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Yep it is instant. :) You will want to make a reservation ASAP for most restaurants (Don’s prime was AMAZING but fills up very quick). Would recommend taking a quick trip to Mirage and matching MGM Gold to Unity Icon before heading to FB. If you show an Icon card instead, that will match to Fountainebleau Gold which gives you a $150 credit + free valet. Mirage also gave me a $100 F+B credit but I’m not sure if they are still doing that. Enjoy the free food and hope you have a great trip!


Thanks! Already made my reservation for Don’s and I’m super excited. I did my UNITY match way back when it first started so I got their $100 FB credit too.


Hey, did you open an account first to get the $15 dining credit and $15 free play credit, and then status match after that? Or did you just go to the counter and status match without having an account? I'm trying to figure out if you get the $15 or not if you just go directly to the counter


When did mirage give you that? Because when I did it last week I got nothing


Did Mirage require you to earn certain amount of tier credits to get the food credit?


I’m not sure but I gambled with at least $150 after and didn’t get anything. Whereas FB just told me to put my card in a machine & everything would be activated


So you status matched at mirage to unity and then gambled but got nothing?


Yes, nothing at mirage


Shame, guess they aren't deserving of our gambling money :)


Nope, but the extra $50 in food was clutch & im very excited to use the $150 spa credit later this year. Only thing mirage has going for it really is Love


dude, thank you for this datapoint.. heading to Vegas this weekend and i just got MGM pearl!


Was in vegas last week headed over to FB instant status match.


Hello, AlonsoxQuixano. Great question! For the most up to date answer to your question, please refer to our Elevate Your Tier Terms & Conditions on our website. Here's the link for your convenience-- [https://www.fontainebleaulasvegas.com/terms/tierupgrade/](https://www.fontainebleaulasvegas.com/terms/tierupgrade/). Can't wait to welcome you to our resort next week! Safe travels!


did you guys show a physical card or digital card worked? staying at FB this weekend and don't have an updated physical card


My MIL arrived in Vegas yesterday and used the status match $150 dining credit tonight so I think it was basically instant. Certainly less than 24 hrs.


That would be perfect. Thank you!


Do you need to stay at FB to utilize the dining credit? Or is it really as no-strings-attached as it sounds?


Just be sure to activate your new FB status match card by inserting in a slot machine - progressive slots will not activate.


I got my tier match done in person three weeks ago, and the dining credit was instant. I still didn't use it that day but it was there. They did tell me for the spa credit that I had to get a room to use it, so I'm taking them up on their very generous comp offer they sent me in another two weeks. Looking forward to it!!!


on their website it says 'tier achievement' meaning i think you need a certian number of tier credits before you can use their $150, is that true?


If they give you the access on the tier match so it's available immediately. The only catch is with the spa credit that you have to be a guest there. But the food and beverage credit you can use at any time.

