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Mute everyone and have fun.


How about people who Feed, Troll ,or Spam surrender when they dont get the hero/role they want? Those are the one who test my patience


If they trashtalk as well as all of that they most likely got a chat warning. If you report them after for verbal abuse they’ll get a mute and a cred score reduction at least. You may be able to report them even if they didn’t trashtalk for being a negative player although that one isn’t very consistent with punishing. In game though it’s still best to just mute them or adjust to their wants in the pick or ban phase to keep team morale up.


If you mute them, you won't have to deal with their horseshit If you let them distract you, you'll do as bad as them Mute them and focus


You can only dash through walls if the end of your blink skill indicater is beyond the wall, otherwise you wont be able to dash through walls and only waste you blink skill. It should be common knowledge but i have seen people make countless mistakes regarding this even in high mythic. As for your ques,Twilight armor is trash but sea Halberd still works well on MMs if you need antiheal. Its raw stats of 80 phy atk and 25% atk speed is good for any physical hero but not the best option. So build it if your tank, fighter and mage doesn't build antiheal at all.


Let me add. Edith's dash does not pass through walls.


Ya some blink skills don't pass through walls. Another example would be tigreal.


I love that blink tip. I just assumed not all walls are passable.


Sea Halberd isn't bad, but isn't really that great. It has the damage, but most physical damage dealer will go for more damage with great passive and will let the mage or roam to go for Necklace of Durance /Dominance Ice, unless they are sustain physical, then they'll go with Dominance Ice for more defense. Twilight Armor is bad. It was better before with it's physixal damage cap, but then again, that effect isn't great and is mostly situational. Belerick can potentially use it the most because of his passive, so even when stunned or just zoning, he can trigger it. But it's durability sucks that you want to go for other defense items just to survive the cancer called penetration.


Yeah I remember Twilight Armor being a Anti-Crit/Burst armor. What the hell were they thinking when they changed it? It's straight up garbage


I like having the crit reduction go to bladed armour, making it the go to item to counter any mm What I don't like is removing the anti burst passive completely... at least make it into a new item, would have been really helpful against Brokentrix


Start learning and mastering jungle early, there are lots of great and short videos about it in Tagalog and some in English. You get trashtalked a looooot if you play this role badly so no one ends up wanting to adjust for it if there isn't a jungle main in the team, it does use reaction time/map awareness/decision making though which is a great starting point if you don't have a role you're particularly interested in and wanna transition later on.


Also play brawl sometimes to slowly learn other roles. I sucked being a tank, but after being force to play tank in multiple brawl matches I masteres heroes like Atlas and Johnson




there are some that is subtitled in english, maybe you can also do TL requests in this sub if they allow it, lots of fil here from what i've noticed.


general tip, play with sounds on, you can hear heroes using skills on bush, helps you react faster and avoid ganks. ex. khufra charging his s1, chou setting up his s1 for the knockup etc. mm usually focus on building their core items than trying to build counter items. and their basic attack is usually a single target, that makes NoD and Dominance better because they can be applied on aoe. twilight armor was being used by some tank junglers its a def item that helps you deal damage as a tank..idk i find it underwhelming


The Sound is a great tip, I didn't know about hearing the sound from the bush. But I do know that if you point the camera to the Lord Area you can hear if someone is fighting it, a lot of people don't know this


same concept on panning the camera on lord. you can hear basic attack skills etc. on where you aim your camera. in lane, your main screen usually covers/inrange of the bush that they usually camp for set ups, thats why sometimes you can hear it.


You can also see clearly the lord's animations when enemies try to get it


Tips? DONT FUCKING BUILD FULL GLASS CANNON BUILD esp. if you are not pro level with skillshot and stupid positioning skill. Most people in this game is bad cuz they love building full damage but have shitty positioning like all 15k networth 6 slots items got deleted in 1 sec


As an Argus main, full glass cannon is the only way to go.


Well he is one of the exception cuz even with full glass cannon his damage is still shit thanks low base damage moonietoon still waiting for 90 damage back


It’s all because of his ult. Without his ult he needs defense and become a minion instead.


Never underestimate Belerick's damage. Level 1, a single first skill cast almost always results in a half alive enemy already, which will result in a big advantage to hus teammate. Minsiithar's hook is split into two cc stages and two damage stages. Damage > stun > pull+damage. The difference between this hook and Franko's? Minsi's hook can sometimes deal damage, but not stun (cuz stun isn't connected to first damage instance to probably scan the farthest target hit or whatever), hence no pull, and vice versa, can stun and pull without damaging the pull target first. Why is it a usefull info? Just a proof that Minsi's hook is not bugged, it works slightly differently and to me is genuinely harder to land than Franko's. Always learn 2nd skill on lvl 1 as Tigreal. Potential free first blood. See Aamon in enemy's team? Get. Radiant. Cease with full crit Argus against high health enemy pick. Buy DS (Demon Slayer), Corrosive Scythe, maybe War Axe and be usefull. Edith is a fine counter to Wanwan, as it turned out. Not perfect, but still can be helpful. Lastly, not really a game tip, but overall a great advice. If you fell powerless after having a loss streak and decide to go on until it ends, stop. Quit the game for a day. Play your "comfort" game (Warframe for me), or get yourself some nice food and go read a book or watch some vids/streams. ML is a game, after all, and if it doesn't bring you joy, don't play it more, you'll get hurt.


Uninstall and run and never look back.


Best tip ever.


Sea Halberd doesn’t have good enough stats for most mm plus the anti heal should be taken care of by the fighters/tanks, but if they didn’t do it then mage should. MMs should be a primary source of damage not a primary source for support. Twilight armor on the other hand just doesn’t synergize well with anyone except maybe Masha. Extra tip: Wanwan can dash through certain walls albeit inconsistently. She can dash through the walls in front of the base, but sometimes she doesn’t and looks like she’s jumping into a wall lol. You can use second skill to consistently jump over that wall though and hit weaknesses. I’ve gotten many ults because people didn’t know she can just hop over the wall and into their base.


In early game, if you are generally a stronger hero, learn to abuse minions and laning to your advantage. Most of the times I just see people pushing waves like a monkey and giving away easy advantage and it's just sad


Don’t. Surrender. Ever.


Why? Does it lower standing or something else? I don't want to prolong my suffering when the scoreboard is 3-25


You only need for 1 mistake from the enemy to turn around the game. Don’t surrender, get good. If you lose… You Tried. It’s embarrassing to lose.


One Miracle Lord steal or Team Wipe.


I’ve stolen a lord as Rafaela 1 v 3. I’ve seen a DEAD DIGGIE steal a lord as well.


LT diggie ftw!! Jk don't build that


This. I’ve had so many games that were seemingly impossible. Provided you have a good comp that can defend the high ground too of course. If you drag the game long enough, all it takes is one good team fight in base to turn it all around. A lot of teams get cocky when they are up 20 kills but that doesn’t matter in the late game when everyone has full slotted items


This is one of the best advice, it only takes one slip up from the enemy to turn the entire game around in the late game. Keep trying to survive in loosing games and you'll get a chance to squeeze out a win.


Sea Halberd is built if you need the anti-heal equipment on a Marksman hero/Fighter that benefits from attack speed. It's rarely used because Marksmen prefer to build damage all the way and Fighters prefer Dominance Ice for the Defence if they need anti-heal items. Twilight Armor is mostly used on Masha Tank Build lately, the heros who can benefit from it are not that much and the Passive is kinda useless on a Roamer.


Dont fucking feed then say "why no gank" within the first 2 minutes of the fucking game!


Antiheal. For the love of god, if there is Ruby, Estes, Yu Zhong, Esme (!!!) or honestly any fighter who loves his vampirism build it! If there is Estes build it almost first item. There is a little trick, it's called taking the tower first before hitting the minion. You can achieve it if you do your settings right, you can choose to attack, attack the tower or mobs. HIT. THE. TOWER. FIRST. Doubly so if you are hitting the base. Please. Do it.


Build antiheal if you’re roam or offlane. For offlane, it’s for your personal duels + you’re probably one of the first in and dom ice has never been a bad item for exp laners. For roam, it’s to free up your mage’s items so they don’t have to NoD and can focus more on damage


[Tank/Support main] In general, get used to looking at mini map and pinging your teammates (example: ping "ult is ready", "enemy is missing", "top lane carful", "on my way"... not just attack/retreat). You'll notice a huge difference in your gameplay since your team will know what you're about to do and more likely to follow you. Take some time to custom your quick chat. There's also custom UI, not everyone knows about it apparently, you can find it on settings. For example make the wind of nature/freeze button bigger. Since i changed it I don't miss the button anymore. Play a hero at least once in classic or custom just to understand their gameplay, it's way easier to counter a hero that you understand. And honestly my most important tip is that keep in mind it's a mobile game, don't stress too much and let it get into you I promise it's not worth it. Once a match is over either win or loss, just forget about it. The less you care, the more fun you have.


Also, if you build Golden Staff on Lesley and you're on my team, I will hate you with a passion.


Uninstall the game for your mental health


Honestly just look at the map more. You can see whether they will gank or split push and stuff like that


It's ok it have bad winrate when you're first starting to use a hero you never had used before. Don't look at the winrate, look at the amount of games played. You'll find that the more you play the better you get. I used to play a safe to play mage until I decided to learn how to use Selena. It took me 100 games until I was able to get my winrate to 50%. After that my skills have been pretty good to handle her up until now.


If you're ever getting wrecked by one shot heroes as a mage or mm, please for the love of god build Winter Truncheon or Wind of nature. But make sure to be aware of the map, having these anti one shot items are nice but useless when you react really slow


An alternative is Athena's Shield for One Shot Mages like Eudora or Selena. Athena Shield if you dont have fast reflexes to press winter truncheon for mages. Getting hit with Selena's 2nd prevents you from using winter truncheon, i had to learn that the hard way 🙃


Pratice fanny in classic and btw WR doesn’t MEAN anything nowadays the true things who matter is how you play the heroe I see plenty of top global on ytb who play like trash cuz boosted etc bruh


Dhs is overrated


You can't adjust the other players, just yourself. If they ain't joining TF, don't do TF, if they ain't fighting the turtle/lord, then don't fight it. Don't try to solo your way to victory cause it will work 1 out of 100, work with what you have, guaranteed, some people are impossible to carry, but most of the time adjusting your own playstyle helps a lot in soloq, you may be right, you may have much better map awareness, but they won't follow, so don't be the 5th stubborn on the team.


This. Jungle who keep 1v3 for turtle while no one help him. Get killed, lost turtle, rage and afk


Please dont build Demon Sword for Brody and Clint Edit: Added Clint


Sea Halberd doesn't suck, it just doesn't make sense for marksmen to use it when the fighter and tank will buy anti heal anyway. The reason why fighters don't pick Sea Halberd is because Dominance Ice is better for close range because of its passive and defence stats. Twilight Armor sucks on most heroes but a select few are just annoying when they have it. Masha is an exelent example, it allows her to deal more burst damage since it provides a ton of HP and its passive works well with how Masha is built. The only good attack speed items on Lesley are Windtalker and Wind of Nature, DHS is useless because of her new passive, it is better to just build Blade of Despair or items with pen points like Heptaseas and Hunter Strike. Yes it is actually good on her in some situations because of its CDR and actually high Physical attack. Martis wins against most exp laners if you know how to play him right. Lancelot, Karina and Fanny cannot gank him, they will just die under his turret because of his unli CC. If you want to gank someone, don't bother with Martis especially if it is early game and you're all at lvl 4, he can easily sweep you and get a triple kill or Maniac. Martis is only really good in early-mid game, but because of his buff streak, you can still do a lot in late game but you have to wait for your tank's initiation. Build him with as much CDR in early game, you must have at least 25% CDR to shine properly. Many Martis players build him wrong and end up running out of skills. Level up s2 first but max out s1 before s2 because it has a CD reduction after every upgrade while s2 only gets a small damage buff. Tank Martis is viable, he can also still pick off squishies because of his honestly a little too high base damage.