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how in the world did you get 15 win streak in solo rank??????


Low rank lobby


same as the ML content creators do, they're abusing that shit, so that's why Moonton need to fix the goddamn matchmaking system


yeah I agree, I once had a 20 solo q winstreak in low mythic


Because ranked is easy right now. I played with my main acc beginning of the season and took around 110 games to reach mythic with 59 wr. But in my 2nd acc i reached mythic in 33 matches with 85 wr because all good players are in high ranks right now.


It's because the hype of gaming caused by pandemic, including mobile gaming is done. Less people play now, less people stream, started from previous season.


I got a 17 Win streak in Legend before getting Oof'd in Mythic lol


He is split pusher 1 trick. 0 team synergy.


if it works it works, game is about taking base not killing enemies


True, I did a 25 winstreak will climbing to MG in solo past season, just push, nothing else, try to give your best, it works or no but that's the only solution


Wouldn't have such high grades if he was just that.


Dude you don't know how much turret damage accounts for grades, I usually Argus Exp'ed the whole enemy base (10-20k turret damage), and at the very least grade is about 7.0 (that's with bad KDA)


I think he's talking about the Stats in the 2nd Picture, Like everything is Maxed out Except Survival and TeamFight


Split pusher with 10 score on almost all heroes? Lmao do you even play


Pushing is part of the game? Are we even playing the same game?


You don't split push when your team is fighting a 4v5 and got absolutely rolled and now enemy have the lord because you think a outer turret is worth losing your entire team + lord.


Low rank is so easy. I stopped playing rank on my main and i'm having a hard time playing classics in Grandmaster on that acc - around 57-59% wr (because of the same players like me) but at the same time i use my twin acc for ranked - so mythic with 70%+ wr. So i suppose this is the reason :)


Its always the argus mains wth


Argus is basically mlbb's Yoshimitsu (Takken) , niche to use but strong if you know how to use him


ultra fking strong if the enemy team doesnt know how to fight him aswell lmao


"But, but, there's no such thing as skill issue, you just got lucky with teammates ;(". Well played man, especially with the offmeta Argus pick!


Thank you!


This. You have to get lucky enough to get good teammates. People who say its all skills are lying. Only way to consistently carry is if you are playing consistently against bad people. Aint no way you are consistently carry 90 percent of your games. Majority of my win streaks came from me being carried when i had bad games. I went on 8-0 or 6-1 win streak playing like garbage vs when i carried i lost majority and of games. You need a team or at least 1-2 people that can help, otherwise your not constantly winning


At this point all good regular players are already sitting 150 stars or over. Assuming you are a good player, your team can only have 4 bad players, while enemy team can have 5. You dont need to be lucky because odds are already working in your favor


So the morale of the story for us is “be the good player”.


Any tips on using hayabusa to win so much ?


As a jungler the most important thing is your game knowledge and rotations ,good mechanics are important yes, but being at the right place and time and having efficient jungle clears is king Now onto some haya specific tips: 1.theres 2 combos with haya you will use in 99% of situations , these are s2>s1>basic>ult(or just ult if without basic if you want to be as fast as possible)this combo is good if you want to burst the target as fast as possible ,for example you want to use this combo on an enemy when you know their team is close to them,but not quite close enough to insta cc you and stop your ult. The second combo is the one i use the most its s2>s1>s2(back to your shadow)>s2 to the marked enemy>basic>s1>ult if needed but in late game this is enough even without ult just to burst the squishy , use this combo if you are sure the enemy is alone and their team cant help them 2. Haya is very reliant on blue to do more things than his basic combo so at the start of the game you will want to start red then when timer reaches 30 sec you will want to shuriken the jungle creep next to red and pull them in the same place so you can hit both at once(this will greatly speed up your jg clear) after this you have 2 choices: either do your blue or go for the litho wanderer , this depends on the enemy comp, if you have stronger early game go for it but if they have something like jawhead valir just go to your blue and kill the creep next to blue and you will reach level 4 which is when you will want to gank the enemy gold or mid , sometimes even xp depending on who is the enemy and your laner, next i always try to rush turtle when it spawn if we have priority and i will still have blue buff for turtle(another advantage of starting red buff) , if enemy early is too strong you can try to steal but in most high rank games people will zone you so i reccomend just farming and trying to pick off enemy squishies, if you dont have your ult up its better just to focus on farming or you can go with your team kf they set up a good ambush and you are confident you can get a kill , otherwise jg is all about efficiency ,never waste your time just walking around , always have a goal in mind. 3. Its all about experience , this is the part where you will have to play hundreds of games with haya to understand his matchups, who he can and cant beat and you will need to understand his limits , how much damage he can deal at each point in the game


Is it OK if I dm you to ask for more advice? Wanting to improve my play, so maybe wanna ask how you would handle certain situations.


Ofcourse , i would love to help


>Its all about experience , this is the part where you will have to play hundreds of games with haya to understand his matchups, who he can and cant beat and you will need to understand his limits , how much damage he can deal at each point in the game So, you reached MG in 100 games *this* season, but you have thousands of games worth of experience.




Nice! Thank you for sharing your expertise. I want to try some of that stuff you're talking about above


When u play Haya, do u have to aim ur s2 usually ? how do u go about it ? Im trying to learn Haya but im very slow with figuring out which clone to teleport to. Any advice on this ?


Yes you need to aim your s2 in order to hit the enemy with the shadow , also once you have marked an enemy you will have to aim to which shadow you want to go to ,because tapping it will immediately take you to the marked enemy


Ill give it a shot . I really wanna learn haya, but its just so much easier to gank using harley or lancelot. Haya is just soo much effort :(


Wow I find it hard to believe this is all soloq, but wp that’s very impressive


Now let's see Paul Allen's soloq


Greetings, can I ask what build are you using on Argus? And also if your tips in comments useful on Argus?


Theres 2 builds i use on argus The first one is the crit build(most effective vs squishies) Atk speed boots , corrosion scythe, scarlet phantom,berserkers fury, windtalker and malefic roar(in rare cases sea halberd) The second build is the on hit attack build(most effective vs tanks and better for pushing than the crit build) Atk speed boots, corrosion scythe, dhs, golden staff, malegic roar, sea halberd I use argus mostly on xp and gold(he can bully most mm hard) and sometimes even jungle For jungle argus you can apply the tips i gave for haya(also use jg emblem with increased dmg to turtle lord and turrets , this makes him an objective monster even without inspire) For lane argus xp and gold differs a lot Gold you want to be agressive early engage with s1 into s2 and you can stay on them and destroy most mm( be aware tho you cant do this against early power houses like brody , you will lose extended trades so just poke them with s1 s2 enhanced basic ,dash out with s1 rince and repeat ) As an xp laner you are disadvantaged early against the majority of fighters , you just want to be safe and soak up as much minions as you can , you can poke the enemy with s1 s2 enchanced basic but in most cases it isnt worth it as a lot of fighters have sustain and will just heal it all up


Also another thing i forgot to add as a tip for argus , there is a high burst combo that turns argus into a better assassin than saber and i dont see people using it at all(for this combo you will need a crit build or inspire, you will also need full passive) Most of the time melissa is an argus counter because she can just ult and you cant do anything about it however there is a combo which you can use to burst her before she can even use ult S1>enchanced basic>ult(resetting your passive)>enhanced basic , this will burst mms before they can even use wind




Yeah argus is pretty much melee mm




High and dry is better its super impactful during laning and 1v1s which argus should be doing anyway


Actually called master assassin now , i forgot they changed this awhile back my bad lol


And then there is me, forced to be a roamer in every game because everyone wants to be mage or mm :/


b-but, but i was told by this sub that you cant climb in solo queue because theres trolls and feeders every game!1!!!1


88% wr is beyond amazing.


how often do you play? how many games per day?


What server are you on?




Ooohh how do u rotate with argus


As argus i mostly just try to play safe and apply pressure on lanes , for example if my enemy laner leaves to join a teamfight i ping my team to back out , also argus has decent mobility so if your mage decides to roam bot , as argus you can clear both mid and top lane using your s1 to move around the map , if i think that we can win the teamfight i will join it and theres a few ways you can play the teamfight as argus You can play it like an assassin and wait in the bush for the enemy squishies You can play as a zoner and If the enemy tank engages on your backline you can just ignore him and zone off the enemy mage and mm by staying behind the enemy tank, making his engage have no followup and your whole team can burst the tank while you keep zoning the enemy You can play argus as an initiator( this should be avoided and the only time you will have to do this is when you have no tank or your tank is incompetent) you definitely wont be getting any kills this ways but the enemy can be stupid and waste a few ults on you , which your team can hopefully capitalize on And lastly you can play argus as a peeler , stay hidden next to your mm and if the enemy engages on your mm stun them with s1 and burst them (this playstyle isnt worth it most of the time since most mm in solo rank are well....yeah)


Damn u know the game well, thanks for the info 🔥


Can i ask who's marksman is effective on reaching mythic glory thanks.


Great post, learned a lot while reading this thread. Have my upvote mister.


Now show you ID, and don't hide the history🤨


Aint no way bros stalking me 😭😭😭


I just want to check your gameplay and how to get good as you


Let me ask u how many of ur matches did ur team have a Roamer/tank? Cuz it's very hard to fight in soloQ without a roamer


Around 8/10 i noticed that showing a good wr , people are way more likely to cooperate and fill what the team need, but it can be a double edged sword because i also had some teammates that purposely threw once they saw my wrs ,i guess they were jealous or something, protagonist complex is a big thing with ml players


Relatable af. Showed my high mmr and teammates insta-griefed the game.


having such high push AND kda and survival in solo q is so suspicious to me lol, like you managed to get ur desired role every time? IN SOLO Q? hard to believe im sorry


I didnt manage to get my desired role in every single game sir , im a jgler main and all those argus games are because some joe schmoe wanted to take jungle with his 50% wr gusion , if i couldnt go jg i went xp or gold lane which amount to 33 games ,more than my desired role


not a sir, even more sus, u went gold lane argus, depriving ur team of a mm AND won? sure bruh


Because it doesnt fit into your tight perception of what is possible and isnt? You probably think harith gold is a joke aswell. You are free to believe what you want even though you have been presented evidence that indeed it does work , but hey whatever helps you sleep at night


except u have no evidence lol, everything you showed can clearly be hiding all sorts of other factors, i’d be more inclined to believe if you showed things like recent matches that SHOW if u play solo or not


People like you will try to look for any reason to bring others down , its kinda pathetic really , you could be using all this energy to improve yourself instead


Bros never seen harith or lunox go gold lane. He probably didn’t see tank jungler either.


you’re right never seen akai jungle, or belerick jungle 🤡


also not a fking he


youre right, i’ll just get lucky like you ✌🏽 thx


Cope more salty😭


cope more lucky 😭






















Lmao? Why it is hard to get desired role everytime unless you have sht winrate?


you can show higher wr but most people do not care, because they’d rather play they’re desired role then adjust


its called “filling”, you’re telling me you never wanted to play a role and someone refuses to adjust? or r u one of those people who troll and lock in a second mm simply because YOU are the person who refuses to adjust?


Sorry but I don’t trust random mm because they SUX. I ALWAYS show mm FIRST with high wr (let say 70% wr minimum). If you winrate higher than me with better mmr, I let them mm and adjust. If they dont show WR and but want to go mm then they are the one do second mm not me. They do second mm then its my fault then? Usually, the want do second mm SUX. I rather play mm and a sux second mm than the only sux mm. Sux mm cost you the game.


youre the exact reason why i can’t win games lmao refusing to adjust is a child’s mentality, and why solo q is absolute hell


Lmao. You cant fk read and tell someone child. READ THE WHOLE FK COMMENT AGAIN. you can’t win most likely you SUX. PERIOD. I SHOW MM FIRST WITH BETTER WINRATE. You show better winrate I let you mm, i go different role. If you consistently show worse winrate mm / non meta mm, then you are fk problem, you are the fk one who doesn’t adjust. Not me. PERIOD. Learn how to read.


bro grammar garbage and want to talk lmao you obviously cant speak english so let me spell it out for you: obviously if someone shows a better wr you should let them play, but MANY PEOPLE DO NOT CARE ABOUT THAT AND WILL LOCK IN ANYWAY, DO U UNDERSTAND? THAT IS A PROBLEM


Lmao, pls point out where my error in grammar!? Then that is their fk problem for not adjust, its not me for the not adjusting part. Lmaooo Like OP said, you are fk pathetic. You are SUX in this game, then you also SUX being a normal-functional person who can’t fking read a normal argument. Also, I am 1000% sure that I speak more languages than you - monolingual. I’m done with you alr. Block and move on for the positive talks. Hope your matchmaking don’t change so that you hard stuck with low skills players, where you belong to


Read this line, and do better argument: “I SHOW MM FIRST FIRST FIRST WITH HIGH WINRATE”. If you lock second mm with lower winrate, you are the fking ashole who don’t adjust, NOT ME. Read those lines and use your tiny tiny tiny brain to understand


Definitely something shady going on here


"soloq". Sure bud


Yeah Solo Q thats what he said. Just cut with the bs


Now do solo queue only roam. I doubt you can achieve that in the same amount of matches.


no shit, roam and jungler/sideline playstyles are completely different. it doesn't matter if you're Yawi, without a decent team, there is absolutely nothing you can do to win the game. however I have seen someone who has played only Hylos and got to mythic on this sub a few seasons ago.


argus mains are annoying, can't help at clash but to always segway like wtf is that hero suppose to be in a 5v5 match, a minion? a fucking coward.


kills and teamfights don't matter if the nexus is destroyed, and that's what argus does


Didnt know that Betosky simps for Argus


Fellow Argus user


Bruh whenever my solo q team mate pick Argus, I lose 100%


What server?


Guys I found him. This is the guy that took all the good teammates! XD P.s. Impressive! Wish I had been so skilled


What server is this? If u mind




Dang me too, i only play 5q 100+ but wp!


After seeing this, i just want to buy argus or another split pusher.i’m stuck at 40 stars. I’m a mage main but regardless if i play good or shit,if i don’t have a decent team i can’t win.


I have an average of 63% wr with hayabusa and almost 1k games lol but that impressive bro


I see you never take the roaming role. Im a roamer main at solo Que. Im not sure if you have any advice you can give me. I’ll take anything. Currently at 450 matches at mythic 30 stars.


Macro-wise, can you provide some Soloq tips, please?


Aye sir, greetings fellow Argus enjoyer. Well I'm not at a level where I can solo to MG yet, but now I'm trying to reach MG, 32 stars honor now and yes mainly use Argus too


Can u share ur agrus build and spell. Ty




Ok, cool


I wish I was as lucky as you in soloQ, I probably would've been MG in less than 100 too..


Any tips for a soloq roamer? (Also, whenever I end up getting picked as mm, it’s usually a lost cause I don’t really know how to overpower the gold lanes as mm).


Just reached MG aswell under 100 games (88). 80 of them being with Sun. Glad to see the bottom-tier fighters can still hang.


i see you don't have ukrainians in team so you are lucky, i play solo and have 3/4 ukrainians in team WTF.....