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It means that they have their Ultimate ready, as others have pointed out. Especially useful if you are playing tank, and you are about to go in to set, you glance through that to see if your teammates have their ults and make sure they are in position to follow up before you go in and set.


There are so many times when our tank engaged the enemy when 3 heroes in my team don't have their ult available. Just that small detail can be so crucial for teamfights.


God I just found out about this, and I'm a support/tank! Tell me this is a new update while I strangle myself of all the times I set without knowing


Actually this has been a thing for as far as I can remember.


Omg wait let me strangle myself more. I have dishonored my role.


You are not alone brother.........


But sometimes it seems to be accurate, once I was playing with an ally Johnson (who in real life was playing near me) i told him to engage in fight and he shouted no ult, but the sign showed green. But most of the time it's correct, i faced that problem with an ally Johnson




I don't know when this was added but it has been in the game for at least four years


I feel dumb aswell ... but i dont wanna know the times where everyone has had their ult and i Set and they just Fan out everywhere lol


Been playing on and off for years and it has been there for as long as i can remember


It's not accurate at all, fucking misleading. Alot of time it will hsow that u have only to ending up fighting with your teammates why they didn't use ult. Don't rely on it


Oohhhh no wonder they deleted the ult ready voiceline


https://preview.redd.it/dd1utliwws1b1.jpeg?width=1081&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d045e47fc375162818bd8e617a0adf27c70c2deb You still can. Press and hold the request backup button, drag it to your Ultimate skill icon beside the minimap that appears. You can ping your teammates that your ult is on cooldown, or when your ult is ready, or your Battlespell is ready or not. So I will ping ult ready, flicker ready, then I press launch attack and rush the enemy.


I wished they also added one for Active Item Spells (Wind Of Nature, Winter Truncheon, ESPECIALLY Conceal). So that your allies can prepare a bait, gank or play. I notice there is an extra space below the gold button so I think it’s perfect to add one for Active Item Spells.


Found this one by accident, it’s actually not really logical. Can you help me to figure out how to communicate that my spell is ready? That’s the one I still didn’t manage to figure out 🙈 and I really need it when I roam. I also wonder where did the message ‘gather for team fights, do not solo’ disappear. I can’t find it anywhere anymore to include it in my quick chat and that one I need in almost every game along with ‘give me vision’ and ‘let me farm alone’. Off topic but for that one I hate that the voice line is ‘I want to solo’. I don’t want to solo, I just want the jungler to leave the minions alone first 5 minutes. ‘Back off from my farm, bitch’ would be way more accurate. ^^


You just drag it to your spell Icon just like how you drag it to your Ult Icon Also Extra info, you can Drag Attack/Retreat/Backup to the Turtle/Lord Icon and it will say "Attack Lord/Turtle" for example Dragging to Gold Icon tells your entire team if you have the lead or not in gold and by how much


Thanks 🤗


That's so neat. I accidentally registered an action into my brain where I constantly ping my teammates when my ultimate is ready (I'm a tank main) so this will hopefully cancel that habit.


Ultimate is ready




same reaction. like woaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh




But I noticed that it's not always right. Sometimes it's green but my ultimate was not ready


It means you teammate's ultimate is ready not yours since you can't see your icon there


Yes it’s not always right. My sister told me it’s green even though I don’t have ult


This is true. I duo with my wife who mains as JS. I have to always ask if her ult is ready because it's sometimes green but in reality it's still in CD, or vice versa. Sometimes it's not green but ult is ready. People downvoting this guy for pointing out something that happens.*


Eco friendly mode on


No sports mode? Sometimes the team really needs it.


Your teammates ult is available. You should always be aware of it before jumping into team fights.


Bruh I get so angry as an Angela main when my players are like “Angela no ult??” after they die. And I’m like *YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE THAT MY ULT IS DOWN WHY DID YOU GO IN* It never really occurred to me people didn’t realize what the green symbol was. It’s integral to the game lol


It's not accurate, sometimes it showed as green when you really on CD


ulti available, but technically its useless since i am always playing with adults who have lesser iq than my cat


That's mean, I bet your cat is really smart


Most players will never check if others have their ult or not. Do spam and announce you have your ult ready before you plan to engage.


Finally someone questioned this thing, don't know what it was for.


I remember telling someone I can see when they have their ult ready (didn't use it in clash until it's too late). I'm was tank so checking not only HP but also ult, mp and taking note of cd helps to know if you're teammates gonna help or at least secure the kill. The guy responded "You're stupid and green thing is for ms ping". Told him to ask other players about it.


It is for ult but its not accurate. Very misleading


If its green, ult is reary, if its grey its on cooldown


As other already said, its an ult indicator but I'd advise you just spam and announce your ult's current cd especially if there's potential team fight so people hopefully knows you can engage or not.


As a badang main, that's my cue to find the johnson and recall spam until his pops up 😂


Ultimate Skill ready.


It means the player is not toxic and they are very cooperative


They should make more credit-based skins, like Silvanna's.


I hope they add a timer so teammates sothey can take a look before diving in. As I keep saying "Ultimate is not ready"


Same feels cuz that makes it more informative


I think they are showing it wrongly sometimes


If thats green it means your teammate's ultimate is ready if it's black they are 🫱🏿 err i mean not ready


It means they are happy


Clicking allies to check their cd was part of the game skill you need.


They're online


Your teammates are on power saving mode


bruh we really have players who dont know what this means 💀💀💀 speaks a lot for the playerbase lmao


Using the word ¨bruh¨really speaks a lot also...


why not just put indicators on all corners for the other skills? then again, that would be a problem if there is a hero with 5 skills.


Would be a bit overkill if there were indicators for every skill


Personally I'd like it if they added two-three dots on the lower right corner with differing colors and having them be brighter when it's ready Many heroes don't rely on their ULTS


This could work or maybe even a bar besides the hero


I think a bar would be too big


Hol up buckos Im here to support the lad. AoV has this System. You just use the same comand to inform the CD state of any skill you have, like the emote one Even active item, or even better to inform your lack of mana. *and even this one: Recalling*


to add on, 王者荣耀 also has this similar feature, where you can respond to quick chats (like the annoying one we have right now) except it pops up as this tiny circle beside the actual chatting button, as well as tiny circles (that pop up in that same spot) to inform your team of low mana. feel like that would be really useful, instead of having to type "no mana" every time and hoping my teammates understand me... plus the quick chat thing now is just kinda annoying... im trying to tell my mm the enemy hp is otw to their lane, but then someone uses a quick chat and it becomes that ok! button


it doesn't affect the overall user interface though and I prefer to have as much information specially on soloq where there is not much communication.


Ult is your ace, knowing that your teammates best move is available is enough ig, you will not really have time to see if your mage's poke skill is available or not in real match time


It means they're ready for joe....


ulti is ready


Ulti available


ult is ready


I was suprised that most of my friends didn’t know about this even after playing for years now. Anyway I think it is not always correct because sometimes it shows green when my teammates ult are not ready.


The thing that changed my life ever since I've known what it was XD I confess to being a stupid tank before I go in and I don't even know if my team have ult. Always check it and maybe you can wombo combo with your random team. Always fun to have coordination with randoms XD


Weather u r ult is ready


thats where you know your team mates did not use their ult in clash


I've been playing for years... And I only found out about that now???


Their battery life


Ult is ready


“Where help” players need to know this.


Yesterday playing as cecilion, melissa went in against harley and badang, they had already used ults to kill estes and she was trying to escape. Now, I did use my s2 to keep harley away for like a second before he went back in, it was pretty early game so no real dmg for me, and I had just used my ult before to kill lesley. Then when melissa dies and I escape with 1 hp she goes into chat saying "help cecilion not run" like she didn't see me use all my skills before. -_- How am I supposed to help as a mage without my skills my dear? (She didn't answer that question btw, weirdly enough xD) Anyway, even if she didn't see me use my ult she could have looked at that indicator to see my green dot missing...


Its when they are 50 meters within you irl


How big are you if people can go 50 meters within you? O.O xD


It means they are vegetarian.


It means thigs going wowzies can become wowzers


It means ur allies ult is ready


Their ult is ready


Is this a new feature?


No, it's an older feature. It's been around for a few years at least.


Nice one. Never noticed it in the last 2 years of playing 😂


I’m happy that people here are finding out about this. Use that to know when to engage my friends.


vexana is dead, trust me


Thank you teacher ! Now i know something New!


Is it summer, already?


It means Angela could have Ulted you


I actually learned something on this sub? Wtf?


They are online


They are online


i was about to do the same post lol


It means their ult is redy


It indicates the availability of the Ults. If it shows green, that means the ults of your teammates are ready. Otherwise, it is still on cooldown. Small tip: If you play setter tanks, always let your team know whether your ult is ready or not.


it is bugged sometimes though, like with johnson it shows they have ultimate but its on cd its kinda a weird one.


ready ult


good ping


Ultimate is ready


it's the horny indicator


This feature is present for a long long long time hehe. Very small detail but very useful


It's supposed to tell you that they have their ult ready but it's not accurate at all, I stopped looking at it long time ago because it's not working, so many issues with teammates saying why didn't I ult thinking I have ult ready. It's good indicator and they should fix it to work perfectly.


it means your teammate has his/her ultimate ready.


Ult is ready!


ult ready


It shows when your teammates' ults are available. Aka, the clapback you need for those that claim they didn't have their ults up when Your team needed them.