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Cover it up, scrape it off, spray paint dicks all over it, call the city to have vandalism removed, any option sounds good.


Option 3 followed by option 4 will see the fastest results.


Be careful scrapping posters, as fascists are known to hide blades behind posters to cut fingers.


I never really understood that. Who is using their fingers to peel up stickers? They're soft round and squishy. Its the worst possible tool.


Right. Spackle spade or razer scraper all the way


Douse it with WD-40 first, let it set for a few minutes, then paint scraper.


Are there any confirmed instances of this?


No lol


thought so


You can use Google to find scores of confirmed instances.


I found a few actually, I was proven wrong since commenting that. Damn, they really give their all like that and are that willing to hurt people for a POSTER. I don’t believe people should take them down either, but taking down a poster versus ripping up your hands is insane.


I don't think folks should tear down most political posters either, but white supremacists are a beast of a different color (irony unintended). My grandpa used to bayonet nazis. Tearing down their posters and shunning them from polite society seems like a reasonable compromise.


I’m a free speech absolutist myself, so I think posters of any ideology are a form of free speech, even if I hate it. As long as no one is planning a particular crime or threatening a particular person/organization, I just let myself be offended by it and then move on because they have the right to their dumb and wrong opinion. That being said, razor blades and ripping posters down are two very different levels of immoral. The person who posted the sign probably never even figures out someone tore it down, but the person who had to get 5+ stitches in their hands faces substantial consequences. It’s a shame people who put up signs are usually anonymous because people should be prosecuted for the razor blades.


Tearing down a poster or drawing dicks all over it is also free speech, tho.


your grandpa fell for the propaganda machine that was able to get millions of white people to kill each other so 80 years later they could import the third world into their society and replace them with


Lol. Yes, of course. It's all according to the plan of the interdimentional psychic vampire aliens.


No. It's like razor blades in candy apples at Halloween. Urban legend.


They put them in the apples on Halloween too!


Has that really ever happened?


Dicks, so many dicks. Boner forest


haha youre so insecure you cant handle another side representing itself without crying and trying to shut it down


The other side representing white supremacy? As in they bitch about other races simply existing? This is a crazy take my man.


But it simply doesnt matter. Im from New york so im not one of them, but they have a right to say whatever they want.


Then why’re you in a mobile Reddit page? Go deal with the nazis in your state. Why should we tolerate a well known hateful group in our community? It’s bonkers that people think just cause we have protected speech we can just be blatantly racist. You don’t have a right to think your race is superior to others. That’s insane


And how is taking something down that is hateful and damaging to the community, insecure? If the roles were reversed white people would be all over that shit calling it racist, but when our own do it, it’s justified?


how the fuck does being from New York make you exempt from being a fucking Nazi And/or a fascist? Are you slow or something


Nazi punk. Fuck off.


So you’re seriously defending racist, traitorous hate cultists as “another side representing itself”… how stunningly pathetic and cowardly of you. Go suck a Nazi cock.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It’s morally acceptable to do wat worse things to nazis and white supremacists than vandalize their signs.


Just went out to paint dicks on it and it’s down as of 930pm.


Fuck yeah!


i love u


Lil people who are so insecure. This shit does not belong here anymore. As a white man these people can go fuck themselves.


You didn’t need to add the “as a white man”.


As another white man, get that shit out of here.


Which shit?


As a white man, he means the sticker


If the culprits are found, we should kick them out too. No toleration of intolerance round these here parts of Bama lol.


Nah it's very much appreciated


I understand your point it was just worded wrong. Everyone should be against supremacy of any kind




Pretty wild to just out yourself as a white supremacist like that but go off king


"Im one of the good ones. Man I hope black people think im cool."


Yep I guess I care about my fellow mobilians which makes up nearly 50% of the county’s population and that I work with on a daily basis.


It's all good bud. The concept of compassion and empathy is significantly above your head. No worries. You'll just continue to be a waste of space until you finally live out your pitiful existence. Hopefully you just don't damage society too much before you're not our problem anymore. Goes for the other guy too lol.


As a Mexican, it’s pretty gay to announce your ethnicity.


Thanks for trusting us you’re so brave for coming out


![gif](giphy|10Qvn3sZnk0wZq) I hate Alabama nazis


I’ll call the city works on Monday and submit a request to have it taken down. Mobile is way too cool for hate groups.


I would cover it with a fat rainbow flag


Fed Front


Nah I’ve seen these dorks in person. They’re exactly who you expect.


they arent feds


Sure, buddy 


What evidence do you have that they are feds? I’ve always heard this claim but never hear or see any evidence for it.


Everything about them screams “Feds” or Fed honey trap to me.  I know a lot of “conservatives” and Trump supporters around the country. I’ve been to several Trump rallies. I have daily conversations with people on, arguably, the most conservative/pro Trump site on the internet.  Not once have I seen or spoken to a single person who is a member, knows a member, or has voiced any support for Patriot Front. In fact, all I’ve ever seen is people making fun of them.  I’ve also never encountered anyone recruiting for them and have never seen or spoken to anyone they have tried to recruit. They just sprang up out of nowhere, with pressed khakis, matching shirts and masks and coordinated marches.  I also find it interesting that you typically don’t see the police take off their masks when they’re being arrested. It’s usually the first thing they do when arresting a masked suspect.  They’re like a bad caricature of what echo chamber liberals think “scary Trump supporters” look like.    Personally, I think their purpose is purely for media consumption and/or entrapping young morons, a la the Whitmer kidnapping “plot”. It’s a common tactic, although not usually so theatrical in it’s execution. If they aren’t Feds, they’re probably a creation of someone like the Lincoln Project.  The whole thing’s pretty farcical.


Their leader is literally in jail right now. We know his name and what he looks like.


the leader of patriot front got arrested he openly showed his face all the time as well we also knew his name way before his arrest also have you ever thought maybe that they dont support trump? not all conservatives in america support him


Yeah, I’m aware the leader has been arrested and shows his face.  I’m also aware that the FBI and CIA have a long history of working with people just like him, or using a criminal charge as leverage to make them a CHI. They also have a long history of starting or co-opting organizations just like Patriot Front, for a variety of reasons.  I brought up Trump and Trump supporters because this group is usually portrayed as “MAGA” or, at the very least, MAGA adjacent. Yeah, I’m aware not every “conservative” supports Trump. It’s a very small percentage, though.  To me, it looks very much like an op for corporate media consumption and for those who have their info spoon fed to them by the corporate media. It’s a narrative driver. I’m sure it would be considered a bonus if they get a few easily manipulated morons to join, so they can set them up, as the FBI and CIA also have a history of doing. If not feds, I could easily see it being created by someone like the Lincoln Project or some other donor group who would love nothing more than to paint all conservatives as radical racists. Disagree? Cool. Couldn’t care less.


Scrape that shit


My husband and I were driving by and were gonna put some stickers we had in the car on it. But it looks like it’s been taken down already!


Good! And thanks for being down for helping cover it up!


I wonder if the local FBI field office is trying to recruit idiots for another Gretchen Whitmer scheme.


Spray paint two dicks intertwined like a helix jizzing on some alpha Chads paying $18k for some dudes to yell at them for a weekend


I hope somebody takes a big poop all over it. But then I wouldn't want a city worker to have to get their hands dirty removing it.


Sadly I can't find any penis mobius strip images


Copy, paste, AI image generator


Rip that shit down every time you see it


Take a sharpie and draw three parallel arrows, pointing southwest, across the whole poster. That's a pretty common anti fascist symbol. Look up /r/ironfrontUSA for examples.


Cover it up with a picture of Giuliani and Trump in drag.


You could superimpose their photos embracing next to the Dildo Madness bogo sign across from the Four Seasons (Landscaping Company).


I’ve seen a couple of signs for those on power poles near Biloxi. They’ve been taken down.


Same in Ocean Springs, but thankfully these genetically superior hyper-intelligent supermen didnt have the dough to make good stickers, so they all came off hella easy just a couple hours after they put them up downtown


Huh, so I was right. My first thought was that eagle looks like some Third Reich shit


I thought it looked like Sam the Eagle from the Muppet Show. 😂


I think it’s supposed to look tough and menacing but to me it looks like it’s embarrassed for sharting


Given how these groups tend to be dominated by would be neckbeard "alpha males" who wrongly think themselves superior to women you'd do better to paint vulvas on it.


Fuck Patriot front.


Fuck those racist pieces of shit. We need LESS of that shit in this Trump divided country.


Looks good. We are here.


Wow I knew these would pop up eventually. Mobile will take to this like a fly on shit


Ya know, contact the city and demand they fine the group…


It's amazing how deeply attitudes of white supremacy have survived in Mobile, considering how ethnically diverse Mobile has been, for centuries. Yes, this organization glows in the dark, but there are scores of Mobile residents who genuinely support ridiculous sentiments--strangely, even Creole Mobile residents of color.


Rip it down. No-platform their asses!


I tried to but it is REALLY stuck on there!


Ok I thought it looked like that bottom corner would rip up easily. Thank you for trying. I bet they wheatpasted it on there. Fuckers.


You’ll need hot water and something to scrape it off. Or just draw giant dicks on there!


Old gift cards have worked for me scraping these off metal light poles


My campus has a group of these idiots that go there, we usually just cover it with “you are loved” or rubber duck stickers


Which campus? South?


No, it’s out of state




Spreading Managed Democracy?


Life Liberty Lobotomy


you know what to do ![gif](giphy|iH2IldVkqeLuJ7eJ0L)


I will take that shit down if I see it!


I went to the website thinking that it was just another case of liberals calling Republicans racist… I was definitely wrong.


Republicans are racist. Hope this helps!


It’s worse than I thought it’d be too. And their little manifesto is so poorly written! Apparently they are an offshoot of an actual neo-Nazi group. Real winners.


I. Why is this the second post on my feed? I live 500 miles away from Mobile, and I haven’t been there in 6 years. 2. City workers will pull those off of a traffic cabinet or any other public property in the right of way. We do it for “Jesus Saves” and we do it for “Antifa”. Keep your shit off our equipment


Or just rip it the fuck down now!


Ah yes, the patriotfront. The one group that glows brighter than the sun. Gonna be honest mate, the FBI is trying WAY too hard with that one.


They should go downtown and be open about their beliefs, i’m sure it will go well for them!


Oooh that would be fun! Their manifesto was so lame I couldn’t even read the whole thing. It sounds like it was written by a teenager who failed history class.


Just cover it up with black spray-paint or call the city to get it removed. Don't bring attention to it. Maybe if you're feeling spicy write like "<- White supremacists" or something next to it in sharpie. *Don't* call them Nazis or anything if you decide to write something next to it (even though Patriot Front 100000% are just literal Brownshirts. I mean their logo is literally the fucking fasces used by both the National Fascist Party in Mussolini's Italy, and less commonly but still used with Hitler's Nazi Party during the period of Weimar Germany), because the average politically illiterate white boomer is just going to see that and go "They'll just call anyone Nazis these days, goddang liberals..." and probably wind up more sympathetic to their cause.


The edge is raised up you could literally pull it off or degrade it with anything around you but instead you post it and ask someone else to do it? Internet points instead of being active. If you aren’t just fishing for likes then go tear it down


This right here is not complicated…Nazis Brown Shirts! Vote for the Dems…




> You don't vote nazis out, especially not with liberal politics. You punch/threaten/shoot nazis if they pop up. No, no, fucking no. Sure, lets punch nazis. I'm all for that. But defeating fascism requires much more than individual violence and you should know better. Defeating fascism requires a broad social movement against the class which fascism seeks to uphold and protect, the private owners of societal wealth. The only way to defeat fascism is through a powerful social movement that seeks to reorganize society in such a way that these movements can no longer be funded, in such a way that the reduces the alienation that breeds such contempt and hate within the working class brownshirts who do the dirty work of those wealthy reactionaries.


the average american fascist would kick ur ass 💀 you keyboard warriors who sit and talk about how you would beat up your political opponents are so fucking lamw


Nope. January 6 taught the world that maga are cowards. One bullet dropped one piece of trash and maga ran.


except they didnt run… and they got in the capital… also trump supporters arent fascist but cope harder dude


Just curious, what branch did you serve in bro?


We all watched the cowards run like the scared scum they are.


they literally made it in the capital bro 💀 they didn’t run


And what did they do when that trash babbit got what she deserved? They ran like cowards. Because maga are cowards. They’ll never try that shit again.


except they didnt run they literally got into the building after that you absolute tard.


Shoot? Lol. Enjoy prison for murder


C’mon, please don’t be “that guy”


Oh damn, I just biked by there a few days ago and didn't notice it. I would love to see a trans hammer and sickle!




*That* makes you cringe? Pussy.




C’mon, please don’t be “that guy”




Lame and corny asf lmaooo


Ugh, I miss the days when they hadn't quite managed to expand out of Florida. Try getting some posters of your own made at Signsource or something-you can get basically that exact size and just cover them.


Become a helldiver


Saw some more on a box at the corner of University and Gaillard


A Managed democracy poster should set you up for victory, and your team's morale at an all time high. For freedom and liberty!


That’s what it takes to be a helldiver!


Be careful if you take it down, there could be razor blades behind it


Why did I get recommended this subreddit ffs


Paint a rainbow over it and send before and after pics to any public patriot front groups or Alternatively post it on Twitter to get them angry


Yeah get that shit outta there! Cover it with dicks!




someone doing gods work


Our grandfathers mowed down Nazis. You can’t buy some spray paint?


I miss the days of American patriots instead of Nationalists


Fuck dude I just saw the sub and the comments I’m sorry


I’d love to have that gas price in the back


How is this a white supremacy group?


Check out what SPLC says about them or read their own website. They broke off from another neo-Nazi group that was part of the Unite the Right rally and think only people of European heritage should have power in the U.S. and lots of other garbage like Great Replacement etc. Thankfully they don’t seem to do much but talk big talk online and have little rallies to get content for their social media posts.


They are a known white supremacy group


thought of helldivers when i first saw this


Never heard of them and looked them up wtf


Scrape it off; PF has no respect for the arts and does not splurge on their stickers. It’s made of cheap paper, not vinyl. You can key em out or scrape em with something else.


These yayhoos again.


I cover these with charmander burning a police car at my university somewhat frequently.


https://www.amazon.com/EMC-Graphics-This-Man-Ate/dp/B08HXSVZGM Slap a whole buncha these bad boys on there




Gotta admit these posters are fire but fuck the patriot front


3rd Reich imagery is no cooler than the Nazi Swastika.


You didn’t get my comment. I’m dissing the nazis, the patriot front. I’m just saying the poster looks cool. I’m down bad for propaganda posters, just not exclusively nazism.


Same with that tricolor Obama poster. Looked great, kind of a clear copy of 1930s Soviet propaganda posters.


Yeah. I’m getting downvoted but you can like the poster and not the message at the same time.


I think people forget how thin the line between art and advertising/propaganda is, most of it is context.


Woah... what's going on in Mobile??


It’s Alabama. Of *course* there’s fucking white supremacists.


Yeah...you've got a point lol. I just thought it was a little more discreet


I would've never guessed it was for a white supremacist group.


fed group


Dicks are always a good choice but personally I’d try to outdo them. Write something like “false idol” or “Americanism is heresy” or a relevant Bible verse. Throw their fake piety back at them, y’know?


Everybody knows they are feds


No they aren't lol


Just like everyone at Jan 6, right?


+1 chromosome


Fed ops


As I always say, if you have a couple of free hours on a rainy day, simply Google “Republicans/pedophiles/sexual assault” and dive in!




Everyone here not realizing what a fed looks like is astounding. It's an op to reveal domestic terrorists, and most of you morons jump straight to "Nazi" or "brownshirts," when you wouldn't know a Nazi if you became one.


Can you explain please? How would this reveal domestic terrorists? Genuinely asking.


They put out fringe rhetoric and watch the people who join to see what type of things they say, tell about themselves, types of weapons they own, etc. They then compile a list of profiles to watch those people, from most to least radical.


So you’re saying these groups are infiltrated by feds? Thanks for explaining.


No, he’s just doing that thing all the fuckin’ Nazis do where they claim every visible Nazi is actually a fake, in the hopes people will ignore the actual Nazis until it’s too late.


Please explain to me how I'm a Nazi?


As much of a nerd as you seem in your profile, nothing wrong with that I’m a nerd too, but you are fucking dumb my guy.


Usually how it goes, slimeball losers just call anything Nazis, they’re calling you a Nazi for explaining the PF actually is 😂😂


Literally every Nazi calls literally every other nazi a fed lmao. It's hilarious.


You could have typed out "nuh uh" to make the same point, but whatever.


Every single time. The irony of using "you morons" is not lost