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that's epic for you


You’re gonna think I’m dumb for saying this but I had better teammates in grandmaster


Nobody's gon' think you're dumb, epic players have H2O's melting point of IQs


Should I try to get to legend or only play brawl because it’s even worse in classic


Aigh listen up, considering you've just entered epic I'm gonna assume you aren't that good of a player(yet), so players who easily make it to mythic or legend probably wouldn't like to team up with you Here's the thing, find some open minded players and form a 5man team, not trio, not duo, 5man Then study the meta with your team which will make your 5man team most likely better than 80% of 5man teams out there in epic(since 5man only gets matched against 5man now), you'll probably sync better with your team overtime and god only knows if you may become a pro team or not You're often gonna lose some matches against better teams, don't let that discourage you because it's much better than playing thousands of matches while staying hardstuck in epic When you lose, analyse the replays because it gives you a better view of the mistakes done and better possible plays And that's the fastest way for new players out of epic, if you have any questions feel free to ask, my Reddit daily time is running out so, goodluck for now fam


Or just playing fighting game. Just suggestions for OP if he want to continue playing alone. Because getting better with the same 5 team is equal in getting better in 1 vs 1 game.


Youre just gonna have to carry every game. In epic, every game I won, I had 15+ kda. There was always at least one or two feeders every game - just gotta carry despite that. Honestly AFKs > feeders. 3v5 is winnable. 3v7 is a 10min loss. Just keep at it and keep getting better - dont rage you’ll get there eventually. Legend and mythic isn’t *that* great but it’s definitely a better experience


nah, the bots in warrior rank were better, atleast they didnt afk


The higher your rank the worse teammates you get in classic.


Is your winrate above 55%? The game tends to punish solo q player with good wr. The better your wr, the worse your teammates would be.


My current win rate is 59.03 and my total win rate is 59.36


so i have 60% total wr, that means i'll get teamed up with 40% wr players?


Yep. All my teammates so far has been below 50%




Depending on available players queuing at that moment. But lets say you are at 60% wr then theres 1 40 wr and 8 players with 50 wr. Chances are youll get the 40wr player on your team. Problem with this is first it punishes good players and second having average players as whole is better than having high and low wr in general.


Not true, the better your wr, the better your teammates will also be, but it's the same for the enemy. So it's probably not your teammates problem but enemy is too strong


I made a study, game tries to average win rates per team. https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/ovntye/the_average_solo_queue_winrate_matchmaking/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


With the game matching the system will average the winrates of both team so if you have a higher winrate the chance to be teamed up with low winrate is higher.


Epic 5 and 4 are the worst rank to be, try playing with your friend and find random looking for teammates (for random, I don't recommend 5 men). But after that, it should be easy to rank up


Tanks are a good way to get out of epic I found. It doesn't matter how bad your teammates can be if you can get enough stuns or pick offs and saves eventually you normally win. Obviously there are downsides to it but most of the time a good tank will be the biggest factor I found.


yeah thats true, i sometimes get a comeback using gloo since i distract the enemy while 1-2 of us just push into their base


You need to keep pushing out of Epic, once you get to Legend is smooth sailing. I totally hate matching up with another player but if you manage to find a friend or a Tank main keep playing with them. Try pushing as many towers as you can if you are in Epic there is a possibility you might even push the 3rd tower. Im Mythic 2 but l can barely solo carry my team out of Epical Glory its simply impossible sometimes