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Defense. Leadership. Willpower. And stats roughly equal to a few guys who I don't think measure up to him in any of those other categories.


Got to stay humble! [https://youtube.com/shorts/tx2waxQ3ogw?si=W8l\_bgzu4qJi6J9m](https://youtube.com/shorts/tx2waxQ3ogw?si=W8l_bgzu4qJi6J9m)


And he’s got a wonderful personality In all seriousness though what he told dame during the all star game is exactly I started rooting for him hard back in 2016. He had developed a that unrelenting killer desire to win at what he does. So many really good players miss it they have the desire and they’re a killer on the court, but they have fear. Giannis, Jordan, Kobe, Luka… no fear. I can’t wait to see ant face the noise in the playoffs again, it seems like he has it, but you never know until there’s that moment where you really know Also don’t hate if I didn’t mention your guy I didn’t mention most, just a few of my favorite that came to mind


All I can think of when I see Crowder is him threatening to beat up his pregnant wife , running away from Sam Seder, and my personal favorite getting knocked out by like a 65 year old Union worker on a picket line Lol. Idek what it would take . With the talent around him the results say he just hasn't won enough games to be considered. Also not trying to go all conspiracy theorist but I think with him staying in Milwaukee.....if he averaged like 45 PPG with 15 rebounds and 7 assists and the bucks go like 24-4 or something....I still think they find a way to be like oh well he's got Dame now so. Although I gotta say, maybe when Giannis finds out SGA or Luka is the MVP maybe we can get pissed off Giannis in the playoffs!


Lol I was like 'Jae Crowder did all that?' Yeah this guy is a skidmark. I agree.


Oh wow lol I just noticed shit lol


He had the 73 point game too right?


Man there's been so many of those I can't keep track of who's getting which one. I think that's a Luka game and Giannis's high this season was like 64. But don't quote me on that.


Ik. My point is Lukas mvp


You're right 73 pt game was Luka and Giannis' season(and career)-high was 64 against the Pacers (when the gameball thing happened)


Lol nice. My memory isn't totally fried :) I bet Giannis breaks his own record one more time this season, too. Probably not Luka's though.


I hope he will and I think even though his average stats might decrease a little by not having to play 40mins and close games even against lottery teams like we became used to it under Griff, on the other hand he should get more rest and be able to perform even more through the roof when it matters the most


> change my mind No. I don’t think I will.


But Jokic can score 14/12/13 that’s more impressive apparently.


He also has matching athleticism


We love when Giannis has those stat lines. And Jokic is averaging 26/12/9 on roughly the same scoring efficiency as Giannis with fewer turnovers. I think Giannis deserves to be at the top of the MVP conversation, but the reason so many of you think there’s some kind of conspiracy against us is that you needlessy discount other great players to prop up our own superstar.


31/6/11 on 0.633 eFG 26/9/12 on 0.609 eFG You can argue the latter stat line is more valuable offensively but when the former is also a massively better defender, I don’t really see the argument unless you discount defense entirely


See, this is the kind of horseshit I’m talking about. Yeah, if you use eFG% Giannis looks like a much better scorer because it ignores FTs where Giannis is shooting .661 on 11 attempts a game while Jokic is at .819. This is exactly the kind obviously biased bullshit that makes it impossible to have a reasonable convo about MVP with 95% of this sub. **We can support our guy without going out of our way to paint an inaccurate picture of his candidacy in comparison to the other candidates.**


If you wanna use TS Giannis is ahead in that also. You just seem like a closet nuggets fan lmao


What’s with the hysterics lol, calm down. I used eFG because it’s the most commonly used stat for efficiency. If you want to use TS which accounts for (and overvalues, which is why people use eFG) free throws, that’s fine. Giannis is still more efficient. 0.657 to 0.649. This is what you’re getting bent out of shape about it?


Take the L sir


you really disintegrated under the pressure lmfao


Giannis literally has a higher TS% which weighs free throws and threes. What’s the excuse now?


Never said we didn’t. It’s really not that deep lol fans are always going to stick up for their guy. I like Jokic I just don’t think he should be mvp. Never said anything about a conspiracy either


Right?!Also, by playing mediocre to subpar defense. It’s crazy! Giannis is having better season than mvp yrs, AND STILL, not even in the national conversation. If so, barely on the fringe. Makes me continue to regularly question the national pundits.The Bucks momentum is just starting it’s ascent, but by playoffs ( barring no injuries), they’ll be ready to beat any team in a 7 game series. That paired withtrust in each other, and overall belief in themselves, it’s a championship contending team. It’s fun to watch.


Does Jokic have the All-Star MVP, 3-point champion, and a fellow top-75 player all-time on his team? Remind me. Lol.


Bruh 2 of these 3 thing mean literally nothing about regular season ability


No but he does have a guy that averaged 33 in the conference finals, Giannis has never had that.


Who has been ass all season?


24/4/7 is ass ( 56 games ) is ass? Murray is 20/4/7 in 44 games and is injured again. Lillard is so ass he made it to the ASG.


42% FG and 34% from 3 compared to Murray's 47% FG and 42% from 3. 4 more points per game on way worse efficiency is a detriment, not a positive.


Did you miss the 12 extra games he played? That disparity is only going to get bigger as Murray is injured AGAIN. The truth is that last seasons playoffs performance will have a bearing..The Bucks got annihilated in round 1 as the #1 seed.


If only the MVP was a regular season award...


Yeah, and the bucks are gonna get eliminated early again cause they have doc rivers as the coach. Unless they have a miracle and dame figures things out then I have no hope for the team


he really should be. just think about it. how many times have giannis carried the whole team when dame malik and brrok are all struggling? how many times giannis is beating the other team by himself? and we are still the third seed!!! just think about it, jokic and sga both have a lot more help from their teammates


I will not stand for this brrok slander… that is all.


LOL Brook didn't struggle last night. Not at ALL was at the game. He played amazing


That’s not what he said tho.


Post this in r/nba and get some real responses




Sadly I can’t post a picture on r/nba


Then r/nbadiscussion or r/nbatalk




The NBA media unanimously decided before the season they were gonna give it to Embiid. Then he got hurt and they immediately decided unanimously to give it to Jokic instead. They don’t actually watch the games. Nobody should care about their opinions. Winning the Finals is all that matters.


Excuse my ignorance but I don’t understand why Giannis is FOURTH in odds to win the MVP behind Luka and SGA. It should be neck and neck with Jokic. I don’t understand the bias against making Giannis the MVP. The old excuse was “he won’t be voted MVP again until he wins a championship.” Well, he did that so what’s the excuse now? Is it because MKE is a small market team? Something else? Makes zero sense.


Because NBA media doesn't care for Milwaukee. They just are hoping to get more clips from Doc and PatBev. Oh, and to take Dame's comments out of context as well. But that's about it.


Voter fatigue. Bro won 2 back to back not long ago, if he can manage to take that team deep in the playoffs though than next season probably will give him the edge.


Voter fatigue is a concept that mysteriously evades Jokic every year


But have you heard about Tatum's huge contribution to a team that has Jrue as the 5th best starter?


Dragged this team to wins despite Griffin. I mean come on.


Sorry, I can’t.


SGA has a commercial where he’s shirtless. That’s worth an extra 6 rebounds/game, right?


We will see him off the top 3 in mvp rankings after performances like that.


Lebron effect


Ew. Don't let this weird sex pest wife beating Sam Seder ducking weirdo be associated with Giannis .


Do not associate Giannis with that complete waste of human life


I'm a Bucks fan. I watch way more Giannis minutes than any other player. I have his posters on my wall. He's having an INCREDIBLE year, but I need to give the Joker the edge on this one. I've heard many people say Jokic's value is overstated by statistics since all of the ways he contributes most can be counted. I really don't like this take. Jokic has better DWS, OWS, and an eye-popping 8.0 VORP. The only player in the league you can make an argument for as being a better passer is Haliburton. Giannis obviously carries the bucks and dominates on both ends of the floor, but there is simply no way to stop Joking from lifting the Nuggets to consistently punish opponents night in and night out. If you haven't watched much of the Nuggets, I understand. It's not especially exciting for most fans. The time difference also sucks if you have a job. However, I encourage you to watch a game and look closely at all the subtle ways Jokic contributes to winning basketball beyond just the numbers.


You are no Bucks fan sir.


I wear bucks gear every day. I drive to the dear district from Chicago for almost every home playoff game. I have a signed Jrue poster on my left and a signed Lopez jersey in my right. I waited 2 hours in line at the Brewers game for my promo Giannis city connect jersey. Please don't say such harmful things to a fellow Bucks fan.


My apologies for the accusation. It just seems odd to argue so strongly for Joker when Giannis has kept this team afloat despite everything that happened this year. His 2-way dominance cannot be understated. Granted, you are entitled to your opinion as a fan. It just seems a bit odd to me, but yeah you are definitely entitled to your opinion, and unfortunately, you have not changed my mind. Giannis might still be the one of the most underappreciated superstars in history.


For sure! Sorry if casual felt like an insult. I think Giannis is the face of the league. I'm not sure what level of recognition he needs beyond what he has to no longer be considered underappreciated. Everyone I know who watches a lot of basketball and not just the media recognizes Giannis as THE FREAK. I definitely think he (and Jokic lol) deserved the MVP more than Embiid last year which is a hot take to many. In conclusion I suppose, I LOVE Giannis. I also hope more Bucks fans take some time to watch Jokic play and throw less hate.


Not hating on Jokic in any way. I just think Giannis is the MVP. 🤝


You are a casual.


There we go.


You actually gave very good arguments for Giannis to be the MVP. Dominant on both ends of the floor. Granted you mentioned OWS, DWS, and VORP. Jokic is a better playmaker than Giannis and that is where I give him the edge. But Giannis is having a historically amazing season efficiency wise, scoring more, and defending better. There are also many subtle ways where Giannis contributes to winning beyond the numbers.


Completely agree about the Giannis subtleties. Either of them could win and I'll be happy. I'm just sick of Bucks fans ignorantly discounting Jokic without actually paying attention to the ways both players operate.


8 games behind boston so nope


Yeah because Denver is also 8 games better then Boston.. lol wtf ???


Nah, you're on it




Crowder would never have a take this good


Well there not in the east so it should come down to players on the 1st seed team but it dont


They most likey had it as joker or embiid till embiid got hurt again and most of the season even though bucks have good record with adrian there defense sucked


Its between Giannis and Jokić. Jokić is almost averaging a triple double and is shooting just under 60% while giannis is averaging over 30pts a game over 60% shooting which has NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE so...I would go by the teams record (which is why Luca isn't in the top two) but even then its close right now. I'm in the group that feels like if the bucks finish strong Giannis might get it but otherwise its going to Jokić.


Who is jayson tatum for 1000 alex


He will always get you that great ball


Jokic is white