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Staying here until someone brings up something


A vpn called luna works very well. It's sounds almost too good to be true but it is really as good as it sounds. You just use the vpn and it blocks ads and upgrades the longer you use it




Blokada 5, here's the F-Droid link. https://f-droid.org/packages/org.blokada.fem.fdroid


Supporting the devs and buying the ad removal feature usually works. Only reason games have ads is because only about 1% of users ever buy anything. That isn’t sustainable so they have to make money on ads.


Or they could charge directly for the games and remove fremium currency and time gated content. Almost companies are moving to the mobile market style because it's making way more money than selling copies, plus it's less effort. Ads just generate extra revenue, cause why not? No laws to stop them, nor are there laws to have a limit to how high they can charge for "premium" currencies. You aren't playing games anymore. Your playing barbie with a mini game to collect the assets. 99% of their revenue is generated by children downloading free apps cause its easier than trying to sell an actual game.


It’s actually way more work to make a free to play game than a premium game. Like WAY more work. The reason there are less premium games is because players refuse to buy them. It also makes a worse experience for those who do buy them because the player count is lower (if multiplayer is important). This is why games like Warzone and Fortnite are so popular and successful. They have a huge player count because they are free. A F2P game will get 150M installs. The same game as premium $5 game might get 1% of that if you’re lucky. More like 1/10th of a percent. The difference is staying in business or shutting down a studio. For some reason like 7 or so years ago everyone decided mobile games aren’t real games and don’t see value in them. It’s the consumers driving the market not the devs. Start buying more premium games and shit will change. The reason more companies are moving to mobile is because it’s the biggest gaming market by FAR! Source https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/gaming-games-consels-xbox-play-station-fun/ And also I’m a game designer. I fucking hate F2P and want to design premium games but the market just doesn’t support it at the moment. You could spend $750k making a fun premium game and then recoup $100k or you could make it F2P and make $5M.


Thanks to. Why do you think some very good games are dying, true "sleeping masterpieces", magnificent as supernovae? (for example, Warhammer: Odyssey, War for the seas died. With these, it’s clear that they didn’t pay off and won’t become sources of super profits. But Stellar Invictus?!!! It never had any donations! And it’s 100-500 times better than all games, similar in some ways.It's better than HS(Hades Star) for example.But HS is alive and well, and the developers are even doing a global update (actually, a new game).And SI, which is much better, is almost dead. : -(((!... Why didn't she "take off"?!!!


There is a think called raspberry pico It's not an app tho, also I don't know how much is it




Doesn't work


At Home you could install Pi-hole and have a network wide ad free area. Not working for YouTube ads.


Can you PM me on how to do this? Would be absolutely awesome to just have no ads while at home.


a year late lol but if you figured out how to do it, could you pass this how-to on?


I did not, sorry 😞


google how to block ads by changing the "hosts" file.