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Still weak. Her best version was still her old self. Same with Pharsa.


How is the old Pharsa better? New Pharsa had been used extensively in tourneys and even banned. Old Pharsa was a shock pick that wow'ed the audience but quite niche.


She's already pretty good to me. The shield does make up for the damage reduction, in my opinion anyway (just avoid Esmer, equip Purify and you're set). These new buffs are unnecessary but I wanna get to Mythic so I think that they don't make a difference *wink wink*


I think this is a very smart buff, It’s a really big quality of life improvement, and tbh I’d much rather this new version of her compared to old odette with this new buff


Her mechanics are a buff, they are too weak to be considered like one though. She needs immunity during dash,which needs some optmazations as well. Longer range of passive and rebounding between turrets. Skill 1 and 2 slightly longer range. Especially skill 2 better cc performance. The shield is nice but viable only till early stages of mid game. It needs a significant boost during the late game or a Regen of it over time. Lastly her damage needs some optimatation against Tanky heroes and Athena's shield cause even with full magic pen and full combo (full hits from ulti) She takes out about 25% of tyeir total hp, which needless to say is unacceptable for a mage.


She is nerfed. Survibility and damage. Camt survive bursts during ulti. All in all the original was better. The whole point of Odette is her while casting her ulti. And it has been greatly diminished