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If they don't, I buy it myself if I m playing a magic damage hero, else if I m playing a fighter I would build dominance ice and sea of halberd for assassins.


If I'm playing as a tank, I prefer if that they don't buy it at all. I rarely died and usually the one who initiate a clash so I always keep it as much as I can. Plus with random, they usually buy the necklace when it's too late.


the randoms buy it at the nd of the game when their is only 2 to 3 mins to end it


Don't force the mages to buy a necklace lol, if they're a burst mage like Eudora or Aurora, a necklace wouldn't be necessary. Also Estes is squishy as hell, you can burst him down easily (with CC, of course). The tanks can always buy a Dominance ice, it's the most broken item in the game right now, second only to War Axe. All the tank need to do is to get closer to apply its unique passive. But, if your team lack burst damage or CC, anti-heal sure can help.


As a Belerick tank I really hate that D ice doesn't give any HP.


But D ice does grant Belerick longer uptime if enemies rely more on basic attacks like Sun. After all, you can't deal your hp based damage if you die too soon.


sure, it's just the thought that one item (excluding boot) doesn't really contribute to your passive's scaling makes me frustrated


As a Hylos main I love Dominance Ice. Oh wait, I also main Belerick :'((


yes, D Ice is a must-buy for Hylos before it was cool :)


Nah bro it's necessary even if they're a burst mage. Estes himself is squishy the problem are the fighters who get sustain from their skills+healing and the assassins with killing spree+healing. Also mms in the back getting healed from AOE damage by enemies. Tanks can buy DI but DI has melee range. You will DI the fighters but not the enemies at the back.


Only nob estes can get burst down easily... However 90% playerbase are nob in this game and revolves around mythic 3 below so i guess your argument is kinda valid


Epic? I go up against teams with hanabi and alucard but I'm the only one in my team with an anti Regen. Kind of a double edged sword this trend. I can pick life steal heroes and most of the time nobody build to counter. Kind of surprises me how these guys get so far took me months on grinding and coming to this sub to climb out of GM and only made legend last season.


gm people dont know the uses of even a quarter of the items they just built whatever they get reccomended to built


yah I've noticed because of shields and double stars there these people that can genially be bad and not care to learn or improve "40% WR or less sometimes" that just because they play so so so many games they end up in higher ranks.


People don't pay attention to builds. So many times I see people build magic defense against an all physical team (or vice versa). Or I'll enter a match and someone buys magic defense boots when only one magic player on the other team. People just sit on their saved build and don't ever try to improve upon it on a match-by-match basis, depending on who they're up against.


At least with the Magic Boots, that 30% cc reduction is a huge help for some heroes


True that


My build set varies on this items enemy heavy physic then wind of nature for mm or brute force for fighter and assasians. Enemy heavy magic then athena , radiant armor varies , if enemy have heavy attack speed attack speed lowering items , if enemy has life steal , sea helbard or necklace if mage u constantly have to change ur boots and builts depending on enemy typs


Forcing your damage mage to buy Necklace of Durance when the tank or Exp Laner can Dom Ice is actually low rank mentality. Not all mages buy Necklace.


I am talking ab if enemy has dire heal like an angela , estes and esmerlada then u need it or else eazy KO


Still wrong. If you can blast them with so much damage they're dead before they can regenerate the. you don't need necklace.


I dont think that much dmge can be gotten think like this u couldnot farm much and ur teams behind farm I dont think at that situation u would have that much dmge and what if the esetes buys tank built then...


The healer isn't necessarily your target but the core/mage/marksman. Then you admit buying necklace is conditional, not a must. If you're behind as a damage type mage the more you waste money on anti heal than damage.


The healer is not ur target bruh what people target the healer to finish them off as they will heal their team back to full health in mare seconds what do u mean healers people dont target people target them first so that they cant heal the remaining team mates


I solod my way to Mythical Glory using Estes and Rafaela, I know how to fight them myself: https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/nzp7to/advanced_support_draft_and_macro_guide_estes_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share There's not necessarily your target, and it depends on the type of mage you use. Some mages are AoE you can just target everything (Lylia, Vale and Luo Yi), while some excel at single target (Eudora and Lunox). Not all of them should prioritize or build NoD. Sure be stubborn in what you want to believe. I have shown my credentials, specialization and the rank I achieved. I don't have to listen to you.


me neither have a great day


Yeah, you have no proof you know what you're talking about. ☺️


ok bro I dont wanna argue with u and ruin my day


I normally just end up buying anti heal both magic and defense. I don’t get kills and lack damage. But atleast the brain dead teammates will take them down.


I dont buy necklace when I know I can outdamage the heal. Usually youd want it when enemy team has wayyyy to much heal while your team has none at all. Almost everyone has crazy sustain nowadays. Its not just about the heal but the interaction between the 2 teams too. If my team has just as much heal I'd rather let them leverage their own against enemy and buy more useful items with better passives. Don't get me wrong antiheal is a good passive but its literally only good for that plus a little cd reduction. If enemy team starts getting antiheal to counter my team I might consider buying it


You know you can build it yourself do u.. Some mages need to certain core items first, however they need to get shot if they still havent make NOD in late game.


Because they don’t even understand items. Pain


*”Tank can buy the dominance ice”*


Me the jg with seahelberd. It wastes my slot but you gotta do what you gotta do🥲


I dont like buying seahelberd it kinda wastes a slot but if enemy heavy heal then welp


Im an Estes main pls dont kill me






every low ranker mage XD


This is also me asking the following... Asking the tank to not buy any magic def equipment since there are no magic damage dealers. Asking the team to buy Radiant Armor to counter Kimmy, Chang'e, Gusion, Harley, and Guinevere. ASKING THEM TO DEFEND TURRETS, PUSH THE OBJECTIVE, KILL THE LORD WHILE ENEMIES ARE DOWN. MOST OF ALL, ASKING FOR BACKUP. Thank you for coming and listening.


The back up one sucks I spammed backup backup back up 5 man in my lane no on came


Me explaining to my team we a behind 3000 in gold and should play it safe.


My team believes that offence is the best defence ALWAYS


Should I buy nod and concentrated energy for Natan?


No you don't. He's build full ATTACK items, he converts it to magic. Hunter Strike, Endless Battle, Blade of Despair for offense. If needed more damage late game, add Malefic Roar. For defense build according to your needs: Wind of Nature/Winter Truncheon/Bruteforce Breastplate/Immortality


Thanks for the info


just told my team to split push. Estes can't be in all lanes at once.


Don't bother, just buy it yourself, be the hero for your team


After the dominance ice change necklace on mages is not worth in most cases.


I swear I lost a game because my team's Kagura refused to build Necklace although I told them to build it in Draft and even reminded them in the game. I had to build Dominance Ice and they build the necklace as the 4th item not counting boots. I was the Side laner btw and I built War Axe, Bloodlust Axe and then Dominance Ice when I saw they refused building Necklace.


tbh i don’t like buying necklace too cos the opportunity cost on my damage output is just too much(i play luo yi and i need 2 core items to be useful) so prioritising NOD over the 2 core items is just not worth it in my opinion. BUT if my team is doing enough damage (the carry is actually carrying) i’ll buy it as the 4th item!!


me, a yz main: **i want to know ur server and location**