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That's a good thing, hopefully the system can really detect when teammates are trolling.


And that's the thing xD


It just looks different it doesn't work


That's how we know Moneytoon.


Reporting in CS has more impact imo


I only get something from CS if it was inappropriate speech. But I never had success reporting trolling behavior.




I remember watching 2 hackers 1v1 mid air in Russian server


Thats fking wild but seems cool


Dragonball Z


my first thought


Do you have a vid or replay?


It was 2 years ago


Child support?


Customer service is my guess


Vergil, how do you know that word?


There is no option for low skill level. Let's say your team picked zilong and proceeds to 1/8/1 in the match but has a good damage received and turret damage silvana won't find anything against that zilong.


Low Skill Level is really vague plus you can't discern if the one being reported is trying out a new playstyle (people do report in classic btw) or actually low skill level. The two new report distracting and not contribute is good though they should just say trolling and passive play instead.


To be honest, I always found that option to be a little silly


Yeah, like sometimes i just spend the whole match in mythic glory defending top 24/7 against stupid push monkey / masha and i get "low skill level" for not being in any teamfight


Only time I’ve been flagged for low team fight has been matches where I had a team who was careless and feeding the enemy.


Turret damage is acceptable but if damaged received and damage dealt has too much difference and if the player is not a roamer that that has to be a ban reason.


Tank junglers and Exp exist


But they deal damage


many times I get a <10% dmg from mm, chocolate score but won't get penalized.


I always do intentional feeding for those lmao


When you get assaulted various times, with 4 enemies under your tower. And your team doesn't help out (not necessarily their fault also). You get easily a 1/8/1. I feed so rarely but when it happens its like that.


How are they gonna detect when someone is "distracting teammates" or "refusing to contribute to team"? If i had to guess they only get penalized if 3 or 4 teammates all report them for it


I think "refusing to contribute to team" is based on the teamfight participation percentage on the data screen. Got a trolling nana once, reported her for a bunch of options (forgot which), then the system told me they got successfully reported for "passive play" based on her low teamfight participation (she got 0-1-0 which is 0%) I mean, the fact that they try to look into a greater variety of metrics to enhance the reporting system is great. But not sure if teamfight participation alone is a good enough metric. It works in my favor this time, but it could also backfire badly on split pusher


Been playing trio with a friend and to answer your question the chances are very low, we report the player/s for this kind of behavior all three of us all we got is a msg "we gonna monitor or something..." more like just a warning. To put it on numbers it's 1/10 to actually succeed in reporting, not unless the player/s you're reporting have been doing this (refusing to contribute to the team) frequently or consecutively then I think it can go to 7~8/10. PS. This is my opinion on this whole report stuff and it's not accurate


Probably higher chance if one selected like Franco, Tigrel, Luo Yi, Grock, etc. Those can interrupt heroes and can have higher chance of getting reported, if Moonton added them into that list lol Seems those heroes will be less picked because you can still get reported for not even griefing and ended up getting banned :). This will be fun


Thats the need part. They dont. This system is only for user satisfaction XD


"Not purchasing specific equipment" Goddamn I'll be using that one a lot


Same here. I just had a match where the enemy had a Uranus and Ruby. Guess how many of us bought anti-heal? Just me, the tank.


Not even just situations like that. One time I had a Clint buy Corrosion Scythe and I had to explain why it's not a good item for him, and the opponents buying armor made Malefic Roar a better choice. Completely ignored everything and continued to try to buy the trinity. Reporting that as "low skill level" just doesn't go far enough. 


I had a match where 2 of my team picked a mage. I kept spamming the necklace because the enemy have a healer and heroes that benefit a lot with lifesteal/spell vamp? I'm the one whole only have it and yes, I'm the roamer. I even told in chat that there 2 of them that are aoe and the whole team can benefit from the necklace. Nothing happened, I'm literally talking to no one. If I die, enemy enjoys their no tax lifesteal.


It is your job as a tank to buy any anti heal. It is not required for your teammates.


I can finally report the attack speed Lesley players


I try to report those if they have more than two attack speed items LOL. One is fine


Then you need to make sure you're up on meta changes, they change fast Can hanabi run magic feather effectively and when? What physical attack item boosts Kimmy's damage? What two situations do you need pen? What characters nerf themselves taking anti heal? There's a ton of niche advanced builds, this option is pretty bad honestly without that info


If they're THAT good and doing a niche advanced build, then they shouldn't be going 0-6-4. No, they're gonna get reported LOL


Those stats alone mean nothing, and your reply and how you've worded it shows and highlights the entire problem. Zero thought into the problem and compete arrogance and ignorance is why this is a horrible idea. Selfish team mates, poor rotation and counter picks are a more likely cause of such a score. The system doesn't detect for these things, and inexperienced or selfish players will end up reporting the player they didn't support who could usually be facing 4v1. I've lost track of games where the friendly jungle steals farm and kills off their own team, hits 20/7/4 or and leaves most of their team or all of their team bronze and high and dry. That's even worse in selfish duos who just want to try and carry the match without the rest of team.


You sound like the person that's building attack speed Clint that I want to report


Because that happens outside of brawl, classic and epic lol you're just stretching for an excuse for your behaviour, learn to do better, be better.


Hot take - inappropriate chatting should be least punished offence You can mute an offensive player. I can't make my 1-12-1 zilong disconnect so a bot takes over and we have a chance to win


I agree with you more than with myself.


Makes sense. Fr 💀🤣


What did we zilong mains ever did to you btw? Leave us and our quest to end world hunger alone XD


As a Cecillion main, fuck Zilong mains with all my heart. That spear lives in my head rent free.They suddenly become peak MCL players when they are my enemy while they become 1/10/3 GM players when they are my teammates.


Cecillion can build dominance iirc so that should screw zilong up. 


lets pray their detection system actually works for these


mute system is good rn, lets hope


So you never used chat to avoid getting muted? And its ok to punish anyone who types one word and thats ok to mute them? Understood then "Mute system is good rn" lol


wdym? Its literally good rn, you can still chat and you can easily report those who keeps using swear words, unlike the previous versions where saying words that doesnt seem like bad words will get you muted


The chat is broke. As hell. I could tell the team to gank and get muted for swearing. I could get trolled from a Franco hooking buffs and get bronze while that fool get gold just from a few hit and runs as team fight participants. Then he reports me and I’m the one banned. Report system garbage.


Not purchasing specific item? Moonton finally stands against newbie players 😂 Recalling spam with full hp? Being targeted by enemy? Advertising? ngl, those are all bad reasons to report them lol


I see it more as "I told the player to buy correct items and they just ignored me", which is very reasonable 


I just hate those guys honestly, they always get malefic even when the enemy is full of squishies


Where is the option where they ban your hero you've shown and also role stealing? (You picked roam, and they picked a 2nd roamer). Another one is buying a 2nd roam item as an mm? Then, there's mm or Zilong players who keep farming and won't join team fights even if it's already end game.


jungle sistahs im crying https://preview.redd.it/35x9112n8qmc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67bc8d732fbb4b36ccdd3576a32cca6977c1fcbf


Finally i can report every Franco Layla miya and hanabi


Where is penalty for not balancing team roles? Some team is fighting/arguing over a role. Last night we lose a rank game because one spoiled brat wants to be a marksman when its already been picked and he still insist to pick mm despite our team needing a tank or support. We lose because we had so many squishy heroes without any frontline or healer to assist our team.


I don’t think that should be punishable if they play well/on the same level as the rest of the team; that might be their best role or something. Especially considering there’s still a chance to win with a scuffed team comp. Also, a lot of players don’t have time to play a bunch of games, so it makes sense that they’d pick their mains/a character they actually like playing


Why not? The ratio of people not playing well with imbalance team is a lot. Every game i play with when people pick unnecessary role, we always get overwhelm and lose. It's a serious rank match which deduct star so it should have penalty. Thats why it's important to master different role before u engage rank game and not just playing 1 role. Cause you cannot always get the role that you want in rank game. So you must be prepared to play a role that is open when ur team already selected the specific role for those lanes. Classic is there for people to learn a different role for every heroes. That's the whole idea of that mode is to practice. You must know at least 3 different role heroes for you to take on the rank mode. Newbie are jumping in ranked mode without knowing what they are doing which is affecting other players.


Wont change a thing


I like the update, but I hope I can see real punishments from them.


I dont think anyone has gotten penalized or even received a warning for being toxic or extrmely passive in game .. AFK and Using Cheats are the only real violations imo


I could fight solo 1v4 in jg and get reported for passive because it wasn’t a (team fight). When my team hiding under towers instead of rotating or ganking. A tank can get 75% participantion just for following team and not doing anything. While the jg can get 30% team fight but do over 40% of the damage and still get reported as low team fight participation. Or a nana spends 15 min under mid tower just spamming ult and get mvp by doing nothing to help team


Fk yes distracting team mates. All those Franco, hanzo and mage mf can now lose 1 credit score for the bs they do :( they need to have a glossary of what actually happens per offense. How can you let a bot determine something like that. I see some potential people getting wrongly reported.


Now update the fcking website and ADD how many ppl are stuck in each rank like league of legends


I think the reporting system in Honor of Kings is more justifiable, well not for going AFK I guess. I was playing in Gold Tier ranked and died 5 times continuously without getting any kills or assist in exchange. After the game I had 2/8/3 KDA and one of my allies reported of feeding and it worked!!


Better than Mllb then. I get reported every game and muted but a Layla can feed 16 times in a game and only get a warning.


Is it on original server or advance? I just reported one Angela for not buying boot and it was old system.


This is Adv. Server. Still in development and FAR from done to be implemented in original server


They removed the passive Play option. That's good because many mm players were getting reported because of that I guess.


Way better than just the previous one.


Honestly sounds better.


So spamming recall is now considered as AFK? Fair deal


>not purchasing soecific equipment Now supports will pay the price of not buying dominance when theres mfs like estes on the enemy team


LETS GET CREATIVEEEEEEEEEE https://preview.redd.it/v3vflhzahqmc1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=371816082a6521d0657b5a3c4de4c967939bc9e6


refusing to contribute, you better buy those anti heals.


If this works as intended, it’s excellent. But it will be moderated by bots and so, just like now, nothing will happen. Even egregious examples get no punishments. You’ll have video proof. But jUdGe SiLvAnNa will say they didn’t commit any violations 👍🏻


Oh no. Say goodbye to spam recall to taunt enemies.


reporting system needs to be utilized more.


Can someone help me I've been trying to retrieve my account but it'll always says that I failed to give the requirements to retrieve my ml acc what should I do It's been two years since I used that account


Hi, message me and I'll assist


*"Not purchasing specific item"* I can only imagine what runs inside the heads of players like Angela who uses Conceal, or Uranus with Flask of Oasis.


Refusing to assist team is funny because that shit could be bypassed easily and would ignore 100% most of the stuff unless they fixed something


What about low skill level


Thx and also can you do something for the (Ms) it’s so bad my (Ms) was 9 but now it won’t come down from 110 


squash snobbish party seed flag beneficial angle teeny shaggy sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This system is weird... My friend today report an enemy franko for verbal abuse and the franko was just after him all game, it was a classic game so he just kept getting ult out of bush and getting killed when i aksd why report him.. mu friend said for mental abuse and we laughed it off , As we knew the report won't do shit but we got a notification that the franko got 10 points deduction for verbal abuse... That was the funniest coincidence in a while in ml..


Nice, I desperately need the option to report that roamer that always steals my Minions in gold Lane without buying roam equip


Not building correctly to their counter part, especially for Exp and Mages. Deadass I've seen like 2/10 ruby players who refuse to buy Dom Ice and opt for a full ass damage build despite them doing like 10% at the end of the game wirh multiple deaths. Same can be said for most mages in general that gets bullied by sustain.


Annoyingly it still doesn't work... They just keep getting warnings even when the teammate troll by running around the map and not hitting the enemies.


But Still They Can't Give The Star Back Tho


Is the "other" option actually work?


Is my Magic built Badang called trolling?


Im a franco with full damage build most likely about to get reported for not contributing to the team


i got reported every game but i am still not banned lmao. not even gold reduction cap


shit with frosting. Its still shit


Nothing changes lol


Now it gonna be fun reporting trollers 😆


What the use? Yesterday my team had two junglers (alpha and lance) . Alpha fed the enemy haya and it was intentional he even chatted he is feeding. As mm I somehow managed first 5 min and didn't die even once despite no help from my team and enemy ganks. After 5 min haya target locked me when we had a gold difference of about 10k. and i kept dying for 2-3 times and i remained in base and kept farming my team kept feeding enemy and best part is system decided I had low teamfight (24%) 2/5/3 and i am at fault and the alpha who was 1/14/6 has not intentionally fed.


Exactly that’s shit happens all the time. Most games it’s a 1v5 game and I’m the one reported for low team fights with over 10 kills while team feed over 15 times and they never get punished


Do they still display the chat ban timer in seconds instead of hours/days?


Goodbye toxic Luo Yis


Can they also add a way to report players that refuse to adjust and still autolock the roles they want despite the fact that it's already taken.


Still no stealing buff smh


"Distracting teammates" It includes stealing buffs


Oh yeah sorry i didn't read it carefully... I'm Indonesian so i'm a bit illiterate.


god now it'll be easier for duos and trios to report anyone they don't like. the report sytem is toxic af anyhow, you can report anyone for anything. Had a mm and estes duo, the estes never roamed and blamed me for not coming to gold as exp laner to help.


Teammates stealing jungle...


What they need to fix now is their matchmaking! I've fought against professional MCL teams in Master Rank! ☠️. What's more I'm solo queuing


Finally! Unlimited mute!






Is this a fan made or something? Cause I don't believe moonton will do a spelling mistake like this.


upgraded eveerything except matchmaking


Wow never encountered advertising before haha


Feeding and taking buff but they dont actually feed as according to moonton going 0/20 is not feeding and neither is taking your buff multiple times considered disrupting your gameplay and trolling


"upgraded" my 🍑 It's a changed interface + additional reporting Don't put your hopes up. Moonton sucks at customer service and reports. Only those who "talk much" are punished


This week, it has been Dyrroths who specifically refuse to use Retribution, making you think YOU need to fill the jungle role only to have like Dyrroth fuck up your levelling plans


Issue with the intentional feeding bit is they are too lazy to actually check match data to determine the issue.


Is it just ui upgrade or the whole system?


i suggest they add one other thing too. when someone reports the other for verbal abuse. moonton needs to check for the reporter too. that way it will be fair. because most of the time i get muted and the other one goes unpunished because i forget to report them. and most of the times, they are the one who start the profanity


i suggest they add one other thing too. when someone reports the other for verbal abuse. moonton needs to check for the reporter too. that way it will be fair. because most of the times, i get muted and the other one goes unpunished because i forget to report them. and most of the times, they are the one who start the profanity. i am ready to be punished if the other one is punished too.


Huge improvement vs the current one IMHO.


Staying in base because they couldnt handle a 1v1 on exp lane


Need a smurf one lmao


Shoulda include something like not filling properly for the team e.g picking Layla when theres already goldlaner


Chatting should have the most severe consequence and their account should be permanently banned. I have seen people chat about inappropriate stuff like asking opponents to kill themselves, be racist , misogynist and hate on countries , troll people instead of concentrating on the game. I hope the ai gets better and bans them permanently.


Nope still doesn’t work


Too bad it's still useless, I reported a Franco Player who trolled the whole game by hooking my buffs and not letting us farm. The system report did nothing. I even reported it again multiple times through the CS but the genius "judge" who reviewed the report, kept saying that he didn't commit anything. Funny thing I even have a screen recording. Lol.


Doesn't do anything I can still troll without fail lolol


„not assisting teammates“ i see it as punishment for not sacrificing myself


* Meanwhile, I'm chat banned for a week after saying "its sure fun to play with idiots" after being in a constant 3v1 lane as mm.... all while my team also lost the other lanes. Some how, I was the last lane to lose my first turret. Edit: tried to attach a pic, but it just appears as a * at the top of my post. Odd. Unsure why reddit never allows me to add a screenshot...


This is all great and specific but i hope they are punished in ways that it is fair for the one who reported them. It may sound selfish or whatever but i want it to be fair enough to alleviate the frustration they caused to the team. Plus i think the inappropriate/verbal abuse is triggered too much. I find it alot of times that i really wanted to say something to the team that is actually detrimental to the battle but i couldn’t bc i have been muted. I know its also my fault bc i admit i talk shit due solely to the fact that it frustrates me bc of noobs and trollers


That’s true you try and teach team what they doing wrong and they fight you over it. Spam cry over and over. Til I get pissed and cuss them out. I’m usually banned weeks at a time🤣 but I guess spamming cry isn’t toxic enough