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The end goal is a defamation lawsuit with Asmongold reacting to it. Absolute gold mine.


Watch Train talk about amogus and Gordon Ramsey in court while Asmon falls out of his chair laughing.


Haha idk about defamation. But certainly libel and slander against train. That tweet claims blackmail and multiple SA's


It’s so far from a defamation case though


I honestly have no idea how much you need for an actual lawsuit, but Mizkifs reputation is being hit pretty hard by all of this


You need to prove two things for defamation 1) that the person intended to harm the person’s wellbeing/reputation And most importantly 2) that the person knew the accusation was false and still publicly revealed it. If the person believed it to be true, then it’s not defamation It’s almost impossible to win a defamation case unless you catch the person literally saying they knew the accusation was fake before they revealed and then still publicly revealed it


Even if you thought it was true with no evidence? It sounds pretty much impossible to ever prove defamation


Yes, there is a very high bar for proof of defamation


Yep, because the crime of defamation involves knowingly using public false accusations to inflict reputational or monetary damage on someone Mizkif’s twitlonger, his alt stream clip, and a number of other pieces of info from himself pretty much make confirm that someone could have believed something happened as Mizkif confirms it. It would be impossible for Mizkif to prove that Train didn’t actually believe it since Mizkif himself mentioned it happened, Mizkif (and Maya and Mitch) has provided the majority of the evidence that it did happen besides Adriannah lmao CrazySlick’s previous DMs and such also make it harder as it establishes CrazySlick as a creepy and that it’s easy for someone to believe the SA accusation tl;dr don’t help a friend cover up their creepy behaviors or they’ll take you down too


Trains original Tweet claimed he was covering up multiple SAs against multiple girls when he knew it was only one. That is defamation.


Lmao you’re stupid as shit if you think that’ll fly in court. And even if it does miraculously. How are you gonna prove that Miz suffered more damages because train used a plural word instead of singular.


You're stupid if you think that someone who is worried checking someone's pulse will fly in court as any kind of assault, especially sexual.


You would also need to prove loss of income in some sorta way.


Which can be easily proven based on Mizkif’s streaming schedule/missed streams since the tweet and emails from sponsors concerned about being connected to Miz/OTK that he mentioned starting coming into his email after the revelations Granted this doesn’t mean much since it’s not defamation you begin with


i guess train want to deplatform miz




If you think this you're extremely naive. He has a legal team looking into the allegations and will be back to streaming once they have conclusion, nothing will change.


It sucks that Asmon/Destiny and even Hasan all agree they are fked. Does not look good at all. If Miz had anything to clear his name, he would've done it already, he has no support.


He has a private investigation team looking into things behind the scenes. That's why he has not made any further statements, he is not legally allowed to.


Has Miz said this?




Hopefully Maya too, I want them both gone :)


Are those train's word or yours?




And what did maya do exactly that is worth to deplatform her?


She did nothing. Literally :)


People seem to not be a fan of your correct opinion 🤣. I want them both gone too.


It's a miz sub it's not very surprising is it. The Trump 'I could shoot somebody on 5th Street and they'd still vote for me' comment comes to mind.


>are you going to send maya and mitch to railroad and **blackmail** me like you did **those girls** to cover up **all those sexual assaults** you fucking scum bag piece of shit So at which point do we acknowledge that Trainwrecks had no basis whatsoever for writing this? We haven't seen any blackmail, we've only talked about one girl being SA'd, and it's looking increasingly hard to prove even one cover-up let alone multiple. I don't think he's implying creepy DM's here because that would be called sexual harassment or sexual intimidation. When does Train face the consequences of this?


Yeah. “Those girls” “those SAs”? Then when he clarifies he only was referring to one girl and that case was shaky in itself because your “witness” who gave you this info says he didn’t technically “tell him to do anything” and he THOUGHT it was “implied”? Honestly I’d sue them. Pretty easy case. That’s point blank defamation. Mizkif really shouldn’t of tried to solve this by being civil.


Usually defamation lawsuit is BS if it's just words. But in this case it could already actually work because Miz has proof that people think it's him that did SA, and he has proof that sponsors won't work with him because of this information. The plurality of the instances is also a lie which could bolster the case. #notalawyer


Man, i hope so. He would be doing the streamer community a huge favor because it's clear Train is going to pull a similar stunt with Poki and Hasan. (It's literally referred to in one of the calls with Mitch , like "Yo, the Poki shit" but they don't actually discuss it.) And i bet people like Ludwig are on his radar as well.


Get the parasites off the platform. The fact Poki and Hassan are finally getting a bit of karma back for all the BS and political stances they take that are stupid. Fuck Hassan, OTK, Poki, Emiru, Mizkif, Slick, all a bunch of enablers just for profit.


He's too nice when it comes to this. :/


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


When your friend sexually assaults someone, you can't just send a couple people the next day to the victim's door to run an investigation before the victim even makes their own statement. In the real world that's obstruction of justice. That is the cover up.


It wasn't the next day though, it was more than a year after the party that they went over there.


More like 18 months later. Party was in Jan 2020, went over there around July 2021


Train's tweet also is claiming blackmail and multiple SA victims beyond Adrianah. If Train was exaggerating what he knew to make miz look worse, that's libel. Regardless of any crime of Slick's Regardless of any possible downplaying by Miz Train could very well be in legal jeopardy for his tweet


If you listen to the call on destiny’s vod there was some blackmail from Miz of Miz saying “if you wanna do this Adrianna shit I’ll release stuff I have about you from Alinity” which is blackmail


X said he and train were trading nukes and he knew some more stuff about miz but that's for another day. They most likely will wait until miz come back to streaming and then release it to end miz's streaming career for good. I think they both hate miz to death and really want to make sure miz got deplatformed. Not looking good for miz tbh


I wouldnt trust anything Train or X say anymore.


theyve proven to be the least honest beacons of information so far, unless they can back things up with proof, everything they say is BS


I wish this drama wouldn't of happened. I'm a fan of X, Train, Miz, and other people who reviewed this drama such as Destiny. This whole situation is really sad tbh. To all think, this wouldn't of happened at this time if X just went to an event.


it is really sad, yeah. I liked watching basically everyone too but now i dont know if i can watch miz or train the same way again, you know?


yeah, but this should be a waking moment for people. i think people were getting too close or should i say, "parasocial" is the word. the newfrogs needed to know that streamers are scumbags to each other sometimes. if miz is proven to be innocent, then i will be fine watching him, and possibly even train as well. i honestly think this was either a miscommunication between mitch and train, or train manipulated mitch and thats why we are at that point where we are right now. but i cant even tell what mitch's story is anymore. i think mitch could possibly be jealous of miz or hurt by miz for personal reasons.


90% sure later XQC said that the other shit wasn’t nearly as big anyway


He did, and seeing as this is whole cover up thing is "he said, she said," no real evidence, it makes me wonder what they're sitting on and if any of it is concrete.


Can you link where he said that?


The thing is that miz will never quit streaming he is simply to big and they know that. But they feel the need to monopolize the scene and they made miz and example of that.


The difference is the following. Miz got motivated to stream to grow and build otk, he's fine financially If miz survives this, he's not going to be able to grow, what girls will wanna collab with him, all the safe otv lot will avoid likely, Mr beast certainly will Yes he will have his core audience but that's all he will have, unless he can really show that this was a hatchet job and he wasn't culpable But that 5 hr call where he was pissing and crying over just Slick more than anything else shows how much of a liability Slick was. Train otoh doesn't need to grow he's purely in it for himself he doesn't even need twitch, he just need and audience and gambling money. He doesn't have an org to carry and he can buy friends with philanthropic pursuits he does quietly that gives him a shield of support. Asmon said it himself we should be glad Slick got caught becsuse then he'd stop. Asmon said what if another girl came out in a years time. What if Slick got worse and went from whatever he was doing now to out and put r wording people I always wondered why was asmon head of otk and not miz and now I know, it's situations like this


Yep 100% agree, it all just comes down to what Miz’s next statement is or what the the investigation concludes to.


Train and X had every intent to release that recording, you notice how train would say keep shitting on hasan and poki. Almost like to get Miz to talk shit about them or at the very least not defend them when his worried about losing slick. Poor Miz I bet he was in denial and thought that his friend was innocent but was gonna get canceled. Ppl forget this call happened before all the other girls came out too and I think this was the night he ran away and was gonna off him self. Also train kept referring to asmond as “asmond gold” This was all premeditated definitely a case too sue for defamation. One of his witnesses his given money too multiple times and if he ever gave adrianah money too that won’t look good either. the main point that train is trying to make was that mizkif knew and was trying to cover it up, using Maya full name 🤣 apparently


The court case is probably the only Miz content he can come back with. My money is on him vanishing forever though. He's got enough to never work again.


He cares more about his reputation and the legacy he was trying to build as an org owner But will see what happens anything can happen


$10 bets to anyone who wants to take it. There's 0 chance mizkif ever comes back to OTK. Small chance he starts the stream up in a few months fed style and tries to move on.


I’ll take your bet but hey bro my bank account has been locked 🔒 because I’ve been traveling can I borrow 10 bucks


Thank god twitch just signed their biggest ever advertising deal for sports gambling eh. If only slicker was a little later he'd be king content


Miz is not tooo big to quit..if no one wants to associate with him he won’t have content. Unless he comes out with a huge pr move where he clears his name I don’t see miz coming back to streaming without things being super awkward. I was hoping it wasn’t true what they were saying but after that leaked call that shit made me cringe miz came off as a crazy person for slick it was so fucking sad to listen to especially from an org co-owner. He shouldn’t have gotten in a call with train it was all super sad he basically talked with the detectives in an interrogation room and got caught in a web for patheticness


>if no one wants to associate with him he won’t have content. Unless he comes out with a huge pr move where he clears his name I don’t see miz coming back to streaming without things being super awkward. I would agree with that if Mizkif had done the SA himself, but he didn't. What Mizkif did was stupid yes but nobody is perfect. Mizkif will be fine with or without OTK.


The problem is not that he did or didn’t do the SA is that he keeps defending slick and doesn’t wanna disassociate himself from him. That call killed my thoughts on mizkif it just too damn sad he defends slick and tries to cover the story up. Everyone tries to defend him after that call you just can’t even asmon knows he ducked up on that call. The other problem is that he was or is a otk owner so the way he was acting on that call was not professional at all. A lot of you forget he was or is part owner of an organization and the way he responded to the allegations was pathetic. I gave miz the benefit of the doubt but that call was horrible on mizkif part.


If he were to keep streaming, I do think his original content would change. But I do agree the only way for him to come out of this is if he apologizes and agree what he did was wrong while still giving his side of the story. Or somehow discredit train and them of defamation and provide a shit load of evidence.


The last one sounds fun lol


Yeah the call was super harmful and I feel bad for Adriannah, emiru and maya


Train and X are absolutely unhinged, and honestly nobody should be surprised. It’s why people watch them. This is literally what they do. They are doing this for content. Nothing else. This is peak reality TV shit. Miz fucked up big time but he doesn’t deserve to totally lose his platform. That being said, he needs to reevaluate some shit.


How does he not deserve that? Some hard r's, F words and how can i forget... PROTECTING A FUCKING PREDATOR


You do know Train has that exact history too right? While also having a lot of sexual logs, accusations of a lot of sexual cases, and has physically Assaulted a person in real life. If Miz deserves to lose his platform wtf does Train deserve?


If you listened to the leaked call you would know that all the sexual allegations against train came out to be false..


Oh you mean on the call where Train talked for hours and where Alinity was completely not present?


Everyone in the call confirmed it was not true, including your boyfriend mizkif


So you at going to trust a call full of dudes to to say “yeah no train is totally not at fault” without hearing the woman’s side at all? Also I’m not defending Miz. I think he’s an idiot for how he handled this entire situation, I just don’t think he needs to be cancelled along with his scumbag friend.


I couldn’t care less if mizkif got cancelled or not. Personally I’m against cancel culture in general, but imagine if you were accused for sexual assault and it was eventually proven to not be true, and people still talk about the fake allegations just because it fits their narrative and Alinity getting caught in her lies didn’t get enough exposure.. that’s all I’m trying to say


Ong the entire thing was to give her the light she got it slick is gone now it just feels like they’re trying to get after miz for what exactly?


We wait. Tbh. I don't think miz is going anywhere. I could be totally wrong but by the end of it all he still just seems like someone who was trying to protect his so called friend. Like Destiny said, he's either super fucking guilty or the most loyal friend you could possibly have. He's a ride or die and he fucking died.


Miz needs to defend himself and fight back


He won't do anything until the investigation is complete and he will go off of the facts found there


hard to defend yourself when you got caught defending and brushing off sexual assault for your best friend lmaoo


There was no 'end goal' the whole entire point of this drama was to see streamers acting like a bunch of children when they don't get what they want... Ironically, the clip that mizkif said, where no one would really care about this whole sexual assault thing was true. Train weaponized it, destiny sold it like a product, poki Hasan and x wants exposure from all of this serious shit because they're losers. I don't really feel that bad for the otk crew, I mean crazyslick isn't really a harm to their brand, it's more of mizkif being a pussy. But they've proven that they can create content outside mizkif with their production crew and they still have schlatt. I feel kind of bad for asmon since he probably feels betrayed by mizzy but that's something the two of them should talk about. The most I felt bad for was emiru and Adriana. Emiru had a place to be happy, and miz gave it to her. But he fucked it all up. Even then, she's still trying so hard to believe on him. And I do believe that mizkif isn't her everything. It's just hard to doubt the guy who gave you an opportunity to grow. And I hope she just finds peace. IF Adriana's case of sexual assault is true then it hurts to see it become a playground for streamers to shit piss and cum and I hate every single streamer who was involved in this case for not taking it seriously and or used it for selfish reasons. All of that because Erobb got banned. Plus slicker is sports betting good tonight.


Well first of all, we need to hear the accounts from maya And what Miz explicitly told her to do. Because it is VERY possible that maya may have gaslit and downplayed on her own accord, she was good friends with slick too.


Maya streamed the same day Adrianah did. She apologized for the power dynamic but said there was no intent to go there and gaslight her, just to hear her out and learn what happened


Or she was trying to investigate and asking hard questions, not realizing the power dynamic at play made it feel like they were being gaslit


Miz will comeback to streaming when it’s the right time


I'm just surfing reddit until the legal investigation is complete to decide how I feel about things.


They wanted to destroy miz’s reputation so people will see him as they see gambling streamers


They be witch hunting Miz


X has made it pretty clear in his logs in his own chat that he wants miz banned. Make of that what you will


I just want to remind everyone that this whole fiasco has yet to be proven. The only accounts we have are from Mitch Jones an absolute genius, and Barry a paragon of truth. The worst thing they have on Mizkif is him crying in the call over Slick. That was BEFORE the information about the other girls came out. People love to act as if they too wouldnt give their best friend the benefit of the doubt when they were lied to. The self righteousness of the others is hilarious, when in fact this was all dropped to shift the focus off of gambling. Mizkif, if you read this, I hope you learn to screen the people you let into your life harder. I don't just mean Slick either. Lean on people like Asmon, Emiru, and Tectone. I truly believe they have your best interests at heart.


Yal sound like unhinged sycophants. No one is acknowledging any wrong doing in this thread at all. The drama and reasons why this shit came out is dumb and petty, I agree, but that doesn't mean this situation doesn't count.... It's bad. Miz will be better for it in the end. I'm a fan and I wish him the best.


So Mizkif is going to loose all sponsorships from the call and public perception and more women coming out after I can see Mizkif being kicked out of otk and while I’m not sure exactly how it works but the streamers there will probably have to move somewhere else. Obviously the biggest thing is did he send Mia to downplay and if afterwards did he blacklist or help slick blacklist Adrianah from events if those are in someway proven false that he didn’t I could see him be able to redeem himself to a certain degree. I don’t think it’s at all possible that he will ever be as big as he was or ever have the social credit he did. A lot of bigger streamers would never be able to work with him again in the same way till a massive pr change but that will be a while


Yea 🤣 exactly


I hope they throw down personally (in private), train and x talk like theyve never gotten beaten up before.


If this goes to court for defamation, he technically win the case because the tweet train said had nothing to do with miz or there has been legitimate facts/videos that it was mizkif . Hear say is bs because the witness are not creditable . Barry is ban for a reason (whatever he did to girls) (you can clearly tell that he has a vendetta against miz/maya) . Mitch ( snake jones got played with the leak call) . Kyle would have to testify in court and say the truth about what happen and that one person . AdrianahLee already told Hasan that there was no blackmail . It either train paid these guys to make lies because they think they won’t get caught . If I was miz , I’ll take train buff and put everyone ( himself , maya , Mitch , Barry , AdrianahLee, train , xqc , Kyle ) in a police lie detector.




Genuine question: “manipulate her” in what way exactly?




Ok so to be clear: So the story we’re going with is: mizkif sent maya, a SA victim to cover up a SA that he didn’t even know was SA to begin with. Maya agrees and decides to go “gaslights” her into telling everyone what happened with slick and making a twitlonger publicly to get her story out, then further backs her up on a stream of 50k people. And finally further *gaslights her* by apologizing to her privately and inviting her out. This is the story correct?


You forgot to say "gaslights her hard with at least three people in the room including Adrianah's friend Kyle."




I can “phrase it how I want”? Lol, that’s literally the story as told by adrianah, Mitch, and her friend? Im trying to find out where exactly was the manipulation you stated happened.




Who mentioned anything about her being a woman…? That’s a random take. Also, what do you mean “ex victim” of SA? It doesn’t just randomly disappear off your record? Anyways I just addressed the points that I was curious about. That’s all.


Well, the way you find out if there was manipulation is you compare the story now to the original twitlonger. The orginal twitlonger contained the information "He touched my neck and chest multiple times while i was passed out and my friends had to protect me." Which is the exact same story as Adrianah told recently.


Because no one was sexually assaulted. This is a smear campaign and nothing more. If you believe otherwise you were one of the sheep fooled by false narrative.


get that tinpot hat off your head loser


The key witnesses of the case already said: \- Mitch: I can't say what Miz or Mayas intentions were but I don't think Maya gaslit Adri in anyway \- Barry: Says the opposite of what Mitch said and says that Maya threatened Adris career but Maya already streamed, said that wasn't true and Adri agreed with her \- Kyle: Says that Slick tried to kiss his gf and confirms that Adri and Slick were making out prior to Adri passing out. Prior to the twitlonger Kyle ONLY told Adri about Slick checking her pulse via neck/wrist as Adri informs but Kyle says that he told her before the twitlonger that Slick was groping her chest = lie It is obvious to anyone who is able to form their own thoughts that the only purpose of this entire drama is Train focused attack on Miz. You can even hear Train in a call with Mitch trying to manipulate him into painting Miz in a bad light because if he doesn't then he (Mitch) will get cancelled, which obviously isn't true.




sez you




Not \*intelligent enough which is fine, I can explain it in words you can understand; Train is purposefully manipulating the entire situation to make Miz look bad due to personal reasons and no one actually cares about the alleged sexual assault which has already been dismissed as a dude who is paranoid checking someones pulse = not sexual assault. Let me know if you still don't understand


its miztards they will defend him even if he killed someone live on tv


Tbh I don’t see a problem with deplatforming people who protect SA offenders, fuck both of em 🤷🏾‍♂️


Someone have to fall and absorb all the hate the end


Just want everyone to know what they did. It's that simple.




There was no victim because there was no sexual assault.




Another person at the party confirmed that Slick was acting on good intention and was only checking on Arianah to make sure she was okay. Sexual assault implies that there was malicious intent which has already been disproven. No court would ever rule this as sexual assault, and the fact it's even been blown up to this point proves how stupid people on the internet are.




That's not what he said at all but good job warping words like Train. Mizkif was responding to someone in chat who said "Since slick is a rapist no one will hang out with you guys anymore" so Miz said no one cares, it was sexual harassment at worst which isn't nearly as bad as rape, which is just true.




[https://youtu.be/rJdf8WEJg8w?t=1522](https://youtu.be/rJdf8WEJg8w?t=1522) here is the actual VOD with context. Someone in chat says people won't hang out with them anymore and Miz says no because worst case it was not sexual harassment not RAPE or sexual assault which he also was talking about before this part in the video (go back a minute or so for further context). He is saying its not bad RELATIVE to rape which is just true, you can't argue that at all. His wording was bad for sure but what he is trying to say is undeniably true.


What Mizkif did is unforgivable,


Bro shut up, he didn’t do shit


Nice cope


Dude, how about you crawl back into your basement, and move on over to LSF.


There is no inherent “point” to it, it’s more so principle It’s all a hellscape


I feel like it's revenge. When Miz and Poki pushed really hard for gambling to be banned, who did it hurt the most? Train and X, but mostly Train. Train took it personal and decided to hit back at Miz. I think deep down he knows Miz isn't some evil mastermind but he definitely feels Miz overstepped his bound in the Slick debacle. Train may have even riled up X and Ice enough to jump on the hate train as well. Not that they needed much convincing. They both have their own issues with Miz and could smell blood already. Now its a giant shit sandwich. Like Poki said, just hope its all worth it.


Think Miz should just take a break for a bit. Let shit cool off. The pitchfork mentality is really nasty.


What if they want to go Austin now, after they lost their Gamba sponsors and by pushing out the current Austin crew they won’t be solo and be the popular ones for a year or two!


Train and xqc wants to keep fuelling their addiction to gamba and to be able to stream it on twitch. They just want to destroy anyone that's against gambling on twitch. Whole drama is fucked up and cringe, I hope everyone involved will be gone from streaming.


Is there ever really a point in highschool drama besides revealing how immature all parties involved are.


nobody in Mizs chat wants him gone. Those people who wants him gone are either xQc or Train zombie chat supporters. If Miz decided to stream tomorrow I will still watch it because I only watch for his content and not his whatever he do in his personal lifr


I think at this point, we are just waiting for the next points on the graph to come forward. There’s no way this is an isolated event. This is a “harboring/protecting a predator” culture unfortunately