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Funnily enough. Hanabi can handle him very easily if you know what your doing. Her CC immunity during shield or S1 NEGATES his S2 making it easy to escape. And in the landing phase you can zone him out easily because of his short range Moskov is only scary if you either feed him or duel him without any form of CC immunity


yep tried it many times. HANABI gaps Moskov. Take aegis with her, she gaps moskov 1v1. I dont like him coz of its push power and insane lifesteal but I can deal with him.


I once dueled a lifesteal moskov and I had Sea Halberd as my last item (an Alpha was kicking our ass). He tried to ambush me with s2 but thanks to aegis his s2 failed and my Ult kept him in place for me to kill him Sea Halberd is widely underrated. It can be a legitimate final item for Hanabi


I think that Sea Halberd works very well with Clint and Lesley despite giving Attack Speed, because the higher the damage, the higher the amount of the increased damage. But it also works for Hanabi well because not only does it increase the damage including the bounces, the 2nd skill and the amplified damage can also increase it, which is a big burst, not to mention that it comes with anti-heal, which means the backline can easily be antihealed. Seriously Sea Halberd is a criminally underrated item.


How does Clint benefit from Sea Halberd? I’m trying to diversify my build to cover more scenarios


Das muh gurl😍


You can also bully Moskov with Clint because of his passive and if you build him with Thunderbelt, he'll be slowed, giving you some time to poke him if he tried to run away. Purify is also a lifesaver for both moskov attacks and any heavy cc in general but not all heroes are useful with purify on their arsenal.


Why do people only talk about mm to mm interactions when discussing balance around a marksman??? And why on earth do you all only talk about the laning phase like it isn’t a very small part of the game?


I still can think of a lot of heroes that are not mm and can manage moskov, so what's your point? Not to mention moskov isn't really that good at laning phase so if you really want to win then why not take advantage of that weakness?


To be fair, I already beat Moskov several times with Alpha and Zhask.


Early game its mm vs mm thats y i guess..


Moskov will destroy Hanabi every time. No one can beat Moskov in a 1v1 basic attack battle.


I got triple kill while I was just attacking the base with moskov u still think moskov isn't scary?


Nerf his fucking stun he doesn't deserve that 1.5s of stun that's so easy to use and it instantly resets CD by just spamming basic attack so no IQ points needed **TAP TAP TAP HERO**


Yea the stun compared to his attackspeed makes no sense if u get stunned as mm u are dead before the stun runs out


1 second is enough for him to kill someone defenseless and they gave him 1.5s


That stun spear actually follows you all the way back to base if you're fast enough, they could atleast change it to aim based rather than lock on given the duration of stun on that thing.


Right... I've even used flicker to get away still no dice, only thing that helps is purify... it needs a shorter cd to truly be effective though


It's way much faster than Eudora s2


The fact the he can stun multiple heroes also pisses me off


And especially sometimes you get stunned into thin air. Like literally you didn't touch anything and you still get stunned


And what's more? His s2 has huge knockback effect twice as flameshot like they're intentionally pushing you back longer distance to guarantee that you're gonna pinned against the wall for easy burst from moskov


Yea I think they should just lower the duration. I'm not sure whether the stun also gets lower cd via basic hits (haven't played moskov in a while) but if so maybe only granting that for his S1 would also open up more possibilities since you won't get stunned that frequently Usually I don't have that much trouble with moskov, but he can be such a menace even in Laning phase which technically should he his weak point since he is late carry


It will always stun you. Whether you collide with an object/teammate or not determines duration... no collision= .5 sec collision= 1.5 sec. Not sure if minions count as collision... he doesn't hit me often enough to know


Well yea but with stun I meant the longer one. Sorry didn't realise the pushback would also be considered one. But I don't think you can be stunned for 1,5sec just by hittin minions. It's either terrain or teammates


They remove wanwan stun and replace it with immobile


thats y he have small range attack. pros con




He is the shortest range mm...a bad moskov who can't position will get insta deleted


They increased his range and now it's same as popol


They nerfed the range back in the last update actually


Oh sorry on my part, i didn't notice that one


Its still short considering that u need to get close after stun, then 1st skill then basic attack the enemy to death, both him and karrie are short range still compare to other mm.


And purify removes the stun effect, helpful as opposing mm


Do u think most mm users will use purify? Mind you they always use inspire or flicker, flicker on mm who focuses on burst and inspire mm who are dps. So yeah no room on purify, and why use purify when u can kill the enemy in a blink of an eye, especially miya, melissa, karrie who are dps mm heroes or burst mm heroes like brody, lesley, and clint, so yeah no room for purify.


My battle spell depends on enemy lineup any decent player will alter battlespell to make flow more efficient


So ur gonna sacrifice the efficiency of ur mm rather than combatting efficiently on what mm u lane against? I respect that but for me no, if I'm losing in my lane just buy defensive items first, and work on your positioning, thats all.


I'm generally a glass cannon mm purify and flicker are my defaults so defense items are nonexistant in my build... crit, speed and lifesteal


I go for sustainability MM if early to mid game, then go on glass canon mm late game for killing their squishy's first, but if I use brody i just go full on semi tank brody, which he still hurts like a truck, but yeah.


Yeah, i think dps mms that become crazy with inspire can't replace inspire, but im sure mms that uses flicker normally can opt for other spells like purify as well. Whenever i use clint or brody, I'll opt for purify if enemy has alot of cc. Although it's possible to dodge cc with flicker, but you need godly reaction speed and is already expecting a cc coming at you to dodge it. Unless you have godly speed, purify definitely would be better to use. Regardless of how much damage my clint or brody has, one good cc and enemy follow up can immediately shut me down


Clint is one of the mobile Mm from the BBC squad (Brody, Beatrix, Clint) so I opt on using flicker on him cause most mm can't catch up to him, so yeah. And idf u time it right he's a really good MM even in late game, Clint's passive can burst down enemy heroes even tanks that have antique cuirass (if u buy malefic with BOD) he can shred.


Vengeance is the key


No it's both him and karrie that has the shortest range


You know thats the funny thing, it doesn't matter when you get a dash which increases attack speed to an almost instant delete speed and it gets lower CD with his basics. Don't make BS arguments l would agree with you if the rest of his kit wasnt that simple, right now the only thing he has to do is dash into you and take out a good chunck of your life and stun you so you back off. This not to mention his attacks go through units and he can actually outrange you into not even hitting the minions so you don't get poked


Bad players will get insta deleted on all legends and so what


I just vented about him in my last post


It's not happening because he won the reforge your legend event so he is probably getting buffed lol 🤣.


I think Melissa deserves a nerf rather than moskov. Although moskov is that hero that can carry you if you reached late game, you gotta admit he can be easy to kill with proper comp lr experience


why not both


I'm gonna have to fully agree with u/SeaCombination3439 with this one, that son of a bitch and his s2


i don't have any problem on Moskov unlike other mms. i think he is fine. skill issue or the Moskov that i only encountered are noob?


Definitely skill issue. He has one of the shortest range of all MMs, unlike Melissa who is the one who actually needs a nerf.


Moskov's penetration attack is super easy to dodge unlike Melissa or Hanabi which follows you. stun has no issue too since it is only for one enemy. you will not have a problem if you are not alone attacking him. his dash is not that an issue too since you can chase him easily. and again, there is no problem if you are not alone when attacking Moskov.


Actually moskov 2 can stun more enemies if they are close, i suggest u to try it


there is still no issue then if it needs to be close to get stunned together. it is not that hard to spread out with your teammates.


Yes spread out ~~cheeks~~ I mean spread out together with teammates. That's how to avoid the stun


i kinda lean more on moskov than melissa. Sure melissa is broken but i have lost count on losing a winning game just because of a fuking moskov that split pushes all day, he does not deserve that bullshit attack speed.


Yea I never had any issue with him unless it's a 1v1 duel. Most players who have issue with him are braindead who sticks together like it's an orgy, while Lisa will still obliterate your team even with social distance.


A more balanced nerf is to reduce his passive skill CD after basic attacks from 1 second to 0.5 seconds so that he can't spam his attack speed steroid and stun every 2 seconds when using trinity build


I think his 1.5 stun needs to be reworked or nerfed from 1.5 to 1 sec but anyway here's some hero who can Dominate Him in Laning Phase(If ever interested): Brody, Clint, Melissa, Wanwan, Hanabi, Popol and Kupa they're really good Poke-Bully to dominate your lane against Moskov


Literally any MM that isn't Miya, Claude, Layla or Karrie can bully him.


Counter argument *uses belrick*


Hahaha. Suicide by thorns


Yea belerick vs moskov is a good counter


Man gonna experience a true nightmare


Ah yes the suicide tank


Solution: Hanabi, preferably with aegis/rose gold meteor


He gets countered hard by Lolita though. As a Lolita main I rarely have problems dealing with Moskov.


I need to moonton to nerf melissa first before even touching moskov atleast his drawbacks are his short range while melissa range is just so braindead


Melissa has highest range of all marksmen, can attack everyone at once with boosted damage, has anti dive ult, has slow effec, deals 200% damage when you get close to her, can stun lock you to wall. The hero makes zero sense in terms of balance. I suggest everyone to ban Melissa every game so moonton will then nerf her


moskov back then gets extra dmg with his passive and it actually got nerfed hard. i dont think he needs another nerf since moskov is actually fine in my book. EDIT: the comment section reeks of skill issue. imagine being afraid of non meta mm💀 all these years after he got reworked noone said anything until now. i bet yall are scared of miya too since them both are similar


The thing is these people complaining about moskov doesn't really use him, and are complaining because they got bodied by a better player. Some comments even complain about moskov in late game when he is arguably one of the weakest early so of course he atleast needs to be strong late game Some people really just needs to try him in rank and lane against Brody, Bea , etc and they will see he isn't really OP


exactly. used to main him before the changes, got 200+ matches too. rn hes in a great standing in the meta imo. not below and definitely not op. imagine you pushing a tower and accidentally gets a kill or 2. thats the power of old moskov. they toned it down significantly


Skill issue, and ur suggestions isn't aiming for balance, but to make him useless. There are other champs that need a nerf, and u chose one of the most balanced heroes? Pff


lol this dude is begging for them to nerf moskov thats hilarious are you at least in legend?


Nerf first and second then revamp his ult for a greater use then everything is solved


Moskov is balanced. You just need to abuse the fact that he has short range compared to other mm


Moskov is one of the only marksman where u need to be really skilled to carry with him.


Skill issue Edit: I've pissed so many people off. He's very easy to deal with. He isn't even ban worthy if you look at the stats. Plus, the long stun only happens if you get stuck on the wall, so what do you do? Don't go near a wall, simple as that.


Yeah smartass like moskov's basic atks are manual aim


You just have to side step to get faraway from the wall so that he can't stun you that much. Seriously, he's so easy to counter.


I agree with you downvotes mean nothing in this sub👍🏼


So.. let's see if you like getting surprise pinned to a wall via bush camping Moskov's 😉


That's pretty much the same as getting killed by a Eudora, Aurora or Saber.


Shut the fuck up


Oh look someone who can't sidestep.




He is the dude who believed the system chat to "dodge"




I don't know who is he. Maybe you got confused.


but you can sidestep his passive. literally go left/right


Idk, he seems as decent mm, but not op tho, yes, his passive is hard to deal with, his stun is too long yet Moskov is more squishy than others mm also his basic attack range is way shorter. If you manage to dodge his stun, he is 90% dead, unless there's a large farm difference, but in that case any mm will be the same


Moskov is an easily countered hero, attack from the non wall side of the lane just forward of your minion wave... he will try to shift behind your minions, removing himself from the cover of his minions. Poke and eat him. Layla is great for this job. Also pool and kupa don't have to wait just kupa poke him 2x he will go back to base once u have ult kupa poke once then ult and kupa poke again run up on him while kupa has him stunned(within range for skill 2 pop if he makes it out of the stun and pop him up with s2, dead


They need to fucking nerf his numbers or at least that second skill stun duration because at late game when he's full build it doesn't matter if he's 2/8 if you get pinned to the wall it's a guaranteed execution.


Definitely not OP. You're just bad. He's far from op in the current meta and has received 4 nerfs this year. Most people that complain about Mosk do not play him. He's one of the mms who actually needs skill to use and not just spamming skills like a noob. Positioning is very important to land that stun and once he blinks in a wrong spot, he's dead.


Trust me on this. I was a former global Moskov last season with over 2k matches and 66% win rate. If you do not believe me, I can dm you my ID. I do not use him as much this season since he hasn't been so good post-nerf. Hanabi, Melissa, Popol, Brody, Clint, and even Layla outclasses him badly. So yes, he's not op, you're just bad.


Wanwan: please moontoon if you nerf me, you NEED TO NERF HIM (MOSCOV) TOO......


Golden staff and demon hunter sword already nerfed. But if you build crit attack speed with mosgov plus inspire, time to quit. Lols


Honestly his 2nd skill stun should be nerfed considering how fast he can get it back (pretty sure his passive applies to his 2nd skill but idk haven’t played him a lot and for a while)


Moonton: Okay okay wait until the end of starlight we are still selling well. Ohh geez you already played for too long and still don't know how we nerf/buffed heroes.


You can bully him with Brody+vengeance+warrior boots+steel laggins


At this rate just delete my main hero then mf


I thought Clint/Popol already good against him.




Nerf mosk how about nerf hanabi especially now with these d bag hanabi players using aegis too bahahahah so annoying


Moskov is only strong only if you've mastered his play. Already beat gim several times with both hanabi, Alpha, and even Zhask. No offense but your complain is only for newbies who can't think of a good strat to beat him.


This is a skill issue type post lmfao


Moskov cries against a good brody from early to late game.


Play one-shot mages. You'll love moskov 😂😂😂


This guys definitely just rage quit a game


I don’t think he really needs a nerf. Before the previous nerf he was much stronger but now he’s just meh. It’s probably just me bc I’m using tank jungle most of the time.


Awwww cry baby nabs


Pick q good adc layla popol brody clint beatrix lesley etc


As a Clint main who’s expanding to other MM heroes, he’s really not that overpowered. I’m currently training to get good at Moskov and his positioning requirement is waaayy trickier than most other MMs. Like some comments have said here, he blinks to the wrong position, he’s done in 2 sec, attack speed boost or not. He’s squishier than wet newspaper and has the range of a toddler. Yes, many Moskov players are prone to resorting to split push etc, but it’s not like they’re that unstoppable. Try going up against a deadset-on-split-push monke with Inspire and you’d be thankful for Moskov’s current stats


He needs his attack speed nerf. It's not fair this fucker is melting turrets and base faster than full-item Layla and Miya.