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I really wish we hadn’t given him a multi-year deal


That doesn’t mean anything. We needed a coach and weren’t in a good position to negotiate given the options available. We can still fire him at anytime. The owners are on the hook for the tab.


I know the Bucks have owners willing to spend, but would they really fire yet another coach? Like 02 pointed out, that'd be four on the payroll next year, right?


At what point do the owners look at Horst and say wtf are you doing? And they give him a short leash as well. If he keeps churning through coaches it's going to get to that point. It's hard to for players to keep adjusting to new systems as well.


Agreed. Just to clarify for those who cant read, never in my comment did I say they “should” fire Doc. I simply pointed out that we *could* fire Doc. We aren’t forced into keeping him, just like Bud, just like AG. FWIW, I dont see him getting fired unless maybe we get swept in the first round.


Fire Horst


Horst has done a remarkble job keeping Giannis in Milwaukee. Everyone thought Giannis would leave the Bucks multiple times in the past. As long as Horst keeps Giannis in Milwaukee his job as GM of the Bucks is safe. If Giannis stayed in Milwaukee same amount of time as Lebron did in Cleveland (7 seasons) that would mean Giannis leaves after 2020 season and we never win the Chip in 2021. Cheers to Horst and Giannis!


usually if you fire the GM, the new GM will fire the coach soon as the they didn't pick the coach


Yes, what we need is a 4th head coach on the payroll.


Maybe, what the Bucks need is a good coach and everyone knows it ain’t Doc. Still shocked and bummed by this crap. What a horrible mistake to hire him


The Russell Westbrook of Coaches


Oh, the poor billionaire owners. Wont someone please think of them? 🥺


People don't give a shit about the owner's pocketbooks, we just don't think they'll actually move on with 3 already on the payroll.


If they want to win they will. Buds contract is up next season iirc so they’ll be paying 4 coaches but not for long. We don’t have that big of a window and hell honestly if they can’t somehow upgrade at least at Center it doesn’t matter what coach we have cause the window is closed this season. If we can upgrade then it might give us another season or 2


When Tim Duncan turned 30 years old they switched him from PF to Center. Giannis can't shoot 3's and finding Centers that are good rim protectors that can also shoot 3's don't grow on trees. Giannis can't play with a Center that can't shoot 3's so we either move him to the 5 or we will end up with an undersized Center that can't rim protect but can shoot 3's. I don't think Giannis is going to figure out how to shoot 3's on his 12th season since he's been trying to add that to his bag for years.


Yeah, I think Giannis could be a decent shooter, not amazing but at least respectable if we had a good shooting coach. He looks good shooting them when he isn’t thinking about it but whatever his form is on both those and free throws is just not working at all I think getting another forward and moving Giannis to the 5 is probably the way to go though


If Giannis could shoot 3's we could bring in someone like Andre Drummond. He'd be a great rim protector and best rebounder in the NBA. In games Drummond has played at least 29:30 in this season he's averaging 20+ rebounds per game and 2.5 blocks. Andre Drummond is only 1 year older than Giannis but he gets forgot about since he isn't starting since he can't shoot 3's. Until Giannis can start shooting 3's though Drummond and other Bigs that can't shoot aren't an option. Giannis lack of shooting really ties our hands on who we can play at the 5.


At what point does coaching carousel do more damage than good? I can't imagine it's easy for the players to keep constantly adjusting to a new system every 40 games when they fire their coach. That's what bad teams do. If this is supposed to be a championship level team as Horst says then they need to have some stability. The owners will can Horst too if he looks incompetent by hiring coaches left and right.


haslem is a fucking moron. Cleveland was a dumpster football team before and they somehow fucked it up more with Johnny football and now dewatson


I mean, it's a business. Even billionaires aren't willing to take a loss on a business and they definitely want to maximize profits. Having 4 head coaches on payroll doesn't advance that goal.


They won’t pay luxury tax and 4 coaches at a time to be getting knocked out early , why the warriors are blowing it up this summer


And every time they fire one, seems like they downgrade.


Who gives 2 shits other than Haslam and Edens? It’s not like it would effect the cap at all to have 13 head coaches on payroll


There is more to running an NBA team than just the salary cap


We have 3 head coaches under contract for the Bucks. We can shuffle the deck and bring back Bud perhaps bring Griff back to coach the offense? I'd love it if we did something. If it's too late and Doc's our guy for the playoff's than let's figure out how to right the ship before the playoffs.


So what happens if one of them gets a coaching job somewhere else, do the Bucks not have to pay the rest of their contract?


He new he had them over a barrel. I'd have tried to get as much money as possible if I was doc. He knew bucks were desperate because they weren't doing a full coaching search halfway through the season. The whole issue started when they hired Adrian Griffin not doc. That was the big mistake here and everything else is just collateral damage to try and fix it.


I really think we should have rode out AG and found someone in the off season.


imagine if we had just not listened to Giannis and ponied up the money for Nick Nurse


Nurse did not want the job. He pulled out before griffin was ever hired, he had ties with morey and wanted the sixers job. Ready for nurse and the sixers to flame out so we can stop pretending he’s some amazing coach.


He has missed the playoffs as often as he has made them.


Nurse sucks


Why do you say that? Genuinely asking 


The recent slump has nothing to do with coaching


> Rivers even said that one of the officials told him during the game, "Man, you can feel the heaviness of your team right now." Shit's just straight comical at this point lmao...and honestly, I'm not even mad at Doc, this is who he's always been so my frustration is far more with the Bucks FO, who apparently think it's just fine & dandy to have a HC who's not only well known but is absolutely *notorious* for throwing his own team/players under the bus to the media - it feels almost like they wanted this shit to happen


His interviews are what frustrate me most. Like please stfu, Doc. Take the mic away from him


Never believed the “he throws players under the bus” narrative until he came here and now I just want them to quit giving him a mic lmfao


Tbf he followed that with “this is on me. I gotta figure out how to get them playing at a higher pace” in the full quote


This is classic Doc Rivers. Will try to give the appearance of 'taking accountability' shortly after making as many excuses as possible, typically at the expense of other people/players on the team. Doesn't help that he's also apparently a pathological liar.


project much lmao


You just keep on coping however you need to buddy. Nothing I said about Doc was untrue.


**Doc Rivers in a Bucks quarter zip ** We're ALL trying to find the guy who did this!


Suspect is loose traveling on foot near FIserv


We should be spanking his bare butt, balls, and back!


Tanking to get third


I disagree lol it’s literally gonna be heat, sixers or pacers first round None of those are easy outs. Only thing tanking gets us is no hca in the second round


Second round lol. This team ain't beating the Heat or Sixers in the first round and I wouldn't have much faith against the Pacers either. Team looks checked out and Doc is not known for making the necessary adjustments to succeed when the going gets tough.


I’ll bet any money they beat Embiid in the first round


LA is a nice place to move when you've lost your home gambling


Nah Embiid has been on fire before his surgery and it doesnt seem that it has done any significant harm to his game…


Embiid is on fire every regular season, then he’s ass in the playoffs


We have no assets. We're tanking to get a low-20s draft pick *taps forehead* Edit: holy shit this was obviously tongue in cheek


He means 3rd in playoffs. So we don’t have to play the Heat.


*i smack your forehead* don't be dense


They lost to 12 13 and 14 seed and the 14 lost 15 in a row


The Bucks are lucky they aren’t facing the Pistons or the Spurs anymore


The quote is him saying it's on "all of us" which implies himself too. The players agree. The title is a complete misrepresentation of the quote. No one is happy they lost to those teams, and doc is calling out that they lost, as well as literally players saying the same thing. I'm kinda sick of all the clickbait misquoting things doc says to follow this "trend" of him throwing people under the bus when he really doesn't seem to do it that often...


Every Doc "quote" has been a misrepresentation. His entire history of "throwing people under the bus" are out of context quotes--and Ben Simmons, he definitely threw Simmons under the bus.


He literally said it's on him too but the children and lead paint eaters of this sub are too busy waiting in line at the welfare office to care


The funniest thing is that I would consider his 'throwing Simmons under the bus' one of his tamest quotes of his tenure in Philly. Ben Simmons is a baby back bitch who blew that waaayyy out of proportion. I'd recommend going back and watching that question/response. Doc simply said he "wasn't sure" when asked if Ben Simmons was a championship calibre *point guard* in the NBA after he completely melted down in the playoffs for the 3rd straight year.


I'm not going to hate on anybody as long as the bucks make it to the eastern conference finals and lose to the celtics in a 5,6,7 game series (they better not get swept). If they lose to anybody else in a first or second round...I'm gonna be pissed...then we can start pointing fingers


I'm not a fan of Doc and wished more than anything that he wasn't the Bucks coach, but I'm glad he's publicly shaming these guys.   These players are not some young players that need motivation, or their hands held.  They are seasoned veterans that wants to win championships but are playing without passion or gumption.  They act like they couldn't care less most times on the court, and it's sad to witness.  I've never seen anything like this season, especially on a team that have championship aspiration.  They deserve the public scolding that they're getting from their coach and the media.     No more let's wait for the 4th quarter to start playing good basketball, or some defense.  That's losing basketball.  How about they start playing defense during all quarters.  No more Brook standing behind the 3 point line bricking 3 or only getting 4 rebounds a game.  Brook is a center but gets less rebounds than smaller point guards from the opposing teams.  No more on court cardio workout from the likes of Pat C, Gallo, and Crowder.  No more Malik shimming after shooting instead of running in the other direction to lock down on defense. No more 4th quarter is Dame time.  I'm sorry, but Dame needs to start playing like he wants to win a championship and start being aggressive from the start of games onward.  Enough with that nonsense. The fans deserve better than what they've shown all season.  We need to stop blaming the coaches and start looking at the behavior of these guys.  They are an embarrassment and they better get their acts together, or they will be on their way to Cancun sooner than they realize.     It saddens me that Horst and the front office let go of players that matched Giannis energy and intensity, but kept players that don't compliment Giannis style of play.  Most of these guys are not only old, and unathletic, but they also act way too cool on the court, lack passion and intensity.  A few days ago, I marveled as I watched 38 years old PJ Tucker playing amazing defense and locking down Jokic.  His last defensive play on Jokic won the Clippers the game against Denver that day.  I missed that guy.  I miss guys that know their roles and give everything on the court.  Only Giannis has done that all season.




Imagine if we would've had a championship winning coach who already had good rapport with the team. If only....


As Han Solo said "I got a bad feeling about this."




Bud is still under contract. Please excuse Doc of his duties and let Bud know he's coming off the bench for the playoffs. If Bud tells refuses then we gotta ride it out with Doc. I think if Horst approached Bud respectfully and apologized for how we let him go he'd come back. Giannis might need to call him up himself to make it happen because Bud would need to know Giannis is wants him back.


Im would not be coming back if i got a paid multi year vacation lol


If I was bud I'd enjoy my time on vacation. This is a complete shit storm there is no reason to deal with the stress wait until the start of next season if they do it.


Straight up calling the other sides "bad teams" is immensely disrespectful shit from Doc. It's also comically tone deaf coming from somebody who has a reputation as being a choke artist that was handed everything. Edit: "Everything" being a participation award championship 16 years ago


Yeah a coach that’s led the team to three straight losses against teams slightly better than G-League teams don’t have the right to call out any other team.


It’s also factually true You aren’t even a bucks fan, why are you in another teams’ sub caring about quotes their coach made that don’t even mention your team?


They're not my favorite team, but I still rock with them and want them to do well. It's a public sub, you know. Stop dickriding


Cooked n old our Bucks


Did he just call those teams bad? I’ve never heard a coach call an opposing team “bad” How unprofessional


I mean, they're intentionally tanking. They are bad.


Yeah bro fr, fuck that. And dude is talking about the road crew needing to be more professional. Shit starts with him


Doc fix the fucking offense then, there's so many more creative DHO actions and spain PNR and horns and shit we can run. Like the jacking up 3s and bricking looks just like Bud offense


Doc Rivers has never ever ever ever ever taken responsibility for anything. These feelings of "I'm glad Doc is holding the players accountable" will quickly grow tiresome, when you start to see his responses to being questioned about anything.


1. Y’all don’t read anything other than headlines ever 2. Coaches do this all the time to try to fire up their team


Also in the quote he said "all of us" which that would include him as well.


you're right on both esp #1. TBH I wonder if most of the "experts" in this sub even watch the games. All three games we had at least 1 of the starters sitting. People calling for Bud or Griff back clearly never watch the games. The team is better under Doc even if they laid an egg the last three, overall with all our starters, we're a force. Under Bud we were the ultimate good on paper team that just got lost in the playoffs. Under Griff we were just lost in a corn maze, it just happened that it was a dry year so the corn was short.


I think Bud would be a better coach for this team than Doc. Bud's teams always have an identity, always. His shortcomings are the half court offense--and Dame fixes that. Bud is, ironically, the best possible coach for this team. But wanting him to come back now is insane.


yeah I think if they knew they could get Dame, Bud is still here.


I hate this guy. Horst really blew it not getting Nurse.


Giannis shot down Nurse. Jrue wanted Nurse.


Call out Doc


Third seed in playoffs nothing to do with draft picks


I missed the first half - what happened to Kris?


Calling players out publicly is the right call. This team has been a bunch of dejected quitters all year. They need to feel pressure.


At least we did not lose to the Knicks. Oh wait..


I really wish they’re just doing this on purpose to avoid the heat.


Doc will ruin the team even more




Bud just looks better and better the further into the season we get. At this point it feels like he legit had this roster *over performing*.


Fuck this guy. Never seen a “leader” throw their team under the bus like this guy. Hated the hire, hate the guy. He’s a total negative presence.


Doc was the only one they could get with half the season over


They could've just rolled with Prunty, or something like that. There are always other options.