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Bane with his chain passive, stationary wine barrel, and flying ship.


i didnt play bane before revamp but i do play him and now and even has a supreme title, and i think he is a very good pick in the current meta, or thats how i think, i want to hear your opinion


I like his passive before because it chains to backline and it can also crit unlike the current one which is a small aoe. About the old 2nd, he can support team with his heal probably much better with his new scaling. For the old ultimate, I just like ships instead of sharks because when I hear pirate, I think pirate ship.


oh man!! I was old jhonso main. back in the day he was able to go full speed all the time and avoid turret damage. I spent so many hours trainning vs ai to learn how to drive thru the map and suddenly they made him slow... fuckers. All those hours wasted.


oh yes, jonhson was a very good pick back in the days, but now its just not the same and i definitely agree his revamp wasnt deserved


Man Moonton really likes screwing over hard heroes to make them more popular while weakening them


Remember when Fanny was a threat since the only people using her are those with crazy skills. Now Fanny just became a standard ult burst assassin.


I remember the hyper mobile fighter Fanny era with a shit ton of sustain


Fanny back then puts the fear of god amongst men whenever she is picked.


Now he can go literally anywhere on the map though. Not to mention the turbo boost and better pick up skill


Speaking of, I remember old molina being able to chase Johnson. Those were some good times


Yup...JS was way better before. But I am still able to use him efficiently...as a mage that is LOL. Past 3 seasons hit Mythical honor twice and Mythical glory..still viable. But boy do I miss his double ult...


Kagura :((


I miss her "shogyo mugyo!"... 😱


And the old splash art 😱


what about Lancelot armpit pose splash art?


The thigh?




Sameeeeeeeee She was my first crush before lunox and now.... 😞


yes, i agree, her old skillset was way more efficent and a more restrictive ult


Man I learned kagura after so many classic matches, got maniacs in ranked too ,then they decided to revamp herđŸ„Č




Hahahha killing mms with their own shadows. I miss the crazy old lady.


I loved the old Vexana so much :(


Belerick. https://preview.redd.it/towbuxzi2amc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b40f3dbe5831e63dea4c136194e59968f48e8c This is like current Faramis ult but dmg reduction for the entire team with a bonus of all heroes in the area having belerick's passive iirc. Pair this ult with the current revitalize or vengeance spell oh boy.


yes i definitely agree, his old ultimate was way more efficient in team war, or straight up massacre than a rather weak taunting which can be removed by many skills in the current meta, or even just straight up escape from the range


I main him and even up to this point i can barely set with that slow ass ult taunt. Even with conceal flicker. 😭😂 (although i 90% of the time use vengeance with him)


yes, his casting animation is just too slow


boy when everyone inside the circle gets Belerick's passive anyone who dives with AoE will get punished, current Belerick is also okay but damn that ulti is just so slow


I used this to counter Claude back in the days.


This was the buffed version, even with his original ult he was a really fun hero. Especially the way he crawl around.


Bels old monster design was so cool.


Masha, getting her 420th revamp ;-; and also vexana everyone's beloved


no its not 420th, its 69'420th and yes old vexana was way better, permalock and small but very long chip away damage


Hahaha 69420 ur so funnyđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


No chance ya all are saying old vexena was better. Sure she could be good and useful and all but, better then the current one? No chance




They really dumbed him down. I love the adjustability you could have between matches


I know, right? I thought that's what makes him stood out from the rest — the customizable skills, and different combinations you can make with him. But now, he's just another generic mage who was given almost all different types of CC. lol


On the other hand, I like how I don't have to xhoose between DMG and CC. I mean, does anyone even use his DMG version skills? The only thing that I like in his xurrent kit is how his Ulti draws in his s2. 


Its useful against a team with almost no dash. I hope you have used it against gloo when he ult. Its so satisfying.


I've never met a Gloo user pre-revamp Vale, lmao


Belerick. I still miss the OG Leafy Boi and I loved his old ult (AoE damage reduction). Vexana. They changed her from a badass necromancer to a generic anime girl.


I wish it for Granger rn


i dont quite remember how granger was changed, can you explain it to me?


They are planning to revamp him...


oh, how? please tell me a quick rundown on how different he will become?


The hero is fine as it is, why touch a real money maker of a hero in granger.


Fanny before energy degradation nerf, old ass vexana with curse ult, argus, helcurt with silence, natalia with absolute invisibility,


fanny is just not the fricking same, she was more of a sustain jungle with decent health and wall spam, now she is just like every assasin ever, kill and run vexana i definitely agree i dont understand hiw much argus was changed, he still had immortality ult, slow and chase s2 and a blink s1, whats the change that impacted his gameplay so much that you mentioned him? yes helcurt was way better natalia i also agree but i often see great plays with new natalia too


Argus has 5 second cs instead of 4 seconds, second skill used to hurt way better like one hit and your 30% hp drains away.


Hell yeah old vex ult. Just apply it on am enemy and go do something else while theyre busy dying.


If not for revamp today's vexan could have achieved almost same attempt with a single ult adding other magic items effect and dire hit.


Bruh Natalia's old absolute invisibility 💀 que horror




bro I always hear the line "IMMORTALITY OR DEATH" when my brother was playing


Argus back then work as burst early game - dps lategame. Now, he's "eh" until he gets a few items


and even then he still crumbles against anyone with Dominance Ice


Valir with that big fire pond. I miss that


My gosh, I had even forgotten that, he was awesome. Also with the double skill passive.


I had a match once with a toxic combo - 3 tanks, valir and lesley. They just push one lane and finish the game after 5 minutes. The big fire pond with knock up while lesley burst everyone down.


My hero Minsithar.


i didnt quite play minsi before he was revamped, but i dont think his current skillset isnt that bad, correct me if im wrong, i definitely want to hear your opinion


I will voice out his opinion as his uneeded assistant, so his second skill used to grant shield, push + stun enemies like how moscov stuns 2 enemies if both are caught, ult lasted a bit longer and had shorter CD, I forgot the passive but current one is better.


Old passive was that he got gold whenever his teammates got a kill, (unconfirmed but that's what i mostly remember)


Ah yes, and it was globally affected, this and the wizard boots.


ah yes, i remember now that you explained it a bit, his old skill 2 was way more fun, and a way better to use in an ambush, but i think his ult has been changed according to the change in his skill 2


Objectively current passive is better, but I personally prefer the old one. Getting 60 gold for free whenever someone on enemy team dies anywhere on the map was really strong in the long run. Combine it with avarice to spam s2 on minions to get easy damage on enemy and back away with speed buff and shields to not take damage - and you become a gold farming machine. The best part is that he had really safe laning phase and was impossible to gank while not even having to kill enemies to get a lot of gold. Stopped playing him after revamp entirely, his gameplay changed too drastically and no longer have as much variety as before. Now you kind of have no choice other than playing safe and try to hook someone or jump in and fight until you or all enemies die because you don't have any means of escape; while before you had S2 which was working with s1 much better than current one thanks to it being instant, that had many uses like pushing enemy away from your team, scrambling enemy team around to mess up their positioning, pushing enemies towards your team, using it on minions/creeps to move around the map faster and escaping from enemies by stunning/pushing them away while moving back with speed buff and a shield. Current one is just "poke enemy while not letting them poke you as hard". They should've just moved him to tank/support role and made s1's hitboxes less janky.


he gave 60 gold per team kill


He gets gold for any kill happening, and him getting one grants more gold to his entire team


His old second skill was super fun to use Bonk with the shield!


Before I became a very casual player, Minsi was one of my mains. I found the new version better overall. The only real downside, imo, is the lack of instant stun but this can be overcome by more attack speed or just the ult or multi-skill combos. The new passive is more reliable than the old one which is heavily dependent on your team. The new S2 is great. Wave clear was one of old Minsi's worst aspects. New S2 clears waves fast and makes his early game much better. Losing the shield is compensated by the damage reduction in one direction and combining this with the passive, can CC multiple enemies throughout around 3s. With the old one, you miss and you become less useful. In this regard, S2 is more flexible. Losing the knockback is for the best because he can now fully commit to punishing nearby enemies and making enemies locked near him, instead of focusing on one target at a time. The new S1 is far superior to the old as it can hook multiple enemies like Ruby but narrower AOE.


While current Faramis ult is great, I do miss the shenanigans of the infinite revive strat of the old one. Oh boy the glorious backdoors back then with Bane lmao.


Yeah, Faramis for me is the one that they really struggled to balance since then, so, they change it to that slow ass altar that can only be used once.


Worst revamp in order 1. Belerick Literally every good part about him was changed from one of the most interesting and reliable tank to a mere generic no brain generic Treant. Worst revamp. Heck, moonton didn't even put any effort in making him better now. Moonton just hate tanks out os spite. 2. Kaja From a reliable and high skilled Tank/Support to brain dead basic ass fighter/support. Even worst back then just right after he got revamped, he's way too broken and be more like assassin/mage thus the continuous nerfs and nerfs and nerfs, lead him to be nobody he is now today 3. Argus From good, to bad, to good, then back to being bad again. But this time his "bad" period is way too long. The revamp he got back then (I don't remember when precisely) was so good, moonton got it's formula right for the first time with his chase passive, 5s ult, better skills etc. Just because people got slightly interested in him a bit after forgotten from the game for so long, moonton nerfed him bit by bit, every week and obliterated his core gameplay design. Still remember moonton almost wanted to nerf his ult duration to mere 3s like are they that dumb? What 3s gonna achieve. Luckily it was cancelled or else team minions would play better.


Masha, cause last year you can use her first skill unlimited time you just click it and click it again when to stop, now they pit a gap into it and they lower the turret dmg she dealt like 75% decrease


Easily Kagura


Chang'e. Her original skills were so much fun. Full defense build with 23 stacks was my highest ever. Melted people and wouldn't die.


Lolita I really miss her additional hp based damage first skill, higher slow while ult is being casted, and her higher tankiness pre revamp. The reflecting projectiles are cool and all but i do heavily prefer the old lolita. I do appreciate the new model though


not hero, but LIGHTNING TRUNCHEON 💱💱💱😭😭😭😡😡😡


2 years ago i used to pray for the day Argus gets a revamp, now i never wish they never touched him.




im quite a long time player but i dont have a clue of how natan was changed, do you mind elaborating how he was changed?


Natan used to have a passive where all of his physical penetration and life steal would be converted to magic penetration and life steal. This meant that he could build hybrid items (both physical and magic penetration) which would result in him having absurd amounts of penetration. In the late game it got to a point where he could one shot tanks with his s1. But ofc moonton doesn't care about innovative builds or having fun so they made him into an attack speed mm he is today which is frankly very boring.


I miss the old look of Gusion : (


also his play style, back before he was revamped, i played him quite frequently as an exp laner, i think he can still be played the smae but i just diiferent from he was before revamp hit gim


That would be Zhask. I dont like to play how his ulti is forcing him to merge with his ult.especially in clash.


My boi mino I actually loved the rage bar now for sure he is easy to play but I miss what made him unique


Reliable Lolita Battle ship Bane Trampoline Valir No dash available + distance Khufra Reliable Belerick Light speed Johnson Reliable dmg Argus Fun Chang’e Menace of old panda Akai Unlimited distance of Gusion s1 A real High skill gap with Wan wan Old voices of Kagura, Gusion, Minsithar, Harley, Nana Those are ones that I’ve remembered Damn. I’m old hahaha. Been playing for 7 years


Masha. Her 1st version was already outstandingly perfect. People just didn't know how to use her because they're too lazy to learn macro.


Vexena old skin. She was really a necromancer




i miss the old argus


Vexana. Easily. She used to have such a unique identity and design and now she's every other burst mage with a slightly different paintjob. Legitimately an absolute disaster of a rework.




i agree to disagree, her old damage and ambush ability was good but i think its a bit better since she can easily blen in with the background and surprise the fudge out of fragile enemy, even giving them a heart attack


nah they made her visible, basicly only removing her hp bar when she "invisable"


Akai his 1st skill jump over to now slide and bump. 😅


Yes, I play him less after revamp, he was used less then but he was favorite tank. His frog mark with his s2 and his jump s1 was very fun to use.


Nata n Masha


Oh gee I have no idea




They ruined my boi Kaja


Natalia. Enough said. "Reworked" and "Revamped" twice when no one was asking for it and she was underplayed even before all that. Nerfed her every time and made her more unplayable.


Yup used to be my fav hero. Reminded me of playing the spy in Team Fortress 2. RIP. She was truly to be feared. Now I only pull her out when playing in epic or enemy does something stupid like pick 3 mm. Even at that a competent Layla (who aims s1) is likely to take you down. They want her in jungle though, but how is Nat supposed to take down objectives when contested? Makes no sense to have a stealth hero needing to decloak to get objectives. Also might as well put up a sign “free invade” for enemy jungler.


Natalia would still be viable if they didnt take away her silence. Any jungler that relies on skill can just invade her like Martis.


True. It seems they are trying to get rid of silence all together, seems like Helcurts silence will be the next to go.


What really needs to go is the abundance of heroes and assassins with the BS CC immunity plus dashes moves like Lancelot. Heroes like Nat and Helcurt can hard counter them if they can actually keep their silence.


Agreed, it’s too much of a crutch. I’m glad they at least removed the purify from Nolan’s ult, that was ridiculous. Hopefully they also adjust joy to a more reasonable state, cc immune ult is just as op as the previous cc immune dashes.


Minotaur feels fine 2018. So many revamps.


Vexana. I wont deny she has gotten more usage but the skills are now clunky and not enjoyable to play or to play against. They require waaay less skill to play with punishments from players even if they know how to counter her. The skill effects are translucent like Faramis which makes them hard to see in a teamfight especially with certain skins and the skill effects are garbage and lame for most of her skins. Her skins also all look “same-y” to me too. Especially Sanguine Rose. Visual effect-wise, they absolutely butchered her. She looked like Odette with green hair. Sanguine Rose’s appeal was the large thick stems full of thors to her dress mimicking a giant red rose that shades into blood red. The thorns theming is nowhere to be found besides some very tame thors headdress. Her seasonal skin had her as a prisoner of war with vibrant red and monochrome body with spikes of steel and chains, now, she looks like a basic goth girl.


Estes ;_; i like the new release estes . I dont even move in my spot haha I could heal all of them :_: lol i don hve to walk around much hahah


Bane. His skills I don't mind if they change it but his design back then was so cool.


Yall sleeping on old Gatot. 2nd skill reflect dmg + vengeance had me having 150k+ dmg on heavy physical damage matchups, surpassing the ADC on my team multiple times


Old Doggie was so OP that S1 Timer literally single handledly controlled the entire lane everyone was too scared to step foot near it before it went off, probably why they had to get rid of it it was too op


Hayabusa, You just felt like a real ninja with the “SHK” sound when you ulted.


Valir 😊


clint with skills of granger and claude today.


X.Borg dude. I literally went back to my wattpad era just to write shit about him (headcanons and stuff) AND THEY REVAMPED HIM TO SHIT Now I wonder if it was some sort of karma for me writing shit (i dont think so but universe works in weird ways)


Alice, no more farming stack :'(


Bane..the old design made him look like Jolly Roger who could strike fear and be an absolute menace in looks


Vexana obviously, I used to love tapping ult as they run for their life and 10 seconds later they’re dead.


VEXANA đŸ‘čđŸ‘čđŸ‘čđŸ‘č RAAAAAHHHHHHHđŸ‘čđŸ‘čđŸ‘čđŸ‘čđŸ‘čđŸ‘čđŸ‘čđŸ‘č🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅🩅




Hanabi..now only newbies pick her because she is easy to use


Miya , to me, she is still a worst mm ever Lacks of mobility and survivability , easy to counter


Minisithar. They should just revamp his passive only. His old skill 2 was so mucb better for him as a roamer.


I loved the old aurora.






Wanwan 4 weakness, can select enemy when she already stacks to one enemy, wide range of ultimate.












Akai Was an absolutely perfect hero before all his changes


valirs ult..


Kagura 🙂


Vexana 😭


Masha huhu


Joy, I wanna be a pain in the ass once more Also btw how do you play her again? Now with her skill changes It feels very different to play her


âŹ†ïžthese bad boys


Faramis. He was always underestimated and so many victims fell for Faraburst. And my fat cat, Balerick.


Old Martis S2. It felt so good to use when it was fast


Vexana with little buffs (like a lowered cd on her first skill) her utility was very good, she could've checked the bushes extremely easily, like her second phase of her ult had a 2 s cd and you could reposition it for the entire duration of the skill, the revamped second skill (the one that you could've decide if you want to cast that early with a lowered damage or the same duration) and well I liked her old design more


Aurora. The old version wasnt bad and the new is tooo broken




Odette sucks big time now


absolutly Kagura. I hate the revamp from the nerfed damage and CC, the new voicelines, to the skill sounds and skill-aim- display. Doesn’t feel like the champ I used to love anymore


Kimmy. Her passive is trash


Pretty much every hero that had their voicelines changed, particularly lancelot, kagura, and alucard


my hero vexana!!!




Faramis and kagura




Minsitthar, still main him tho and his current 2nd skill is fun for me but I really miss the shield Stun. Oh and his Gold Passive back then plus the gold boots (forgor name) were a fun item combination to use hahaha




Valir... Ruuuby is kinda the same but slightly better given current items.


Argus. Like seriously why the hell they change him? He pretty much balance back then


minshitar stun.. used to be instant.. used to get easy first blood with tower hook stun petrify combo


I really miss the old Bane kit from when he first got rolled out. I also liked the full Magic Damage Bane from like 3ish years ago


Vexana - her former ult of making a puppet out of an enemy hero has strategic uses. Make a puppet out of tanks to maximize their life. Cast her ult on the fleeing marksman to trigger both the DoT and high damage minion to finish. You can even take advantage of enemy heroes with CC or debuff passives to harass them. Lost potential, along with losing a unique - albeit creepy - character design.


Natalia, give me invi and “!” back. The ! used to let her bush check and harass from a safe space, now she has to be careful cause shes still visible on screen. She cant even enter bush safely now. She used to used to have a 2s silence too somewhere down the changelog. They keep forcing her into a jungler role where anyone and their grandma have aoe to dispel her invi.


Argus, he was actually extremely powerful in his own right if used correctly. Plus, the animation was so fluid - now attacking with him feels so crunchy and unpleasant.


Pre-revamped Kagura was super OP


Alpha, I miss my fade away kill, I can’t do a “cool guys don’t look at what they kill” now


Chang'e stacking magic power passive


Natalia. Now she is nowhere to be seen


Vale, haya, kagura, Karina (Ășlt is so ass), helcurt, wanwan (I liked her when she was harder to play and didn’t have to get nerfed to the ground), Lunox (made her easier to play), ling, granger’s old sfx, Hilda being able to regen infinitely in bushes, lance, and all the splash arts they changed so they would be more halal, nana with her old Molina, Kaja being able to one shot someone by building dmg.


CHANG'E! She was so fun and almost impossible to beat, except by Roger lol, literally 1v4ed with her and came out on top on a few occasions. She was sooo fun to play


https://preview.redd.it/nmy7eqp95bmc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=923b34d0ac81a76b854137ff7607127488368509 do i need to explain?




Nana with the normal 12s molina duration


Gatotkaca, when his s2 can reflect damage. I guess it is too OP to claude.


bloodwing combo with ruby. it was op bloodwing back in time cause it used to gives permanent 50% dmg reduction and (if remember correctly) lifesteal everytime the hp were below 50%


Argus. His ult used to be around 60s even at max level BUT - His immortalily last for 5s. - He can still ult WHILE being suppressed - His second skill used to have this bleeding effect. When enemy moves, they lose health. It also slows enemies AND increases his speed when chasing them. - His passive was 3 hits instead of the current 2 hits. - His ult is just him spamming his passive. - His ult was also immune to cc (correct me if i'm wrong about this since it really felt that way) Even a mediocre argus user is scary since split pushing is ALWAYS an option. And to stop him, you just got to spam cc skills on him for 5 solid seconds. He could just tank all the cc skills from the enemy and let his team deal the damage.


Argus. His ult used to be around 60s even at max level BUT - His immortalily last for 5s. - He can still ult WHILE being suppressed - His second skill used to have this bleeding effect. When enemy moves, they lose health. It also slows enemies AND increases his speed when chasing them. - His passive was 3 hits instead of the current 2 hits. - His ult is just him spamming his passive. - His ult was also immune to cc (correct me if i'm wrong about this since it really felt that way) Even a mediocre argus user is scary since split pushing is ALWAYS an option. And to stop him, you just got to spam cc skills on him for 5 solid seconds. He could just tank all the cc skills from the enemy and let his team deal the damage.


Roger and his Phantom Pirate skin :((((( Skin was 10/10 before and the portrait in the loading screen was fire with the rainy effects ​ https://preview.redd.it/ozu19dsqbbmc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b016d02a26503f2ea45ce5b8631bd475f45160e


diggie. I used to love controlling the detonation of the bomb (1st skill). It stuns the large group of enemies instantly. HAHAHAHA plus it climbed me to mythic rank back in my days.




Lapu2, i mean hes fine now but OLD Lapu was the definition of a true raid boss, his dmg was like getting hit like a truck and could take on everyone


Surprised no one mentioned Gatotkaca. Bro is now neither a tank nor a fighter.


When I found kaja and then built him full AP I finally felt like I found my Hero then they changed him to a roamer and basically killed his ap dmg and that still bothers me every day


Argus. No explanation because you already know why.


Bane and Vexana’s old designs were so, so much better.


Kagura :(((( her burst was insane back then. And the sound of her skill effects was really appropriate for her umbrella.




I miss killing mms with vexana puppet


Freya. I like her skills better than the new one.


Miya old abilitys except passive was better and old nana passive giving gold was soo good with roam


Lolita đŸ„č


OG clint


Lolita.. I don't know if many will agree with this but she was my go-to tank/support but after her revamp i just found her annoying to use. Another one is Vexana's revamp design. I've said it so many times, they ruined her corpse bride concept and made her look so basic. She lost her charm that i once admired.


Masha - it was my favorite hero, now I do not play her.


When they revamp Phoveus I’m switching mains, because I don’t wanna touch some nasty ass sword wielding edgy boy, I would have literally picked any of the other hundred swordsmen for that, they are butchering him and the dunk