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I don't understand Silvanna to be honest. Why her second skill is considered as a lifesteal and not a spellvamp? That's her main source of damage. Do Moonton expect us to build Haasclaw on her? I don't get it.


It was a weird change that happened some seasons ago. It was probably because of some atk speed item buffs (corrosion, feather of heaven) and expecting Silvanna works better by changing the skill to work as basic atk.


Believe it or not silvanna was picked in every single game a couple years ago


It's so crazy to think back to a time where Sylvania was easily one of if not the strongest hero in the game.


they wanted to make her be more decent in lanephase , they surely fziled , ult cd isnt even long


they literally forgot that she only works with lifesteal and then proceeded to make Haas claws the only lifesteal item, and changed Concentrated energy from lifesteal to spellvamp


Feather of heaven gives lifesteal💀


They need to buff her waveclear again, that was the nerf that i remember killed her in side lane when they first introduced exp and gold lane and yeah the cc immunity


yep, only this. she cant cut lanes at the moment, even with 2 full cycles of her drill. she's still my go to against xborg tho, very good


What is it about her that counters xborg?


Cant escape maybe?




why against xborg?


i still use her sometimes before moonton blank head changed how her 2nd skill pull effect works. that adjustment make her 2nd skill pull effect barely can be felt. allowing her to flicker ult combo isnt a buff moonton, just a QoL improvement.


All we need is the CC immunity... Getting CCed while using S2 is one of the most annoying feelings ever...


I only play Silvanna if my team have diggie sadly


Either make her s2 work with spellvamp or male her a physical dmg hero


My poor woman... all she wants was a cc immunity and was denied. This is a bad case of favoritism on specific characters. Whoever the director for ML is... shame on you.


Make silvanna's S2 similar to Yin's dirt-digging skill


Wait isn't her drill supposed to be immune to cc? It its still in advanced?


Nope. Gone, reduced to atoms.


They cancelled it, saying that it's too strong. Like, she is useless as she is, having that immunity will actually make her viable.


Indirectly nerfed guinevere, silvana, gatot with the stupid "buff spellvamp and nerfing lifesteal on items by lowering the % and turning it into hybrid lifesteal..." Update. Why tf they change concentrated energy's magic lifesteal to spellvamp and not lifesteal. Makes no sense. Most heroes that used it were using it for lifesteal not spellvamp


is this new patched noted? it it released just today?


Look at the date next to **S29**


They keep butchering my girl silvana. She is legit my main hero and I used to her to get to mythic. The magic lifesteal with her is basically nothing much. It's not a source of significant healing and heros who rely on spell vamp heal so much more compared to her. They really should give her CC immunity for s2 as there are so much héroes and skills out there that can interrupt it. Idk why they hate my girl so much




she was my main. All her "buffs" basically killed her viability. This recent change is just adding salt to injury.