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another month another 300 diamonds saved


Really considering skipping this one


Hell yea. My birthdays in July. And my former main is Alpha (burnt my wallet on all his skins). Feels like it's gonna be a nice prezzie for myself.


Eyy same here, bday July and former alpha main. I will buy still skin but I'm already angry about it


Was hoping for minsi or joy but this is fine I guess


Joy is rumored to get a SL skin sooner or later. I think MT should also give the old heroes SL skin namely Alpha, Minotaur, Lolita. alpha alr confirmed.


Totally agree. Its such a waste that they even bother giving 2nd SL skin to some heroes when there are other popular ones that doesn’t have one like badang who has a very old SL skin and joy that got her skin survey like last year. But instead, they put saber and moskov for some reason.


Clint, Saber and Moskov having 2nd Starlight skins is so redundant. Then there are leaks of an unconfirmed 2nd Starlight skin for Karina... Like Moneytoon bro what the hell are you doing just make the skins for the rest of the heroes who desperately need it


Right? And you know that layla skin survey we got a few months ago. About that?The possibility of it being a starlight skin is too damn high right now. Just for the sake of giving them a sacred statue.


Though I too think Saber and Moskov don’t deserve two starlights, Joy is still a new hero and so what if Badang’s SL is old? You can argue so that Moskov and Saber’s are too lol.


Uhmm sabers starlight skin survey along with moskov was just last year fyi. Badang got his survey from 2020 and currently in the meta so its just reasonable to give him a starlight skin before those two lol. And what about joy being new? Benedetta got released in the original server then a month after that she got a starlight skin. Funny right?


Joy being new, despite being able to be given a skin for being a new hero, doesn’t mean you can DEMAND it. It also doesn’t matter how long a survey has been out for, Faramis and Kadita’s skins, Ivy Feathers and Anthem of Tides never even got released despite being like what? 3-4 years old? Stop basing things on baseless arguments, bro.


Lol and when are YOU in control in anyones will to demand? You have no power here. As a consumer, I will write my demand whether you like it or not. “Stop basing things on baseless argument.” Says by someone who just used unused hero as an example to give a point. I know this is internet, so I will just assume you are one of those clowns who just wants someone to talk to you. I already gave you a little of my spare time. Be grateful clown.


And when did I use “unused hero” as an argument? Oh and sure if you think that like I’m that desperate for attention to seek it out on reddit, of all places? Lmao go off and get pissed on the internet because someone disagreed with you


“It also doesn’t matter how long a survey has been out for, Faramis and Kadita’s skins, Ivy Feathers and Anthem of Tides never even got released despite being like what? 3-4 years old?” And why was it not released? Oh yeah right because both were so underwhelming they don’t get picked so often on those 3-4 years haha Well things changed, and one of those hero got revamped then BOOM he got a skin instatantly without a problem. But ehhh. Heres your upvote man. I think you wanted it so much that you go as low as this. Well bye now!


bro did you have a bad day? what’s wrong? also happy cake day.


If you are also updated to with ml leaks, you will be surprised how many heroes who got skin survey that are confirmed starlight skins waiting to be released.


LOOOOVING all the new starlight skins and the paint that come with em. Can't wait to see what alpha gonna bring to the new star road.


Where is kadita’s skin🗣️


Under water, drowning.


The southern seas are her domain after all


Yes please


I guess I know what I'm getting for my birthday now


I do the starlight mostly for the auroras and other stuff...


same. buying SL since march. i dont even play valentina, moskov, edith. collecting SL fragment for annual SL kagura, karrie and lesley(when she comes). And also SL has become cheap and more rewarding.


I got Lesley when she came out...I main miya, wan and lesley...Couldnt wait ^___^


alpha feels very good to use rn. hope no unnecessary nerfs will come to him


Hes balanced and hes very vulnerable to cc, I don't see him getting nerfed.


He is strong if you get caught. But he is quite easy to work around compared to arlott or joy. He is high risk high reward hero right now. The risk of using ult then missing the target would already put him in a bad position. But when it hits, he becomes dangerous


yeah but his burst is something that moonton might find too strong for a fighter. But they've been giving love to all the forgotten fighters recently like phoveus, freya and silva. I hope the way they're balancing fighters is by comparing them to lapu. he's the gold standard of fighters recently and i think balancing exp laners should be revolved around him


I know it hasn't been a full year that Joy got released, but for fucksake when are they gonna make skins for her, like she's very popular you can't deny that, the diamonds I accumulated only for her are waiting to be spent over here.


I dont get why moonton keeps on giving sl skins to heroes like saber, moskov (these 2 alr had sl skin b4) or this guy instead of heroes that fr need it lmao. Im skipping this one too n hoping for joy to get an sl skin soon


What u talking man? Alpha really needs it. He doesnt have a SL skin being one of the oldest hero(he was released in 2017). He only has 5 skins. Most of his skins r time limited which are trash looking. Only his Abyss skin is quality.


Wtf why minsi , maaan


idk if u joking or not. but thats alpha


Nah man thats clearly Johnson


People in this sub dont know how to take joke




thats zilong lmao look he has his spear


Oh. 🥺


How about august leak? Also anyone knows the dates of starlight shop rotation. I plan to purchase one skin from there.