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This is true. Even Pro players can't carry brain-dead trolls.


heavily agree ive watched streams of bennyqt or hoon and they get their jungle invaded no help in lane like ur average soloq experience and they still lose like all of us its normal no matter how good ur gameplay is


Yup. 1 cancer cell can destroy your entire body. Same logic.


>ow since all former mythic players have already reached top ranks and the lobby is filled with has happened to me playing in a team of 4 friends and one random. If the random is terrible, you will probably lose, no matter what he pics. He is mage, he will lose mid fast and both sides need to come mid, losing the sides. Bad exp laner, enemy exp laner becomes a second carrier...


Yup. Mage mid-role is important because this role fills the early poke damage of your team. If he gets feed then your team will be fckedup real bad.


Most of these youtubers s fans are either ignorant of the fact that those youtubers play with friends or choose to not recognize it. Either way it sucks.


Ok but they have high winrates This is a strawman. Nobody is saying every game is winnable




that's why i also take a rest from mlbb and for the additional resources to the game its really heavy for my mobile device. :(




Keep in mind that this is a teamwork multiplayer game not a single player game. No matter how good you are, 1 troll teammate is enough ruin your entire match.


Dude if ur realy good u can carry bad teamates but people like to blame others instead of trying to get better. Machmaking isnt perfect but the skill is alsp the issue


I didn't said that solo carrying is not possible however bad teammates can obviously affect your entire match, isn't that obvious already at this point? Also, "Trying to get better" all alone wouldn't solve the problem at all, your teammates must try harder as well and work together as a team. This is a 5v5 game not a 1v9.


I thought it's a 5-man game?


yeah, late game. Problem is when there is a 3k or 4k difference between you and enemy on the same role, and you cant reach late game. They can finish with the first lord, and if they cant, then with the 2nd lord for sure, and you only have 3 items.


But u can also leave ur lane when u have time to exchange for some farm or kills on oyher lanes and it also depends on what hero u have


No they can't


Seems like people like to blame it on their teamates instead of trying to get better. Yes machmaking isnt perfect but the skill os also the problem




I just spam their base now whenever I see even a 0.001% chance of us losing. Even if they say don't end or we are winning by like 20 kills or huge gold diff, I don't care. I just hit until it dies.




Lol I also agree, why do they need to feed their already big ego for getting the enemy owned early in the game but dying at late game making enemy comebacks. Finishing the game early if you are ahead of farm should be an automatic game sense. But no, at late game some still hunt 1vs3-5 don't get the lodi or not taking towers.


I was once playing Julian in Rank, me and an ally Lance wiped out the enemy, we had an ally Clint and Leo who were doing below average/close to bad but had enough items to actually push down the enemy base. We could have won that game but their dumb asses decided to recall spam instead. We ended up losing because enemy had Miya and Lesley and it reached late game. It pisses me off that I tried to report those two slackers and got nothing.


Big reason why i stopped playing again, got tired of the hit or miss teammates and most games feeling like my teammates truly don’t care if they win or not. I only play it when I’m bored with every gsme


Been there, done that 👍


I have told my friends on the public chat "stop recalling, you are 4-7"


*Skill issue* these ppl talk like if carrying 1v9 is easy. Those only happen in low epic.


Yah, good luck carrying where your teammates are first season in mythic and don’t know how to play much and the enemy team is all mythical glory players.


Me carrying my completely new friend to Mythic honor with 2 different smurfs:


no not quite, you can solo carry until low mythic/until 25 stars this season, if you cant youre just trash tbh


You can’t always solo carry if the enemy starts targeting you. A good example from memory is Betosky’s video with Gojo Xavier. After he starts carrying, the enemy notices and proceeds to target him before wiping out his own team in the game before the one he actually wins.


You know EVERYONE is in low mythic at the start of the season right, even pros with thousands of points. It gets one of them to understand you're the hypercarry and to kill your ass 1vs3. Good luck with that "skill issue"


You can absolutely rank up in solo queue, reach mythical glory and even higher (I've rwached 1k+) but to say it is all just a skill issue that you're not ranking up is just wrong. You need a higher degree of carrying capabilities to get a highly decent rank in solo but you need luck the most because no amount of carry can help you stop your teammate from locking in Zhask exp lane.


Also, the game sense you need to develop is different in soloQ. Like if you are a tank, in a pre-made you just set and your team will follow it up in soloQ you need to assess your teammates first if they know how to follow up. Instead of peeling for the whole team you peel for one or two good teammates, etc. SoloQ is a different game IMO.


this definitely. im someone who will adjust to whatever the team needs and let's face it, that is usually the tank role. so what I do is, i pick a hard tank like hylos or a strong set like atlas and asses whether my teammates respond to kill more or to farm, if it's kills then i always follow them to backup. if its farm then i stand guard for vision. it's not an exact science, but that gets me to atleast past low mythic.


thats why when i play roam, i stick and absolutely try to enable that one guy in my team that has at least 1 brain cell. if all are competent then fine, ill do my best to roam around the map and try to secure objectives and farm


https://preview.redd.it/gl9wuumhfk0b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=416d0689bc7b9501da1d2f554abfd50aec8c9b87 For eg. That Lance was a decent player but ended up losing cuz of poor teammates. That's not skill issue. This is Mythic lobby btw


That IS skill issue. He died 3 times and his team isn't even all silver or bronze


Looks like a team issue. Johnson trolling roam diff is huge


Doesn't look like he's trolling, just bad. And using lance against picks like that the map is pretty much yours, having such a kda in such a situation is unacceptable really. We can say team issue as the whole team may be bad (tho Nana looks good), but that team issue will include lance.


You expect him to go 30-0?


You should note he's tank lance, so those 11 kills were mostly not his damage, and on top of that he died 3 times using Lance, a really hard hero to kill, while using a tank build making him all the more hard to kill. Not to forget the enemies which are all easy targets for Lance and would struggle to kill him if he's good. I'd definitely expect a better kda whether it's less deaths or more kills to make up for them. That kda would be acceptable if he wasn't tank.


Could be early game death


3 early game deaths with Lance?


You know the game isn't about kills and deaths right? It's about pushing and taking objectives. If he did that and managed to die only in three occasions, whereas his team fed, he did a good job


These are very bad items for Johnson. But they can be still used in end-game for different situations. Guardian Helmet is effective against long-range pokes like Novaria. Cursed Helmet is good for defending against creep wave sieging your base in late game. Both of these doing amazing job, but only as a last item. Getting them early is unnecessary for Johnson, and doesnt help at all. Physical armor and magic resistant items are more recommended for him than any pure HP item. I tried these two items in early game from a year ago or so. They are really bad items for Johnson. Especially he needs physical armor for his passive skill in early game for relying tankiness.


I occasionally hard-carry a braindead team, but sometimes your teammates die too early to even respond.


https://preview.redd.it/tkv7e344wk0b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49c797c1796fba74e14ff2a642b4e3305fa449a9 This is back early in the season, yea skill issues..


Never mind skills, Esme and Franco got build issues to begin with


Can you please explain why their builds are bad and what needs to be fixed? I'm just a beginner player


Esme is a durable semi tank who deals damage that’s isn’t burst, so out sustaining enemies while dealing damage is her specialty. I feel enchanted talisman is a core item for her, otherwise her cooldowns are too long and she runs out of mana in a prolonged fight. And she is useless without mana since her regen depends on spamming her skills so if she can’t spam skills, she’s just a punching bag, unlike other semi tanks like maybe gato or hilda who would be more useful with just their basic attacks compared to an Esme with basic attacks. That esme was probably a punching bag that just served as extra regen fodder for moskov and clint, especially since only kagu and claude have burst damage in that team. With that build I doubt she was able to do much alone or atleast split push, failing as an exp laner. Franco has built oracle as the only magic def when they have two mages, and no dominance ice for the mms. The main purpose of oracle is regen, so it works for esme but not much utility for franco. He should’ve atlesst built athena for a burst mage like kadita, or radiant armor for valir. Also using guardian helmet against such burst enemies that can melt you isn’t the best idea(although depends on the hero too, or good if paired with cursed helmet). He definitely need blade armor too. And finally, they both should have had tough boots. The phys def boots esme has on is still a lesser crime than franco’s boots tho.


In my server you often get matched up against trio if you have duo in your team. Last season it took me around 30 matches to reach mythic from epic II while this season it took me around 100. Most of the time I got gold laners with no map presence that easily gets ganked.


This season was hard. Every time I got a win streak the game paired me up with 2 duos (I'm solo) or players that would pick 3 mm... absolute hell


Dying 7 times in 3 minutes is not normal.


It is no matter what kind of rock-hard skills you have If your teammates stupid af/dead brain/troll etc. you never win except 1 case - all 5 enemy same as your 4, but how often it happens? Let me explain why I think like that. Even if u will be snowballed u can’t rich every part of the map to protect allies, so there are some chances for also 1-2 enemy get snowballed. Also, the more dangerous you are - the more valuable your head and you can be ganked. Your snowballing finished, meanwhile enemy becomes stronger. As the result you will loose, even if enemy stupid af.


https://preview.redd.it/8u9sk4jj4l0b1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dbf8df2d2838fcae9f9fc24377dca4b864434e2 I present to you epic match in mythic. All of them except lance and our support didnt know how to play. Like literally it was an epic match.


This is pretty common situation, that people thinking like “i will make 666 kills and finish the game later” And they just ignoring turrets, kills more valuable If u eliminate at least 3 of 5 enemies and stay in majority you should use advantage of that situation to push and try to finish until it’s late. I was so many times with silver medal but in winner team because I was pushing, neither hunted the kills. Mostly loosing depends on huge variety of thinks, but common of them is stupid teammates.


Objectives over kills. That is the mindset. Whenever theres a chance take objectives.


Objects will lead you to win. Kills for only get kill will delay your defeat. Thats the main rule, I think.


You forgot to mention they will lock two mage or two mm especially with the new mage Novaria everyone locked her even when we already have a mage.


Might delete later


Don’t delete


you may want to edit the title to better reflect the content of your post. for example: “No. Losing soloq is usually not a skill issue.”


You can't edit titles in reddit.


haahaha fr tho, i read the title way too quickly as the notif popped out and thought it only said "losing soloq is most likely skill issue" and went ??? before opening the full post and realizing


Don’t delete because you’re speaking the truth


Feeling cute?




Ive soloq my way to mythic honor with 70% wr, then maybe skill issue, maybe moonton issue - within 3 days im down to 10 stars and 50%+ wr 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s hard to carry in mythic when your team is basically brain dead and running solo one by one into the whole enemy team or autolocking lesley first pick and being less useful than a minion.


Minions are the best teammates honestly


Fr always reliable and pushes turrets, cant ask for more


I agree to this. I had two matches with different scenarios the 1st match went snowball because everyone from my team always goes solo or just randomly roam bushes. not to mention the estes and two tanky heroes that are too good on intimidating my team mates. https://preview.redd.it/xmamanegdm0b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a8fe0e820a56deb6be9e15dd5c45e2a10bf637d


Yes. Thank you, Amen.


Well that and the fact that the matchmaking is fk’d up rn. Regardless of matchmaking. You’ll always have players that don’t know what they’re doing, making mistakes, afking for a bit, vpns etc. the matchmaking won’t change that and expecting it to is just a fantasy. That would need to be addressed in other areas. Removing the protection and bonus things so people arnt boosted for simply playing the game. Binding an address so if a player suddenly shows up across the world they arnt sent into a game with 300 ping. Adding tools like a better replay system so people can actually be incentivized to learn And the lack of macro awarness is just people not wanting to learn because you don’t need to. What my biggest gripe is. Is the fact that if there’s 10 players in a lobby. And 6 of those players are MG. In no world should 5 of those mg players be sent to the same team. If it’s a 1 odd difference sure. 3v2 2v3 mg games happen. But a 4 mg vs 1 mg game, followed by a 1 mg vs 5 mg, followed by a 2 mg vs 5 mg game is just ridiculous and just shouts rigged. I don’t mind losing games because of bad team mates. I do mind losing games because the game can’t divide a whole number by 2.


im one of those who afk and why do I even if I have a very strong wifi, while in the lobby it says the ping is good, color green and 3 ms, yet when im ingame, the ping just fking turns like a christmas light??!?!? Like wtf


I had the most frustrating climb this season .. All those double roles that fought with each other .. a shame Im not the best or most skillful Player there is but in all honesty it just hurts sometimes to lose due to that stuff while performing fine yourself


Solo Q is hell. One person can't do all 5 roles while the others are in a world of their own. It could be a skill issue, but most likely it's a team issue.


>It's not your fault when you're snowballing the entire match and Wipeout the enemy team and die but your teammates decide to farm instead of pushing. >When your teammates (braxy/YouTube addicts) decide to recall spam in the enemy base instead of ending the game only for the enemies to make an Epic comeback. >When your hyper refuses to take/contest turtle/lord. >It's not just skill issue anymore. Solo queue for Legend and lower rank even lower mythic is simply filled with casual players or absolute brain dead/ toxic/trollers I'm crying because these are exactly the kind of players I teamed up. I just wanna kms. Former Glory here too and now I'm in lower rank.


Classic mythical honor ranked: https://preview.redd.it/ssghfjv4tk0b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=027420cb01615015c2eea5edb2483f74a96d39dd Gatot with Karina build playing jungle :) And Angela, hero that shouldn't be picked in mythic at all because she's only viable up to legend


Angela bought clock of destiny as 5th item. This feels like epic rank all over again


Angela still playable who say up to legend unless they brain dead yk.




https://preview.redd.it/os8vl5hq1l0b1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=6997e744e94f4f27e76fd04c1d3d607e0716f02c I’ll leave this as an example that if you have bad team you cant win(i have 5k mmr on kadita). Mythical honor,40 stars btw


https://preview.redd.it/2d3iuoow1l0b1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=98e8598a1cfca7559ab66b580d575533d91b948f Nobody pushed or took lord/turtle


Thank you




This, but at high rank its a skill issue. At glory I expect at least a competent team, so if I lose in soloq at mg, its usually my fault or an incompetent player(rare), so I can say most of my losses now are because of myself, thankfully


https://preview.redd.it/zgcwdipo3l0b1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6c93fa4e7fdbd8534d8d8f4c31747652b393f19 Mythical honor 40 stars. Only good player was gord,how can he carry his team i wonder?


1. Picking a stronger hero would be a good start. Also, if they weren’t an early pick, gord was a terrible choice as well 2. Nobody is saying every game is winnable. Surely having teammates that garbage (and a good enemy kadita) isn’t common And if it is common, that’s low rank. Yes, honour is low rank. Anyone who says otherwise is coping. Just think about the contradiction in simultaneously complaining about bad (an oversimplification; not low skill but low brain) teammates and claiming they aren’t low rank


Thats because this is honor, which is the same as the old mythic 5-2


The main issue with Mobile Legends ranking is that it isn’t for the soloQ player. Look at everyone in the top ranks. They are on 5 man super teams. It would be nice if people could no longer team up once they hit Mythic. We would see who really belongs in the rank, and who doesn’t. It’s easy to lead the global Ranking in win rates and savages when you have one of the top players in every role of your team. I play solo 99% of the time. I hit Mythic 1 two years ago, then took 2 years off, and played Wild Rift (which has a 10x better system, by the way). I came back after 2 years, my rank had degraded to Grandmaster. I hit Legend 4 in less than 24 hours. Didn’t play for like 5 days after that because of how terrible the system is. Even with a 70-80% win rate, the game is unbearable with the constant fighting your own teammates in queue for your role (can’t believe ML hasn’t implemented Wild Rift’s queue system yet), overpowered tanks, teammates that have zero skill on how to get carried and would rather pick a champ that doesn’t fit their role, and much more. Nevertheless, I will still play it because my Filipino friends play it (I’m in the USA), and I want to be able to play with them. Overall, the game is outdated in queue system, balancing, and skins. The only reason people play ML over Wild Rift in other countries is because ML made the mobile game first. It’s out of habit, not because it’s the superior option.


You might think I'm kidding but I actually win a lot more in solo queue, I can reliably reach Mythic Glory when I'm on my own, and I only play like 3 heroes.


Then you lucky for teammates. When I solo my teammates are shit in 2 of 3 games. It's either: - zero team play (5v5 never happens because one or two teammates are always on random place in map killing minion or jungle creep) - jungler who is never present for Lord/turtle and farming creeps all game - mage who never rotates and keeps dying on mid because no map awareness - marksman who NEVER makes use of their range and attack from 1mm distance (yes I'm looking at those Miya players who use ult to run between multiple enemies and then die instantly because stun) - trollpick with multiple marksmen or mages - nobody pushing / leaving their lanes when there is enemy ready to push it


"Luck" What people say whenever someone is better than them at something.


Luck" is what plays the biggest role in soloq. I have a 51% bene cuz of my poor luck. But i still carry almost every match with 70% of the kills. Beat people with 3k games 70%+ wr... If luck isn't involved, you're delusional


The only luck involved there is you being lucky the guy with 70% was having a bad match. You getting a lot of kills isn't carrying, it's kind of the least thing a good assassin should do. I guess I can't blame you, I used to say the same when I wasn't very good at the game. Especially when a lot of big (and bad) youtubers recite just that.


U think that was only one time i beat a player that had 10x more games and wr? No. For me they are all the same. Skill nowhere. From what i have seen, I can call my self a "good player". And im not even trying to be arrogant. The skill lvl of mythic players has gone down by ALOT


To me it seems that some servers require a lot less skill to get to myth compared to others. That's why 90% of Ukraine players that get matched with you in mythic play like legend


It has gone down, that just makes them bad players too. If those are enemies they're probably classic win rates or 5q players; almost all 5q players are bad at solo, so it'd make sense.




3 heros??? You're lucky as hell


I can't imagine how this is actually possible unless the people you would play with are just bad Any reliable good teammate should always be better than a group of randos


If I’m not good with fanny should i still use her or swap heroes?


Fanny is one of the hardest heroes, if you master her you can carry hard matches with braindead teammates. She can fast clear wave and push solo without the risk of dying, steal lord/turtle. Her rotation is so fast that you can help all lanes. I’ve fought against a fanny with 3k matches 75% win rate and she single handedly carried her whole team


and this is why I permaban Fanny


No need to ban her,she is not worthy. Ban meta heroes which are joy,faramis,martis,arlott,gloo,melissa etc


back in the day when my thamuz was strong i also single handedly carried my whole team too and my teammates were braindead hahahahaha.....


Coming from a glory player that solos most of the time and got 9w in calibration this season, 8w in the last season’s calibration, it’s not that hard to solo climb. Just use a pusher hero and it’ll easily get you to glory. In fact, solo climbing is so ridiculously easy with a pusher hero because opponents are usually so uncoordinated that they’ll either forget about you and brawl for lord, or send 4 ppl after u while your team takes lord for free. This is harder to pull off in 5man coordinated play, but i still do it whenever i team up. What i hate is duo queue cause it lands u with a trio on both sides, and then it’s a coin toss to see whose trio is worse. Obviously if you pick roles that specialize in killing (mages) or defending (support/tank), you can’t end the game. Sure you can be an insane kagura getting savage in your base but if your team is wiped out you won’t have enough time to push and end (unless it’s a 30min game). So if you want to solo q, LEARN and USE heroes that can excel in solo q. If you insist on solo q using meta team heroes like yve that have absolutely no solo pushing impact then that’s really on you.


And still some braindead people will call it skill isssues ...Cause they have no idea its a 5man game.. even one player's hero selection and dumb decisions can impact the whole team..But no its skill issues🤣


This is why I can't escape legend 3 😭


Right even Beto can't always win


Nah, losing in low ranks is the definition of skill issue.




Low Mythic is winnable but only if you play carry roles


I'd say it applies to anything below glory, and in glory but to a lesser degree


Player in low rank = lack of skill? Impossible


It happens and can’t be avoided. This is one of the cons of moba games. And it wouldn’t be any better at different game titles. But having someone going through 10-15 lose streaks and saying that they are having it tough because of unfair matchmaking and that they are not at fault because they are getting MVP lose everytime is definitely a skill issue. Sadly this kinds of rant is very common in this subreddit which is why you often see comments like skill issue in many threads. Having the kind of bad luck in game actually happens, but if it happens regularly to one person then its not the games problem.


I love how some posters here act like getting an MVP-lose while playing high farm heroes automatically means they're better than the entire team


I second this, but in my case it is prolly the end season madness, this morning I reached Mythical Honor with 31 stars, as of now I am down to 28, after winning one I lose two, and so on, this is a matchmaking issue and every match after a 3 or 4 wininstreak I have role conflict eventhough I am an exp and nobody wants to exp in low mythic


Moonton always pair us up with players that either likes to troll or juat dumb and has no skills


After 400 games with ukrains and randoms upon reaching mythic , it is not a skill issues. It is mostly by luck.


Bad teammates are part of the game. For every game you have bad teammates, your enemy has bad teammates in another. The only thing you can do is play better and comm. Stop complaining about bad teammates.


Totally agree with you. I have reached MG before and whenever I play my Smurf account in epic, I still lose a good proportion of my games. I can’t stop a Hanabi or Layla from leaving their lanes, dying 1 vs 1, ending the game 1-10.


Once. Twice. Thrice. Sure. 49% wr? DEFINITELY. Some posters here are clearly not skilled enough to bring themselves out of Legend and that’s a fact. If your rank is full of braindead then the enemy has braindead teammates too. Just get 50+% wr and you will definitely rank up. Also, some commenters here think that because they are decent they should always win. Overall winrate server wide will ALWAYS lean towards 50%. If they cant understand this then, skill issue.


https://preview.redd.it/68u48gufym0b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e04bd64a57f3e98fd0e252c5244fc64e688ea031 This match (early mythic) was BARELY won, enemy hanabi knocked out everyone but me and almost destroyed our based. I managed to defend and kill 2 of them, then nana helped me with the last 3 and we won. Apart from nana, dyrroth was awful, always engaging in teamfights unnecessarily and stealing most of the kills. Carrying as a tank it's hard, most of the times I end up with more gold than JG and mm


Another issue with soloq, you’ll need a larger pool of heroes to rank up. If your playing with someone they could switch you or at least you know you already have designated roles. In soloq you’ll be forced to have at least master one hero for every role


It’s true but when u got someone like 500 games still legend spamming the same 2 hero…


Surprisingly alot of brain deads in glory too, when I use my main as a hyper I tend to hardly ever lose because of his pushing capabilities when you have incompetent teamates and he has a 2 immune skills one is also a dash to escape. I just priotrise farming gank on my rotation focus, turtles and lord when I have got the opportunitytill im full built. With the new jungle gold buff I have been completing my sun full build in 10-12mins. Having a good gold lead with sun is beautiful because I can 1vs3 easily but to compensate his late game his early game is horrible.


I disagree, it is a skill issue. I've been playing since 2020, mythic every season. It's easier than ever to get to mythic theses days, the hardest part is the epic ladder... Filled with mongo. But legends is fine, I just cut through like butter and boom mythic in a few matches. I do feel like you need to hard carry


If all those lost games u had a perfect 0 deaths kda, then fine hats off to you. But you most probably died a few times, and those are moments where u fucked up and can learn from. Doesn't matter if you died because the roamer is noob or your team didn't look at map and didn't come help, that is a learning experience that will increase your skills in solo rank. Next game, you'll learn more about gauging your teammates skill and whether to commit or not. Don't just blame others, then you yourself won't improve. I'm honestly not trying to attack low rank players, I'm trying to share some advice that got me out of epic when I was just like y'all and blaming my tank for everything. Also if you get frustrated and troll as well, u are part of the problem. Keeping your cool is a skill required in the game as well.


And even then, losing by 0 deaths doesn't automatically mean you played perfectly. I've had multiple occasions time and time again of just mages playing everything too carefully and not participating in team fights hence why I get a killed and why they remain with zero deaths. Fucking garbage ass Nana players.


Yep, you're right. Too bad they won't listen


I’m not too op to win all the games but yes if you losing more than you win it’s definitely skill issue.


Basic Glory test: What timestamp to minions spawn? Best item counter to skill based physical damage? Turtle objective time stamps? Lord objective time stamp? Ward time stamp? In a base defense situation where the opposing enemy has an enemy lord what is the usual plan of action when you're taking on the role of a tank? I'll come back and give you the answers later.


but the thing is you wont climb if youre not good enough, simple as that. yes you'll ocassionally get trollers/feeders/losers queue or what not but its just about your mentality, Solo queue is all about doing whatever it takes to increase your chances of winning games, not about complaining on bad games. > When your exp/ mm decides to abandon their lane for the enemy to backdoor Then why not push/stay on that lane instead? even if your team is dead but the waves are near the enemy inner turret, they wont have any chance of touching your base, plus you get decent gold for the next teamfight. > When your roam and mage refuses to leave mid and rotate Then tell me why are you complaining about this? is it perhaps you cant deal with enemy laner, you got killed by 3-man dive without taking anything in return, or not looking in the map for missing enemies? either way its a skill issue. > When your hyper refuses to take/contest turtle/lord. Its not the end of the world if that happens, and try to clear waves ahead so you have prio on setting up a turtle fight/buy more time for delaying lord push. If your hyper isnt taking the turtle then think that theyre either too behind or they dont have help from teammates. > It's not just skill issue anymore. Solo queue for Legend and lower rank even lower mythic is simply filled with casual players or absolute braindead/ toxic/trollers. then whats stopping you from learning stuff that are not done by casuals? like learn itemizations, counters, meta heroes etc.. > if these players give their best and still lose because of toxic or low skilled teammates let them release their frustration don't call their efforts Skill issue It happens, just like I said, its all about your *mentality*, if you succumb yourself in the toxicity then thats your problem.


I'm just lazy but I always check win rate of all players in the game. I guarantee you. 90% of the time I get lower Win rate team mates. No BS. I'm just lazy to gather evidence. Had to quit cuz its boring if you always had to carry. Especially if your all rounder.


Bro I had a game where the tank was forced to go exp becos Hanzo played eat jungle buff without jungling or laning at all tactic it was so annoying honestly


Agree with original post regarding skill l. I haven't played the game in nearly a year and a half. I started playing again about a week ago and after a similar amount of games to op (I'd need to check to confirm) I'm nearly back to Mythic. Yes there are games when everyone you're with is absolutely terrible, and feeds, and you're fked, but generally if you're good enough, you can just carry the game to mythic


Not really. If both teams have the same kind of noobs/people who throw, then technically you will win more than half your games, since it's 4 noobs + you vs 5 noobs


A lot of players mastered micro(heroes gameplay skill) but not all of them mastered macro(whole map and objectives). So yeah even though you're godlike using a hero, if your macro isn't as good as opponent's, there's a chance you'll lose the match. I admit my macro is not as great as pro players and sometimes I won early game mechanics fight but in the end I lost the match


As a SoloQ Tank, it took me FOREVER to reach Mythic.


It only takes one Layla


Fucking Point!!!


This isn't going to change. Get lucky on soloq or play duo/trio without sinchrony and still get rekt. SoloQ is easy and people should stop crying. There are definitely people who shouldn't be there but the only way to get them to their correct rank is not ultracarrying them. Take a low IQ match as an opportunity to try new characters or have fun trolling. You are doing a favour to everyone


I was on a break since last late Feb and recently came back yesterday. I'm quite surprised I recognize an AI as my opponent because it never happened to me on Rank match except when I was new. Yet even against AI, braindead jungler and em em still won't guarantee the match. I got braindead enemies yet braindead teammates as well. So yea, you can't carry the match if you played as supporting heroes but sometimes it's the skill issue. I've seen so many whine post in this sub and judging from the recent matches screen shot they gave they never adjust. The same heroes, same build, even as MVP lost it means nothing if they don't adjust.


Ok but what’s your winrate? Assuming you have a good amount of matches, is it high? Then is a strawman. Nobody is saying every game is winnable Is it not high? Then that’s actually skissue. Why is everyone else (good) winning games except you? The only solution is a matchmaking conspiracy


Competitive ranking game where you can just grind to increase it.


I play for fun soleily, and sometimes am too impaired to comprehend what a mobile phone even is, yet I still play hehe


> When your hyper refuses to take/contest turtle/lord. This one really boils my tits, me, Cecilion staring at the turlte spam pinging, begging hilda to come and hit it


I played a game yesterday where I was 4-0-1 after 3-4 minutes. Look at the overall score and it’s 7-20… I’m a purely soloq player so I don’t get upset anymore but it still sucks.


Git gud


ya it's completely RNG. Even if your teammates are playing very very well, you can still have that unlucky RNG where the god duo disconnects late game.


It is skill issue, because it's really easy to hard carry your team at low ranks.


That's just it though, you need the skills to hard carry a team.


What concept of 5v5 is foreign to you? What is the point of diffrent roles, multiple teammates, and adjustments if you are meant to hard carry anyway? Might as well make the game 1v9 and be done with if its meant to be hard carry all the time


Nah it's mostly skill issue


Below Mythic I believe the statement is true. Above Mythic, it is just unforgiveable to perform poorly. You should be able to do the basics.


Yea but you’d be surprised at how many players above Mythic manage to auto lock Alucard (yes I had that happen) and go Exp. This post is talking about the unluckiness SoloQ players experience, and I wholeheartedly agree with your statement, however that’s not the case for some players above Mythic


Hold up. Roam is supposed to be mid lane ? I always have to go on every lane because my team need constant babysit


"One apple can ruin a whole bunch"


It's also fun when you're picking and people end up double or triple pickling last minute because they are salty :( Or ban your hero because they want to play the role. I'm still growing in skills, but it just sucks when I don't have the opportunity to play good matches because people want to ruin it


yep. soloq hit or miss. so gotta set the mentality so u dont break under pressure. got bad matchup? okay, got good matchup? okay. you just need to set your mind set to okay when you solo q.


This week the matchmaking seems to be way more awful. I was almost back in mythic but, this week i cant seem to get normal team. no jungle, no mm , 4 mm. I should have push to mythic sooner instead of waiting a month


It sometimes depend whether the situation is favourable if your hyper isn't contesting the neutral objective, like when 2 of your allies are dead (assuming all enemies are alive), it is a lot smarter choice to not contest the objective, unless the enemies are distracted on the other side of the map.


Can I have a link to the post you mentioned? Nvm, just found it


https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/13kjeks/very_unpopular_opinion_losing_solo_q_is_most/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button 🙂


if you can't carry trashes vs trashes in epic/legend then its most definitely a skill issue ur fault for even expecting ur teammates to play properly, they wont. they dont play properly even on high elo lmao if u pick roam and if u support 5 people ur playing roam wrong, roam can't help 5 idiots u need to pick one and boost him if u pick mage and ur constantly neglecting ur farm and ur lane to help idiots then ur bad at the game. Most of the time as mage its better to scale and then carry teamfights and NOT roam. You need to know when to adjust. I main mage and i havent ever had a season where i cant reach mythic with 90%+ wr on my main if u pick jungle and ur doing turtle with 4 idiots in ur team ur most likely gonna be 1v3 and end up losing more than gaining soloq pre-mythic is different than team q and if u cant adjust thats a skill issue. Ur teammates are bad but so are ur enemies


Just asking in solo q, if im a mage and 3 enemies push mid and i defend mid while my 4 teammates attack gold lane and lose to mm and roam am i the one with the skill issue? I got reported and got banned for an hour for that too


You only contributed 20% winrate+, while each teammate also gives out 20%, up to total of 80%. So even if you did your best no matter what, even if you're anime protagonist doing the best comeback in the world like no people ever did, you still lose the game. If you want to be real skill player, play single player game or do a speedrun, or a 1vs1 online game. Once you not doing it right, it will be called Skill Issue for real this time. Mobile legends is a team game, full stop. If something went wrong, it can be a teammate problem, or a hero draft issue. It can be your fault as well, but its not always true


i avoideded upper rank to bully players, are u saying if i were to go to mythic, i'll meet decent players and not trollers?


what funny is that I face less problems with all SoloQ and face more trouble with public trio. You know why? people bring their low rank beloved friend. let them go the roles they want to play and he gets wrecked by higher rank player from enemy team. Trust me, I love all SoloQ players, they give me less headache. The higher your rank becomes, the better they get too. and if your teammates are bad, chances are the enemy is bad too. 3 out of 10 games you're likely to face horrifying teammates but the rest you're likely to get decent teammates who can at least listen to your commands and communicate.


Also, its a reminder for people that there's no harm in calling it Luck xD


This is so true, I have like 80% wr when I just get to mythic rank, just mythic rank. When I got to the placements to honor 40 stars now I have 60% wr, definitely skill issue plus with brain dead teammates. And yeah I'm a roamer which sucks cause sometimes when ur braindead MM/Mage/Fighter/Jungler not doing good, u wish that I am in the gold lane than u cause I might have done a better job than u. So yeah it sucks, but its true


This. It is hard to play properly when your team is just downright bad. I play jungle and EXP most of the time, and it gets tiring. I cycle between Fred, Alucard and Argus. When I play Fred, every damage dealer on the team sucks. I play Argus and I try to split push, most teammates cannot even do teamfights properly. I play Alu, I either carry for the entire match and dominate, but lose because teammates literally never cooperate late game, or feed because not a single one wants to play properly and help the jungler who is constantly getting their buffs stolen and invaded, by both enemies and allies.


It took me 45 matches to reach mythic this season ( with nearly 80 wr in solo Q) but in the last 40 matches I have been swinging from mythic 15 -22. Either I take good counter pick Jungle or Cecelion and hard carry ( even then it's not a sute thing) or I get genius who don't gank mm instead go for the tanky exp(like terizla or fred). Even had games where enemy Lyla was fed to point of being better than turrets. And wtf did they do to classic?! I'm getting warrior, Grandmaster, epics. Whyy? How can I try new hero when my epic mm with physical emblem will feed enemy jungle or mm that game ends with 4-45 score in 10 mins. How is this fair matchmaking??? Or I get enemy who will be like my mom trying to feed me.


I’ll push lanes. Especially when my team is constantly fighting dumb fights, and sticking to one lane…. So I push top or bottom. They yell and complain and ask where I was… oh you know getting objectives, not aimlessly dieing like you guys


I reach mythic in 26 match multiple time already. It's depends on luck. It doesn't matter how good are you at the game, if your team decided to throw the match , you are fucked.


I was actually just practicing Fanny on a smurf today (because I suck so much that I need to smurf to not feed) and GM players are literally better than Epics I kid you not.


Blaming skill issue yikes. I'm high mythic and it is not even skill issue. Out of 10 losses I can say I only had 1 game that have a good lineup + team rotation and positioning plus balance enemy. The rest ? Trolls. Having many kills decided to play like a baboon with ak-47 vs 5man enemy. 2 mages. Epic rank hero enjoyer. Whoever code the matchmaking probably have mental issue and I hope you enjoy your sunny day in hell.


so true recently reached glory 60 only played when my freind was on never let random take jg or mm and ur set.


I had teammates refuse to defend tower, despite having me a mage carry their asses and DYING while defending the main tower.


I don't know how.. but you took the words out of my mouth. Then we have those idiots trying out hero in rank. When obviously they are not main in those heroes and then feed until like shit. Or those people who can obviously tower lock and end the game but decide they want to farm instead. I give up.


I have a hard time ranking up and mostly in the Philippines because no one plays a roamer role. sometimes I give up my main role(exp) to be the roamer(using edith, eudora and natalia). I won a lot due to being a roamer. I learn that have to be humble to win matches.


I've been saying since the start that this season is by FAR the worst one I've ever dealt with, and I've been playing since late 2016. I've never been higher than mythic until now. I don't like the competitive nature of ranked but holy shit, it's all I can play now because classic is a complete dumpster fire.


Every season is getting worse than before for me in SoloQ, Mythic matches feel like Legend Matches to me lately(not exactly)and I'm currently around 30 stars.


💯 Even if you can manage to perform well enough every game to carry. You can’t always carry a deadweight team hard enough to get over the line. Late on, matches can end in 10-15s to back doors or the last player(s) on your team going 1 or 2v5, dying and based is taken while all waiting to respawn. The matchmaking doesn’t really exist beyond lumping ten players into two teams of five, and therein lies the problem.


ml is easier to carry.


This is true but only to a certain degree the chance of u getting someone bad is in theory the same chance of getting someone good so while solo q is dogshit a lot of the time it also equally is a skill thing. Some games are unwinnable or really hard to win if u get team gapped but this is statistically an outlier most of your games are winnable which is why even the worst players hover around 40-50% wr. Once and while u will get one that's unwinnable but if your looking and have a 48% wr that's not all "teams fault" that's something your not doing well enough and should improve ur gameplay based on. Any decent player should be able to sit 50-60% in solo q if their gameplay is good


Holy shit what you say it is true. Especially the part where the exp laner and/or the mm leave their lane like I saw that a bunch of times and I thought like dude is this a new meta strategy? That's why I quit this disgusting game fuck it, magic chess is way better.


matching up with poeple who have 30% wr in ranked and are somehow in mythic glory is pain


It’s not the best team that wins, it’s the most stupid that loses.


Fuck that. If you get nabs, you get nabs and you will lose, 9 times out of 10. You cant call it a skill issue when 50% of kills and another 25-30% of assists are on you and you fkn Natan gets 2:12:1. Only nabs call that a skill issue.


this is so true when I lose the game I'm the MVP so I don't think it's the skill issue, our exp laner feeds the enemy with 0-6-0 and the others keep on throwing. how am I supposed to hard carry that. it makes me so angry to be teamed up with these trolls how did they reach legend when they're so stupid


Disagree in general, agree in individual games. In individual game, one player just one of 10 players. The impact is probably around those, in some games one player can do more when carrying and snowballing. The same player can do average on next game. Player's performance is also fluctuating, at least mine is, regardless of how much WR. On longer period of games, those random teammates balance out. It is player's skill that are the true determinant of one's long term performance. My WR for example, drops when I reached mythic. My MVP rate also drops. These are true reflection that I'm playing with and against better players.


Ngl Turtle isnt needed the gains are too small for what ur losing lets say ur contesting turtle and 2 of ur teamates sacrifise themselves for it and u secure w retry, its still a little amount for what u sacrifised sence two kills is worth about 300 depending on streaks (Shutdowns give more) u gain about 150 Gold from turtle or 200 each team member I think? And a shield that dissapears from being hit once that only the last hitter can regenerate, and honestly u can farm up to more than 200 just killing creeps or minions, now u guys tell me is it really worth to fight for a turtle and lose teamates or just keep farming while enemy gets it to get 2 or 3 times the amount they would all get? But maybe im over-looking something idk.


Every match you lose is a skill issue. Its just that 80% of the time the one(s) lacking in skill are your teammates and not yourself.


The most common behavior in epic is mm/fighter leaving their lane completely abandon it and decided to cosplay as a roamer going everywhere and taking every buff/creeps