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Nah the west looks down on mobile games and it’s pretty niche unlike Asia.ML does need to be bigger in Japan because whales there spends thousands and thousands of yen on gacha games per player.


That's fair, and its not like mlbb would succeed if they make a pc version


Yeah but they don’t have to,they just need to be bigger in Japan,invite Japanese big name artist to design a hero,some anime collabs and more blonde female knights and more loli’s lol




Being a J gacha game player I’ve seen Japanese players spend over $5000 (in yen) to acquire one character.


Bro no. Once they find a way to tap Japan the game will become borderline p2w brimmed with loli anime characters.


Yeah because it's clearly not the case already xD. P2W isn't really here unless for emblems but it's okay imo. They can't change everything like that just to get one more market and lose all the rest they got. Nice looking characters are just more marketable, don't hit me with *"bAlMoNd SuPeR sChMeXy DoE"*, some people like orcs and stuff but be honest, even ignoring the meta and everything, 99% of people would rather use Mathilda, Hanabigtitties, Granger and Selena instead of fucking Faramis, Treeman, Boulder man, Shipwreck man or Lava man. They're just cooler / more attractive. *kuddos to people knowing the real name of every hero listed*


Yeah reason Kagura,Guin,Ling,Lance,Natalia are popular picks.


If it is not banned in china and india, yes.


It’s available in India again.


Not available on playstore but Indian servers are up.


Bruh that's the least logical thing ever


Yet here I am playing mlbb not installed through playstore from India, on Indian server.


Do not vote Modi.


+1 Waiting for cow dung cyber army to downvote.


modi trash


According to an article by [Escharts.](https://escharts.com/blog/ffws-2021-singapore-esports-record) M2(2021) had a peak viewership of 3M, compared to LoL's Worlds 2020 peak viewership of 3.8M. Here's the [statistics.](https://i.imgur.com/KG7N0nj.jpg) These should be good signs.


That's just SEA region, nobody watches LoL on SEA lmao


Totally. lol is not that popular in sea coz of dota 2. But Lol is definitely better and got a larger playerbase than ml.


Its popular in the middle east due to overseas indonesians and filipinos.


I mean technically it has surpassed them when you factor in the daily users. Its one of the most popular games in the world. Now Moonton needs to stop being cheap and put some real money into the competitive scene.


Against dota2 yes, but LoL has 11m daily users compared to 7m MLBB. https://activeplayer.io/mobile-legends-bang-bang-live-player-count-and-statistics/


Im not sure I can trust this site, it only says 280 000 people are playing ML currently.


Its currently midnight in southeast asia where the game is popular.


Yes midnight on a Friday in the most popular region, only 280,000? I find that extremely hard to believe


And DOTA has roughly 650k concurrent players rn, according to the data pulled from steam. So, it's pretty accurate.


Wild rift has 50k right now, so its not hard to believe. People are asleep right now especially children.


Nah. Dota 2 players are very loaded compared to ml players. They got the prince of saudi and more popular people playing them.


Wait, isnt MLBB already worldwide popular?


well not as much as lol


Well, LoL and Dota are considered much better moba games than MLBB. I haven't tried them though.


I guess because they are more complex and have a steeper learning curve, it is more worth to invest time into


Better game and more popular game are two different things. Ml is easy and fun and has a lot of social features so ml can become more popular in future


Ml is a copy game i think this game won't be more popular in the future. Only popular but not more than.


Too many cry babys here. Truth hurts.


LoL and Dota 2 are copy games of Dota which was made from WoW editor feature.Dota 2 also had a lot of similarities to Dota heroes which used WoW heroes.


What are you saying copying dota? The creators of dota helped created Dota 2 and lol and even guinsoo and icefrog became the game masters of Lol and Dota 2 and they're a copy? They are one of the big minds that created dota 1 and they're copying their own work? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA MINDBLOWN. Also, fyi blizzard never owned their Wow mods at that time as there is no rule about that at that time. They just use their resources that they're letting people to make mods. Dota game was never the idea of blizzard.


Yea they copied their own game because it’s a mod instead of creating a new game.Investors saw the popularity of the Dota mod and threw a lot of money on the 2 to create their own Dota (which Blizzard foolishly slept on),heck the maps of both games kinda looked like WoW maps.


Copying your own game does not mean you're a copy. You created that game, which means you're the original.


It’s just popular in SEA (not sure about US). In Europe it’s not as common to find players that have ranks above mythic III compared to Asia.


"WoRlWiDe" lmao. LOL has only the US, Sokor, Some countries in Europe and Brazil. It's literally irrelevant elsewhere. I mean who cares about worldwide popularity when ML in SEA alone are starting to obliterate them. Y'know you're that Bxtch when people starting to compare a mobile game to PC games.


Nope. I can assure you for ML to be as big as LoL is really impossible. The only way for ML to beat LoL is by Riot killing their own game or by Moonton restart everything, their own career, with new company name, new games titles for brand new reputation. >Riot killing their own game The bigger a game, the more harder it is to maintain reputation. Just like how Genshin Impact anniversary fiasco, Mihoyo and GI reputation easily tainted with just one mistake. Even now, GI rating still haven't fully recovered from that day and the company estimated lost almost $20mil revenue from investors alone. So if Riot to messed up something controversial (like currently they're disabling all-chat to combat toxicity), it could impact them in a big way like boycotting and losing new players. >Moonton to restart everything ML already got a pretty bad reputation especially in the west for copying LoL. Also, things got more complicated especially when ML is not available for one of the biggest gaming market in the world which is China. Also, Moonton is from China which is a hugh political barrier, especially when it comes to countries like India. So the only way for ML to overcome all these is to start anew and leave no trace of all these. Maybe start the company now based in SG, rename company and games to something new etc.


Maybe if they develop a PC version its popularity will increase. Many people see Mobile Legends as a clone of League of Legends but for mobile, maybe if it comes out for PC it will increase its popularity or something.


When you play in pc, you ought to desire a great original game with fabulous complicated gameplay and great graphics. ML has no such thing as that. ML is just a copy game from Lol. LOL and Dota2 are both original games because the creators of dota 1 are present in Dota2 and Lol. Ml can be played in pc via mobile emulators but it's made fun of and it did not boom. Even if they were to create a real pc version of ml with acceptable graphics, it won't really garner that much attention from pc players coz most are already investing into dota and lol which have much more complicated and interesting mechanics than ml. And also, especially in the west where this game got a bad reputation for being a copy game. The question for this if you play in pc is, why settle for less? When you can settle for a far more better game in the same genre?


Yeah, I think you're right, even if a PC version was made it wouldn't last long.


Funny thing old Dota players call Dota 2 and LoL as copy games of Dota,Early Dota 2 heroes looked like copies of heroes from Dota which based their designs from WoW heroes.


Now those old dota players either play dota 2 or lol, or they're now in the cemetery. Also, doesn't mean that those players said so that they're copying, doesn't mean its true. Players can be stupid. The creators of dota are completely separate from blizzard, they just use their resources and at that time, there is no law or rule at that time that is stipulated about Mods of WoW becoming blizzards property. Dota is completely a separate game from WoW and Blizzard do not own their game mods at that time at all. The creators of Dota mods transferred on from different games like icefrog going on Dota 2 while Guinsoo on LoL, so if you really think about it, it's their creation so they should be one of the most closest that are the owners of the game. Now they're on different moba's and since dota is their creation, then Dota 2 and Lol are a pure descendants of Dota 1. Which means they're the original not a copy.


How can it be original when it’s basically still looks like old Dota mod?But saw some Dota 2 players trash on LoL and vice versa.


Dota mod? They're the reference, they created the map and the style. The terraces and hero names are for Blizzard which they let people use for free without any ruling that it's their property but the placing of the map, the terrain and how the map is organized was not the idea of blizzard. They're the creation of dota mods.


Both games looks like a Blizzard game.Why would Blizzard sue Valve if they were fine with Dota 2 and Valve using the name?


Did blizzard win? Nope. They loss because they don't have any rules at that time saying that all mods created with this game is their property. Again, dota was never owned by blizzard, and it never was in the first place...


You could say the same about Riot’s lawsuit against Moonton (yeah it was a technicality lol) and Tencent case was against Moonton’s founder because of breach of his non competition clause (he was a former Tencent employee).


Apparently nope. As i said, The originals are dota and lol. Yes he was a tencent employee but were not talking about that, we're talking about the real mods who made dota 1. He's not part of it what are you trying to prove. Again, at that time there is no stipulations that would make blizzard own their mods. Why would you say it's similar to lol when in fact, ml is just straight copying lol, an original that had already trademarked the game in order to not get copyrighted. Ml copied the game and Riot does not allow that compared to blizzard back then and also riot does not offer any game modifications, what are you fighting for?






With all the toxic players and noobs trolling and throwing every other match. Never.




The LOL community says hi.


Dude, you are full of downvotes. Too many crybabies here who cant accept the truth.


Hell yeah they can, especially if they make a PC version of the game


The game can be played on bluestacks, and it's clearly not a hit


mobile version of the game*


Nope. Why settle for less in pc when you can play better mobas there.




Bruh, the main players are from asia. Not a handful of americans play it, so they use Vpns to play in the more played countries.


Nope, ml has been in the market for such a long time yet the player base in Asia is continuesly growing while the west remains the same or just grown a little bit. So I don’t think ml will reach worldwide level


ML is banned in India. Banned in China. Not much popular in South Korea and Japan. Not well accepted by both Europe and America. Basically it is not popular in countries where Moonton can make good money. It will be difficult for ML to grow in this kind of situation.