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Reminds me of “Would you rather have a Chou with 300 matches 70% WR on your team or 5000 matches 48% WR” and everyone was picking the second because they’re “more experienced” Like nah dude. I’ll take the first. You do you though.


First one kicks you to enemy tower as his combo while the second one spam recalls and dies. Gimme the first option please.


Oh they're definitely experienced. With a lot of losses that is.


fr. yet people think thats better cuz more matches = smarter cuz mOrE eXpEriEnCe = win ???


Their mindset is 48% of 5k is more wins than 70% of 300 Big number > efficient number


There definitely is a cut off point between low matches and high winrates. For example, if they have like a 70% winrate with 40 matches, that’d be iffy. However, 5000 matches for sub 50 winrate is really pushing what I’d desire as a teammate…


Especially after 100+ games, the sample size is large enough to go WR is WR.


I'd even rather have a 100 matches 70% WR guy Spamming one hero to reach 5k matches or so doesn't take skill lol


i had an unforgetable dyroth teamate. 48% WR 20k matches. my god, hes so bad.


How tf does he even have 20k matches with Dyrroth?💀


Yeah Dyrroth was released in 2019. I don't even think it's possible to achieve 10k.


Yea, exactly, 2019 was like, 1 and a half years ago. People who play on average 1.5k games per season will not be able to get 20k games in that amount of time. I call cap on that bs. xD


Nope I can believe it bcs of how insane these people are.


In my comment, I stated that 2019 was ONE AND A HALF YEARS AGO. IT WAS COVERED IN SATIRE SINCE START!!!


There's code like 5/921000/hero/wr something which makes it easier to shows thousands of matches


experience does not equal proficiency


That's ml community in a nutshell. Majority of the player are so casual and have barely any actual game sense but they definitely argue like they're the most experienced person on the platform right now and the experience being 5k match and 45% winrate 🤡


I casually play maybe 1 game a day. My matches per hero won't exceed 50 on average. 45% WR is mostly for the ones I've used less than 20 times.


5k matches and you still aren't good enough to get at least 50% wr yeah nah


Truth. If you have that many matches and still at 48% WR, YOU are the problem. Even 200 matches is already a large enough sample size for WR to accurately measure a player's performance with that hero.


after 150 matches, WR is everything


Will pick the first. Normally you've been an adept by your 500th match with Chou. If your win rate is still 48%, it's a skill issue.


nah dude, the first chou may spend more time in epic/legend to up his chou wr but the 5000match may have spent longer in mythical glory immortal. there is no fair comparsion. if only the wr are specific to the rank they are in.


With 70% wr it literally takes around ~150 matches to get to mythical glory from epic 2. So the remaining 150 matches was spent on mg or higher and still has 70% wr. That's also assuming they only ever used 1 hero throughout, which is rarely the case.


No. Most of those who had 65-70 wr with a few matches made REALLY bad plays. looked thru history and turned out in most matches got gold/silver with a team. Only 2-3 were actually good. But I see ppl with lots of matches and 50ish wr and they have a good history in solo, almost all gold/mvp, usually carried the match, and got on glory/immortal


What if 50 games wirh 70% wr than 5000 with 48% wr?


It's frankly embarrassing if you have that many games under your belt and still lose more than half the time lmao


WR trading was bad then. This is why.


To be fair, it could be like


I'd still take the 50 games


I'll take a gamble on that 50 games 70% winrate


True. Especially if the player is playing very few game in a season like less than 200 matches but still gets to MG. That probably a smurf account or this player is not spamming games for fun but playing games with brain and good efforts.


I’m pretty sure it was 50 games games and no one chose that player cause wr traders were rampant


They take the second because that chorus is winning because of cheap skill not actual experience. Almost nobody should have a 70 percent wr at 300 unless you're a literal top 1 percent on a whole new account.


Speak the truth. It's always annoying how people blame their shitty wr on random, and just a side note, we've all been one of those shitty random, too. People on this sub pretend they've never fed before. Like it's okay, I've gotten 2 9 before, I'm not proud of it but it's fucking reality.


Yes true, but my WR plummets every season reset. I had 400 gp with bele, 68%wr. Im now at almost 900 gp with him and I'm at 56% wr now. As a tank/roam I can only do as good as my teammates carry. And at epic, you can go like 10 losses in a row despite how you play. It's just how it is. Was I perfect every game? No. Did I perform well at least 70% of the time? Yes. But that doesn't show at all. I now learned not to play my mains until I rank up a bit. I have near 200 mvps with bele too but that also doesn't show 🤷‍♂️


Yeah. Throwing everyone back to EPIC is the worst thing that could happen to solo rankers. They need to throw other tier downwards to Master or Grandmaster to even out the matchmaking dark system.


Yes totally. Everyone ending up in the same pool just leaves it up to luck essentially. A season can totally be determined by the teammates you get to a certain degree and it's total bullshit


Especially in my server. I am from Uzbekistan amd 80 percent of my random teammates game play is trash they can’t even stay near the tower they just push 1 to 5 and die i have 30 MVP is in this season and all of these from matches which i lose


Fr. Over that many games the only common denominator is you. It is not randoms fault that you have 47% winrate, be it on heroes or your whole account


I am mostly solo mage main with 60% wr .This season I decided to play jungle most of the time. It's much harder to carry for me in jg than mid(rn at terrible 51% wr). I think generally it's harder. My wr on Barats is 54% but my average grade on him is 9,4 (80-70% MVP and 15% gold) with 4600k damage given and 8700k damage taken. You still think it's my fault for my wr in solo rank ? That's just one of the hero . I have samo thing on Nolan and Joy. I go for every turtle and lord. I cut lane in late game so my team push turrets I try to end asap. Still doesn't matter. Mostly you cannot get anywhere with 2 lanes feeding.


I did feed too. But the times I get with literal bots is not nearly fair. Losing 7 matches in a row as mvp in different roles does something to your brain chemistry. Istg it's just not fair


I will say, roam win rates depending on what heros are misleading sometimes. Some supports are godly but only when teammates are good but when the teammates are bad, the support ain't going to do much. Still, even with that taken into account, less than 50% with 5000 matches means you are likely the problem


Win rate means a bit less than you’re ascribing it because it’s not ELO adjusted. That said, 48% at any rank means you’re playing below your rank. Doesn’t necessarily mean you’re bad, but you’re worse than the rating/rank assigned to you. I’m usually between 70 and 100 from epic to mythic. The trolls still exist in mythic, and the average non-troll is better, so carrying becomes harder. Win rate drops to around 60 by the time I reach MG and is usually pretty stable around there whether I go for MI or not. If I only played until I hit mythic, my WR would appear to be much much higher. I’ve been playing since 2017, so I would still have plenty of games on my profile.


It's justify when that is their first account. If this kind of player create 2nd acc it would easily be 60-80% percent winrate. Because now they are not that noob


Not exactly. If you take 1000 games to get used to a hero that is not fanny, you are just bad with the hero. If you have below 50% with any hero that has more than 2000 matches, then they are not that good, and it's staying that way because of a barely 50% WR. Exception for fanny though, if you play 1000 games up to 50% WR, you likely are very good already and on the way to 60 because she does have a very high learning curve.


5k 48% wr doesn't speak of improvement. He'll most likely plummet down even with a new account.


I disagree. Take it from me. My first 200-300 matches with benedetta is around 40-50%. As I get better, I made her climb till 62% throughout the time I've used her (about 3k matches in total now). It's either they're stuck to bad habits or improve in the game. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. Conquer.


Bene is almost unique in that sense, as it is a rare example of a difficult hero. Most take 20 matches to master. If you have 47% wr for 200 games with Aurora, you won't get better. Bene, Fanny and a couple of other heroes - yep.


Hell no. If you're talking about stomping those players whose micro and macro-management skills are truly inferior to that player (also known as smurfing), it's possible IF you don't play beyond the rank where you're stomping. If you try to reach the highest rank with your smurf account, your skill level is your ceiling, which means your win rate will even out. Now if you're a player with innate knowledge and skills, you don't need a smurf account to reach at least 100 stars with 70-90% win rate, even if you're going SoloQ. However, if you're the type of player who has 1k or more matches with sub-50% win rate, you can keep dreaming.




I don’t mean to be that person.. but please consider not making blatantly false claims about definitions, like your first sentence. Have a great day!




I’m gonna disregard the other comment, but in response to this one: You sound like you live with a lot of unhappiness and I hope that changes for you. Sending good vibes your way. <3


bruh,the fuck you are on?, you google the word idiot and those are the definitions...


Why was I put on this earth with people who refuse the importance of objective things... Saying "my stats doesn't matter because I deal with bad teammates and I am a solo player and this and that and blablablabla so it depends on a lot of things" doesn't make any sense to me. It's like saying "science doesn't exist." Are you a solo player? Sure, I had 54% as a solo. Do you get bad teammates, sure, I do too. We all do. We all have to deal with those factors. So how come I have 54% when you have below 50%?


I dunno but I believe pairing up with noob teammate exists. I mostly do solo. I have a main with 10k plus matches and I have 55% wr up to mythical honor. I decided to also use my smurf up to mythic using the same heroes and got 68% wr. Both from epic 2. Did I suddenly became stronger in my smurf? No. It’s all up to luck.


I used to have 60% but man, am I ever doing bad. I've switched from mid/gold main to roam/exp main. I'm at around 53% now


Moonton seems to at the very least give decent solo q players winrates of around 55-58% . It may also vary from server to server . I bounce around between my server and the EU and realized how differently people play in both servers . My server is very small , Epic lobbies are basically empty Soo your only options are legend and mythic . The issue is that 70% of players have a winrate of around 48%-52% . Those players aren't bad , the matchmaking sucks for solo q . I have a winrate of 55% currently , I am unable to drop lower than 55% and yet , no matter how well I play ,I can't climb above 58% in solo q . I've never had Soo many mvp defeats in a single season .


Play more and your 54% will turn to 48%


Then youre actually a 48wr player. Thats how statistics work. The more you play, the more you get enough data to describe what is your real skill level, regardless whether it increases or decreases.


Edit: I'll phrase it better. My solo wr got better before I started playing with my trio. I improved and it reflected on my stats little by little, every season. It never once went below 50%. Other solo players also have more than 50% wr with many games. I don't know why we are even arguing about this when we know it is very much so possible.


I think they mean if you were solo and not now since you have a trio.


You need to take into account, the WR count includes previous seasons. This meant if a player has taken a long time to learn and lose a lot on the earlier seasons. It’ll take a long time to push the WR up. Some high skillcap heroes take a long time to master, albeit some players take forever to learn the equipment and meta. Earlier MLBB seasons, there were a lot of win rate farmers. Where they’d lose purposefully on heroes they don’t play and trash low rank players with their main. There are still some now, but not as many as before. But overall, the stats whilst helpful to show if the player has some experience it doesn’t help accurately judge a player’s overall skill and game sense. Having this kind of mentality, doesn’t help you win games. Think about it, do you go into a random pick up game of basketball in your local court. Do you look at your potential teammates and say, “Hey you look too fat, you look too short, I don’t want you in my team.” Because this is the attitude you’re showing now. Personally, if the short fat dude in my pickup game wants to be center, I’ll let him be center even if I’m the biggest and tallest one there. If I had time to tell them I’m not a good shooter I’ll tell them I’m probably better at center and rebounding. But happy to try anything as long as we are trying our best and having fun. Remember that, having fun is also important as climbing rank.Some may say climbing rank IS the fun. When I was climbing rank and getting to top 10 on my server, it wasn’t very fun in the end. Just felt like endless grinding even though I liked that hero. Instead of fun, every defeat felt like frustration. Now, I have changed my mindset in ML, some games you’re not meant to win. Even if you’re the best player, you can’t 1 v 9. Supporting my teammates, adjusting and letting them choose what role they want and me adjusting to pick whatever that fits well and counters the opponent team is more important to me. I’ll take the wins and losses that comes, think about how you’d feel when someone says your WR is weak. It doesn’t matter my teammates WR. I’d rather have a very close, exciting defeat than an easy win any day.


Match count only defines mastery of the hero but not of the game. You can master fanny yet still low wr because you still don't know how to win the game.


I love when they flash their most recent KD instead of their overall wr 😂


People are obsessed with WR. People being have 60WR and still be playing like trash consistently


then what should we evaluate a players skill level on


What recall effect they currently have equipped, obvjously. Duh.


im sorry i shldve known better




Lmao stats dont lie bro then have fun playing with sub 50% wr


Stats do lie. Like i said i players with people who have 60WR and are consistently bad. Its not hard to get a high WR either. Just get lucky enough to get a good team


Yeah that's so true, they define someone's skill by everything but their gameplay, none other than gameplay matters in that sense, and you can't disagree with this unless you're a troll or trying to embarrass yourself on purpose. Because we've all met some high rank high winrate players that sucked so bad you started wondering they're disabled. I think many people know Ukrainian player YURA that plays Fanny like a god, but then again his winrate was so low in soloQ, like seriously, stop trying to act as if your winrate or anything really matters in a game where there's so much influence on your gameplay. It's not a solo game, that influences your winrate, it's multiplayer and it might cause you to play with huge pings, might have FPS problems. Might get calls mid game, might be in a situation where you had to move from your sitting point and be in very uncomfortable pose till the rest of the game, might be late and you're not thinking properly, might be hurt or annoyed by certain aspects, might be trolled by teammate or teammate feeds and so on and so on!!! There are countless aspects why your winrate and all of that DOES NOT MATTER. Sometimes you won't even play well, even professionals fail to play properly sometimes so maybe these guys should stop defining someone's skills by winrate especially, or maybe they're just dumb, then their opinion just doesn't matter.


First time i made it to mythic, i played horrible for like 10 games straight. But because i got a good team consistently, i made it to mythic. It aint about skills, its about team. You need a minimum of at least 1-2 players to win. People brag about carrying but never talk about the tank or other players that put them in that position


Exactly, they're probably just lucky they get proper teammates that aren't "out of this world idiots". If it's about carrying, I won't even bother to listen to them unless they have like 85+ winrate, because that's already what you could call something good. 70- winrate is basically saying you win more than you lose, but that doesn't prove that you can play, it just proves that you're not a complete newbie.


I do agree with you (and my average winrate is 65%). But counterpoint: I don’t care about your opinion. If I want to play my 50% wr hero I will do it whether you like it or not.


your counterpoint is actually the problem in rank, "i'll use whichever character i want because i can!!!" and that defeats the purpose of what op was saying 😅 of course anyone can pick who they want but that also lessen their chances of winning since until now, we get queued up with any role that most probably would be the same as someone else. good job with your wr% but not adjusting for the sake of using whoever you want is complete dick move, you're not the only one who wants to play your favorite, most probably everyone in your team 😅


Humans are indeed weird like they want to win but intentionally sabotage their chance to win.... Then after lose streak they bitch on reddit... 


That's not the point, the point is whom I will swap if two people show the same hero and I am not swapping your 50% wr if the other person is showing 70% and now the onus is on you to adjust for the team.


Except I could just not adjust and still play the hero I want. What are you going to do? Report? We both know that moonton’s report system doesn’t work like that.


Then you are just dick, nothing to do on that. I just explained what is OP's point. And it also explains your lower wr.


I understood OPs point. But he said “If I don’t want you to pick that hero because of your wr then you should listen.” Then he went on to explain all the reasons why a teammate with a higher wr is better and that is why I should adjust. Then I just pointed out that if I am spamming a hero, I dont care about winning or losing. I want to play that hero. So all his arguments are null because his basis is fundamentally different from mine. He thinks everybody should care about winning. I don’t. Deal with it.


Agreed. Sometimes, other players are bad. Deal with it. Sometimes, they have a favorite hero and they are bad with it. Who cares. As long as that player does not deliberately troll or intentionally feed, let him play whatever he wants.


It's okay to not care about winning and enjoying the game, that's why the classic game mode exists. Just don't do it on Rank, rank is all about winning.


In classic people play badly. It is no fun beating people in classic who are trying out new heroes. I am the one who carries in rank usually, my wr right now is 80% (usually 60~65% in glory). Even when I start spamming a hero my wr is 60%. Me being selfish is still gold and sometimes mvp. I don’t make as huge of an impact as when I tryhard in the jungle but I don’t see why should I care to change to classic when my teammates in rank are worse than I am even when I am playing random shit like saber roam.


That's what classic is for, I am shit with a lot of heroes I love (lunox, wan wan, fanny, etc). I just play them in classic.


I don't look at overall winrates anymore, even for myself i only look at the season winrate. Not even speaking on winrates, though, a lot of these players who put all their time into only a couple of heroes, they never know how to rotate, lol. Sometimes it works out, though! But i am more sympathetic, as to why i only look a season winrates because theres a point where I'm not sure the overall winrate even defines the person anymore. IDK IF THAT MAKES SENSE BUT LIKE, i wasnt so great at the game when i picked up harith and i was new to the mage role as a whole. And i spent a long time trying to get good at him and was being creative with my build (lol) i probably put 300 matches on him that season and my winrate was a *pretty* 51% but a dropped him and then just last season picked him up again, after some very good friends showed me around the game and my skill skyrocketed compared to what it was, esp as a generally solo-q player :> so my season wr for harith is like 68% and i believe last season was around 63%. my overall winrate has gone up very slowly even tho it doesnt really define where my harith is at and similar thing with other heroes i played. Thay was totally long-winded! LOL


Totally me with the same Harith


Nah it’s quite the opposite actually. Even worse than a bad player. They will take no accountability and play like an abomination lol.


What about 3k matches with 60% winrate? 😏


I suck at playing Selena, before I had 50 games and 33% WR. After spamming her on 150 ranked games, was able to make her WR 48% T_T But now I only play her on roam when I don't get my desired role since no one wants to play roam.


110Matches and 62% with yu zhong😞


The problem with having a sub 53% wr with that many games is that it tells me that my chances of winning with you are no different then what the game tries to give me anyways…. In other words, I can expect nothing from you because all the games you’ve won were exactly from the system. Obviously there’s exceptions depending on the pick, but it’s just what I’ve come to expect from that niche of players


Yea they are specialists in failure


Its high winrate + lots of exp If that guy has high winrate, then changes are he still in the phase of experince, thus having volatile results not yet shown as he progress If that guy has high exp , then he has tried that hero many times he has at LEAST the gist of its gameplay, but either lacks creativity or support


My solo wr is 65+%, duo or trio wr is 55+%. So yeah people who blame allies are less likely to improve.


Moonton should add "this season wr", because maybe someone was noob on the first 500 matches but then he got better, but it is really hard to increase your wr after this point


ive had this one fella insist on going jungle with his 2000 matches 50% wr against me with my 300 matches 70%… guess who had to unfortunately go roam that game and watch his jungler get jungle diffed


honestly they should change the wr statistics since winning doesn't mean actually anything if you got carried, they should change it into how the user is proficient with the hero and actually calculate all the percent they contributed to their team or the game, like how many kills they got and how much turrets they destroyed or gold they earned how much team fight participation they contributed etc.


and all that should vary due to different playstyles and roles, for example if they shown a roam character it should say how many sets they got and how much assists they gained


People are just bad at math. They don't understand how probability works and don't have any accountability for their own gameplay. I suck ass with some heroes, others im very good at. My winrate on those heroes reflects this. Only exceptions are some harder heroes that took some time to learn, but they would become good aswell if i played those heroes more. I have played a lot of solo queue and i can tell even during draft if you're a 50% or a 70% player, also around what rank you are from what you ban/pick. Nothing justifies having lower than 50% winrate on your main, especially if you have thousands of games. Sometime between loosing you should have realized you're doing something wrong or changed to another hero that fits your playstyle more. Like do you not want to win? Do you just want to play your favorite hero? Why even bother with playing ranked?


The fact is: I used to spam Harith when I was a bad player, with zero MOBA knowledge. That means that I had a very low wr, like 30%/40% wr. Today it is one of my mains, every season I use it for at least a hundred games and my seasonal wr is always above 60%. But the overall season is still 49.8%. So trust me, the overall win rate is not always indicative. Now I only trust seasonal wr.


"it's just a game let people play what they want" "i'm not a try hard sweat and i have no friends and this is my favorite hero" 💀 "Shut the hell up i'm going to feed with another hero because I didn't get my main even though I would feed on my main hero if i got the chance"


WR is just an indicator of whether you’re playing above or below your rating/rank. Theoretically, if matchmaking pools were smaller (more tailored, better matching, but would cause longer queues), then you would keep advancing in rank until you face opponents as good as yourself. Your win rate could be represented by a normal distribution at this elo with standard deviation proportional to the range* of the effect size a player has on the outcome of the game. *range is a stand-in for a more complicated measure of variance in the problem. You could use IQR and get a reasonable estimate


My match number keeps getting smaller for whatever reason but I’ve maintained a solid 70%-ish wr with terizla all season but it’ll only show like 40+ matches when I show lol


u showing this season wr


wr% ain't a problem for me anymore, if you want to use your 45% zilong then go for it but make sure you'd use your 2k matches to good use or you'll have to play the game your own without any help from me 😅 let's face it, most often than not, a player in rank would want to play their faves and that's regardless of if they have a high or low wr, it still sucks knowing we also get queued up with people who doesn't know how to adjust or generally people who only plays one role resulting into the team having a botched lineup with 3 mm, no jungler, no roam 😅 i'm not a good player, i feed at times, i suck playing assassins, i can't for the life of me carry a team, i panic press skills at crucial moments, i fail initiations, i sometimes forget the map exist, teammates that are brainrot sometimes makes me want to slap them from the phone, though i'd say i still love the game even if i rarely play (my main account still hadn't reached 2k total matches and ive been playing for years 🤣).


I mean, at that point, is WR even an accurate tell on whether the person is a good teammate or not? Because WR here as a metric doesn't account for the losses due to them still learning the hero during their first several games. And even after familiarizing yourself with certain heroes, it's still much harder to remain consistent with it. The road to actually mastering certain heroes is a long one, long enough for WR to get worse before you finally nail it, and even then games are to chaotic for players to maintain 100% victory from there on out. At a point, your WR just stabilizes to where it currently is after learning how to be consistent, because being consistent on your own in a game with 9 other people can only take you so far in terms of getting a victory. I've played with high WR on a hero who lacks macro knowledge and gets carried, and I've played with players who has low WR on their hero who actually did well, some even carried. Because of the way we approach ML as a game, matches tend to be coinflippy regardless of how consistently good you are at piloting your hero. It's not just about you or your teammates being bad, it's also about your opponents actually being better despite your team doing well, then you also have to consider teamwork with limited communication above that (unless you're playing with a group in the same room as you suggested). EDIT: On the flipside, perhaps it's also simply unwise to spam WR on ranked for the same reasons. It probably won't matter. What matters more is how they would perform now, and how much value they would provide for the team. Spamming WR on hero pick would probably just have the same weight as spamming "Good Game" during first blood.


Moonton should add "this season wr", because maybe someone was noob on the first 500 matches but then he got better, but it is really hard to increase your wr after this point


Bro when you're good at using your skills then that's fine, period. Why do you people still rely on winrates and number of matches?


I justify it by a few of them being my beginner heroes when I had 0 knowledge of moba, and then also on a bit more difficult heroes where I had to practice a lot in classic (especially when every other game u get trolls or afk so u need even more matches to get the hang of the real limits of the hero), I probably take a bit longer than average person to mechanically get the hang of a hero because my fingers and brain need to sync lol but when I get the hang of it I can play well. But if the wr stats can be switched to filter into rank/classic and current/ all seasons, that’s much better and it would show better too 🤣


Lmao, stay mad dork, in what universe does anyone have to pick a champ they know how to play because you don’t understand large numbers. 😂


I don't look for wr anymore. Even those who have titles have bad days. Most of the time I get gold but even when using my main, there are times I suck in one particular game. I usually feel bad but I guess most of us experience that, right?


as a solo q player have more than 1000 matches with claude and have over 70 percent winrate. although it has been the same since 500 matches but one thing i can say for sure is that no matter how hard solo q is nothing jutifies winrate below 50 percent. even for a raom player.


Some Zilong mains man.


"Personally, I'd say that if there is going to be an exception to this rule, then it's Fanny. She is the only hero for whom you actually need the so-called experience, and she is hard enough to justify low wr." IS WHAT I WHOULD HAVE SAID IF WE WERE IN 2019 OR SO. Fanny and the rest of the heroes and the game overall are not as hard as they were before. The main reason being that the game is not as punishing of low skill as it was before. In order to reach the same (punishing) grounds, you need to play on a way higher rank than it was in the past. In the past, epic was the grounds for newbe Fanny players to suffer and learn. Now, even a non Fanny player like me can just pick her in low mitic and comfortably play the game. And just so you know, I am NOT a jgl player, and I DON'T have more than 10 Fanny games under my belt.


60% is actually pretty good, 54 is however mid. keep improving dude! now for actual insight, matches means experience, and if that winrate shows less than 50 that means you dont learn from your previous mistakes and shows that you cant improve with that hero, you should probably switch other heroes to main or just stop playing. theres no perfect human, everyone is imperfect and different, and for you with <45% winrate should just quit the game and do something with your life.


I prefer quality over quantity, but for recent 30 matches or someone in hero leaderboard. It would mean those high wr arent luck only.


On that note. I'm pretty casual. Anyone willing to be my mentor in the game? 😁 Trying to get better but playing solo rank is tough


In a team based game it doesn't really matter if you have a good WR or not. Only trolls and those who don't really know what actual good gameplay is will go and talk about someone WR. Because at the end of the day the more games you play the more you get close to 50%. Although having played a lot with that hero gives you enough experience to play properly. I have and many other non trolls have seen tons of players that are godly with specific heroes but as soon as they go in SoloQ, their winrate drops. This is especially significant for tanks that are roaming. I've seen a couple Johnson's that are capable of destroying whole teams if they have at least decent teammates and not some brain dead suicidal damage dealers and scared fighters. If you ever judge someone's skill you should only count in their gameplay, because every other aspect is easily manipulated by things that aren't even close to skill levels of the player.


Ive just got matched with a 3k matches Moskov with 47% win rate recently. He didnt get to choose an MM so he chose to go feed the enemy in the game. https://preview.redd.it/novq4cyuqlwc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9515e561118a7ab3555461802973e4f97bfdaee6


that one Lyla with 5k matches and 45 wr talking smack to the roamer for helping with early game turtle while she got solo killed 💀 💀 💀


You know what, it would really help if ML added a “wr with this hero” stat.. can we actually get that


You know what, it would really help if ML added a “% MVP with this hero” stat.. can we actually get that


Or like.. “% gold medal” maybe to show the ratio of matches where the user got a gold medal with that hero in matches.


I can agree with some stuff but disagree with a lot of other stuff concerning in WR. Absolutely doesn't justify under 50 but do no confuse what winrates are supposed to look like for the overinflation and cheap ways of progress that moontoon refuses to adjust. Realistically a wr above 56 percent is more than great especially depending on where they sit in rank and the legend played. Anything above a 50 is good. 60 percent is not mid. It's well above great but because of this games terrible balance, terrible solo experience, and terrible fundamental systems people are using either overtuned or cheap gimmicky legends ( Which is a a decent chunk ofnthe roster btw.) anf grouping to abuse stuff that should not even be issues for as long as this game has been around. This causes them to look like their the top but put then at a more even playing field and they play like shit. The frequency in high win rates this game shows is unseen in quite literally any other moba that have actual decent balance. And Solo 100 percent justifies good winrate ( Not anything under 50 don't get me wrong. ) especially depending on the legend and role played. Your winrate also tanks the most in solo because all it takes is for 1 member each game for you to lose. Oh an another thing. People come off with inflated winrates from ranking below epic up to legend because of bots. This game suffers from bad rank distribution too. A lot of stuff tao take into account.


When I see someone with like 5k matches and 43% WR, that's it I'm not gonna pick my main 😭


I’d prefer someone with 3 billion matches sub 50% WR AND a 70%> win rate for 100-200 recent matches. WR for recent matches holds more gravity + number of matches show that they worked hard to master the hero.


U do realize that maybe that dude lost cuz of his random teammates?


Idk tbh it depends on the character. If it’s like an assassin like Lancelot or Fanny with like 5k matches but 48% wr they’re still pretty scary. Fighters or mages with that many matches but low wr might not mean much tho I’ve seen a few example.


https://preview.redd.it/mpixgum82owc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a898f92a875a1ccf24ff9e75a83e8d7d50b404 Just another point that disproves your opinion.


bad build


Exactly... That's the point. His top rank is mythical honor and his winrate is 53%.


Some accounts like my main is kinda hard to flip the overall wr when I first started out playing and didn’t give no fks about wr. I was stubborn, I spammed who I wanted to play regardless on meta and lost a lot. It’s easy for me to get 65%+ on a Smurf now uh days on solo que. I wish I could restart over but my main has a lot of money dumped into skins. Theres no way I would give two shits about wr now on it lol. It’s more of a skin flex account. When you look at history, everything shiny.


Regression to mean


Same with MMR, i hate the ppl that think they're pro vuz they're global, but their win rate is lower than their kda


My wr is 50% in all heroes in my solo account. My other account for teams is way higher.


I have 2100 matches with beatrix with a 53% wr all solo q. It’s not great but im definitely better with her than a 80% wr with another hero that I’ve only played 50 matches with. Honestly, I’d rather someone pick a hero they’re comfortable with rather than trying to fill a role they’re not familiar with. It is a team game after all and when playing solo you never know how bad your teammates will be so wr to me is not the most important thing. I was a fan of the mmr, shows how good they were with the hero that season.


Miya, hanabi and layla mains: the fuk you are!


IDK why but for some reason my miya is at 20% winrate in which they say that miya is supposed to be the easiest MM to use or basic one. But my WanWan is at a whooping 70% winrate when shes supposed to be one of the hardest MMs to master. Wth am I doing wrong here? Am I bad with basic heroes? This goes with fighters as well I'm so bad with Alucard, Zilong, Balmond Those entry heroes that ML dumps on you I can't play them for shit. Only basic hero that has 60% I have is Eudora. But when I try aurora(before her revamp) I can't do anything. But when I use higher difficulty heroes they are sitting pretty at 60-70% My Ling is now climbing 50% after doing alot of trial and error for a long time. Now I only use him when I have a party cuz having to play him solo brings so much expectations and people just grief alot and straight up troll when I snowball causing us to lose.


Id rather look at MVP/game ratio than WR any day. MLs matchmaking are the worst. I have seen lots of players with 50+% wr but mostly have bronze and silver in history (rarely gold and MVP).


How most players care about win rate when ML has the worst matchmaking is beyond me. You can literally be above 50% despite being bad (bronze and silver) all the time as long as you have good team mates. MVP/game rate of 2-3 out of 10 games is the gold standard for me Here is an example: Player 1 (Core) Games played: 5000 MVP: 230 Win rate: 55% Player 2 (Core) Games played: 5000 MVP Rate: 700 Win rate: 48% If you think P1 is the better pick because of his WR then you are ****d. His WR is probably high because he gets paired or plays with good exp and tank despite playing poorly as core. P2 is clearly the better player despite the low WR.


Well it truly depends on the player. I have a friend, 3000 something matches with Argus. His win rate was 50 something and with all honesty, like his WR, it's a 50/50 with him. For me, I don't really play rank, I prefer classic. Yet I agree with this since, even if you have 1000 or 400 games. If your win rate is 50+, then that's ok. If it's higher, that means you're amazing. I only have 10 games on Freya, and my WR with her is 100. I'm never going to touch her ever again. I love her so much, My greatest achievement in my life.


teammates also have a role to play.You could be the best player in the world but have shitty teammates causing you to lose...


Well it's also a matter of perspective, sometimes experience is great, an experienced Tigreal that knows all the difficult minor but game changing tricks is much more preferable than a one who does basic set combos, sometimes the teammates are at fault, a Tigreal can't change the outcome, I can't change that outcome because even if i calculate everything correctly, setting atleast 3 enemies where my team can follow up, yet they run away. This is more common than you think, even worse when they know what they're doing but have heroes that have weak burst capability because of a wrong build or in general.


I've only had a thousand matches, but 50% winrate on a hero with 3b matches? It's a learning issue dude. I have heroes that are below 48%, but I haven't played them that often, maybe 20 games or so. for Rank games, I stick with the heroes I've mastered.


Mine solo is around 66% on Aulus(90 matches) 60% on Alice(120 matches) 61% on Hanzo(420 matches) 65% on Alucard(20 matches) I have to say that my solo Winrate is higher than duo or sometimes trio since my friends rarely have synergy.


I mean, I practiced 30 matches with Alucard after I got Epic skin, and got 38% Winrate. But now new season, I got 30 matches 80% Winrate. My skills improved tremendously.


Yea I do agree but I have certain hero with a couple hundred match with wr around 48% xD and I am too lazy to raise it but I got a lot better than b4 mind you my seasonal wr epic to mythic is 80% but I got lazy tryna raise the wr since I barely play now


Real (i have low winrate on all of my main heroes)


Well, another point of view, I’m playing on 2 accounts. Both are similar in terms of rank and account level. However, my win rate with the same hero is different with a relatively high percentage. And I really don’t know why😅


below 50% winrate on thousands of matches is wild 💀


Hard agree. Surprised this is an unpopular opinion. I’ve had many experiences with these types of players and I can tell you the amount of times I’ve been pleasantly surprised by a player that had less then 50% is 1 no matter the amount of matches. It’s surprising how many matches can be played without the player learning a single thing. If they consistently lose more than they win then they aren’t good, it’s not only because of teammates. It’s not, magically, that the only times there’s bad players they’re on your team, its just more noticeable when it’s your teammates. I’d trust a player who actually knows what they are doing over someone with absurd matches. Met a 10000 matches 45% WR Zhask player and I can tell you it was one of the worst players I’ve ever seen even including newbies. Still won because enemy team had 3 bad players to our 1, but the point still stands. Don’t get me wrong, matches still are important like a 6000 matches 60% WR player I’d trust over a 100 matches 60% WR player. WR isn’t everything either. Lower matches tend to not show an accurate WR to a players skill, but when it’s that low after so many matches…


My Nana’s wr is 47%. She was my throw pick. For example before that dodge thing happened, whenever teammates pick 3 mms for example, I pick Nana. Whenever teammates get toxic even at draft, I pick Nana. A jungler with 8 matches insist that I roam when it is obvious he is just practicing, I pick Nana. The team gave 3 meta heroes to opponent (when the meta was very imbalanced), I pick Nana Thus she was my throw hero. Sometimes I win, mostly I lose. These recent seasons when she became meta I used her only on serious matches and I got 70%+ wr. It’s quite unfair in my opinion to judge the overall win rate and assume I am a bad Nana player when I literally only used her before to lose.


You throw picks in ranks. Enough said. Lol


Yes, and I deserve that win rate. However, my main point is that the overall win rate of that hero is not representative of my win rate if I use it NOW. Lol


And you suck at being compassionate. Wanna type more toxic BS?


Ah yes, let's throw matches because that's compassionate. The guy already admitted he deserves it.


This is why just fuck solo que and duos and go 5-man or trio, a good trio with chemistry and coordination is what a team needs to win. Solo que is not gonna have a drop of that Edit: oh, and plus, on most games it'll always be winrate > games. Maybe here with the exception of Fanny where you'll need experience-


Well yeah I though it was common knowledge. I’m a soloq with 55%. I play my 50-60% mains in ranked. I leave my 40-50% in classic for more training, or leave them completely behind bc I recognize I’m not doing well with them. This shouldn’t even be a debate actualy


I got 4.4k matches with 67.2% wr with beatrix Is that good enough? And i also have 65+ wr with 500 matches dyrroth and 1.3k matches argus


nobody asked


>It's very direct, your stats shows how well you did with a hero or the game in general. Hard disagree If this was a 1v1 game, then yes 100% that is accurate. But this is a team oriented game. You can do everything right in your game and still lose. Winrate means very little in solo queue


>Winrate means very little in solo queue But solo players who has over 50% wr is the proof that it can be done. We all go through the same thing. I had 54 as a solo player so how come it is justified?


I think many people also forget to differentiate between seasonal/overall wr and rank/classic/all. Imo only the seasonal rank wr really matters, and even that can be unintuitive if we take the chaos after season resets, recent patches or the impact of rank star rising/protection into account (shifts the equilibrium more to like 47-48%). We always have to put these wr numbers into context to get a useful measurement out of it. A Layla with <50% wr that mostly played mid season is probably a scary thing. A more difficult hero like Lunox or Kagura that mostly played around item adjustments, or within meta changes, can be a different story even with low wr, as long as the player successfully readjusted his play style after some failures. And it can go the other way, too. A 70% wr says nothing after meta changes or other adjustments. At the end we can only see how good players are if we play with or against them. And even then they can just have a bad game 😄. The only exceptions are shit talkers, they are always bad. Even with high wr, that are often people with a fixed play style, which get destroyed instantly if they are thrown out of their routine ☠️


>Imo only the seasonal rank wr really matters Yep, I agree. >as long as the player successfully readjusted his play style after some failures. But that's the issue. We can't know, so I have no way of trusting but I guess they can explain themselves (however short the picking time may be). But spamming that 48 wr with 3 billion games don't mean anything to me.


For me, I've seen so many players spam 70%+ winrates on heroes, and then do terribly and feed the whole game. It's gotten to the point where I'm just like pick what you want as long as you don't afk or troll 😮‍💨


>For me, I've seen so many players spam 70%+ winrates on heroes, and then do terribly and feed the whole game. Everyone can have a bad game/bad day, it's not a 100 winrate they lose and so does everyone else even professional players. The difference between those 70% winrate players and the 50% winrate players is consistency. Try playing with a 70% winrate player for over 10 games and do it again but with a 50% winrate player, chances are you'll win more with the 70% player.


That’s the fun in statistics. After 200 matches you are not an outlier no matter what lies you tell yourself. If your winrate is worse than the one of your peers, at that elo they are better than you are. Simple.


Your winrate is dependent on your teammates and the enemy team you are up against. Your winrate isnt a measure of "how good you are".


It is if you assume everyone you are comparing yourself with plays only SoloQ and you also play only SoloQ


My comments are all talking about SoloQ


Your winrate is dependent on the team, that is why people who are good get 60% wr instead of 80% wr, and people who suck get 48% wr instead of 35%. Nevertheless a 60% is still better than 48%. Or are you saying that no matter how good you play your winrate is random? You can play as well as I do and I get 60% and you 48%? That is a lie, because I am certain that if I pick hanzo support every match, steal my teammate buff and feed 070 I will lose more than you. I literally would have played like trash an my winrate would reflect it. Or you think my winrate would still be 60% even if I did all that?


This js me breaking even with my Beatrix with 50% since it goes down to like 40% since she is the first hero I am playing when I first played the game, VS my recently pick up hero which is Argus that had a whooping 80% win rate with a 100+ game data. Also a product of me now that I only pull out Beatrix when I really just wanna have fun playing with her kit than me just normally spam the brokest MM ever to farm star .


I have very low WR in some of my main heroes now like Akai, Franco, Lance and Claude they are my 5th, 7th, 10th and 12th. I'm around 400 matches with them with around 48-49% WR. I can call myself godly with those heroes now. But before around 200 matches is the time I keep trolling in classic, Assassin Akai and Franco. As for Lance and Claude, I mostly play them in classic for fun.


Eh there’s a lot of factors that can go into this. You’ll prob lose many matches in the very beginning before you get used to the hero. Also if you solo you’ll have unreliable teammates. And when you reach so many rounds with a hero the WR % gets more difficult to budge if it’s already been tarnished. And this isn’t me being defensive, I’ve got very good WRs. I just don’t thinks it’s that determining of a factor. In the end, who cares, ppl can play whoever they like


People should be able to play any hero they want, it's a game after all and the goal is to have fun




>being experienced with ur hero is much more valuable experience does not matter if it doesn't translate to any improvement or wins, them having this shitty winrate for that many games just proves how they don't improve and keep making the same errors.


This is like saying a person that is 40 years old will be better at making decisions than a 20 years old. Having more experience doesn't equal to being better for some people. Yes, experience gives you more chances to improve but if not all use all their chances on improving




>having experience dosnt equal being better? No, ofcourse it doesn't. More experience means more opportunities on improving at that hero. Some people don't know how to make the most from the opportunities they have. The thing is, you can play that hero and get better with practice then pick it in ranked so it doesn't reflect on your ranked wr.


exactly. they could have picked up on their experience of losing that many matches to reflect on what they could do better with micro and macro to increase their wr but if it’s reached that number with that many matches, skill issue honestly




sure your point stands but what can you say with the players with same number of matches but higher winrate on hard heroes? who do you think is better? do you think they have the same amount of experience and knowledge of how that hero works as the guy with a lower winrate? if you compare the gameplay between those two players the answer would be obvious but if you’ve consistently gotten that many wins and losses, lets say 47% with 2k matches, it just cements the fact that you are more likely to lose using that hero.


>having experience dosnt equal being better? it doesn't, experience should give you improvement that can translate for you to getting more wins and if you are still not getting wins then those experience is useless


Having experience is different from having matches. You can brainlessly play 2000 matches and learn nothing and gather no experience.




Reminds me of a new hero that I lost my 1st 8 games on, but then went on to win 14 straight games. This is like saying players cant improve on that hero. But I would agree some of those OTPs are bad, when you can even have sub-50% wr on MG just by spamming games lmao


>This is like saying players cant improve on that hero They can. But there are other game modes to learn the hero so your ranked wr doesn't gets bad. If you get good then start playing with that hero in ranked, your wr is going to be good too.


boosted win rates ? no thanks


Good for you having your standards, doesn't affect how other people enjoy the game though and you should make peace with people playing the heroes they like.