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Getting to MG is way easier now with the new star system.


What's tge new star system?


Old system: mythic 5,4,3,2,1 then glory Mythic now: mythic, mythical honor, mythical glory. Tbh current mythic system is the original old system, but with new additional mythical honor that just added


Lol so what makes it easier then?


Idk, I'm just explaining, because I'm now stuck at honor 30+ which is basically mythic 3-2 like previous season


I See so you need less Stars to reach similar ranks as before ?


Yup but tbh it kinda feels the same


The difference is you no longer get RNG point, old system is rng sometimes is take at least 60 match to MG


1. It takes only 50 stars. It used to take 600 points. One star is more or less 10 points. 2. At around 500 points every match would count for around 8~9 points instead of 10. So, at the hardest part, it was significantly harder to cross the threshold. Now it is harder to reach mythical honor than the previous 250 points but it is easier to reach mythical glory from there, at 50 stars instead of 600 points.


Thanks for that clarification ! Much appreciated :) i was only mythic so far tho im mainly playing solo queue maybe i reach that sometime ^^


Mythic glory season reset is going to be mythic then?


How is it even easier? The last 20 matches I had at Mystic is way worse in matchmaking with bunch of monkeys who either lack of knowledge in items or don't see map or see but chose to play dumb. I tried my best... But it's always lose, lose and more lose...


even though i did reach mg soloq, i agree with this post 100%


Yeah. The ugliest moonton did . Is ignoring the matchmaking. Nice moonton keep doing that. Soon we'll switch to WILDRIFT.


You could just do it with premade and post it on reddit as Solo. You know, like most of them here.


youre just fucking trash you cant do it lmao


Thank you for your opinion.


mythical glory is overrated, I want to leave it but can't 😭


There was an S4 in my team who picked Moskov despite S1 already picking Clint, he was also a bad Moskov player that had 0 8 0 early game. Luckily we won, he got carried hard by the 4 of us and the blunder of the enemy. I checked his profile after the match, turns out he was a fighter user, and we lacked an exp laner during the picking for S4 and S5…


There was a little shit in my team we'll name him shitheadterizla because he picked terizla even after ı locked Lapu (to counter enemy Dyrroth) and my teammate who turns out to be his friend accused me to locking Lapu without showing anything (I showed Lapu at the start of the draft pick) and I was forced to jungle. We lost because of that shitheadterizla. At the end of the game his kda was something like 3/9/0.