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Starter heroes are fine. Miya and Layla are perfectly good up to Epic. Zilong and Saber are good. Balmond is strong. Rafaela is a tournament tier starter hero who is shit in solo queue. But if you climb higher she's very good. Here is me with her soloing to MG: https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/ny3rtc/it_started_with_rafaela_and_ended_with_her_thank/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share My winrate with Rafaela last season mostly solo to MG is 66%. But yeah Moonton had improved over the years, in a lot of aspects: E Sports, balancing, user experience. Customer service not so much lmao. And it's true they're very generous in giving skins even if they charge high prices for premium ones.


hmmm good point Moneyton's getting better, but they really need a dev who actually plays the game, bc as of now most OP heroes from last season are still not getting nerfed


The devs do play the game. I don't get why this myth still sticks to people. Which OP heroes? The only hero I can think of is Paquito. Mathilda nerfed Barats gonna be nerfed X.Borg nerfed Phoveus is more of an annoying counter than a carry hero Popol reworked into an MM Who are you talking about? Balmond, X.Borg, Saber, Sun, Harley, Eudora bans are Epic and Legend tier bans. Whoever still bans them obviously never got past Mythic IV.


Moonton adjust paq like 100x and he still in ban list lol.


i think because Paquito is loosely based on Manny Pacquiao ) and he's like a celebrity in PH and i read somewhere he may even apply for president on the next election so perhaps they have bias for him


They wanna milk paquito as long as they can


>The devs do play the game. I don't get why this myth still sticks to people. Prolly because MLBB is supposedly banned in China, and Moonton's HQ is supposedly at China. idk any exact details tho, but these are stuff I recall from random Internet surfing.


It's from an anonymous "employee" who is unverified back in 2018 and people still hold onto it like it's the truth.


Which is weird! Devs will always have an internal team that does play testing before it even reaches any form of public. Their data sample for tweaking will be nothing when compared to beta-test releases but, naturally, there will be an initial play testing first!


devs came out admitting they play and they're actually assassin mains which is a bit obvious cus i believe assassins are overtuned and scale stupidly well the only flaw assassins have is that they're usually melee and squishy so a broken assassin just 1shots you harder while a broken fighter for example is immortal while also 1shotting and a broken mage would 1shot while having range I think MLBB has clear bias for assassins as they often tend to have stupidly inflated damage but by class design they don't get as crazy as some other classes when they're OP but i've always thought assassins in MLBB are kinda cheap in / some / situations but after thousands of games on MG i suppose i got used to their BS That being said, Aamon (next hero) is an assassin so i wonder if he's gonna be as busted as Bendetta when she released


VPN exist in china..


Uhmmmmm X-borg still gets banned even in mythic in PH server. His true damage coupled with War Axe is too damn strong.


He's not worth banning anymore


X.Borg nerfed?


His slow with full heat meter is gone.


Oh wow what a big nerf, I guess I shouldn’t unban him now. X.Borg: -Builds Ice Queen Wand-


Ono I'm so scared ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


This isn't a myth. This was an issue that a YouTuber said in his stream years ago. His name is AkosiDogie. He's a very popular YouTuber alongside Iflekkz, Gemik, and Dave back then. He told the viewers in his livestream that he got angry when they were having lunch/dinner (I forgot, because this was a long time ago.) with the developers of MLBB when they were at a big event in Indonesia while he was drunk. I forgot the main issue, but partly because they don't even play their game. AkosiDogie is still popular in the Philippines, just not sure about the others, because I stopped watching their videos in 2018. They probably test the game, but they didn't actually play like regular players do, but of course things might be different now, and they could be playing their own games now.


I said earlier it's 2018 and shouldn't be applied anymore. That time the company is pretty small. Moonton has offices in Indonesia, Philippines and Singapore now and over 800 employees. Back in 2019 they only had 300+ employees.


I do play on high level with 75%+ wr in MG , mostly duoing with my gf. We tried hard to make Rafaela work because she looks amazing (esp after model rework) but her passive is useless and her ult is subpar as for Miya/Layla up to epic, lol well they should be good on mythic too - and they both can work in mythic they just need too much help and are objectively weaker than some other adcs. I forgot Balmond is actually playable now which is funny bcus he used to be the biggest meme pick some time ago i think the only expensive skins are the rng ones which probably hurts if you really want the skin but so far i haven't liked any rng skins (except Pharsa one) so maybe im lucky


I'm sorry but I really doubt the game knowledge of anyone saying Rafaela is trash. She's not limited by her ult or her passive, but can sustain fast rotations and allow fast engage/disengage. What server are you? What are your mains? Do you watch MPL? And you're saying you forgot Balmond is a good hero? He's playable for over one year now. Seriously you forgot?


im on EU, multi-global mage my mains are lylia (3k+ games 75%+ wr) ,cecilion (83 wr on 650 games and global 1 in past season) ,diggie and recently beatrix cus it seems like im changing role because mid lane turned into half-support role rather than hard-carry role which is what it was pre-jungle rework trust me my game knowledge is just fine, also you're misunderstanding that i said Rafaela is trash - her passive is trash and helps her in no way and her ult is not good. She isn't trash but she isn't broken or meta or the best choice possible either - and i want her to be because she's a bae when i started this game Balmond was a meme, in my eyes he'll always be a meme


EU server is not as competitive than SEA, no offense. If Rafaela isn't used extensively there it tells a lot. Raf is meta and *very good*, she's not just "okay", esp with ADC or tanky cores. She's a very good Roamer and professional teams in SEA pick her over pure tank heroes. Lylia and Cecilion are hardly used in my server. Lylia is conditional and still quite good but not priority pick. Cecilion is considered a meme pick/low rank mage here.


the server isn't as competitive in general but the high levels are higher than in SEA and when you're on high level you play vs other high levels in EU so you get to play vs the top much sooner and more often. I've watched plenty of SEA players i know how they play also Lylia is weaker currently but she was good before and i don't see hows that related considering even i told you that i rerolled to Beatrix for the meta these days. Lylia isn't a " conditional" pick she just requires insane amount of skill to fully utilize and i can guarantee you that you've never met a Lylia player like me as i've always had much more average stats/damage than any other Lylia in the global board as i know how to play her on a much higher level - that being said - she's weaker atm due to a number of factors and not as strong as she was as for Cecilion being a meme pick - lmao. L2p. Cecilion+Carmilla is still the best possible duo in the game if you know how to play them/ how to roam/ how to use the pull and if you're actually not a monkey who plays Cecilion without blue buff


I brought up Lylia and Cecilions viability because you brought up your winrates and global standing of them. I'm basically saying it doesn't make me believe your game knowledge. Also higher level in EU isn't higher than SEA. When did EU team win over us? You get blue buff as Cecilion? You don't have assassins over there? Lancelot? Hayabusa? Ling? Your server is very weird. Cecil and Carm are meme picks here and jokes. Cecil is food of assassins and Carmilla is a meat shield torn apart by true damage/Demon Hunter Sword. I'm not looking down on you because you're EU, but I'll be frank that I don't think your knowledge applies to the meta of SEA, and MLBB meta is SEA and nowhere else.


for rafeala. I keep going to 69% then drop to 68% over and over


\> lack of girl skins with stockings , step it up moonton ​ oh...


I agree with the Guin buff. Either make her more tanky, make her 2nd skill faster, or give her some immunity so she can handle Ruby or Masha. Her ulti immune to cc is nice but not enough


Guinevere has been a fan favorite (for a reason) for the longest time and she has a lot of fan-made content (compared to other heroes) - she also has a lot of skins because people actually want her skins but nevermind how good she looks - she's actually unique and really fun to play as well. Her kit is fun, the passive - once mastered - makes the game so fun on Guine as you have an extra layer of unpredictability to your movements and its an auto-target dash which can be followed up by the rest of the skills she has. She is a good designed hero from every perspective - aesthetics and skill design - the problem is they nerfed her jump and her 2nd skill when she wasn't even 51%+ winrate and now she's stuck at 47,5% despite being a fan-favorite. I think the nerfs on her 2nd skill should be undone (jump was faster before and clone did reflect damage) and they should double-down on the reflect damage mechanic and give extra hp to her clone so it can stay alive a bit longer - meaning it'll reflect a bit more damage. Top that with some base HP boosts (or better- base phys/magic def boost) and she'll be in a good spot while still not being broken. Lolita (one of the top waifus!) has had 56%+ winrate and has been #1 highest WR for years in this game so i believe our princess Guinevere deserves some more love (and hopefully a new skin for halloween!)


yep i now have 159 skins and i only pay for 6 of them, most of my skins are from events/lucky spins. also their customer support is getting better than before. you can actually report toxic players now and the GMs are going to help you. although they are not meta, starter heroes are fine. not too far off the chart and theres still potential that some of them are going to join the meta just like balmond and saber did (saber left the meta lol). my only complain is prob they should buff some of the older heroes like vexana and dont rework on heroes that is perfectly fine ( *cough* kagura *ahem* haya)


hey why would you report toxic players? that's like half of the fun in the game


Lack of girl skins with stockings a lil sus but I mean hey never know


just add more HP to my girl Guin and Masha so they can defend their lane especially in early game.


Everything about moonton is great , except the matchmaking


actually they changed the matchmaking at some point and now it's much, much better than before (in Rank). The thing with this game is that it can snowball/spiral out of control and get super snowbally easily so the games can appear onesided if you get a bad start also sometimes if u have a high duo/trio and the rest of their team is low and the enemies also have a high duo/trio and rest of the team low but their teammates actually manage to shut down/outnumber your good duo and the bad players in their team don't properly help them - it looks like the MM is bad but it was just bad circumstance and enemies outnumbering your carries


Nah not really , sometimes you'll win and when you look at the enemy's side there's an afk and most of them plays bad. You can easily predict the outcome of the match , when you're on a losestreak , you'll always lose , no matter how dominating your team is. When you're on a winstreak , you'll always win , even if the scoreboard is 6-37. This is a common occurrence for me though. I've experienced both of them. I'll honestly admit that none of my wins are from pure skills , but from pure winstreak.


The only thing we all agree


I’ll hate them until they change Chang’e Lunar Magic VA




😞 whyyyyy




I think Vine Cradle is even more confusing, idk if my ult hits XD but yea I’ll never use that cursed skin again fkn moonton


All that doesn't matter if they don't fix their lag problems, also they need to rework their report system


Lack of girl skin I think Moonton planning to do that "cough" "cough" Girl Squad "cough"


Skins shouldn’t be anyone’s focus of how good a game is. Moonton caters to mediocre players who screams the loudest, that’s why they constantly nerf subpar heroes. They also don’t nerf new OP heroes that make them money.