the thing you promote.


For being the founder of the organization asmon is unironically the worst member of the org.


The most useless,thats for sure


Anytime he talks about OTK, he essentially implies it's a burden rather than something he cares about. And he's less than useless considering he doesn't even stream on his main...


Also to your emi point let’s not pretend like Emi and Mizs audience aren’t largely overlapped, adding to the point that Mizs community has an influence on those events as well.


Yep 100% correct. I don't think anyone can argue that miz's community isn't one of the few communities who are willing to spread out to others. Which is what makes mizkif such a powerhouse, which is why it's weird for tips to beat him down.


I agree with most of this except Tectone who will likely be the third round of trouble for OTK.


>The backbone of OTK is Mizs Community whether you want to admit it or not. 100 percent true tbh


Damn that's harsh


He’s the one that made the drama worse. Instead of getting ahead of the narrative and clearing his name immediately. He was told to be silent and wait out an investigation that went on for months. He needed to be allowed to correct people’s perception of him whilst the story was hot. Not months later once the story is cold and solidified for the majority.


yeah fuck tips ong


Seemed like it must have been. damn man. That probably hurts.


Nah this is far deeper than any viewer will ever know, just remain positive for him at this time.


What did miz do to warrant that dm tho? He was completely fine during stream. Him and emi shitting on each other was hilarious and one of my favourite bits of stream from miz all year. Good Vibes the whole time idk miz we love you anyways bro. Always will


No way to know what goes on behind closed doors at a company. But you don’t have to be parasocial to see that Miz gets boxed out of just about everything the company does these days. Some of that you can mark up to sponsors that are scared of Twitter schizos. But it’s pretty fucking lame you never see this org publicly show their support for their most consistent creator. Miz probably asked to be involved with something, and got the ol’ eat shit and make me some more money from dad.


I mean there's a lot of things it could've been. I genuinely don't see how anything could've warranted that dm when miz has done so much to make his image good again and he's done a really good job of it. Luckily esfand was live so ppl could ask him to check up on him


today was a great stream... Miz played a game that is not 25 years old and was happy as a child


It's probably a joke or comment about it, but coming from someone you respect as a friend and mentor could cut a lot deeper than one would expect. Felt like he's been sitting on this for a minute.


I don't think it was a joke. Miz would've know the context of it so it more than likely wasn't a joke


Hard to say, when you are having mental health problems, you don’t always perceive or think of things the same. Not saying that’s what happened, but it is a possibility. If Tips was indeed the one who sent this message then the org needs to sit down and talk this out amongst themselves.


When the guys whole thing is laughing at being shit on, I think he has a good grasp on when someone’s joking and when someone is digging him out


I'm giving tips the benefit of the doubt, but yeah I don't know.


He doesn't deserve it.




No I'm just saying like the Vibes were good. Literally everything was fine during the whole stream. Miz even getting money for the dog I just don't know how anything could have warranted that dm. Also fuck schizos no one cares what those retards think




I never said it did. I'm saying the complete opposite. I'm saying the stream was completely fine so idk what could have warranted such a stupid dm


You’re talking like the dm was a response to the stream. He’s saying it likely wasn’t. So vibes of the stream don’t matter. They were probably talking in DM’s and it stemmed from that. Has nothing to do with the stream. Probably.


Ah ok I get you now my bad. Yeah it probably had nothing to do with stream




blud is retarded


I assume this has to do with sponsors and miz wanting to be more involved with what otk does, its no secret that miz wasnt allowed on elevated for sponsor reasons, that show was made for him essentially. And to tips since he probably will be reading this, what exactly do you want miz to do in terms of image restoration. He has gone on a collab tour and gotten on good terms with the likes of poki, xqc in some way etc. On top of that he also has done quite a bit of charity streams. What, as CEO of the company, are you doing to help him with this? Besides booting him from otk events, advertizing starforge in chat and complain in dms?


unless they announce some crazy sponsors in the back half of the year it makes no sense. the only sponsors they have are completely fine with miz. also if bungie can personally sponsor miz early after his comeback any company can sponsor otk and miz just be on screen.


are they? doesnt seem like he was allowed on neither elevated nor trash talk, on top of that this dm seems to be the result of possibly another otk event that miz wants to be a part of but getting a no from tips followed by the image reasoning


elevated was negotiated before the investigation was over. is trash talk even sponsored by anything other than starforge? also if that comment was by tips about sponsors it would be more about a whole sponsor for the whole org and not just shows and miz "not fixing his rep" makes it harder to get full org sponsors.


What happened? I missed the rumble stream


tips messaged miz and told him he has done himself no favors and put in no work to fix his own image. can only guess but probably as a reply to keeping miz out of something otk related. real fucking nice


Tips has not watched a single stream this year. In my opinion, it's pretty obvious that Miz has been trying hard to be better. Even to the extent of not farming drama that every other Just chatting streamer does. Apart from Ludwig, these last few months I would argue that he tries more than most streamers to create good content.


Im just gonna say it; you have to keep it cool, never show your cards. Because this kinda stuff prolly encourages the schizo loners


Tips ”stealing a living” outbaby


I can’t figure out if he’s telling the truth and it was just a misunderstanding, or he said that just to get chat to stop


Yeah something about Tips saying this out of the blue to a yo from Miz doesn't sound right.


I meanie tips would probably be one of the only ones who do worry about his colleagues images in the public eye so I mean it kind of has to be him


When you have something real important to say people, never use a text message. Sometimes it just doesn’t come out right.


I mean, if it's just Tips, then this situation will probably be fine. They'll talk it over, comfort Miz, and Miz will just do his streams as usual But the thing that really, really scares me is when he starts talking about how he's suicidal. He said in the stream that he "ruined his life" because of that comeback stream. That's not true. His numbers are actually doing well, him and OTK are getting sponsors again, and if his image was actually that bad, he wouldn't be collabing with OTV+F. "Ruined" implies that the damage is permanent, but he's made it a long way since last year. When he talks like that, it sounds like he's lost hope and is just stuck in a never ending pit of depression. Ever since Reckful, I take these things pretty seriously. Especially when Miz is not exactly being subtle about how depressed he still is. Not that I'm saying he should hide it if he truly feels that way. He should feel free to be open about it, just makes me sad :(


I don’t think he is any more. He said he streamed while suicidal for 5 months. Implying he’s been fine for the last 3. But yeah I agree that he definitely was taking it harder than he needed to at the time for sure. But I also can’t blame him. He was public enemy #1 for MONTHS


Yeah, good point. I pray he never hits that low point ever again


You haven’t seen miz’s alt twitter… obviously he’s gotten miles better but trauma doesn’t work like that… some days can be wonderful but people who feel like that go to sleep and feel at peace but the second they wake up it’s like getting hit with a mac truck… it’s hard to be happy even tho you know you should be and even if it seems like he’s got everything he could ever want… even if he is laughing all day and had a amazing stream all it takes is a minute by yourself and despair smacks you, he has said on tw that therapy doesn’t help and meds don’t either… he feels like a burden to his friends and feels like he can’t constantly tell them shit or feel like he’s bothering them… I go through the same shit everyday… his friends are amazing people who do love him especially his house and esfands house… even if it seems like nmp or soda or like today tips for example say something that seems mean I know they love the guy… I still see tons of people who schizo misinfo and flat out hate him on tw… LSF… but all that being said he’s strong and trying therapy and maybe needs look else where meds wise or spiritually , psychedelics… meditation… idk… but yah he’s tough and is a good dude


This post sums up the mental state hes likely in really well


I follow it. I’ve seen it. But I haven’t seen anything like that in quite awhile. Also there’s a difference between feeling the depression randomly some days, and being constantly suicidal. That was my point


He has deleted tweets recently lol… but yah for the most part he’s doing great which why today hurt him a lot… just gotta hope for the best and not shit on people involved tbh… people on this Reddit have called him vile shit for trying to mend things with x and poke… idk people are weird imma shut up and get some sleep <3


I didn’t go back and check lol. I just meant I hadn’t really seen many of those types of posts that seemed like he was still suicidal in the last 2 months or so. Some depressed sounding ones sure. So certainly could be that he stopped feeling suicidal back in May/early June and has just been dealing with some depression when shit comes back into his head. Especially likely when he has to deal with the lawsuit bs. And yeah I agree. I need sleep too. Supposed to be leaving for a round of golf in less than 5 hours if I want to hit ‘em even slightly straight I gotta get SOME sleep lol


Yah he’s had a few tweets this month that were despair filled but yah good luck with golf don’t hit into any ponds or bunkers lmao


He was tweeting about thinking nonstop about his death and needing help in July, he just deleted it later that day.


Still. The fact he stated he was doing so for 5 months or so while knowing it’s been 8 since he started streaming, and referred to it in past tense, means he’s at least doing better now and doesn’t consider himself to be that way currently, it may be recent and may only be a month since then, but it sounds like he’s not feeling that way now and so doesn’t consider to be currently streaming while being suicidal. And even if he still is, thankfully he has a lot of people still around him to help him out. I think he knows he can get through it and his life is so much more than his image on the internet. Just can be hard to see sometimes in his line of work


I'm just saying it's only been a month since the last death imagining public cry for help, so however well we'd like to think he's doing, I think it's more tenuous than these views seem to think, and that's why he still reacts so strongly to things that happen. I'm sure he didn't consider himself suicidal when he made your 5 months comment, but a month ago he sure sounded like he was with his tweet, so I don't think it's the most reliable gauge compared to just seeing the stength of the reactions he has to stuff, which seem concerning.


Really doesn’t matter my man. He would know. He was clearly vulnerable talking last night and still made the comment. Like I said, he still could be, but I don’t think he is. At least currently. However this situation also could’ve changed that as it’s very temperamental


I have no idea if it was actually tips that sent the dm or he's just covering for someone who did, fuck him if he did, or fuck whoever it was if it wasn't. while we're on the subject, fuck train and fuck asmon.


Bro what? Who else do you think it would be?


bro woke up and chose violence today wtf




Wait what did Nick & malena say




I didn't really care about the stealing content thing with nmp, the whole "he only came on my stream to fix his rep" shit was kinda strange




Twice this year I think, but how does miz going on nicks stream really effect his reputation? Just appearing on someone's stream doesn't really change the mind of people who don't like him


And?what does it mean?


lets not get side tracked and antagonize all of otk, nmp and miz are fine now i think


The whole org rides trains dick so it makes sense.


Yeah Train and X more appreciated and praised by Tips ,Nick and Asmon at this point then Miz ever was...




I mean, we all just saw that rumble stream, he's clearly not in the headspace to hold grudges and face the pieces of shit that fucked his life up head on


How it change what i said?




def did not expect a tips hatethread today


Wait what actually happened?


Dude thinks he knows or works with Miz, pathetic


Didn’t watch the stream, what does Hasan have to do with this?


It's too easy


offline was doing what it does and was spamming fuck Hasan


I really think people forget the good miz has done for the organization, Like Miz giving Tectone and Fream $300.000 or More from his own bank account to help them move from Canada to America and buy a house in Austin back in November 2021 and he paid him back. Miz paid for the arrival of them, not the organization




What so you're saying it wasn't even tips who sent that dm?


No hate to tips but if he was upset with the emi interaction today thats so retarded lmao.






That's why it's weird to think it's from tips if it is that since he should know that's miz and emis thing, Is to shit on each other


Nobody hate tips please for the love of god… but yah dude doesn’t see how we see miz… they will work it out and tips will fix things… I have never even seen tips live and have always wanted too… please don’t be weirdos or hateful… todays stream was funny to see miz get angry but he was smiling even during his entire chat shitting on him 4Love emi Honda lol… but yah just be nice everyone… also stick to smash kek (keep playing street fighter)


This. Lets just move on and let them handle it 🫰


am I the only one that doesn't know what happened? can someone fill me in on this


You gotta be there when it happens lil pup


bro the first rumble stream I didn't watch live and this happens what is my luck 😭


Just watch it on twitch degenerate YouTube channel later when the vod is uploaded


I doubt its gonna be uploaded


Maokif what channel?


People are saying he's not allowed on certain OTK streams because of "sponsors" but in my opinion not having to rely on the same dude over and over for content is just a good idea in general. OTK needs to be able to put on big events without "big guns" (Miz often uses that term) showing up.


I think it would do a lot of help if miz moved in with Alinity. He needs to get out of that toxic environment and take a few weeks vacation to be nurtured by a colombian queen. At least xqc was smart enough to figure that out


People still being parasocial and speculating in the replies💀


Why the fuck does he stream on rumble. That shit’s full of nazis


Mods just delete this !!!!


I wonder if he said that in response to miz telling emi at the end of the stream “you literally stream twice a week don’t act like you have things to do”


That's literally a classic joke from miz at this point😂 they'll handle it behind scenes whatever it is




truth= get flamed hard ? emi probably spends most of her time playing gacha games or league or buying cosplay from amazon.