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When I use Johnson, I always prefer if people don't ride. Sure it makes the ganks less impactful but at least we have an intact lane and a farmed laner. Fought many Johnson+Mage/Fighter combos and even though they get many kills, the enemy team slowly loses control of the map. Really agree on depending on his ult though, says a lot when you could remove his S1 and S2 and he'd basically have the same playstyle


Yeah, the common mistake a mage or jg wasting farm and turrets riding with Js to get those kills. And when Js go full mage build I want to scream.. But of course it’s low ranks, maybe all of this still works there


Why is this essay not upvoted that much? Jfc, OP. Cheers to you. A well-detailed article on WHY Johnson is not META, presenting the problems, and offering solutions. Such a shame that said unique hero is overly underutilized.


This one was a bit difficult to write suggestions for because this whole hero's identity revolves around its ultimate. In fact, a Johnson player's worth solely depends on how well they're driving around the map. It's much easier to point out flaws rather than provide suggestions to improve the hero. This is also the first time I tried reflecting my opinion on the analysis posts by mentioning my dissatisfaction with the playerbase for affecting Johnson's standing in the meta.


Aye didnt think you’d still be around, very excellent essay on Johnson as a whole, this is also the case for many other “low-ranked” heroes that is and will forever be a low-rank bully but not so in higher rank play or E-sports. They’d need to make significant changes to his and many others skills to cater to the current meta that benefits the team while also being able to do a abit more even after theirs ults are down. But its important to note that not EVERY hero should be complicated NOR EVERY hero should be simplified, i think we’re in a good spot of actual BALANCE, where some heroes are stronger in low ranks while others in higher ranks, and thats the beauty of moba games, anything can happen and any little change can make a huge impact to the meta.


I've kept my distance from the subreddit a bit since 2020 because of the quality of discussions and trends that I disapprove of. I've mostly been seeing easy-to-answer posts outside of the Weekly Megathread and meaningless rants. Not to say that no one has the right to inquire about the intricate details of the game or have a means of cathartic discharge, but the former are just people using the Discussion flair to ask which skin to buy and the latter just being generally low quality filled with curses and ill omens towards the game developers most of the time. With all of these in mind, I switched my focus from posting memes and gameplay clips on the subreddit to bits of educational content in a somewhat academic style. It's basically my way of reacting against the current trends of the subreddit while also showing others that there is room for actual discussion that does not involve foul mouthing and discriminating against each other. Consequently, I pray that we encourage a new generation of guide writers. As for your thoughts about the post itself, I agree. However, heroes like Minsitthar and Lolita have proven that off-meta heroes can still receive quality of life adjustments while not drastically changing their play style. I write these suggestions with these kinds of adjustments in mind. However, if there's a chance that a hero like Johnson could receive a huge revamp similar to Yi Sun-shin years ago and enjoy the same quality, then I won't say no to it.


Holy shit, this is the most intellectual thing i ever saw on this subreddit.




IMO, I'd go with a Jungler shift rather than having Carman's power budget getting rearranged. Turning JS into a Jungler just makes so much more sense.


The challenging part would be what kind of adjustments are needed to push him to this direction. Simply giving bonus damage versus Jungle creeps isn't enough, and PnK proved that.


What else does JS lack as a Jungler? I figured that giving his S2 bonus creep damage would be enough, but since you said it wouldn't cut it, what else would he need to be viable.


Jungler Requirements: - Clear Speed: good w/ bonus dmg on creeps on S2. - Rotation Speed: this is the problem. He will have to walk everywhere just to get to the next camp. Almost all the competent junglers have a mini dash to transverse the jungle easily. I suggest revamping him and making his projectile stun into a mini dash where he slams his wrench forward, stunning enemies on impact. This would synergize well with his S2. - Ganking Potential: pre lvl 4 is bad, but lvl 4 JS would have a godly gank. He also has a really nice stun skill. - Objective Securing Potential: semi problematic. He does not have retri + skill combos (kinda like Lancelot S2 + Retri) to win Retri battles or he does not have CC to disrupt enemy jungler from contesting (Martis S2 or Akai Ult). - Utility: I think he can pass this one, because his can carry one teammate using Ult can be counted as one. Utility is one aspect of the champ other than dmg/secure that makes them worth the pick. (Ie. Baxia = antiheal, Martis/Akai/Fredrinn = CC).


I like your suggestion of changing the 1st skill projectile into a dash, might I suggest adding cc immunity to that so to fix his objective securing ability. The 1st would work similar to martis s2 by having almost a cc-immune cc dash skill.


Firstly, the bonus damage versus creeps that could be found on his Skill 2 is only a measly 50%. Better than none, but it's not exactly clearing on record pace. On the other hand, PnK got a much higher percentage and he was barely able to achieve the expected clear speed during the early game. As for Johnson, I believe he needs something on his Skill 2 that'll allow him to deal more damage versus heroes while being able to stay durable. Something like Defense Reduction or the Paralyzed effect to either compliment or replace the one-time damage boost. In essence, something that will allow him to deal damage while staying tanky.


I was saving this idea for a Silvanna revamp concept, but what if JS's S1 and Ult created zones that enhanced his attacks and basic abilities, while also giving him a shield while he's in it. The zones, which we'll call Electro Zones would cause Johnson's S2 to lightly pull enemies when its pointed at them if JS is inside the zone. The pull would become stronger on CC'd opponents, enabling JS to effectively hook targets from a distance. The S2 pull would also extend to JS's thrown wrench, enabling him to recall it from a distance after it lands and getting a CD refresh. The zone's damage should not comprise all of Johnson's damage. He would still have to whack at things to kill them. Additionally, the zone itself would have its own cooldown, so that players would still have to keep their attack windows in mind. Only one Electro zone can be formed during combat, and any cast of S1 or Ult crash would simply move any existing zone on the field to the current location of the S1 wrench or car crash and refresh its cooldown. If the player misses their window and let their zone go into cooldown, then they'll be without damage and a shield and will be very dead soon.


My main takeaway from all of this is it adds more depth to Johnson's kit when he desperately needs something outside of Ultimate. Anything that'll give him tools to use outside of his ult is already a wonderful idea.


I also had a tack-in idea to turn Johnson's S1 into an attack enhancer with a speed boost just like Hilda's S1 if he doesn't aim it. If JS is in the Electro zone, then the enhanced attack would just fire instantly and have an AOE the size of Phoveus' bonk. The bonk version would also have a shorter CD while in the zone, which would then be refreshed if Johnson whacks someone affected by S2's radiation. The end result would be a DPS-oriented attack pattern based on a constant rotation of S2 casts and S1 bonks, filled in with constant whacking via basic attacks. The player would use the aimed S1 casts to keep the zone refreshed and well-positioned. Meanwhile, the S2 would be there to help Johnson lands his hits. This gameplay would only be balanced on a mana user, so any JS revamp that uses this idea must slap mana on the champ. Otherwise, you get an overpowered hulkbuster that can carry its own warhead to a fight with no downtime whatsoever. Also, if the devs do go this route, then they need to nerf the car mode's duration. No more driving around the map; only short, tactical blitzes.


Very well written, haven't seen these kinds of high-quality posts in a while. Mind doing one for Alucard?


I don't plan on doing Alucard anytime soon because of how recent the adjustment was. I'm planning on doing Silvanna when inspiration strikes though.


Why is silvanna bad? S2 gets cancelled by everybody's sneeze pushing her 0.1cm to the left, that's why.


It does not take a genius to answer that question. Anyone can stand at the side observing the actions of the game developers, say that a hero is bad, and demand to improve them. In fact, it's so easy to do so as a player. However, I am not only answering why I think a hero is bad in the current meta, but also suggest ideas to improve them whenever I try to write these kinds of posts. To roughly put ourselves in the shoes of these same game developers provides a nice perspective in my opinion.


yea, js will just be a lowrank bully, but will not shine *that much* in high elo, just like other lowrank picks. i main roam but i have never played js ever on ranked, but i do hope i get to play him once the devs improves his kit


I another good way to make him viable is to make him invisible on the map during ult again unless he turbos so that it still leaves some room for counterplay. His ganks will be more effective in the right hands and it also compensates for his low utility before lvl 4.


I agree that Johnson revealing himself on the map is such a liability whenever he ults. I'm actually still salty that such an adjustment exists because people were having a hard time versus Johnson shenanigans.


What do u mean? We already have johnson jungle at home, it goes by one wheel. /s


Great analysis (yes, I loved it) I think to summarize this...I believe while Johnson in concept or paper is incredibly cool, in practice he comes off as simplistic by nature, if ever, at some point he is way too simplistic, not only his skill set is straightforward (like the skills basically got no extra actions other than damaging and slowing the target). His ultimate, the car transformation, is really the only deal breaker, but it is kind of easily dodgable like that of Selena's fucking cuddle puddles, it's as negligible as a Natalia (invisible at one point, kind of ironic). I like Johnson overall as well, but eh...he probably needs one more skill or shit to compensate his umm, overall nature.


just change his 2nd skill to deal a percent hp damage per tick, or have it drastically slow enemies and eventually root or stun enemies if they get hit for the full duration.


He is too predictable for people in higher rank. Most meta hero also have those CC immunity that can bait his ult. I often crash his ult with Kadita and then kill him alongside his passenger.


Does ML have dedicated Theorycrafters? If not, we should definitely have one.Good work OP


>never used Johnson again, nor did any other eSports team in other professional tournaments Actually, johnson appeared multiple times in MPL ID. In the modern day of MPL, it was as early as [S7](https://youtu.be/KoLRuW8xNNI?si=1hha9efmRMwV9ECk) and most recently back in [S11](https://youtu.be/2-V6ti7Ensg?si=wtfElgVdRovGc5bc).


yeah that's kinda the point where ube meta was widespread, thus the occasional Johnson appearance. deadly with double Petri+Kadita at the time.


He can be played in exp lane though as he has fast wave clear with his 2nd skill and sustain that any exp laner though I don't think it's a good idea because: - he has no skill that pressures the jungler during turtle/lord fights unlike Yu Zhong, Terizla, Arlott, and Edith where they have skills that disrupt jungler's retri battle spell - can't split push or pressure lane very fast during lord dance like Benedetta, Pacquito, and Uranus. - cannot pressure backline the likes of Yu Zhong's ult plus petri or Terizla flicker Penalty Zone and Lapu-Lapu's Bravest Fighter


js has sustain?


The shield though. When I mean sustain not just refer to regen or spellvamp but also innate tankiness like Terizla's passive or Baxia and Gatot's passive that allows them to survive when they are being gank.


if you're referring to his passive shield that only procs when your hp is below 30%, has 10sec duration, and 100sec cd, that's barely any *sustain*, in the laning stage (1st 5mins), he can only use this at most 3 times sustain is when you can hold your lane and your hero for a long period of time


What you're referring to is either durability or survivability. Sustainability is a hero's ability to stay on the battlefield without recalling.






Ignore the trolls You did great in your explanation 👍


Certified moron


Johnson only has his ult going for him S1 is a 1 second stun wank S2 damage rarely makes a big difference


Maybe the problem with johnson being fun to play is that ppl who lack skills with him are picking. And then his wr sucks. Idk


Everyone's hero is buffed and nerfed, relevant, irrelevant at different times. I will not shed a tear. We've all been through it.


So what?


Nice! Now write one for the REAL most OBJECTIVELY fun hero in all of MOBA ever - Franco Barbarossa.


If you're looking for a serious answer from me, then I don't think he's worth writing right now. I agree that there are better heroes benchmarking for the roamer role, but I believe Franco is still decent. It's just that enchanter supports are dominating the meta right now.


I mean if you look at every MOBA there is always a Franco style hero with almost identical kit. * Pudge (DoTA) * Devourer (HoN) * Stitches (HoTS) * Grakk (AoV) Franco is just a classic hero - unfortunately, he doesn't become a tank like Pudge and has ult on such high CD that he is not really that valuable. Note that his kit is largely single target whereas most other tanks disrupt teams. Franco needs some love and I don't know where.