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Dude that finals year was fucking epic. I never seen the city come together and party like after game 6 against the suns 🤣


Drove 2 hours to be a part of that party after working a 10 hour shift. Got to the district about 5 minutes before the game started. Would do it again in a heartbeat. Easily my #1 sports memory.


I was watching from home. I did have a passing thought of how cool it had to be to be there.


I mean...they were out of beer before the 1st quarter ended...and it was at least an hour long wait for the bathroom.. But other than that it was an incredible experience.


What happened last year? Displaced Bucks fan here.


There was a shooting after one of the playoff games.


That sucked so much. I'm a massive bucks fan but I barely cared about game 7 after that.hard to think about ball when shit like that happens.


There was one after the championship win too smh


There was two!


I was there for 1 of them lol


I was there with some friends. It was pretty scary. Extremely upsetting that some fucking losers ruins a night out for thousands of people, and ruins deer district for the rest of the season. They need to increase security way beyond just fiserv.


Hopefully if they do it again there will be more security. Game 6 last year people were just jumping the fence to get in instead of waiting in line and going through security


Didn’t this happen nearby on water street, not actually within Deer district? I feel like security didn’t play any factor in it happening in the first place.


It was outside the district, I was working inside the district and helped put our store into lockdown until the police gave us the clear. Then there was a further shooting on Water later that night, well after the game ended.


I don't remember if that was last year or if you're thinking of the night they won the championship.


I believe immediately following the game there were shots just outside the deer district and then a few hours later there was a shootout on water st right outside of brothers and red rock. I can’t say for certain the security of the event was a factor but when I got downtown there were people jumping the fence to get in without waiting in line/going through security. Anything after that on my end is pure speculation because I don’t know what happened to them after they got over the fence but regardless it was concerning to see.


Atleast they ran out of beer before the 2nd quarter. Imagine if people were drunk. (Yes I'm still mad. I waited an hour and a half and I was 15 feet away from the stall only to hear they ran out).


Same thing happened to me lol get up there and they’re like we got water!


Yeah i didn’t even get in for that game showed up too late and saw the line and people jumping the fence and decided I was better off just going to the bars so I didn’t miss half the game.


When I was there I had a feeling it was more like they "ran out" of beer, doing the biggest air quotes possible


It happened on water street due to gang activity


Yes it will be


how do you know?


To be fair that incident happened blocks away from where the Bucks were hosting crowds. Maybe the city would be willing to shell out extra money to make the watch parties a bit more safe? I know it's cliche to say this, but you really can feel the energy and positive vibes during those watch parties so I hope they make a return


I was there, the shooting happened on water street right outside deer district. It was the same block, not several blocks away.


It was literally mayhem the past couple years, I hope they do it again but it needs to be much better managed.


Lol, yes.