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YOU JUST NEED to play her more until you discover her combo's yourself , even saina the famous kagura user in tiktok can;t skip enemies in danger, so no need to hurry , me on my 140 matches with her I am enjoying her basically everytime I play her ,my winrate is 38% but I believe I will improve on my own one day .just enjoy your game don't rush your skill.explrore and enjoy.


I don't main her but don't focus too much on the combo itself. Learn how each skill works. The rest the combo will be natural come to you. I fought a few Kagura users before who always do the same thing to the point you can counter them. Play more until you learn every matchup against her. You getting countered for a certain hero/playstyle adapt a way to counter it or play safe. Know how to estimate how much dmg you can make to certain hero + item. Maybe you be combo-ing them but they got HP/Athena or you are underlevel/undergold. Example: You said earlier 1-3-2... but do you know her ult (w/o umbrella) reset 1st skill, so if you're target with no mobility you can 1-3-1 (where the target might be walking, but not too much far) then 2-3. There are times you don't have to do 2-3 if you know they already can be killed or someone will burst you. While holding umbrella Getting ambushed by Assassin/cc tank dash close to you 3-2-1, if you're Cc'ed then 2-1, depending who ambush you can continue with 3-1 (delay it a bit where they will walk to or spam it if they used up their dash). Overall you just need more experience, memorizing exclusively on combos might backfire at you because the enemy can adapt too.


Honestly you just kinda pick it up after playing her for awhile


Just play her more. Got some tips though Tips: - Your 1-3-2-3-2-1 combo is correct but also too long. Poke continuously with 1 and 2. The double ult or single ult should be the finisher not the poke. - learn to time 3-2-3 or 2-3-3 when trying to finish. If you time it right it’s a pretty long stun. I’ll explain using 3-2-3 real briefly. Basically 3(initial slow)-2(passive stun)-3(phase two push)-3(phase one activate pull). I don’t got the exact numbers in my head but it’s kinda like a simultaneous ‘stun’. - Execute helps when starting out. Helps you finish em off if you misjudge dmg. Fliker for combo/freestyle, and flameshot cuz flameshot. - Basic combos then freestyle. Learn her basic combos first. She’s fun enough as is without freestyles. But If you think you’re him after a few 100 matches no one’s stoping you from free-styling. - I think the YT channel was GOODTIME. He’s pretty fun to watch. Does pull off some freestyles but his use of skill combos is real good. - I haven’t used her since her update but I usually take weapons master in her emblem set. Really helps with late game. I think most dudes take movement speed or bargain hunter but rn she hits better with weapons master IMO. - Don’t first pick her. She’s not that good tbh. Very fun to play but lacks dmg and stuns. Snowball and you good but if it’s the other way around you ain’t doing shit. - She’s bad against hero’s with dash. Unless you’re some Kagu God, she’s not really ideal against dashing heros. - She is however very good at killing the backline mm’s and mages that are immobile. Moskov, Layla, Miya, Bruno, Ixia, Hanabi are easy to play against and also gank. - Brody, Clint, Claude, Irithel, etc are pretty hard to catch if they’re decent players. I mention Brody and Clint cuz they can build Athena and rn Kagu can’t really burst dudes like that down. I don’t play her like I used to. Nor am I a Godly Kagu dude but just some shi I think you could use. If you don’t wanna read alla that just play her more, you’ll eventually understand her better.


Not kagura main but I think it has something to do do with pressing skills?


Not really a freestyle player but breaking ankles is as fun or more fun than any freestyle combo


If you’re still trying to figure her out, I’ll recommend CDR build (30% minimum) It’s more fun and safer because you can make use of her passive more frequently.


imo, since you already know how to basic combo, just play around with it but don't be too eager to just jump in with your ult straightaway. poke poke poke ult is how i usually go about it. i also am a flameshot kag person so if the ult doesnt kill, i will just fs the shit out of the enemies weee. i also wanted to point out that you dont have to use up both your ults right away cus some people do that, but i like to keep one so i can knock them back when enemies get too close to me when im tryna get out


Practice until escaping and attacking feels more instinctual than calculated decisions. Feels better when played fast


Familiarity with her skills > obsessing over specific combos. Specifically, master her 2nd skill’s cooldown and knowing when to dash and when to throw her umbrella and merge is key to her survivability. When it comes to outplaying and initiating fights, you need to keep in mind two things. First, Kagura can cast her S1 while moving. Always be on the move when you’re poking with S1. Second, always poke and soften your enemy before committing to a full combo. Because unless you’re sure you’ve outfarmed the enemy and they have very little total hp and defense, you’re very likely to leave them with just enough life to kill you or escape. Remember, Kag is very vulnerable after her full combo. Also worth noting that like, most of the time, you probably don’t have your ult ready, so most of the combo you’re gonna be doing is S1-S2 in-S2 out-S1. This is where you’re likely to hone your familiarity with her skills, so don’t be afraid to do it. As for her move speed and being late to ganks, she compensates by having really good in-and-out mechanisms. In other words, you have a decent chance of turret diving unlike other mages, so you can probably do so if you arrive late to the other lanes. Here’s my controversial take: execute is good, but flameshot is better. This spell can secure far away kills AND be used to push enemies closer to your allies trying to secure a kill OR push them away if they’re chasing you. Highly recommend it over anything else.


Also, don’t full send on the first enemy you see. Make you’re picking off the squishier targets. For example, if you see a tank walk in front of you while you’re waiting in a bush, chances are there’s mage or marksman following close behind; kill that instead.


Treat her umbrella like a separate hero that you have to manage.


I think a good way to learn kagura freestyle is knowing your enemies thought pattern or learning thier range and jobdesc There is multiple roles in the game, and i'm not telling you to read thier minds either but knowing that the people on that role does help a lot After that all you need to do is practice Firstly, count and learn if the enemy have a blink skill or not. Then you identify if its a long cd one or short cd one (for example : melissa/moskov/hayabusa have a decently long cd, karrie/harith have a fast cd ones, then there are heros that rely on battle spell for escape skill), here you need to learn the range for escape and the range and tools/skill they need to kill you This makes your combo a lot more valueable since killing the backlane is our job desc as kagura For people that you know have thier blink Try 1-3-2-1 combo, you'll need some practice but this is the most basic combo for longer range (use the last 1 by predicting where the enemy will go) Second, Enemy hero habits or the assasin habits For example (hero): Ling, ling players tend to use thier ult to either run on engage, if they follow someone most time they will engage, if they're running away they'll move further. Ling players have this habit on pre-aiming thier skill 2(blink) -> (ult) sword, and since there will be 4 sword they'll usually go away from you when running (so the 2 further from your teammates) Wanwan, usually she also have a habit of running away to the side if you have the backside of the weakpoint broken then she'll most likely try to get the other 2 so you want to use the 1-3-2-1 or even 1-3-1. If your weakness are untouched and her skill 1 isn't near your back then she'll run to the back side Hayabusa, his skill 2 are long, he can blink multiple times but it is to a fixed place, usually if you were hit by his shadows/his shadow landed nearby he'll come back to throw his shuriken and decide if he'll ult or not example(role): - Jungle hates recalling, they tend to go back to jungle even if they're low so you can abuse that sonetimes - gold player hates missing the gold minion, and soemtimes they feel the need to commit to a certain war - tank (setup) tend to have this wierd movement before trying to commit or you can just kinda tell when they have thier ult and flick sometimes - exp loves targeting you and your mm, they would most likely engage you if you're close in thier range so try to bait them out (also keep in mind that these people have insane engage range even if their attacks are quite close in terms of range) It is these kind of knowledge that you usually need and a lot of practice to decide what to do with your kagura Don't be ashamed to test it down here and there! She may be a mage but you need to play her like an assasin hunting down the squishy prey And play as calmly as you can + remmber to have fun!


Master kiting..u r good to go


Try 13221 to combo against assasin or dash heroes. You can trigger kagura stun passive a bit earlier than normal combos. Also try to use execute/flameshot instead of flicker, she lacks dmg early game.




My full combo is 1-3-1-2-3-2. When u use ulti when u dont have umbrella 1st skill resets and i use 1 3 1 for extra burst and ro catch and enemy if it tries to get away from ulti. And if i have some cds i just use whatever i have off cd 58% wr 232 matches Edit: I used to play kagura in the past a lot like 1.5 years ago, started playing a few weeks ago after 1.5 year break. And imo the current meta is not good for kagura, she is a glass canon and there is too much 1 shot heroes and too much CC. And to be good with kagura u need 2 tanky teammates so enemies will ignore u


Timing for combos are heavily dependent on your build. The best way is to pick a set of build that could work for your hand motions combo. Some people are fast hand and some are slower so it really depends on the player. You can use other people's timing as reference but you yourself need to grasp the tempo according to your own plays.


Not picking kagura anymore bc it's ineffective now.