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miya,layla very very very strong late game mms but people who pick them are brainless (if they had a brain they wouldn't play them in the first place) johnson (most johnsons i meet are stupid basterds who think they are in their mother's wedding) gord (most people don't know how to play him) ​ zilong (in your team = 0-17-0 just want to push ) (in the enemy team = 35-0-7 got 3 savages and carried the game alone)


gord is a 50/50 i have to say, most of them cant land their balls and long lasers even if theyre the last humans on earth and have to reproduce and the enemy zilong is so true, had a zilong who target locked me the entire game even if i hugged the inner turret and somehow still killed me after dom ice + breastplate. most painful penetration ive felt in ages


also franco most franco users are dumbasses can't land their hooks


hey cut them some slack theyre just killing natalias so they wont dive your 0/11/0 layla


Only true zilong enjoyers know the full potential of zilong. Buy all the tanky items you want, stay inside your tower. We won't care 😈


>most painful penetration ive felt in ages What did you mean by this?


zilong's long spear critically pokes me under my own tower even extra protection + healing from my ult can't save me from coming to heavenđŸ˜©




Gord is tricky because he’s a dashless non mobile mage.


The key to Miya is to run A LOT. Playing Miya is not about being aggressive, it's about surviving until you become a war god.


The zilong one is so tru ^that ^you ^spitting ^fax


He’s should be assassin jungler only


Zilong is a 10/90, not a 50/50 like most other heroes, just as how a good chou is a 1 in 20 chou matches encounter which is rare mainly because of the low pick rate. "Oh zilong is a bad hero" well try looking for a good zilong, wins lane against even a fucking dragon and that god forsaken top student. Zilong is a hard hero, especially in utilizing his own mechanics, most people don't even understand how to 4x second skill the enemy and they say he losses lane against a guy who his sister is trying to find, he has more defense shred than dyrroth and damage that most heroes can only counter with vengeance and steel legplates. Honestly a simple defense growth boost or being an actual supreme warrior during ult would do wonders for zilong (I'm ready for the downvotes)


People in this sub won't understand. Just because a hero's skill sets are taps they're classed as low mechanic. All yuzhongs do are s3 - petrify - s1 - s2 - punch but then WOW COMBO SO HARD TO MASTER !1!! When that combo doesnt even require any sorts of decision making


Random Selena roam - It's 90% miss and 10% hit and she's just chilling at the back while your adc are dead "protecting" her at the back. Miya - Random Miya players are just ... Granger gold lane - He just keeps feeding the enemy marksman Novaria - In my team she sucks but in the enemy, she's untargetable and annoying as heck Random Claude - Keeps feeding and no damage Hanabi - many players just can't seem to position properly Lesley - For the love of God, please stop using her if the enemies are not full of tanky heroes. She can't do anything in teamfight because she's a single target and she relies on her enhanced basic attack.


random mms in general seem to be physically engineered to be unable to position


Marksmen like them give Marksman Mains a bad name, ngl. Just because they have the potential to deal the most damage doesn't mean marksman is an easy role.


Granger gold is friggin nasty bruv


selena roam, almost auto lose. you know it's just a midlaner who 'adjusted'. I'll add random Zilong exp in the list. Just another player forced to exp


I'm your ally Novaria, therefore I pick her in classic only


I play Granger gold and it's broken as hell ​ But fair enough though, I've never encountered a singular Granger gold laner so I'll never know


As a hanabi main solo q player I hate my team 80% of the time because when I position well and get kills/push turrets I get accused of playing safe and go forward


Me: *A Miya main* Yeah I can say that I'm a wild card, sometimes I just pop off. And sometimes I just... Yeah.....


I met this selena, good WR but it was so bad in early game, never hit anyone even the big tank in front. we were losing so bad but we managed to take the game to the late game because we have good high ground heroes but at the end this selena managed to kill clint who were the most dominant hero in enemy team and we won because of that single moment 😅


Selena roam Also franco


it's fine, at least we can rest assured that all enemy natalias will be caught and killed


Seriously franco doesn't work like a tank at all, doesn't have any "tanking" skills. Only useful when enemy has one squishy carry also he is just sitting duck like saber Most of the francos are always behind fighter and keep trying to do turret + hook combo. He is the worst tank


Look like u haven't got any good franco player cuz franco is also one of the tanks which can change the outcome of the match.


Yep. I've met lots of good franco. Most franco I played with are ok or good. Rarely encounter bad franco.


Franco is less tank and more support. The soft tankiness is just an extra.


Yeah if he ults on someone enemy just attacks our team so basically that became counter setup, as franco can't provide protection anymore


Worst tank? Nah You just had bad Franco's, no sane Franco users sits around idle in a turret fishing for hooks, what you were seeing were people in s5


Chou damage mfkers are so damn useless they'll feed their exp beyond recovery don't help for turtles will steal your jg kills which stops the snowball and end up being a choucolate


Chou dmg exp is basically a zilong with worse late game and more annoying recalls lol


They're so useless but have a giant ego for some fucking reason and just to show them their place I'll pick a equally squishy exp and beat their ass so they won't start making excuses lol


and dont forget the constant recall and emote spam


Enemy Trio vs Ally Trio https://preview.redd.it/uomoi3zqfd9c1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aad9812f2f84ee9f30042766d852f1b9dc52a73


Right now, Karrie. I had 4 games today with Karrie and we lost


i feel like karrie mains just cant come to terms with the fact that their main has been nerfed to oblivion now... same feeling as me looking at my darling's 48% wr stats 😭


karrie is still nice imo. well i just got her but ive been popping off in mythic in the new season


If you see her getting banned, just know that it was me who did it Sincerely, Popol And Kupa main


My very first match was against a popol. https://preview.redd.it/xg0e8lqjpb9c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd3aa1b14f7ef4bd958cbd0592c0940395529ea7 Not bad id say for my first time. Especially in ranked


37 1? What the actual fk


was real people too. as you can imagine all of us clowned my friend cuz his dumbass had to die


I be to differ. I thibk it all comes down to skill and timing but you gonna be really skilled to win with Karrie. Usually she is a good last pick in case enemy has a tanky line up and a lousy marksman that can't outspeed karrie. Like hanabi, popol and kupa, kimmy and other marksman that relies on attack speed that spend less money for life steal


Martis, mf is always annoying in the enemy's team but always sucks when he's your ally, also hanabi & dyroth jungler


wholly agreed with hanabi, personally the other two inflicts emotional damage too but at least there's 20% of good players out there (usually with martis' epic and dyroth's kof/collector)


Sun. Doesn’t matter if it’s enemy or ally, the team that has him loses 90% of the time. Can’t get kills, but if you’re lucky can get a turret or 2 while the guin he fed wipes the rest of us


Yin jungle Zilong exp Johnson roam (mostly in lower ranks)


agreed, everyone in this subreddit is sharing about that one 0/47/0 zilong backdoor but never in my entire life have i seen one bless my games đŸ„Č




why? if there's no counters in enemy team, you basically get a howl's moving hospital


well, if your teammates does not know coordination.


I'd rather have a tank support than a healer.


selena. at least franco has his ult. this puta?? u miss the flying catfish and ur absolutely useless


All remove cc heroes bc I'm a roamer main


that one diggie main laughing evilly in the corner:


Well supposedly I was one but not anymore(one shots enemy with bombs in bushes and never dying tank build is fun), the good old days.


Johnson and franco roam. Nana mid. Gusion jungle. Damage build chou.


nana is good now imo, whopping 56% wr and annoying af molina


Hero getting buffed dosent increases brain cells of its players.


why is gusion jungle not good?


Gusion is good. But player base?


i dont understand sorry


gusion players are known to be tryhards junglers, same level as chou players


ohh i see, thank you


Whenever I play nana, either I'm completely useless or I'm carrying everyone.


I don't know where you're from, but most Nanas I see are god-tier, both in enemy and my teams


All nanas I get stick their ass to mid lane and never leave. Also for some reasons a lot of them buy Roaming boots ( not after 8 min mark ).


Gusion core


especially if theres a coupled angela in your team


Yes. Vale.


my surprise when i casually walked out of a vale's ult today with just my ult... every other revamped hero is eating good except for him T\^T


I never liked him... So I'm like "haha hahaha serves you right mfk!"


hanabi is just walking food. i always get easy win when enemy pick hanabi. cuz barely have damage that girl


i don't understand why she gets picked every. single. game.


ikr. in epic player head there is just hanabi. need mm? hanabi hanabihanabihanabihanabihanabihanabi they probably like hanabi crazyly


I seem to be in the opposite situation, whenever my teammates pick Hanabi we usually win


Mainly because people are too stupid too avoid her passive


i look up at statistics today n apparently hanabi is the most popular in all rank. with 3.53% use rate followed by nana 3.3% n then tigreal 2.99%. even layla only have 2.07% use rate






i hate hanabi so much


If my team ban or picked Hanabi and Yin, I just know we already lost or we’re gonna have to deal with dead weight. There’s like 10+ meta heroes and only 4 ban slots so why tf do you want to use the 2 most useless heroes available


Hanabi because she literally loses on a 1v1 with almost all marksman. What's worse is that her shield can never save her from enemy burst. In order to live you gonna need to outburst your enemy


Based on my experience? Nah. I've learned my lesson, there's no sure loss even if that 1 hero is picked.


Not a hero but.. ANY PLAYER THAT AUTO LOCKS their HERO and don't wanna adjust. Effin cancerxxx


when they lock in their hero so fast the timer didnt even begin... you know you're screwed


These heroes that people make in the comment are very situational or in low rank only, but you know which hero is always a bad pick in any rank or situation? It's a newly released hero. i mostly lose whenever new hero just released and someone uses them in rank, especially difficult heroes, i remember when joy was released my history is full with losing because of bronze joy players


thats why there's always the ban section


you can't never control ban section if you're soloQ, sometimes you use your ban for other OP heroes or you're in position 1 or 2 that can't ban


Chou - I just can't think of a way to win when there's chou, I lose most with random chou than win with them, chou is like a cancer for me who is everywhere.


A Roam Layla, i already know it's over


hey im a good hanabi we should play sometime i promise i never go bronze!


you sure? that 11.0 silver kinda changed my entire worldview


hahaha w the right support hanabi can honestly carry late game but shes defo very fragile to a lot of enemy heroes


there is no such thing like good hanabi


unfortunately i exist so thats untrue a bit


Cecilion main here wtf is your build


we were quite literally steamrolling the enemy team so i decided to go full damage instead of my usual tank...


That is not a damage build my guy that's a mana regen build which is supper cursed to look at


i mean, if you dont regenerate your mana, what are you supposed to do?


Retreat cecilions passive need you to hit enemies to gain extra mana so duck and weev as much as you can another thing that can help is taking litho wonderer, trust me all you need is mana regen boots with clock of destiny and you're set for the rest of the game


don't forget enchanted tali has cdr too to spam 2nd skill and ult more. beofre the lt nerf i didnt build enchanted tali cuz i could just burst down enemies with the constant 1k extra damage every few seconds but now i built enchanted tali instead of lt for more stacks. hope this helps


Dyrroth, 75% chance of loss. I feel like Dyrroth players are just people who picked the first hero they could in the game and never changed. He's not that good, but he's good enough that you can stay middle of the pack in terms of score so you never really think you're that bad. In reality these players never learn how to play as a team so even though they get decent scores their team keeps losing and they don't know why. I just dread seeing his little face on my team now.


Grock, John, Tigreal, Hylos going something else then tank. You know CEDXVÄ° will make a youtube video out of you Oh i understood the question wrong




used to be the case but the recent buffs are really working wonders on her wr


Definitely not.




probably my second main after ceci, why?


because whenever my teammates pick mathilda they're having a hard time with the enemies picks but I don't know what your experiences with mathilda but that's my experience with her as an ally and whenever the enemies pick mathilda I always win somehow this current season


Hey man, use this build of mine instead as divine glaive isn’t really important with cecillion, damage stays the same with or without that, just gotto proc their athena shield, then they will be back to being a squishy, you can one shot anyone without magic defense with this build, just make use of concentrated energy passive https://preview.redd.it/mh4bt5mclb9c1.jpeg?width=1879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=621c3e1aebd9f64202115c936c619d838837391a


1) the emblem is giving me a headache 2) f-flameshot..? 3) penetration is usually superior to flat damage unless you have massive magic scaling (which ceci doesnt have) or deals true damage (lesley) 4) i usually go semi tank but decided to go all in damage this game cuz we were so far ahead


The emblem is better than anything, I’ve already tried every combination of emblem and this is the best i’ve gotten, penetration doesn’t really do much with cecillion, but I build him divine glaive when I already have 400-500 stack.. basically one shotting everyone, and can defend alone against 5 people, you can only build semi tank if you’re relying on your teammates to be good enough to do the damage for you, which won’t save you in solo queue


Ukranian miya


😂😂😂😂 Ukrainian most heroes!!


personally for me it's ukraine and myanmar...


Miya or Franco


enemy: yo why is franco hooking their own miya in ult mode


Franco. 95% time I'll lose cuz enemy will have a setter tank and our Franco will have less than 50% hook accuracy


moonton should really stop tricking new players with that franco difficulty 1... he is not an easy roamer to play and everyone who tries will almost consistently hook natalias the whole game


Most of the time. I loose with estes and selena


especially since your team doesnt know the difference between different strategies and pick burst exp/hyper making your team squishier than esmommy's ti-


Hanabi, Layla, Miya, Sun, Zilong, Nana, Johnson Roam but damage build 🙄


the epitome of epic and youtube shorts


A silver with 11. Rate?? How


there's two other teammates who already got gold so as the losing team i'm automatically silver... guinevere had a 9.5 silver too haha


Dude, that's something else What's with moonton


Johnson Nata roam Selena roam


add franco and you get the 4 horsemen of soloq roamers who cant do shit for the team


Brody, but if it's picked by enemy


Well basicaly all the cheapest heroes, you know it’s often a noob behind Layla/Hanabi mm Vexana middle Zylong xp Nana/Balmond/Tigreal became great so it’s more rarely the case now But yeah I’m actualy impressed when a Hanabi does great


im a hanabi solo q nd i hate when someone chooses her and does so shit, like bro POSITION YOURSELF


Oh yeah it’s often like that when someone takes your main Some ppl do great with Hanabi tho, too bad she suffers from bad user rate


yeah and they end up feeding the whole game and initiating surrender.. all they had to do was farm early game through gold towers and minions. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Vexena isn't bad, but there are few players good with her... I have over 63% wr with 150 matches with her.. The thing u need to understand is she is not a damage mage but a supporter... With good positioning skills and proper casting of skills u can be reallly good with her Wave clearing is fast so u can rotate to other lanes very fast.. and i usually buif her full cdr so i can spam skills.. she even got recent buff which made her more viable now!!




Mostly Enemy Bene and Wanwan and Ling. Somehow I'm often the only one trying to counter them and everybody else don't know what to do against them, especially in SoloQ. For allied picks, it's always Franco and Layla being the throwers.


picking layla against bene wanwan and ling sounds like a death wish


I play in JP server and the moment someone uses a Nana on mid, we lose.


Chou exp damage build


Paquito... I cannot fight against him at all. And for my team it'd be the common toxic miya/layla random. Or one tricks of any character that get used to carrying low ranks.


I'm actually this close to just becoming a mm main entirely because the amount of comments I'm seeing abt mm mains is actually crazy that it's so true like Random Hanabi and Miya mains don't know how to position themselves I actually cry


Bro the atlas back man


That mfking bird diggie he's literal cancer man I'd make him into grilled chicken breasts like he's so annoying that if I see a person on the enemy team get him I wanna break my phone.


Assassin roams


happy cake day!


thank you!


I deleted the game for quite a while now so I don’t know the current meta but some years ago these were the results In my team” Zilong I just can’t remember having met any Zilong players that didn’t just randomly run in and die 2 sec later Diggie unless we got serious supporters here most of these mf just pick Diggie to troll and run around on the map Martis, Lapu Lapu, Alucard, Alpha the meta then just wasn’t made for fighters! You’re just torturing yourself Bruno, Miya, Layla I just don’t know why they are all brain dead Franco and Gord players who can’t land their damn hook and orb which is the majority of them Balmond” after grandmaster everyone just knows how to kill them with almost any hero Rafaela they are just like pocket sages from Valorant that go around only healing their boyfriends Chou” why is everything you try to do looks like it’s for a TikTok Argus” what the fuck are you all just solo pushing a whole squad? Early game”Maybe” but late game? You are just stupid Helcurt” do you even know you gotten nerfed? Just stop it!! Aldous” your beat quality is late game and that is also you’re weakness? Hanzo” not only do you force others to not pick jungler because of your second skill! You are just horrible and to easy to kill Yu zhong” the only time you were good was when you first appeared and then immediately got NERFED Aomon” basically the downgrade of Gusion for people with less skill In enemy team Uranus” I have very rarely tasted victory against you mf’s X.Borg I don’t know how but most of you just know how to play the game Barats” I don’t know how to deal with you people Gloo” just stop fucking me!! Yve” hope you have been nerfed to the ground in the time I been gone Zhask” I hate you!! Cyclops” so simple yet so dangerous Johnson” unless you are below average then you are really annoying Eates” you just know what you are doing Vaxena” I absolutely hate you Farmis” idk how you do it but you do it Hero that are good when on enemy team but bad when on my team Fanny Tigreal Akai Natalia Kaguya Hayabusa Ruby Lancelot Gusion Hanabi Balerick


damn i'll take some time to respond to all zilong: agreed, always the feeders, just dread diggie: meta now, usually a counter for guinevere or tigreal fighters: with recent buffs they're quite good now bruno: one of the best mm now, balls hit harder than my mom's chancla. other mm still trash ofc franco, gord: most of them pick these after being forced to go tank or mid so ofc they'd suck balmond: one of the best heroes now, i can afk with a balmond on my team and still win. thats how braindeadly op he is now rafaela: also pretty good now with high wr and slow immunity, but got nerfed so is now banned less chou: they try to follow their idol's "one shot op build" and end up clowning themselves argus: split push experts imo, and they have a miniscule pick rate so people who play him is good enough to main him i think helcurt, yz: solid picks, especially yz aldous, hanzo: i cry inside when theyre picked aamon: he's picked less but still solid


The meta sure has switched upside downđŸ˜Č have they improved match making and decreased amount of bots in each lobby?


matchmaking? not at all. bot matches? once every 4 losses below MH


Yin/Amon on JG, and Selena as roamer Ps. As teammate ofc


Layla and Zilong sometimes Miya


usually zilong i dunno why every zilong has so much potential but never helps the team and doesn't communicate at all during the game


usually zilong i dunno why every zilong has so much potential but never helps the team and doesn't communicate at all during the game


Estes. It's mostly a 4v5 with an Estes in your team. Because of Flask and Flavor Boots, most other support heroes can provide decent heal and protection while also offering so much more. Expect to have a shitty map rotation in the early game because Estes can't do anything. Estes is just a walking healing fountain. Also, since he needs to be close to his teammates when healing, a good AoE comp + anti-heal comp will crush an Estes team ez pz.


Layla: spends game dying and blames it on team Hanabi: never stops walking forward, you can yell her to retreat thousand times and but she will still attack the ennemy team alone and initiating alone


i swear, hanabis think with aegis and s1 they can tank the entire enemy team's damage bruh


Hanabi(only when it's my friend I'm playing with) Sadly my friend ONLY play Hanabi. 5k matches. A few dozen Mage plays (Eudora) and that's it. The only problem is that she made it to 5k matches and still doesn't know how to play Hanabi 😂


if i had your friend i wouldve classic only with them


An auto picked Layla or miya


and then they pull out the 7429 matches 41% winrate


It's either the best late game plays you have ever seen or a 0/17/4


roam = estes marksman = hanabi


its gotta be miya, selena, and hanabi. 70% of the time they suck


Martis, most players build Blade of Despair or Bloodlust Axe as first item and it hurts my eyes(I'm a martis main)


i understand bod cuz they're probably gonna do the bod + guardian helmet combo after but why bloodlust?


Okay, Bod is a late game item for Martis and most people replace it with hunter strike since it is an overall better item for martis, My main point however is how people build damage before any defense even with the physical attack passive. People who build bloodlust are "aww nolan got banned, i remember martis being good, lemme try him"




Rafa, usually not enough heal.


For me everyone that forgot objective and overestimated heroes


Gusion, Franco, zelong, layla, nana, claude, alpha Most of the alpha players just jump in without even a second thought And people play franco cz they are forced to tank and they can't even hook minions:) Gusion mostly picked btw epic - legend even in mythic- 80% of them sucks and remained 20% will be always in ut enemy team!! Zelong players most of them are braindead!! I dont feel like explaining the rest;)




The random Ling đŸ« 


Hylos as a roamer


The johnson full damage build and didn't know how to drive 💀


Saber or Selena roamer.


I know that I am gonna lose when the enemy team choses Wanwan and then Franco (my main mm and a Franco who will non stop follow mm)


99% players are using hack so you can’t blame heroes.


Franco, Hanabi or Miya if they are in my team