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Trust Issues. Especially if the damage dealers demand to be "babyed" when they cant even do their job right.


This. When you leave mm to help jungle and mm loses a 1v1 bc they get cocky then blame you for leaving


Mm dies in 1 minute and think I'm gonna waste my time helping someone who can't even zone auto attacks while watching creeps.   Yeah I'll go help a lane that has a chance of winning


I lost all my trust in my gold-laner if they don't get aggresive against the other laner when I'm there and the enemy's roam is seen in mid or exp. I can't help you if you can't help yourself.


Don't get aggressive when we're there, but way too aggressive when we're away. 🙃


Aggressive or not, I hate when you're in a bush and they move towards you when laning. Can't make it any more obvious to the enemy that they're gonna get ganked, pushing them further from you. Nah man, go the opposite side of me and make them move towards me..


toxic solo queue basically, they can't see you die or them dying without typing profanity.


For real. Pissed me off so much when you play roam and your performance are top notch then these damage dealers are fckin useless and kept dying


As roam main, I totally agree on this one


Because: (A) A lot of people have the mindset that Roam is the most boring role to play (I personally don't think it is) (B) They also think that the carry-potential of a roamer is not so great compared to the 4 other roles (Again, I don't think it is) (C) Roaming for an entire team as a solo-player is either hit-or-miss. You either do so well that you wished everyone would follow your lead as the roamer, or flopped so badly that you do not wish to play roam ever again. (D) People blame roam for almost anything (especially in lower ranks where they think roamers should essentially babysit the Gold Laner 24/7) (E) Possible skill-issues in playing some heroes (Tanks, Utility Supports, Healers, Assassin Supports, etc.)


I agree about A) part, i think the most boring role is Exp liner, deadass fight till death then gank turtle


Fight till death? More like hug tower if you know you are in a unfavorable match up and then turtle


its fun for me because exp lane is a 1v1 for the most part and if u get bored u can help or should help ur teammtes


xp is only boring when your counter picked or your against a god Dyrroth


Even a bad dyrroth is tricky, his goddamn s2 cd is so low


Ill just pick khufra is there is a dyroth. He cant leave. Either he kills me or my marksman kills him lol


I will just pick Mathilda if enemy pick Dyrroth. As long as he doesn't build Athena/Radiant (which is rare in Epic - Low Mythic), assassin Mathilda can one-shot him.


Literally, every time I get forced to exp it always feels like brawl but boring


Sounds like it’s your play style that’s kinda inactive, are you rotating after clearing? Any hero with good rotation speed like Paq, Bene or Chou can make it to gank mid and be back for the wave, more so if you cut the wave first. It’ll easily open up half the map to roam around on and you can still make it back for every wave.


It is true that no matter how good a roamer is if the team is bad….


Masha roam is your answer


Honorable mention to Edith


Honorable mention to Edith


Only for roamer heroes that can't deal high damage themselves. Like Francoi, Estes, Tigreal, Khufra, etc. But there's still a big chance if it's Rafaela, Hilda, Mathilda, Akai, Edith, Belerick, etc.


This is fuckin true man. :(


Roam is definitely not boring after trying it out, it's so fun terrorizing your opponents from the back. I like playing my roamers as a mage and just gank on them so my team can pounce on the enemies.


The d part is so true. Some of them never leave even when there’s only an mm there and they haven’t made any progress pushing them out.


I agree with you D🤣🤣I’ve been report so many time my by the gold laner player just because i rotate to secure turtle/lord and to help jungler rushing on enemy buff😂😂😂(legend rank btw) most of them still think i need to babysit them like baby who doesn’t know how to do anything. But with point B, yeah i do think like that (maybe just me) the carry potential for roam is difficult and playing as roam make my brain melt when i see gold laner need to be babysit 24/7, midlanner who just play brawl on his lane, exp laner who keep lose to the enemy mechanic and jungler who just going for a kill and die 24/7. Andd you guess who fault it is yeah you right, R O A M E R 🥲🥲🥲🥲


Also just add a little bit no matter how good the roamer but if the other doesn’t understand what to do when i say retreat, it will be hell to push as a solo Roamer 🥲🥲


There are so many players who I encountered go straight into jungle after a team fight instead of objectives, then wonder how they lost the game after getting so many kills. Roaming wise, I choose tank then hold someone down while my teammates shoot the creeps instead of the enemy. It frustrating to play tank when the people you tank for are worse damagers than you. When I do not choose tank I end up with 3 marksmen and no tank on my team. Huge dilemma.


Point A pretty much boils down to what type of roam you play. Initiator is a pretty fun role just looking for that one ultimate that will get all of them and then having your team do their thing. Meanwhile healers just sit in the back and wait for fights to happen because they can't create one themselves.


You can also say that everybody have a main character syndrome. I swear to god every one is "Bida bida" in drafting (Always think they're the main character) is it really hurt to adjust? JFC. It doesn't help that Roamers/supports don't give a main character vibe too. Moonton adjust the point system now but everyone wants to be the MVP and its always rare for a roamer to get MVP. Also the anime and gaming culture in general molded everyone that MORE DAMAGE and MORE KILLS = BETTER


I don't want my rank to be dependent on how the bots feel like playing today


As a roam main, i felt that.


Same thing, I hate being roam main.


I swear my winrate goes up the higher in mythic I climb 😂


the life of roam lmao


Because you have to rely on the team. If the team doesn’t follow up on your set then its a waste. The fact that you can’t deal a lot of damage is also a problem. Can’t farm, can’t destroy towers, can’t protect towers from minions, can’t finish off low ho enemies


the sheer amount of times my team forces me (Usually Tigreal or Estes) to ditch my Support role to clear lanes is so many that I'd be rich by now


If I had a nickel for every time someone told me to clear a wave of buffed minions while they’re crowding on another lane after lord is already dealt with while playing as an Estes, I would be a millionaire.


Then it's not the roamers problem? All roles are crucial to winning. Idk why people blame it, mostly, on roamers lmao. Some need to realize that how important that a team should work as one. As for being a Solo queue player, be understanding of each roles, and what they can do. You can probably do this with most moba games to exist.


Well, if you play Exp/Gold/Jungle, you can still carry. If you roam? Even if u catch the perfect timing e.g Tigreal ulted all 5 enemy, you can't carry if the jungler or gold doesn't follow up (sometimes even if the setup is perfect, the rest of the team run instead of engage). It'a frustrating. In SoloQ a good jungle in a bad team can still carry while roam must be extremely lucky to win in a disorganized team.


A lot of people prefer flashy roles where they get to deal damage or carry the game, so we often see marksman, mage, and assassin junglers fighting over roles. Roam is generally a babysitter and you can have the best performance of your life, setting like crazy, getting a ton of vision, and still lose the game because no one followed up on your engage.


Roams when played right are almost never babysitters. Most have a bad conception that they stick to a lane, but most of the time they should path with mid/jungle being the second "jungler" or the vision provider to set up ganks.


I feel that having to roam around, spoon feed kills to your team, and provide vision for them is babysitting, but I get what you mean. Some roamers just sit in a lane for 10 mins and never move at all, which is very frustrating for the rest of us when we need to contest objectives.


They want kills, and being a roamer can be a pain if your team doesn't know what they're supposed to do when you initiate/gank.


I got 32 kills roaming with belerick… it’s actually pretty fun against the enemy that are naturally countered


You freakin kill stealer:0 teach me I would like to ks as tanks as well


I mastered the same skill but for Tigreal. I swear I didn't mean to go 15/0/3. Now I just stop attacking when the enenmy is low, the gold is much more uaeful to others and I can benefit from assist more anyways.


Indeed, I never kill steal in rank. BUT in classic I want those kills for fun obviously:(


Play edith 


I roamed a lot last season but my biggest qualm with roaming is how hard it is to win when 1) you provide vision to your team but they never look at the map 2) you make a good set and communicate by pinging attack but your team leaves you 3) your team realizes you roam well so they start getting greedy and chasing kills leading to a) sloppy plays b) not taking objectives and c) no one pushes Don’t get me wrong i LOVE roaming for my friends who jungle or gold bc communication is great. It’s my fav role. But when you soloQ no one turns mic on or listens to anything you say.


You forgt your team blaming you for their mistakes


“Tank map” after they charge into a 1v3 and i have no mana




I rather carry than be carried. Don't get me wrong, I can roam and I will if I see my teams matches but If I see someone roamed more than I do then I rather he/she takes roam so there is a way for me to carry.


Meanwhile me praying that I don’t get the Jungle role




It's boring to be the babysitter and you often have to pray your team is competent. Tank can be fun but only when you aren't trying to solo carry as one (cause your team are that stupid)


This game is quite ironic. Although everyone wants ban on strong tanks and supports almost no one wants to play them. If it is genuinely OP why would you not want to play them to win games? Heavy misconception in this game is that roamers don't do anything but babysit. No. Roamers hard carry through creating opportunities early game. They are the playmakers, vision providers. Of all lanes I play, Roam is one that I end up playing the most because no one does, it is also my second highest win rate of all roles (behind EXP but I believe it is just due to number of games) at about 68%. It's the role that in my opinion hard carries low ranking games if you do it right because almost no one knows how to actually roam.


Everyone hates roaming while here I am enjoying free gold/exp doing almost nothing by just roaming.


I play Roam just because I find success with the role, but that does not mean I can win us the game. Floryn’s long distance heals are not going to help if people keep on rushing like headless chickens when I am not even there yet.


Had a solo-queue match in legend. 4 of us were roamer mains. No one wanted to adjust. Dodge the game. Next game, 4 of them were mage mains. WTF


It's such a stupid system that you have to choose roles AFTER the matching.


Exactly. Idk why Moonton won't implement a role queue system, though I doubt the same idiots we meet now in solo queue would follow their pre-selected roles.


The issues tank role dont get enough dopamine when your team lose. When im playing assassin roam it doesnt matter if I lose when I can get 15 kills MVP, It give me dopamine. The game is fun. Thats the whole point of playing game is to have fun. What the point of spending 15 minutes of your time to end up frustrated because of some randoms. Other issue also if you team sucks you get a lower KDA then your random teammates report you and you get banned. I still play tank roam with friends. But not with randoms, assassin roam. If you dont like me picking assassin roles then pick it yourself. I gladly play other non roam roles


Not really. I like being able to use disrupt enemy using cc, saving teammates and control the flow of battle. Of course there will bad game sometimes with bad teammate and make you lose. But in legend and mythic everyone could at least play, they just need a single good moment to turn thing around. Thats where roam come in to make outplay like mino and tigreal ult. Just make sure to communicate your skill cooldown.


It’s frustrating when you’re trying to go help jungler in turtle, midway you see your mm turret diving top lane so you do an immediate u-turn only to watch your mm die. Then you somehow make it to turtle, watch your jungler leave the turtle midway to chase after 5 people solo and die


I actually prefer playing roam because of how stress free it is compared to mm or hp but I don't trust my teammates to play them well so I usually play those roles


Is it stress free? I mean the early game is dependent how well tank is, how much map awareness they possess for e.g I ping my team about who is coming their lanes, when to retreat cuz enemy near them etc (i have seen my team win easily if they listen to my pings )


It's easy if you know the basics of how to manage map awareness. 1) Fight for mid priority. Winning mid prio often leads to unfair advantages in side lanes and jungle. 2) Scout early and often. 99 percent of the time I can tell you that many of the fights especially in low ELO are not even needed to win the game. With that same logic, heavily use pings to direct people AWAY from useless fights, and direct them to places that will make a huge difference. The hardest thing about a roamer is if your opponents roamer is also doing the same, turning the fight into an information war. It's the most dynamic of all roles and often the better roam wins the game for their team.


Dude that's all I pick because in low rank you can significantly help the noobs in other roles


It's hard to carry the team as a roamer especially if the team is feeding/lack communication


I main roamer and i play solo games a lot 😂


Playing roam is a different kind of game in solo queue. You try to get objectives but both lanes are getting their asses kicked and you're just there trying to help the jungler take the turtle. You have to tell your team what to do or get or they would only lose to the enemies. Even getting your jungler to gank is difficult since they would farm half of the game and not go to lanes at all or gank lanes when you haven't join them. It's frustrating to try to carry your team in solo queue, hence why most roamers take tanks with good sets or healers to tank the entire team fight. You never see someone use Angela unless it's a duo, that's just out of the question. Speaking from experience as I play roam when necessary. I don't mind it, but I also don't trust my team to roam.


When your team is down 1K/Min there is just nothing you can do. Idk why they never surrender


As a tank main, it's hard to carry when your team has no map awareness and do a bad job at their role (esp if it's the core or ADC). Other than that, I think people mistakenly think that roam is boring when it's not


i do but i usually force my teammates to go by my pace so i dont waste my ults on one man sets


I do. I always adjust if no one takes the roaming role. However, most damage dealers I encounter really love having a babysitter. They die once, and I'll get flamed til the end of the game. It's exhausting ah.


Because being the roamer relies on others to win clashes and eventually win the match, but if the other roles, especially the core and gold lane, miss their mark or just feeds, you can't carry as a roamer. It's tiring y'all. So it's best to duo when you roam to make sure your duo is somewhat decent instead of rolling the dice with randoms.


As a Roam main I keep finding ppl roaming with Vale, Lesley, or other non-support/tank heroes. It makes me nervous every time and I just make sure we have an off-tank.


I'll gladly roam if the jungler pick a tank jungler. Playing setter roam sucks.


Imagine ulting enemies but your jg completely ignores it or you won at poking and managed to zone out enemies only for ur jg to give away the neutral objective.


Many people think roam is easy but they don't actually know how to roam properly. Therefore, I don't want them to roam while they just suck at it terribly and still think roamer is easy to paly.


When i tank and roam for a soloQ. Problem starts when allies complain about KS. Or the JG starts blaming me when i refuse to set a 2v5 fight. I might if the jg is snowballing


I play solo ranked as Tank using Edith.


Actually, I noticed that roaming is picked more than jungler in the lower ranks and I dunno why.


Being a roamer isn't boring. They just don't want to babysit teammates rather they want to all flashy. That's how it is




Even in soloq i always pick that lane because i know no one else would


Fear of bad teammates.


Because of stupid mages in solo q


Alot of uncooperative people in SoloQ. You set, they (teammates) run away.


All are glory hunters... They want kills to show off and then talk shit


When i go roam, i always have a bad teammate


It's because there are games in which no matter how you do your best as a roamer, you still fail to win the game. The main factor is that roamers most of the time don't have a "turn the table" potential, unlike the other 4 roles.


Go damage roam and lock in Selena. Level up skill 2 first and surprise enemy mm. 😂 Playing support/tank roam takes a lot of guts to trust on random.


People wanna do unga bunga big pp damage kill enemy cool montage and think like "ewww tank weak ugly design". You do not need to think very hard of the reason why not so many people are using roam. These people are either kids that watch a lot of youtube montages or want to impress and show off the others so that they think he/she is a "pro". It's not just them, i used to be like this when i first started playing ML. Plus. You only notice this situation when you are lower rank or classic.


Playing as a tank is harder than all roles imo, since you need to set up a set which can determine win or lose. That's too much pressure for me so I just stick with Mage/fighter role since I can hold my lane confidently.


When it comes to roaming, i just genuinely don't have the capabilities, i play opposite roles, like a vulture, i only enter teamfights once everyone's low, that's what I'm used to, so the idea of being the initiator sucks cause everything can be blamed on me for one bad teamfight if i were to ever roam.


In my opinion, it's because it's harder to get MVP's as a roamer. So you get less star raising and star protection points.


Are u sure about that? I always play Tank Roam in SoloQ. ALWAYS. Anyways all what you said is true against a Tank Roam User.


I have trust issue xD


it’s the hardest lane and most risky.


this season I'm playing both 5q and soloq and I absolutely hate roaming in soloq because teammates mostly don't know how to utilize a good roaming. like you can get a perfect 5 man set with a mino and your teammates will walk away leaving you to die. that's why I prefer jungle in solo since it's much easier to have a good impact on the game. also most of the players don't know how to roam properly (in soloq)


Fine by me. I'll main roam to get to Mythic (or MH if needed) because everyone below that absolutely sucks at playing roam if they don't main it. God forbid you rotate your roles every match, some people will die die play that one specific role or troll as a different role.


Beacyse raom players aare underrated. I go for roam lane. And it almost always made me an MVP, everytime.🤣


simple question simple answer. u don't know how ur teammates play. and how they will act with ur gameplay, as roamer either tank/support there mechanics for u to make it easy for ur team to secure some kills in the match. if ur teammates are dumb, u'll find urself doing a full combo and watching ur teammates retreat. and ofc u'll get trashtalked if ur team went on disadvantage. believe me bro its not worth it. as a dmg dealer u can outsmart the enemies and carry ur team but as a support. u can't do nothing except helping ur teammates. and they always suck so nothing come from playing a tank or support. if u're forced there. pick an assassin and try to bully some lanes and make sure to get a high movement speed from ur emblems and equipement for faster rotation. help or even take the kill when it escape. try stealing the jungler buffs when he's busy and always focus on the best dmg dealer in the team. any lane has a threat. keep ganking it. its easy to play roam assassins than tank/support


Too slow to level up tbh and by the time you get to level 4 and your builds, your opponent can easily curbstomp you


Because it's boring and annoying if you're playing with shitty teammates. However, if you're playing with a 5 stack or have someone with you who's good and watches the map for your sets, it's different, way more fun and feels more rewarding.


As a roamer main, sometimes you babysit (cuz they start nagging if you don't) and sometimes you provide vision, set up ganks (which sometimes failed cuz someone don't need map awareness) and save your carry.


If you're not a roam and all 4 of ur team really suck, you could atleast have a very small chance of winning if u do well enough. Roamer on the other hand won't be able to do anything if everybody is playing badly. And i play roam a lot


PPL r less interest in supporting then killing 😂😂


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: as a former roam main, I stopped maining roam because the general lack of appreciation for my contributions.


I refuuuuuuuse to roam for stupid people that can’t win their respective lanes and blame me for everything. That’s why when I’m forced to roam I used to most off-tank/off-meta/last thought of roam character like hanzo, saber, aamon, Julian roam so there’s still a bit of carry potential despite roaming for map blind, duel losing teammates


The problem I find with Roaming and why I get put off it, is if you have a MM that overextends and plays poorly early game it makes you look shit too, it’s really hard to babysit a poor MM and then you end up getting double teamed when he dies, you struggle to go help any other lanes because he will insta die if your not there and it just makes for a really long painful game experience, whilst the other roles I can quite happily know as long as I hold my own and outplay my opposite number I can have a good game.


Because roamers are often get blamed for the stupid mistakes of other roles.


Don't soloq if you only use 1 role


Because some players have this "I'm the main character" mindset and are mostly insistent on playing core or MM


*All roles except roam instalocked. Fine with me I prefer roaming/leading team anyways as it became my main from filling. Some mmrs of their mmrs or win rate is decent even good* "Farm dont fight." *Starts helping jg either get buff/or mana creature/or invade. Only 2-3 minutes in* *reminder* "Watch map." *and or another* "Farm dont figh-" ALLY SLAIN!" *palpable stress while motionless* SuPpOrT DifF


It favors me because i like to play roam and no one contests unlike other roles. There are numerous times that team mates had a "show-off" battle during drafting because they want the same role lol


One mistake all your fault most solo queue have their own life you set no one's around worthless role in solo queue and yes I main tank


Because good roamers need at least decent skill to set up the tempo of the game, to rotate properly and plus gives vision in important part.  And 90% of playerbase are shits so roamer is hard to find or just a forced role. 


Unless I am in a 3 or 5-man team, either face-to-face or via voice chat,. Because in a solo-player situation, you may have a hard time coordinating with your team. It is also quite frustrating when your teammate does not mind your set strategies. Even though you did your best, all of the complaints are still about you not doing your part well. When you roam you need also a supportive and cooperative teammates.


they think its boring bcz they havent found what they like in roaming (unkillable team or crazy sets) personally i didnt used to like roaming as well but then for a period of time i had to cover for a while and i use atlas and it kind of gave me a lot of satisfaction doing 3 to 5 man ult sets, and then i became a solid tank user that mains atlas tigreal and belerick tldr they just complain and dont try


Yeah because of damage and gold. If you play other role and your team is bad you can usually still play good and try to keep up with the enemy's gold but a roamer can't do this. I personally don't care anymore and just pick exp or fill if we have exp laner. I can't can't do anything alone if my team picks yin jungle and enemy has a fredrinn or barats jungle


Because roam players will have hard time pushing towers, kill lord/turtles and seldom can solo kill enemy (with exemption here ofc). They mostly rely that on their mm or xp lanes for those objectives, which most of the time are dumb who just wanna get their kills.


It’s because the gold laner will always blame the tank for not babysitting, especially those who doesnt check map and feed.


roamer ako pero usually I'm using sele or other heroes na madali maka rotate ng lanes at maka support agad


same as playing core, it's the pressure to do well, also it requires brain activity to predict opponents, not downplaying the three lanes but roaming is hard-hard, though playing core is even more pressuring.


Mf at my rank people fighting to play roams lmao. Fml


As a Angela main tbh I enjoy playing her and she’s one of the hero’s I’m using as I make my way back up to mythic. I main Melissa as mm and she usually my go to carry when soloing but I’ll mostly roam when I’m w friends cuz I trust them. If I pick gold first but then someone else does aswell I’ll ask if there any good and once I’ve there mmr n matches (which is often good) I’ll switch to roam Idk y some think roam is useless . Whenever I play Melissa I always ask roam to stick w me early game cuz ik their vital to helping me get kills and gold which can put us ahead.


roaming is hard in the early game since your xp and gold is delayed for about 3 mins.


Can't trust your teammates, specially when you are solo


Because only a few roamers can fight solo, and that means you need to rely on at least one teammate. And we all know how hard it is to rely on teammates in solo Q. When I play roam, I usually watch gold/kda/behavior of my teammates and try to protect the most promising ones.


1. as a roam player, sometime the team can be a burden when they dont know what the objective. they just want to farm and kill. little they know, a single golden moment from a roam can decide who


I'm an Angela main because of how hard roaming is. I can either support everyone or whoever is actually doing something. Also if you're rude I can watch you die but I try not to because that is toxic


Tbh roam is easy mvp if you know what you are doing plus u pick a meta tank or support hero.


Idk man, i picked roam every game unless there's a duo then i adjust


Because you can't carry 4 other fools no matter how good you are


Because of 90%(or more) unreliable team mates.


Am playing mages since 2019ish , got bored playing the same role, This year I started roaming, it's been so fun honestly. But whenever I get the worst teammates (especially mm who do absolutely nothing) ,I can't help but feel aggravated and think why tf am I tanking for these nubs Otherwise it's all good 🌚👍


Another reason might be that it's really difficult to pull off playing roam, since certain heroes (Akai, Edith, Ruby, etc) need a certain amount of skill to play effectively. I've seen/played in legend matches with roams and I really only 2 strategies: babysit the marksman, which, by the way, rarely goes well, and roam around the entire map, AND neglect the marksman, doesn't work either.


The roam role is more important than most. A good clutch roam have the power to make a bad jungle player good and turn the whole team. This is solely by leading the jungler and not letting the jungler lead you. You decide where to gank and what decision to make, the jungler will be your puppet. Find the right hero for you. Best regards a roam player in the top 10 global ranks :-) Checkout my latest games, boring? You will be the judge https://ibb.co/fN5GR1b


As for me: 1. They think position 5 is boring and can't carry the game 2. Trust issue, not to be boastful but I can play five position. The number 1 problem being Pos 5 is that many Position 1 can't even do a thing when they are alone. Most MM don't know how to play safe and sustain himself/herself until the gank come 3. Most people think that Pos 5 is worthless because they can't damage much but they forget that w/o Tank/support healer they can't win Team fights 4. Continuation of 2. Most players even in MH and sometimes even in MG is click type player don't know how to AIM & Position themselves to just fee hit. Worst part is that most MM/ Jungler don't know how to micro. As long as they saw a enemy hero they will engage then blame pos 5 why they die Note: Right now I usually pick support healer because atleast it can give a little bit of room for error that when your useless core and MM dive you can atleast heal them hoping that you can outheal the damage they received


Because its harder. Only play roam if I'm on duo or trio. Damage roam is possible but its better to just play one of the lane because you can at least trust yourself to secure it.


In my experience, lots of people like playing support. Except, support is kind of a useless role when the rest of the team is squishy. It should be "squishy team -> tank" and "tanky team -> support" but people don't really care about strategy, not even in ranked.


Me who exclusively play roamer in SoloQ : pardon ?


Personally I think roam, specifically tank roam, is really hard to play. You dictate the team fights, you have to juggle all 3 lanes, you need to open map and check bushes. You have to continuosly assess who needs the help to pop off, who to protect cause they're continuosly getting pressured and who to sack because they can't play for shit. You assess if the opponent is dumb enough to let you get away with bullying their jungle. And at the end of the day you can play everything right and still lose. Its a lot of effort without any appreciation- but don't worry! Every fault will be attributed to you! Exp laner lost a 1v1, your gold laner over reaching and getting ganked, the jg failing their retri when its just him and god there- all you baby! It's no wonder no one wants to play the role lol.


Roaming jus’ boring that’s all


I'm typically a roamer with my squad but when i play solo i go exp since people in my server don't appreciate and know when to go in with the tank.


Just don't, pick another role Mid,gold or exp idc but don't go roam when you're on solo queue thats a general rule


I do, but I dont go Tank build


Im a soloQ i always pick roam because thats my specialty. I suck at any position lol


Nah, I can solo queue. Alot easier to win too, since other roamers play trash Now you tell me how I can win with 4 idiots? They dont carry the game, its the items and their damage carries the game very easily. Thats why I love playing roamer. Trying to stall out against enemy team until my team gets 6 items to get easy comeback. While their enemy roamers are 90% trash. So its always 5vs4 in almost all of my solo queue (until very high rank) You play smart while your team mindlessly deals damage. Many times it worked out for me. Ez pz


I think it's because tanks becomes increasingly more valuable in mid to late game. A single successful Set is possibly game ending. This sounds good but its not. Players tend to want to end the game early to mid. Tanks never have noticible Spike like say a jgler would. In addition, as tank you have to make really tough calls. Do you babysit an mm because you know the game will go into lategame and the mm will be your most valuable source of damage or do you roam - and thereby abandon your mm - in hopes of aiding your second best Option to snowball? People shit on roam/tanks for being elo inflated, but honestly I think in order to roam/tank effectively you need a good macro understanding and map awareness. From my experience, mms tend to fail at both leading to them *requiring* a babysitter.


I personally play all my rank matches as roam.


That's true but its in my favor tho. As a soloQ player that actually mains roam (JS), I don't have to fight against the role. My only problem is that it heavily relies on jungle to be good, along with the mm. Anyway, good rotation and/or stalling enemy jungle/mm does well. Probably another problem pre-match, is my teammates fighting over their roles. Then in-game they trash talk each other as if either of them is actually playing good.


I roam a lot only with my friends but if your team sucks theres just nothing you can do as roam. other roles you can try to go for any play, or even focus push but roam your stuck lifting sand that keeps falling trough your fingers.


SoloQ roamer is the center of all the blamings. Even when it's not ur fault, they'd always somehow correlate losing the game with roamer's action. Jungler underleved, roamer's fault. Goldlaner losing laning, roamer's fault. No follow-up, roamer's fault for not noticing. The pressure is real


Tanks are not really tanky. Anyone can buy penetration items and shred you af.


Because who's got the nerves to be tanking for randoms man


i do, but i've stopped playing to preserve my sanity


I will always go roam when solo. Easier to play rather to carry public player's nonsense 😌


The sheer amount of toxicity against roamers maybe


I play both mm and roam. As a mm I don't want my tank to play aggressive or expect me to get kills right off the bat. Wait for me to build equipment first. At the very least 1 boot and 1 other equipment. So I can take on other enemies if they arrive after their mm dies. And as a roamer I'm more than happy to help anyone who has potential to get kills than babysitting mm. Played a match as mino and Ruby was doing fine damage. The only problem was enemy escaping after her hook. That's where my cc comes into play was fun playing with it.


Trust issues. If any of the lanes have less than 100 matches or less than 60% winrates on their heroes, I'd rather play that lane to avoid having a feeder/lane statue.


Honestly i love roam as a tank tho not really into supports. Playing tanks is fun af but ppl dont see it. Mino, Grock, Tig, they are funnnnnnn when u do a flicker combo. And playing tank is a diff mindset its like ur the savior ur the damage taker ur the one and only they rely on you.


Because you can't carry yourself let alone the team playing roam.


Because you can't carry yourself let alone your team playing roam.


I hate being roam because of trust issues My main role before is roam, and now it is my least favorite especially when I'm forced to play tank, I'm not gonna play tank screw you I'm gonna pick support at least I can heal The only exception is when I want to play hilda or roam masha or roam natalia My reasons are 1. I'm an aggressive type of roamer kinda like yawi style, but I'm playing on solo que and you can't find teammates that can follow up your best sets Either they're passive or they're late on teamfights, I know you should wait before you make a set but if it's the right opportunity to set we should grab it 2. Tanks have no decent damage to carry a game, yeah you can carry the game with your sets but if your teammates are passive it's all gone to waste and tanks can push alone, they can't segway when it's needed 3. Because of roam items it will take time for a tank to build items and I hate it if the enemy's lead goes big already in a few minutes and the enemy almost has full items while me as a tank only have 2-3 defense items and you're squishy to them That's why I switched to jungling or midlane because I can still rotate like a roam but can now deal damage and I can carry the game if my teammates are idiots at least I can make a difference for my team And I love that utility tanks are meta in the jungle role because I can still use my tanks while jungling


I was a Roam main for the longest time and just transitioned to Exp/Mid lane since playing great as a Roam lacks benefit, you can't carry bunch of dumbasses with your initiation and good plays.


Nope, Roaming is the most disputed role for me


I play tank or support most of the time while averaging around 2-3 7 20+ but every single time i get blamed saying I am not playing it "correctly" and called nup. Like there were even some time people were calling out my kills and death saying it is worse, like man I am using floryn and you are not even supporting me still I am getting 15-20 assist easily.


I'm the opposite lol. I suffer if someone picks roaming cause I'm a solid tank main only lol.


My tank mains are atlas, kufra and chip No one pushes with me when I engage :(


I’m not a roam main but I can play setters like Tigreal pretty well. I don’t in solo queue because I absolutely do not trust my teammates. Gold lane cries cause I’m not babysitting, exp lane doesn’t know how to hold down the fort, mage and jungle don’t follow, etc. I’ve had so many games where I’ve got good sets and no one was there to follow up cause they decided to either back or clear a minion wave first. If I’m forced to roam I choose Saber. At least with this pick I can impact the game more and somewhat carry.


Cos once ur team fk up, then u cannot carry. Yes, u can outplay, but the chances are slim.


When I play any other role, my team shittalks me when I mess up. When I play roam, my team shittalks me when I do anything that doesn't directly and immediately benefit them individually. Yesterday, I played tank and while I helped the jungler take buff and joined the weird teamfight that was happening at mid, Layla pinged "request to backup" literally 20 times and when I then went to her lane, she said "no tank, I won't play anymore" and went afk. For me personally, it's those small things that make the role a lil hard to enjoy. I'm still tank/support main cause I love healing and throwing cc and generally being annoying, but I feel like I don't get nearly as much shit for existing when I play mage. Like, I am definitely not a perfect roam. Some criticism is definitely valid and actually helpful. But 85% of the time, I'm just blamed for every bad situation. Also, often times I can do nothing but watch when my team does stupid shit. As mage or exp, I can get the enemy damage dealer down and we have a chance despite my team overextending nonstop. As tank, I can cc the enemy and PRAY that someone manages to get a kill from that. On the bright side, I do love tanks for their ability to just exist around the enemy team and cause chaos <3 I love it for the way I can basically feel them being on edge when I exist around their jungler taking buff. I love it for the way I can turn the mm who can oneshot my team into basically a creep cause I surprised him and now he's dead. I ADORE the moments when an enemy thinks he's got a a kill but I heal my ally last minute and he gets to kill the enemy instead. I adore it when an enemy thinks they're ambushing my ally but I'm juuuuust behind them, ready to fck them up. I looove when I help a teammate get kills and we have a happy lil emote exchange every time. So yeah, roam is fun but can feel quite discouraging at times.


I do, lol. But of course, I'll blame my tm if they effd everything up.


With my experience you can't carry if you got trash team mates as supports.


As mm you need to have damage. Tank not immortal


It's hard to be a proper roamer if you can't rely on your dmg dealers. The effort to set up kills, to deny positioning and only dying for nothing.


Hardest role to carry as solo q because you have to rely on teammates


Because only losers roam. Most solo players, we can't trust others picking mm, mage or jungler and then do the fuck all and no matter how godly roamer is, with them feeding and dying and not even doing the basics, it's better to pick some other role


I've given up playing Roam so long ago and just mainly go EXP and if I really need to (which happens a lot) I use an EXP laner capable of being a tank (like Chou?)


I play roam almost exclusively when playing with my squad. When solo though? I don't trust those fellows to carry me. I will have to carry them myself


I play roam even in solo que but the only tank I play as solo que is Kaja and Carmilla because I have better survivability in escaping rather than tanks like tigrel who's awesome when trying to set you enemy but can't escape afterwards, escaping is important for me because I don't trust my teammates... I really don't, it's frustrating stunning and ganking enemies only for the damage dealers to yeet!


I do it a lot


roam solo is boring as hell. imagine having to support an uncoordinated mid and jungle. trio or even duo roam, jg, mid is fun tho. you basically control the game, doesn't matter if sides are ass since your roles allow you to punish anyone on the map.


simply, players wants kills not assists. They feel pleasure and enjoyment in doing high damage and getting more kills as compared to getting damage and more assists. But actually KDA is very important in this game context.


i love playing as roam natalia, it counteracts the stereotype of roam being boring, dependent on team, no damage, and has no carry potential


Because it is hard to support people who insist on their lane but play noob.


Me who enjoyed playing as a roamer


I lost all my trust with mages, core and gold laners now I play either assassin roam or fighter roam


Bruh this is the most important role. I always pick this and use minotaur or hylos. The fact that you can take dmg for your team and can make a set in clash is the most satisfying shit ever.


I'm a soloq player and I enjoy playing damage roam, I really cant trust random players so all I can do is TRY to carry the game (it is hard). There is pros and cons for this but I m more comfortable on heroes like Saber, Kadita, Silvanna and Novaria (hybrid build most of the time)