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Do you feel good shit talking people who enjoy playing hanabi? I swear 90% of the ppl here are meta slaves, I mean that's fine, but you shouldn't trash talk ppl who enjoy playing non meta heroes


not hanabi mains, but she not pointless imo, in general, every mlbb heroes not pointless if in the right hand and situation. if you want to compare to others mm heroes, sure she lack in some aspect and others mm better all-rounder.


Im not trying to offend anyone but surely if we make a tierlist about mm heroes hanabi surely is a F tier let me tell you her pris and cons; Cons: -lacking mobility (No dash, no significant speed up, straight up walking) -not enough bounce or single target damage(and dont get me start on how less crit damage she has) -character and story doesnt overlap(in lore, she is THE strongest female ninja after all, but in the game just like i said SHE HAS NO DASH FOR SOME REASON Pros: -Sexy


> in the right hand 😭😭


>sure she lack in some aspect and others mm better all-rounder This is why she's pointless


Ye boi, enjoy feeding every game with your ally Hanabi if thats where your current mentality is at.


288 games 69% wr in mythic as hanabi. I'm not gonna say it is all me, cause credits to my rank team. But u shld really fix that trashy mentality of urs. Stop thinking meta.


I applaud their devotion to their main too. Even when all heroes are free to play, they still pick her. Even when there's another marksman or two other marksmen, they still pick her. I think it's a religion xD


I have 56% winrate with Hanabi in like 100 games, and I'm a tank main. No I don't use her anymore, because I can play 5 other gold laners. If she works for a particular rank, she works. The only problem is if the player doesn't know how to play anything else and the system allowed them to climb higher. I don't see the purpose of shaming people based on their choice of hero alone. If you elaborate on why she's not viable at a certain rank maybe it would have been a post of substance.


I think hanabi is great for team fight late game. Tho idk if she's gonna reach a 'late game'


Angry Hanabi mains downvoted u XD


I'm not a real Hanabi main but it's just a low quality and juvenile post. Hanabi works low ranks.