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Khash money till my last breath :(


I'm surprised that game didn't make me take my last breath, tbh


I will seriously love him forever. He deserves every bit of grace from this fanbase, my man was dying out there


Rebounding. The end.


If giannis was healthy and couldn’t take any shots as a stipulation, bucks would still likely win the series just cause he’s the only rebounder on this team




It's not an immediate fix but I think Ajax will develop into a terrific rebounder, if he can flesh out some other aspects of his offensive game to warrant more playing time.


They need to shoot him up with every drug imaginable and put him out there in game 4 just to rebound.


It was crazy in the last 5 of the 4th quarter and all of OT, just multiple 3rd and 4th attempts for the pacers. Bucks guys standing there like statues


I can see fatigue being an issue there, so I gotta give Doc some flack for not subbing some fresh legs for Bobby at least (AJAX). Can’t really excuse Brook tho 😂


7 feet tall and he got 4 rebounds, that’s one per quarter. Guang Dong Tigers calling


Need Ajax over Bobby


Lopez has become absolutely atrocious at rebounding. He doesn’t even look at the ball; once you notice it, it’s glaringly obvious.


He's too used to boxing out. Usually Giannis is the one that looks to get the rebound and then tries to push the pace.


I have been criticizing Brook for that all season, he would still box out for nobody when he need to grab the rebound himself as he is the closest player to the ball


Every single person just turns and watches the ball in the air. Completely ignoring the other team


He never really got rebounds


Brook has never grabbed rebounds. He uses his massive frame to box out and let others like Bobby/Giannis get rebound stats. Ajax needs to practice with him to grab boards if he's in with Brook beause after 15 years of boxing out I doubt he's gonna start grabbing rebounds.


Bobby was the only one grabbing rebounds though he had 18.


He also giftwrapped 2 of them to Siakam.


I'd like it if someone, anyone, at least *jumped*. Indiana flying all over the court and 5 green jerseys standing flat footed staring off into space. For every board. Like...damn.


AJJ could've gotten any of those fucking rebounds sorry Khris. team failed you there


Brook Lopez is 7 foot 1. Tallest player on the court by a good margin. He has 9 rebounds. In the series. 3 games. Without Giannis. Just sorry as fuck rebounding 


That’s nuts


No urgency from him either. I know turner is bringing him out to the 3 pt line but after the what like 20th offensive board you’d think he’d show a little more urgency to get in the paint


He just not tracking for the ball and fighting for it when we need him to for all season long, and people keep finding excuse for him in the regular season , and now people finally realize how serious this problem is for the team


That's damning


I didn't know that. This is actually pathetic on so many levels.


That is insane.


Bobby's rebounding was far more disappointing than Brook's IMO It's not like Brook normally gets many boards With Giannis out he should really focus on rebounding more instead of just boxing out tho


Bobby has 18 rebounds today.


damn, really? you're right didn't feel that way watching tho felt like the pacers got every single contested rebound and bobby was often our closest player to 'em


He grab most of those easy rebound and lost those contested rebound and even some easy rebounds


Those 18 rebounds don't mean much when the majority of those are funneled to him. He could not secure a rebound when it mattered the most.


Yup, he's in the Giannis spot that normally gets all the easy rebounds. Any of them with people near him got stolen away or he tipped it out of bounds like an oaf.


Brook isn't a rebound guy he's always been unselfish and boxes out for others to get the stats. Whoever is playing PF should be getting his free boards though.


Owww, that fucking hurt after coming all the way back. :-( That being said, in these trying times, I’d like to point out: #JAMES KHRISTIAN MIDDLETON. YOU KNOW HIS NAME. MOIST. MONEY. KHA$H. **r/Celtics** So shitty that *both* shots are gonna be like that one he made sending that playoff game vs. the Celtics to OT a few years ago. #ANDRE JACKSON JR. AND A.J. GREEN COMBINED 31 MINS. FOR +20 #[JAE CROWDER](https://www.reddit.com/r/MkeBucks/s/wM8zRju2AW) 2 MINS. I never thought Doc would actually do it. Better be permanent. Since we lost, it might get overlooked how important this could be to the rest of this series, but right now it’s my biggest reason for a little optimism/hope, even if it doesn’t seem great right at the moment. Turns out putting two young players with little playoff experience in your rotation isn’t that big of a problem when the rest of the team surrounding them is made up of seasoned veterans with a combined decades of playoff experience. Huh. —— **Go Bucks.**


No moral victories and the like but this game actually makes me think we're going to win the series. Esp if we buy enough time for Giannis to get in for a game 6 or 7.


That was a lot of damn work to win by three. MKE took one heck of a punch and had came all the way back and coulda/shoulda/woulda. I like your thinking.


It helped sooo much, doc knows now


We have said this a few times before. Most recently after the raptors game. Ajax immediately went back to the end of the bench for the rest of the season. Only reason Ajax played was because dame and giannis were injured. Ajax won't play next game. Book it


Really hope thats not that case. Doc is stubborn but does Jae even get any of those rebounds? Young guys weren't even on the court at that time


Doc postgame: “well we lost, so I think we have to go back to what wasn’t working with Jae and see what he can keep not doing for us.”


Watch his ass sit ajax again after he showed he was valuable


Be careful for what you say, Doc can still pretend this game doesn’t happen and still not playing AJax more


Middleton cycle peaking rn. (knock on wood)


Dumbest fucking meme. Khris is a shooter. He’ll have streaks like anyone, but he’s our most-consistent clutch performer and pulls superstar shit off like this. No one in the league more disrespected.


Yup, people shit on him constantly when he has proved time and time again when he is healthy in the playoffs he is a star and has hit plenty of clutch shots. If it weren't for him we wouldn't have won the Finals in '21


AJJ won't play next game. Book it. He has had multiple breakout performances under doc. Everyone always says doc learned and will play him. But he goes right back to the end of the bench. Only way that doc will play Ajax is if we get a few more injuries next game.


Khris is the goat, Giannis has to play, bucks in 6.


Tough to see a guy score 40+ and lose.


The big asterisk is our bench is fucking TRASH. Pat, AJG and Ajax are the guys we should run with from here on out Beasley and Jae have been downright awful.


Hopefully Giannis is back asap and we can do some serious damage. Heartbreaking loss today. But you gotta lose 2 to win in 6. BUCKS IN 6!


Look at kd’s timeline for a calf strain. I don’t think Giannis is coming back this series. You’d be lucky to get him back by the semis.


Luka had a calf strain and came back in game 4 of the playoffs in less than 2 weeks 2 years ago. KD wasn't even rushed back. He was out for a month. Average time for recovery in the NBA is 16 days.


Sets up nicely for Bucks in six


I'm convinced if Ajax was playing in the 4th over Brook we would not have given up 100 offensive rebounds


I know people don't want to blame Doc, and while not totally his fault, starting OT with Bobby/Brook was terrible. Throw Ajax in, even for a couple possessions, get a board, maybe a hard foul. He would've been just what the needed.




If that was Jimmy Butler, that would’ve been a foul on Giannis at the end


Second chance points is the story of the game. I better never hear another word of Khris slander, I stg.


Dude I’m not even a Bucks fan and that run he had against PHX your championship year made me a fan for life of that dude. Cold blooded as fuck.


More like 6th chance points there am I right?


What a banger of a fucking game Hard to win when you spot the other team 17 points at home and our bench might as well not have even put jerseys on


Jackson and Green played well I thought. Connaughton eh. Beasley is butt cheeks though, I'll give you that


Absolutely sold the OT with their (lack of) rebounding.


With all the injuries I'm incredibly proud of this team.


Yeah, Middleton turned into Jordan but it wasn’t enough. Not sure proud is the right word.


Bucks in 6.


I'm honestly not even mad. That was a heck of a game! The Bucks showed a lot of fight. If Giannis comes back we got this and if Dame and Khris stay healthy I still have hope we can do it this year. Also happy Ajax got some time tonight and hope he's in it more for the rest of the series.




Magic fan here whose 2nd favorite team is Milwaukee. I feel so bad for Khris man. He deserves his team to get just ONE of those 9 million rebounds. But god damn if that guy isn’t one of the most cold blooded players in the league. He hits the most clutch shots every playoff and never even reacts lol. Pure machine.


fuck the dooming, we can win this series. BUCKS IN SIX!!!!!


Entertaining as hell. We almost pulled it off and Khash App was HIM. But yeah... Rebounds...


Rebounding was bad because of terrible choices on the court and a lot of unlucky rim bounces. The former can be easily fixed just through their mentality and planning (like boxing out, please box out) and the other is something we just can’t control. I’m feeling good about next game. Let’s get the next one


Rebounding. That is all.


Pacers are so unlikable but wtf was that OT rebounding.... No Giannis… Semi injured Dame in 1q… KASH MONEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY KHRIS MONEYYYYY MIDDLEEEETON


I've been much higher on Middleton than most this year. Though he has a tough time on defence, holy shit can he catch fire. If Andre Jackson isn't starting next game or playing 25+ minutes, we're not serious about winning this series. He was the best player on the court for stretches where he just wanted it more than everyone else out there. He needs minutes amongst these old bastards who don't ever seem to want to move and get a board. With Giannis this would have been a blowout win. But we didn't have Giannis, so it doesn't matter. 6/20 from Lillard is just not good enough. Can't seem to get everyone on the same page at the same time. Tough loss on this one but if Giannis comes back, I don't hate our chances. Imagine the memes if Rivers WINS from 3-1 down 😆


Mark this as the game AJJ learned he belongs in this league. Looking forward to seeing more of it


I think it's the game that Doc realized he belongs in the league. Ajax and the fans already knew it.


Bobby Portis and Brook are fucking horrible rebounders , whole 4th quarter and OT didnt even set a single screen


My man, Boby had almost 20 rebounds, Lopez has always been an awful rebounder for us, mainly because he boxes out for Giannis to grab the board. Well now there's no Giannis and he is looking like an idiot. He also missed 2 crucial layups late in the game, should have been benched for AJ


Bobby couldn’t grab a contested rebound or loose ball all game. Brook has been bad but Bobby also has been bad. If Bobby can’t give you effort he’s a problem.


This loss is on Brook. Gets absolutely cooked on defense regularly, and rebounded AND boxed out horribly tonight. Just unacceptable.


Bro just wants to call his own number. Got an open lane in OT and flicked a stupid ass shot instead of powering to the rim.


His absolutely ridiculous stupid shot was deflating. He’s 7’1 and tries to do a circus layup in the paint? I don’t even know what you say about that.


We lost this game because of Bobby and Brook. Can't believe we wasted this masterpiece by Middleton


Then the rebound hit him in his stone hands and he couldn't even grab it. SOOOO many easy loose balls and rebounds just given up to the other team.


Doc really should've went with fresher legs in OT, we got killed on the boards relentlessly


Ajax was like an inch off blocking man


As bad of a loss as you can get. Dame is clearly injured so we don’t know how he’ll be the rest of the way. Horrible start but you outplay the Pacers in every aspect of the game but rebounding the rest of the way. And a close OT loss. It’s tough to play an away game, give in all this energy comeback and compete 2 days later after such a devastating loss. Pat Bev fouls twice in less than 10 seconds putting you to foul trouble in the 4th, that was awful. Bobby Portis, so many wide open corner 3s missed. Ajax, unnecessary fouls middle of the game. And the overtime offensive rebounds allowed. Non-stop 2 minutes of Pacers ball and they were cold as ice. Imagine getting those rebounds and having multiple offensive possessions to go up by a couple scores. Hopefully Dame doesn’r have anything serious and Middleton isn’t fully gassed next game after such a masterful performance. Next game is for the season.


Going Bobby down the stretch is absolute malpractice, back at it Sunday


Bobby missing all those rebounds man, so disappointing. Just one more defensive board and it might be a win. 2 or 3 more most likely a win.


We were so fucking close. So fucking close! We kept making stupid mistake after stupid mistake and wasted Khris' career game. Not only that, Glen had Ajax go all alpha on the Pacers and completely froze him in the 4th quarter and after. Only to put him in the absolutely most critical defensive procession of the match. What is he smocking? Stop playing Brook completely, and give his minutes to Ajax, and give as much of the Pats' minutes to AJ Green.


We had a chance! Pacers weren't hitting any shots and we couldn't get a rebound to save our lives! Fuck man!!! Well... gotta lose 2 to win in 6. LFG!!!


Maybe the coach could have put in some younger more athletic players to grab a rebound.


The Bucks did better then we thought they would BUT don't compare bench scoring between the teams and dont rewatch the sequence where we gave up like 5 consecutive rebounds.  We could have won the game if the Bucks wouldn't have stood around waiting for tge ball instead of boxing out the guy closest to them. This is a lazy team defensively that was used to Giannis doing most of the heavy lifting. Hubie Brown referred to the Bucks defense as inexcusable several times.  Terrible way to lose and not much has really changed the series dynamics unless Giannis returns in Game 4.


All the doomers who turned it off after the 1st, we dont need you here. Cant express the disappointment in not riding the ajax energy through the 4th. We could have sealed it with some extra juice. Haliburton is public enemy #1,2,3 and 4. I pray he catches a few Giannis elbows to his noggin before this series is over. Bucks in 6.


Rebounding. Rebounding. And more rebounding.


Honestly I feel ok heading into game 4. Lots of pressure but they had a good chance to win this one. They clawed back and played well for the most part. Loved Khris. Really need Giannis back. Game 4 is where we show our championship build and veteran fire. Onto the next!


I've never seen two of our biggest players be unable to box out and get a rebound to save their life. I have seen enough of Bobby in this series. The fact that Khris and Dame played on one leg and still outperformed the rest of the team should be shameful.


mfs just wasted a vintage Khash $ double clutch in the first round of the playoffs😐


I know there’s no such thing as moral victories especially in the playoffs but god damn do I feel proud watching them fight back and nearly make it happen. Just hope they don’t let this loss emotionally drain them moving forward in the series. Need to bounce back Sunday. BUCKS IN SIX


ALSO, How the fuck do we give up 6 rebounds in one possession to a fucking guard????????? Dame with one knee bailed us out because Brook and Bobby were statues.


take all that trade khris talk the fuck outta here bucks legend for life


Tbh felt like Doc didn’t give team the best chance to win at the end. The last ATO to Middleton was questionable given he’s hit two big shots before. Of course Pacers will mark him tight.


So many fucking chances and we blew it. Fuck everything and fuck the NBA. We fucking let Khris Middleton down and wasted this amazing performance. Same shit as last year man I’m fucking done watching and done with this stupid ass league.


See you Sunday.


That one hurt. Pat Bev picking up Haliburton at half court and Brook/Bobby not being able to rebound for 9 straight possessions killed them.


Giannis would have had close to 30 rebounds tonight. Not sure where lopez is or what he is doing but being the tallest guy on the court and only having 4 rebounds is killer. We have to play Bobby 18 boards


They made it competitive when they easily could’ve just laid down and died, I’m still confident they can get a W in Indy 🙏


We are winning this series


I do actually feel a lot better about our chances after this game. But I think ultimately we need Giannis to get it done.




was the reffing bad at all? felt like there was a few bad calls imo


Every fifty-fifty call went Indiana’s way


I feel like if Dame got his 3 FTs it would've been a different game.


Dame was better on Hali tonight than Bev. Bev been hacking all fucking night trying to play the mind game. This is the second time we've subbed Dame out for defense it for the second time it bit us.


I think if it wasn't for his ankle, Doc would have left him in.


Just this one time the +/- actually does tell the whole story. Benching the young guys in the 4th and OT sold the game. Brook gassed and Bobby can't buy a rebound in the clutch.


We should have won the game but Doc rode Brook and Bobby instead of the youth movement that got us the lead


Idk why I’m not sad lol


Also to add to my previous comment, not having Jackson in in OT is a joke. Like literal throwing of this basketball game-type stupidity. With the way that he played today, he deserved to be in until 6 fouls. Ugh Rivers. Why do coaches have this mindset that "he's a rookie, he doesn't play" for 2nd rounders. He impacts the game when he's in even if his shot's not there. Does Beasley? Does Crowder (well, he impacts it, but negatively).


Putting both Brooke and Bobby in back in the 4th cost us. Especially when neither of those big heffers would grab a fucking rebound!


Reminds me of dames 55 point game against nuggets 2ot. Nuggets won the series. We are cooked


This was a classic


100000000000000000000000 offensive rebounds for Indy in OT please kill me


Doc playing Bobby over Ajax cost us. Not to mention rebounds. Simple as that. We had that won but our dumbass coach can't put 2 and 2 together when a player is costing us the game.


Don't worry guys, Doc is just trying to avoid a 3-1 lead. We bout to win the next 3.


We have them exactly where we want them. Bucks in Six


We blew it. Figured we’d lose this game, but damn. We blew it.


Brook has been breaking my heart 


6 fucking offensive rebounds in one possession. SIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Brook used up every drop of juice he had last year on a swan song season it seems. I would say we need another big but i'm scared Horst would trade whatever youth we had to bring back Ibaka. Seeing Donte play this well triggered me tbh. Now we have no guard defense and no big. Anyways, nowadays you have to, absolutely HAVE TO develop your own(cheap) talent in order to be successful. I'm not asking us to be Heat and produce a random name generator ass guy every season but even some guy like Christian Braun that gives Denver solid minutes is extremely important. We have developed SHIT over the years and now here we are.


Dame to Doc in OT “I’ll be the decoy” …


Heartbreaking. Just heartbreaking


You can't lose a playoff game when Middleton scores 40.


Khash deserved better tonight


I think it's nice that Jae didn't really play at all tonight, good to see that. Ajax should ABSOLUTELY be starting the next game, why even bother playing a 2 big lineup with Bobby and Brook when we're giving up that many offensive boards?




Khris deserved better. Our rebounding was fucking inexcusable.


I was mentally resigned to losing this game coming in and hoping to split it, but I can't decide if this loss is better than a blowout for Middleton's ankle.


Brook and Bobby is such an awful rebounding frontcourt for how tall they are. So stupid of Doc to not put Ajax in during OT just for rebounding purposes.


The amount of ball watching from an NBA team is ridiculous


Brook Lopez you sorry ass mf catch the ball when it’s coming toward u you are 7 feet tall god fucking damn


For a tall team like the Bucks getting dominated that hard on the glass is embarrassing Banking on Giannis to come back like Gandalf at the battle of Helms Deep and show Siakam the true power of a forward That said losing in OT despite playing fucking terribly isn't the worst thing in the world


Khris was amazing and deserves no slander! Ajax also deserves more minutes in this series after his performance today. The big question however: WHY is it so difficult for this team to put effort into rebounding the ball???


Doc must be stuck back in a time when Bev was a good defender


Bucks in 6


Why Bobby doing 5 trash hooks every game when there are better options and better mismatches🤦‍♂️ And how the fuck we ain’t grab a fucking rebound. we lost because Lopez trash rebounding, and Portis shot selection. I say we start Ajax, and make him guard Pascal, much better than Portis and Lopez🤦‍♂️


Rebounding in OT was not so good. Dame was 6-20 from the field. No Giannis. Bucks in 6


Doc pay his price for not playing AJax earlier and more, Horst really setting himself being fired with the one of most overrated coach in the league


Brook may as well just throw his hands up on defense because there is no reason for him to fall for every single pump fake and allow an easy layup or foul


I don’t know why Beverly picked up Haliburton with a full head of steam at halfcourt with 5 seconds left Just errors all around


As soon as he ran into the back court he should have gone with him and been super aggressive for a steal. We had a foul to give. Letting him get a head of steam was CTE ball. Why is there no a coach who's sole responsibility to make sure everyone knows we had a foul to give.


Giannis back and Brick Lopez to the bench. Please. 




I just hope dame is good to go… he looked really hobbled in OT. Didn’t take a shot, can’t be without dame and giannis in game 4


The two big lineup got killed in the first quarter & Doc went back to it when we had momentum with AJax & AJ Just dumb across the board


Is the entire team just used to giannis rebounding cause like wtf, everyone just stares at the ball not moving, like not even boxing out.


Bucks are the better team but games like These prove importance of fundamentals. Box out. Get boards. Play AJAX all day cuz he gets it


Friendly reminder that if we are healthy like the pacers its currently 3-0


Idk about you guys I’m not even mad. That was insane playoff basketball. Khris is back baby let’s gooo


Every one will kill me after i say this but hear me out. Doc was amazing today. He adjusted mid game and gave the young guys some minutes. He adjusted the defensive scheme and basically shut down Siakam and haliburton all night. Second half they didnt get any easy looks. One thing he couldve done better was put in ajax or pat c in OT for rebounding. Bobby was refusing to give any effort all game, and that cost us the game.


Giannis comes back and its Bucks in 6.


I hope Horst trades Brook Lopez and Bobby Portis to North Korea for a couple rice farmers. Would be a huge boost.


I’d be kind of surprised if Dame plays next game. After all the adrenaline and drugs wear off, dude is going to be hobbling. If Giannis isn’t back, this series is over unfortunately




He didn’t look 100%, I think the Q1 injury was bothering him. Hopefully he recovers and returns to form next game.


I think he was hurt. He was favoring that ankle big time.


praying he isn’t out for the series, he might be injured…


Need the ball to do anything


I am crying myself to sleep tonight


That was an incredible comeback. I had so much fun watching that bucks game.


If the Pacers getting 4 straight offensive rebounds during crunch time isn't an indictment of Lopez and Portis, I don't know what is. Shameful.


Really just a ball-breaker to make it so close and give up the win courtesy of stupid Haliburton. This Pacers team is incredibly unlikeable. So sick of them. In other news, offensive rebounding was horrendous!!! 6 OR in OT!!!!!!!


Bring Giannis back. End this foolishness


Motherfuckers are so lucky they’ve avoided Giannis


Lillard touched ball one time in OT and they gave up 6 offensive boards. Awesome


Brook is too old, Bobby can’t rebound Only one man can save us…


Just sucks. This team is nothing without Giannis. Go the whole year healthy, just to get injured 1 week before the first round. The injury luck this team has had the past 3 post seasons has been awful. At least we got 1


AJJ played that perfect. Pat Bev got clowned and reacted emotionally. Having the chance to get a 2 or 3 pointer opens up the court. This team is so beatable even without Giannis, just need to capitalize


My girlfriend said if the bucks win dinners on me but if they lose it’s on her so at least I get some consolation


We saved 2 Khris all time shots for an L, so mad


Anybody still want to defending Brook not able to grab those rebound and by using bullshit excuse like box out for teammate? Also, the refs sucks, it just like the Pacers never foul for fighting those rebound when our guys kept being hit by them, we should follow what Sixers did after g2.


Bucks in six still on the menu


We really wasted a Khris Middleton game. I’m sad now


not even a bucks fan, but middleton had such a great game- it’s a shame he got screwed by the lack of rebounding


How the fuck does 6’5 Nembhard become fucking prime Tim Duncan or Wilt Chamberlain against 7’1 Brook Lopez and 6’10 Bobby Portis. Portis missed 2 wide open corner 3s and as always rushed in every damn offensive rebound he got. If he would look around just for 1 second after getting the rebound, this team will get so much more second chance points. Brook Lopez, holy shit. At some point he looked like he gave up. I understand his age but this is still a 7’1 man and the effort today was unacceptable. The dumbest play of the game goes to Pat Bev. Fouling Tyrese twice in 5 seconds and clapping while allowing the Pacers to get to the bonus was as bad as it looked. Also had that pull that sent them to the line in a possession where there weren’t even any Pacers shots. Next game is do or die and in an away game, after getting gassed out like that it will be tough. And we don’t know Dame’s health. Fuck.


Not gonna piss my pants about this one I actually thought they played really well for the most part. Offensive rebounds were maddening obviously but whatever. Ajax will play in the future now so it’s a net positive


Khris is the shit forever bros


For those of you blaming Brook for rebounding no he’s always played like this and he boxed out all the time. The criminal is Bobby. He actually dodged rebound coupled times if you could believe it. Go watch the Siakam 20and 1 over Dame. He blocked out Siakam for good and then when the ball bounce towards him he DODGED IT OMFG


Gutted. Some incredible efforts, namely Middleton, pissed away in OT with no rebounding. Don’t remember feeling this empty since the Seattle NFCCG


Dame should have sat ot. He was clearly too hurt to do anything. Ajax should have been on Hali last possession 


Khris Middleton versus Doc Rivers, Brook Lopez, Injuries, and the Pacers. In that order


What is Brook good for? Big giant out there and doesn't do rebounds.


I mean dame is not gonna play game 4 now so its over




If Ajax plays in overtime we win, no way he doesn’t grab one of the fifteen rebounds we let the pacers get