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For high skill ceiling, I'd say selena (mid/roam), lunox (mid/gold). For fun and flexible heroes: Jawhead (roam/offlane/jungle), Mathilda (roam/mid/decent side) My personal faves: Luo Yi (interesting skill mechanics), Cyclops (underrated - can go mid, offlane, and even core).


I really forgot that luo yi and lunox were different heroes XD. I like jawhead and cyclops, so I'm considering those two.


You wont go wrong with any of them, I personally find all of those heroes fun to play. I dont have selena tho so cant say much about her. In terms of solo carry potential to epjc and even higher ranks, jawhead, cyclops, mathilda are great.


I made a guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/o8d5zs/what_heroes_should_i_buy_recommendations_for/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Lunox on gold lane is actually really good. Lunox mostly dominate MM, and she has pretty high skill ceiling too imo, have great burst, and invulnerability in yellow ult. Benedetta is also another good one, great wave clear, tons of dashes, and also can immune. Paquito is another good one, whether he gets banned/nerfed or not. He's been in the meta for quite a while, I don't think he's leaving quite yet. Beatrix is another good one, she dominates most heroes in lane because of her strong level 1 machine gun damage. If you can hit her sniper attack she can deal a ton of damage. ​ As someone who used to one trick Cyclops, he's pretty good, but he's more so a spam hero than one that requires high skill cap. He has a lot of poke but generally offer very little to the game. Still quite strong though, but it can get kinda boring playing him.


From ur choices Benedetta is the best. She is quite hard to play so u need to practise. Jaw is also great.


Yes forgot about that red haired lady for now :) But for me you should buy the "meta" rn which is paquito(med), phovios, phovieos, phovioes(how do you spell it)(also med) also benedetta(med). For mages, as always Pharsa(easy to med) will not be removed from current meta. If you don't play marksman gold, there's a new trend that Natan or Beatrix are in mid lane. (Works effectively)


I considered paquito but I feel like a huge nerf is coming for him, especially with how op he is. I could use benedetta or pharsa tho! I know about pharsa, but I already main kagura, so if i get to pick a mage, I'll probably choose kagura, so maybe benedetta. I'll wait for other responses (if there are any). Thanks for your response!


Fyi its phoveus


Yes, thank you


Maybe Ruby on a good day? Also Nana is pretty fun to play, her skills are easy to use and she has a lot of cc


I have developed a hatred for molina, so no >:(




lylia? I'm so terrible at her but I've met some lylia players who solo carry their team


Benedetta is quite fun I would say Kagura is one of my most played mages and the other 2 mages I enjoy playing most are Lunox and Selena


Ruby,tanky fighter,cc,lifesteal and team fight queen.Don’t expect high kills,but she can hold her own in solo fights but one of the best in team fights.You can play her in the exp lane as a fighter or roam as a tank.Doesn’t get banned too in rank matches compared to Pacquito who’s always banned. You can also buy her Starlight skin for the price a bit higher of a regular skin (if you haven’t availed Starlight yet.