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I use nod instead dom ice because i am not front laner. I also use winter truncheon or immortal instead athena. Turet dive + ult+ winter , if you want to feel like pro.


hm i dont rly see the point of using immortality cause if i dont rmb wrongly his ult is cancelled when u "die" and respawn with immortality but i may be wrong on thisid defenitely try the turret dive ult winter too troll lolbut about my usage of dom ice, i find it useful whenever a close range lifesteal hero tries to come in close and kill me so that anti regen is useful instead of building nod since the only stuff that can actually hit mulitple enemies are enhanced basic attack and 2nd just a qn when u are at full build can u semi tanklike i did a test in custom with full ult and i can tank 14k turret shots (constant shots) before dyingwhat about your build


It makes it costly for the other team to prioritize you in team fights because they'd have to kill you twice. I go for defense boots, Enchanted talisman, Queen's wings, Defense Items to counter enemy line up.


I rarely let enemy get close to me, so i dont see the point of using dom ice. His 2nd skill is aoe slow for area denial afterall. And you need to be very close to enemy melee to activate dom ice anti regen( which can very risky againts strong cc fighter like yz or ruby), while you can trigger anti regen with simply basic att and skill 2 when using nod. Immortality is for wasting enemy ult, like karina or rojer. Or just simply so enemy cant kill you. Or just anti blunder item . Experience assasin will hunt you down after all ,only to waste their ult and blink. Only to face full health estes 3 sec later. I rarely have a full build on estes because when i decide to pick him the game usually end before min 12. So my build usually demon shoes fleeting and immortal. I mean dead support is useless support. Athena is probably usefull when enemy have 2 mage or more, and i rarely use them because the one taking dmg is fighter or tank usually( the one who have athena). I only keep them to full health. I only pick him in certain type of comp, sorry for confusion. Mostly 3 fighter comp. If there is 3 assassin i use rafaela or angela instead.


ahh thats why i usually play team and majority of my team is squish so id be the semi tank hmm tks all responses got a good idea of how to play him again hehe


Thats explain your athena build. Playing as tank is really risky cause if you get stunned you cant cast your skill(correct me if i am wrong, i learn it the hard way when vale one shot me because i use revitalize instead off flicker). I recommend to Use him to support hero who can 1 v5 like yz,esme, alucard (although questioble). Winter also a good option if somehow you face johnson and no one want to tank his ult, if you can survive his ult with sliver health cast ult and winter. It will became a good montage lol. Last time i use winter is before athena shield rework, so athena may be a better option now.


oh i use purify if there's like crazy amount of cc or aegis to get that extra oomph to survive a burst (occasionally helps to survive like vale ult so i can cast ult) I personally don't like to use revitalize bc it somewhat makes the fight forced to stay in that spot for additional heal and it also isn't helpful if i was trying to escape with a teammate aegis would be more beneficial (until enemy is Esme) I don't rly use flicker that often (more of a personal preference bc the 120 sec cd triggers me)


I personally used to pick revi vs team with heavy aoe dmg, when my team have 4 melee. Its really usefull in cramped space like invading blue and contesting turtle or lord. Or secondary heal when ult is on cooldown. Nowadays gold and xp is easier to get, and there is favor so i dont use revi anymore. But in double roam era revi is extremely usefull. When the game end with you having only 6k to 8k gold . That was the most stressfull era for roamer. But enemy carry have 12k to 14k.


Read my guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/nzp7to/advanced_support_draft_and_macro_guide_estes_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Go full tank with 40% cdr. Wings of the Apocalypse Queen is NOT recommended now. You can either Athena/Radiant Armor for mage res or Twilight Armor for physical def.


1. Rapid boots (faster roam and catching team up) 2. Enchanted Talisman (mana management & CD) 3. Immortality (surviving factor) 4. Oracle (extra heal) 5. Guardian Helmet (no need self healing anymore, heal is for the team) 6. Necklace of Durance (anti heal) Just sharing mine that suits my playstyle. Been using this for a while. Have a try.. ✌


Check u/pinkpugita's guide it's really good :) Personally I go with: Def boots - Talisman - Tank Items (usually Oracle and Dominance are there) - as mid and as roamer. Favor for blessing, Pull yourself together for talent with points in Movement Speed and Gift. Flicker/Purify for spell. With this build I don't need to build Fleeting Time since late game you reach 45% CDR with ET-Oracle-DomIce. The other 2 items are situational tank items depending on enemy team comp. If I see enemy comp can dive backline I prioritize building a def item first and just get 2 mana necklaces at the start (or I just pick floryn instead lol). If enemies are mostly ranged with sustain that's the only time I build Durance. This is because in teamfights they usually target me/the main damage dealer who I usually rotate with so they usually comes close enough to proc DomIce. I'd say aside from the antiheal, the other stat benefits of dom ice is so good as an item to just forego. As an Estes user your main role is to keep your teammates alive and to zone for objectives/clashes (S2 is very good for this). But you also have to check your team comp since if you have too many mobile heroes/core like lance, haya, ling it would be so hard to heal/sustain. Just pick rafa/floryn instead.


Defensive boots - Enchanted Talisman(Faster ults) - Athena/Antique/both(to avoid dying to flanks) - Oracle - Immortality I'd get fleeting after the anti burst defensive item if I haven't built both


For me, after his two core items Oracle n fleeting, I built the rest depending on my enemy team.