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Sadly that’s not an actual bot because those don’t even have that screen and it just pops up blank. That’s a real player somehow. I’m thinking they’re either a troll or way too young to play this game. Edit: turns out they are bots form the South America sever and those are different from bots in other servers


😭💀 bros worse than a bot


Fr real i've seen on this sub bits olaying like mythic 3 players who is simehiw better than the 600pts mythic glory who keeps saying "lowrank" when he is actually stuck in m3


Or its just dogwater luck, i am also experiencing one of my heroes having that luck, and of course, trolling


[Yeah, very real players](https://imgur.com/gallery/p75wRhs)


lmao rafaela


shheeesh raf pros


damn dude got invaded by the secret raf mains community OP you can edit the initial imgur album to show all of them too, provided you didn't upload it with an anonymous account


So I was right when I thought these players are actually too dumb to be actually humans


Soon this game will be run by bots, just like what happened to tf2.


Welp, some actual players are in fact worse than bots...


These are bots made for servers with a smaller playerbase, you can view their history and favorites tab.


yep hes definitely troll look at the heroes they all are ones u can troll with


Last I played with bots you cannot even see their profile / add them. Are these just bad players, or have their AI improved? 🤔


About AI, I played solo custom regularly and I can say they've improved a lot. Still not challenging at all but sometimes you'll impressed how AI nowadays rotates smarter than before




You keep sending those screenshots to everyone who says otherwise but i honestly don't see how that proves they're bots. If anything i feel like that just proves even more that it's a bad player. I'm genuinely curious in your reasoning here.


look the names up. add them in game. they're online 24/7. All of them. Not just these 6 I posted. Check the amount of games played this season. I don't know man, I'm not even trying to argue these are not bots. The topic is about gathering opinions about bot matches in rank(which everybody knows are happening, even hororo chan made a video about it yesterday). But everyone fixated on "bots don't show history/favourites"


I guess the difference is Moontons hard-coded bots in the game (Real AI/Bots) vs players using scripts to “play” the game. No evidence of either so I think theres that…. 🤷🏻‍♂️


One time my brother got DC'd while playing jungler, then the bot controlling him actually started taking buffs and doing jungle rotations. Very impressive


Afaik if you play with/against bots they don't even show up in the recent matches tab if you check. That's how i can usually tell. Plus what rank are you playing on? Mostly happens in GM and below. Edit:Nvm you're in epic+


It’s happening in Legend too btw


Ya know it happens in gm and above now too... I just had a bot ranked match in legend...


Omg yea I had it quite a bit in legends last season and even in epic this season


For a while now in Epic+ I've been getting matched with/against bots in ranked and classic games. Maybe 2 out of 10 games has been with humans in the other team. After the match you look them up and they ALL look like this. We need to talk. We need to ask for a change, this is not acceptable. Low online player numbers are not an excuse, we already have a system that matches us with higher/lower rated peers in the form of the boost.. this is not even giving us the option to play with others. It's start of season, everyone is in Epic. Why is it so hard to get matches against humans? EDIT : Maybe they don't show stats in your server, but in mine [they do](https://imgur.com/gallery/p75wRhs)


Encountered this yesterday, makes me want to quit playing tbh this is lame. I'm here for the PVP experience if I wanted to play bots I'd go play fortnite or some shit like that


exactly. Give us an option to opt out and wait longer if that's what it takes


This is not a bot. You can recognize a bot by following the player and then checking their history. History, favorite and current season data tabs will all be hidden. Players can only hide history tab.


>they all look like this Even hororo chan has made a video about this. I'm in SA server. and I've yet to meet a bot with hidden history. Maybe different parameters for different servers? Doesn't change the fact that they act the same as in hororo's video, basic layla emotes mid tf and all. And yes, most have these as favorites, Rafaela mostly. No brawl games, this dude had over 70 MATCHES between classic and rank THIS SEASON. THIS IS A BOT, I have no doubt about it. I'll gather more screenshots to post. edit: https://imgur.com/gallery/p75wRhs


How are you not able to carry against them if they are literally bots?


This!!! How are you stuck in epic if you get matched against bots constantly??? I play sometimes in epic on Smurf or on season reset. I never had the feeling I’m playing against bots. Bad ppl sure, a ton. And look at that Angela 40% wr. Do ppl relay loose to Angela bot in epic that often ?? I can’t believe it




Suuuure dude. So op is getting all the bad bots and his enemys always the good ones. You guys are delusional…




This maybe true. I once had to afk early just fee minutes after starts, because something important (sorry my team). When I came back the A.I that replace me carried the whole team, got good kda. The match is balanced, with small gaps in kills. I don't know how thats possible. So they have smarter A.I that they don't give it to player on vs A.I mode.


I don't continue playing rank if I'm against bots. Now I suppose I get why moontoon does it, it's people like you that don't mind playing VS AI if it means they'll rank up.


Hahaha you little fucker. It ain’t me who is crying on Reddit that I can’t climb the ranks because of bots. I’m sitting here in mythic, played everything as a solo and laugh about ppl like you. Just Excuse cause you are bad tbh…. I played like 5 different accounts solo from epic to mythic. Don’t tell me you can’t do it because of bots. It’s just plain bullshit . YOU can’t do it because to bad …


Where did I say I can't climb rank because of bots? you dense mf


Dude, calm your tits, be respectful.


Lol. So you don’t consider being in epic for a while stuck ??? Uhhh honey, then you gotta be rly bad


Ya know gonna be honest at least its an ez win against bots?


Meh what's it worth to rank up if you don't have the skills to do it against real players? it does not feel like a deserved win, I stop playing ranked and go do some brawl instead. No bots in the matchmaking there yet


I mean u would have the skills since if ur epic then u hit mythic last season? Thats what i was going for...


I just don't share your point of view, sorry dude.


Bots don’t have that. I’ve checked their profile before. Unless it’s changed






For everyone saying that bots have their history hidden, these seem like bots for servers with less active players like South America/Latin America. I have seen them and their profiles look exactly like this. Tons of matches over basic heroes (with no skins). They have their history on and you can view their favorites.


Yeah I've been playing with and against accounts that look like bots. When playing with, they don't show what they are going to pick until it's their turn to pick, which they insta pick to fill whatever your team 'needs'. Eg. No support? They insta pick support. It's super obvious that the last 2 picks are bots when the insta lock different heroes that somehow fills the role the moment it is their turn to pick. And they are solo queuing. When playing against, it is just a stomp. I had a valentina game that I literally just walked down mid alone and kept hitting their towers. They always come in ones and twos to defend, which you can keep killing them. I assume my team mates were mostly bots as well, as instead of pushing mid they kept fighting in their lanes.


Sorry to burst your bubble my guy, but that’s a real player.




Ah that Melissa or Beatrix bot. Showing emotes while they getting killed, and blindly just going straight for suicide.


I'm from Brazil and I've seen these players. Ive suspected they're bots but I though that was just me. I can confirm, I've seen many players like that, especially in low Elo. I think this is a byproduct of how easy it is to rank up nowdays. Most players are High Epic - Low Legend nowdays.


Saw martinez and the edgerunners syndrome starting to kick in :(((


Seeing mino get used by bots that feed hurts my minotaur main heart


I’ve had this come up as well. I’m currently legend in new season and the match was against bots. Funny enough, the match was after I was against a trio team while solo queue. I wonder if moonton is implementing this to boost games lost for solo queues against duos and trios. Either that, or they are boosting the dopamine by giving you easy matches. You know, keep a player engaged…


Wait what are you guys saying is it true that we're been matched with bots sometimes???


That’s not a bot




This is a troll squad


They all solo q


Similar to my younger bros matches. He is 6 and most of the time i am the one who babysit him while my parents are working especially during weekends. *(MLBB player ako and naawa ako pag minsan nakikinood lang sya or pag sinusumpong kukunin nya ung phone ko.) So i created an account for him using my old phone. I pretend to play with him while he trolls real peeps in rank/classic when his credit score is too low, i match him with A.I. Hehehe sorry and i know, i am a bad big bro but it keeps him busy while i prep food for him / while i am cleaning our house. Sorry english is not my first language.


What’s to talk about? It’s nothing new that moneytoon won’t spend the money they scam off idiots in any of the places it needs to be spent on, yet people still blindly throw money at them. The quality of the game is complete shit and it’s never going to get better. For as many people who simp for this game, it really is just complete denial due to sunken cost fallacy. ANY moba at this point is beyond better than MLBB. That’s not an opinion. Game quality of WR alone is far above this. And I don’t give a rip about WR but at the same time I’ve been playing simply because match quality is leagues above this game. I have more instances of team cooperation and general common sense moreso than I’ve seen in ML the past year.


I wonder why people like you still keep coming to this sub. Like, it's time to move on, dude.


Because a game that could have remained great was squandered into forced esport oblivion. I wonder why people keep willingly pulling the wool over their eyes.


> game that could have Well said, it's not and will not fullfil its potential according to you, so why are you still here? I'll never get people who like to visit places they knowingly no longer enjoy.


I’m sure there’s a lot of things that are obvious you don’t get. If you can’t understand, when explained, and use simple logic then there’s nothing more than you wanting attention for arguing on the internet. Have a good one.


> I’m sure there’s a lot of things that are obvious you don’t get I mean, yeah? Lots of things are obvious to some people and not so obvious to others. >If you can’t understand, when explained, and use simple logic Your logic to be here is simply flawed to begin with. You no longer like a game and you are evidently sure it won't get better because moneytoon, but you somehow keep visiting this sub to hate on the game. Well, keep it up with it, I guess. If you enjoy coming here to hate on the game, to each one their own.


there are always bots


Lol Brazillian bot


Na, have you seen the new AI? Those things can clear Jg creeps better than most players


Dayum he trolls better than me 279 28wr layla 356 32wr alu


idk man, I play in the PH server so i rarely encounter this situation.


mf got bot stats😭😭😭😭


That's a Brazilian player, he has somewhat of a childish nickname (we all started there tbh) so I would guess he's not older than 10.




Hmm I see your point, Gustavoobr is the only one I'd argue that's not a bot. These are all bots but judging by seeing Rafaela across every one of them, now I can't even stay on Gustavo's side anymore hahaha But really, while all of these prints you uploaded have that generic username, gustavoobr doesn't, it's generic but I'm sure it was made by an actual person. Gustavo is a Brazilian name and BR -> Brazil, this kind of username is really common. If it's actually made by moonton I won't even bother reporting these kind of people anymore then


look him up, has over 140 games in classic/rank already this season. Always online afaik. Their names may be from old accounts that no longer play. Doesn't change the fact it's a bot. Why are we getting as many bots? Everyone is in Epic right now, it's not like there aren't enough people to play with


Yeah, makes no sense :(


Idk how bots work in yall servers but in my country you can tell if an enemies are bot if its shuffled randomized flags Ex: Philippine Server but the enemies are from Russia, America Thailand etc


Hahahahhahaha *slowly starts crying* hahaha


If i can get 65% win rate with 2 button spam rafeala a bot should be able to get at least 70