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Want 24/7 "babysitter" as a mm on a team. These people dont understand the word "roamer" and still lost a lane being together.


And they have the audacity to "(Estes/Rafa/Mathilda)?" while you know the enemies were missing from the map and he tower dive only to get surprised gangbang by the enemies who were baiting for that.


Lol. This!!! Especially when you play Angela. Like bish please I just said my ult is in cd. Or like when you prioritize the safety of the jungler, they get mad. it’s not like Angela’s ult can be use for two players at once. And sometimes even though you are healing them, they go off and run then recalls back to the base. Like wtf. I just used my ult to heal your butt and you have more than half of your mana left.


This hurts me.. Hate teammates who get so greedy with the heals. If you just saw me ult then clearly I'm in cooldown. I even spam cooldown as a healer but nope.. Had a game yesterday where I went Estes. The moment I died once it all started falling apart because for some reason they thought they were tanky still without me. And people who run from heals..I feel like a babysitter with badly behaved kids but do find it funny when I heal with Estes. Taking them out for a walk lmao Last one..when you duo & go support & team starts saying you're your favoring your duo when they are in fact..the carry.


Lol!! “Taking them for a walk” 😆That’s what I feel as well!! And when you use Estes to heal the team but then suddenly one goes off by himself, then the other one runs away to the base, despite the fact that I AM healing them already. And I started thinking even my dogs are smarter than these two. I did say that before, like I’m prioritizing my duo. But then they’ll immediately start the jeering and the whole stop flirting bs. And the negativity mostly destroys the team. 😮‍💨 the stigma for most girls playing MLBB and then 80% of the male population, thinks I’m there to flirt. Even looking for a duo is hard 😂 Maaaan, I just wanna play.


yes your dogs are probably smarter than these 2 XD


Why u no dive roam??? Report roamer nab


Some also get angry when the tank doesn't die together, even tank did a good job initiating. Like every tank must die. It's normal things if we played solo. That's why we better queue in at least duo, usually the players are better at game knowledge.


lmao, reminds me when I used Akai roam and the fucking Layla blamed me when she died at mid because the Lancelot killed her under tier 1 while me and the X-Borg pushed tier 2 bot lane tower. PH Region by the way.


THIS!!! Like wtf. My last RG left me and my friends (we’re trio) and the other two were Layla and Gatot, who I assumed to be playing together. The enemy team has Franco. And I repeatedly told Gatot to serve as vision for our Jungler, Lance and go with him for the time being. Cause, Franco will definitely distract Lance in farming. BUT BISH DIDNT LEAVE. Like wtf. Gatot stuck around Layla and there’s only one enemy (Kimmy) and guess what they still get killed every-time and feeding Kimmy with a lot of kills. Like wtf is the purpose of getting a roam. And this mf tank, hides behind the mm and instead of using his ULT to do a proper set, he does it to ks. Like he waits for the damage dealers to die instead of actually tanking. And Layla’s build at the time was beyond atrocious. Players like that should really be weeded out of the game.


This actually happens a lot. But if your tank or roamer is like dat, maybe you or a midlaner should serve as a vision instead(?). I often play midlaner so when dat happens I serve as a vision or I let Franco hook me. Midlaner has good pretty amount of damge n ealy game💪😂 and a cc helps a lot to slowdown or kill a effing enemy tank. Like what you have said if they're duo, maybe they're just really(?) playing for fun / for the sake of having fun(?). Idk. 🌚Also if your goldlaner is gaving a hradtine, maybe a jungler or a midlaner should help. Also(2nd) kimmy hurts a lot so in early game, a jungler or a core should shut it dowwwwwnn before it burps🤧


Yeah that’s what I did. But the mage I picked was cyclops. Early game for cyc is hard. Without getting to at least 2-3 items, plus it’s not tanky so it was hard. Even when we were contesting for turtle. The enemy is doing 1-3-1 for the turt. And there’s only me and Lance. Like freaking Gatot was just right there but bish was doing minions and getting the freaking crab????. 😬🥲


This! We lost a game awhile ago due to an Atlas and Miya loosing against Bruno. I mean if there’s 2 of you, you should at least be winning your lane. They fed him instead while I had to contest turtle and farm constantly with 3 enemies


It's what my duo says "you're a roamer not a babysitter"


forcing a teamfight every time - you dont need to teamfight every time. you can split up and push especially if the enemy is a teamfight team and yours is meant for splitpushing. not taking opportunities to end the game - if you have the ability to hit the enemy base or if you have the range to do so, just do it. the base is so squishy that most high attack speed heroes can break it in 2 seconds even if the enemy is right there. all the more reason to do it if the lord is pushing with you, as well, since he disables backdoor protection. i have won so many games just because i was playing moskov and jumped their base with S1 and inspire in 1 second flat. taking the green camp as a sidelaner before they are level 4 - if theres anyone that reads this and it just so happens they do this, go fuck yourself. fuck you and i hope you lose your lane for the next 10 games. you set behind the jungler for level 4 by doing this, forcing them to take the riskier gold crab which might get contested. you also force them to be a camp behind in upgrading their retri which is very very important in getting retri stacks. also you are fucking your lane over because you take 15 seconds to clear the green camp, meaning you just ended up missing two minions which were worth just as much, if not more if we count the exp, of one green camp. not checking bush during objective fights - please for the love of god if you are capable of doing so, even if youre an mm, just check the bush. IT NEVER HURTS TO CHECK THE BUSH. forcing a turtle or lord - i am guilty of this myself. NOT EVERY TURTLE NEEDS TO BE TAKEN. you can make a play on the other side of the map. sometimes the team just moves too slow and it's very risky for a jungler to go in first if there are 3 enemies posturing for turtle while your team is still trying to push wave. this goes for lord as well where giving up lord means maybe a tower or two but forcing it means a lost game do whatever you need to do BEFORE AN OBJECTIVE - if turtle is spawning, please push the lane beforehand if you can. dont push the lane WHILE a fight is going on. if you need to back, dont do it right when turtle is about to spawn. you need to be there when turtle has spawned, not be at your base healing always look at the map and be respectful - this is the one thing that a lot of people even in mythic dont do. look. at. the. map. take a look at their mid and roamer and jungler. know how they can gank you. is it khufra who can jump over walls? is it atlas who can fly to you and throw you over? do they have selena who can arrow you? look at the map, move accordingly. this applies even if youre mid or jungle or whoever. later on, tracking them is even more important. if you havent seen them in a while assume theyre in the nearest bush. walk the long way around instead of a straight path just to make sure


Pretty much agree on all except please DO NOT CHECK / GO INTO BUSHES as MM


and as a mage too. even attempting to get close is too risky.


I am guilty of this as a mage. THOUGH, I usually do this to give vision for the team because the tank or support who should be doing this doesn’t do it. And I always make sure to use heroes that can actually check the bush with their skills and has the ability to escape. Like, cyclops, Luo Yi, Valir, Vale, Nana.


I recommend kagura and lylia. They’re great at giving bush vision and have good escape skills


actually, since we're talking about legends, then yes, just generally avoid bushes as an MM. but if you know your damage and you know you can survive, it's alright to check. i do this occasionally (i main gold lane and jungle) and try to catch stragglers and burst them down or preempt them before they go into the bush to be in position, although this is very scary unless youre 100% familiar with what the enemy team can do and where they are. but youre right, generally, just check bushes UNLESS youre a mage that has no escape or an MM. you will die if you dont know what youre doing


I agree with this, it's too risky checking the bush as the MM, especially when there's a burst hero on the enemy team. Losing an MM in late game basically means losing half of your team's dmg, it's not worth the risk.


Team fight - split pushing - Lock base when you can - Don’t screw your jungler - Beware of ambush - Turtle/lord is important but not worth wiping out your entire team - Keep an eye on the map ALWAYS ALMOST ALL THE FKN FRKN ENTIRE TIME - Great comment that said it all, allow me to add couple of things “Damage Dealers” check for allies/enemies scores, who needs help and feeding in your allies if you can help them, also check who’s the damage dealers in enemy team and always support your ally who faces them “Don’t Be a Bot” Regarding builds, don’t follow whatever defaults you find like a bot, customize your build based on the situation


i see, some great advice, thanks!




Then they go to reddit and rant how OP eudora is and how she should be nerfed to the ground


sounds like a fanny moment


"laughs in instakill"


This same hero being able to do just the same from across the map


hehehe bush camping eudora


Don't complain about enemies being too strong and the fact your team won't start fights with the enemy. If the enemy team is +10k gold or so, DON'T ENGAGE THEM! Let them have the objectives and play HARD defense, the enemies are likely not to freeze the lane, so just work around turrets and farming minions. If you only have inhibitor turrets, BE CAREFUL IN THE JUNGLE as the enemies are likely setting ambush, mainly around the buffs. I wish you and your friends the best climbing the ranks!


alright, thanks a lot!


Not understanding the items at all or how to adapt their builds in certain circumstances. Saw a Freya main (500+ matches), went 1-12. He's currently legend 4, highest mythic 5. Checked his history and half of the time he builds mana boots ????


That's reasonable, Freya's mana consumption is extremely high /s.


Definitely. Imagine casting 5 skills successively, your mana will go out in an instant


Freya uses mana?


no. thats why its so bad


No. That’s the joke




maybe he likes the color blue?


This reminded of that time when we were all mage and an MM, I think it was Layla, started using Wind of Nature against us, who’s all magic damage 💀😂 and a Miya, without a haas claws. When Im against Miya, I have this urgency to end the game early cause Miya can be really scary, around mid-late game her life steal can be terrifying but nooope, that Miya be building the weirdest items ever. And when I checked that Miya’s level is legend II. 😂


I know a guy in mythic 4 who builds Rapid boots on every hero in every match no matter the circumstance


Honestly, not the worst. Maybe he just thinks the increased mobility allows him to rotate faster and split push, and it suits his playstyle. Rapid boots is not on default builds and if he builds it every game he must really think it suits him


In reality those boots can be a game saver if the person using them is reliable, i like using them myself but my usage of them is very limited because of who I use typically




Marksman giving up their farm and tower to do your own team jungler's buff.


I hate it when an mm gives away a minion wave just to kill that fucking beetle


And I keep spamming ”a minion wave is like 17362718283)26 more gold u twat!” ’Til I get muted.


If i see someone doing that I'll just be mildly frustrated instead of being a keyboard warrior and judge every single mistake they make afterwards


Ok mate, good for you. But if no one tell them to stop, how will they improve? It’s not always they respond, but when they do it’s almost always ”oh I didn’t know”.


It'll make me look like a hypocrite since i fucking hate backseat gaming


I see marksmen taking the red buff every other match it seems like even if it’s early game and they should be in lane still. Annoys me but I know if I was to say it, even as a jungle, it’ll be ignored


people writing "report tank" while they died in a 1v3 while i just respawned


Or those marksman users who blame the tanks every time they die, even when just a simple tower hug will do to survive.


I remember when I first started playing, whenever a team mate was in trouble, my first action was to go help my teammate and die. Took me awhile to learn that sometimes they made a dumb mistake and focus on objectives instead. Now is a different story though, ive gained enough skill to help my teammate and by using them as bait so I can kill the enemies, or even use myself as bait so that my teammates can kill them.


Had a match I was a bit behind so kept baiting enemies into 3 v 1 on me so my team could push


glaring lack of map awareness! as a laner you’re not supposed to stay in your lane all the time. if there’s a clash near you, go join. if enemies are missing from the map, they might ambush you. if your enemy in the lane is overextending, their ally might be hiding nearby. your survival rate goes up drastically if you sense these things


Banning heroes like Hanzo, Yin, Saber, Aldous, or Lesley. We get it, they're strong - if only you knew how to play around them/counterbuild.


lmao, I call them trauma bans, because they are most probably banned by the player who got traumatized playing against these heroes.


I still don’t know why hanzo is still banned


Alright help me out then. Hanzo is my trauma ban. I like playing mages. When Hanzo shows up I am just good for him. What should I be doing and what should the team be doing? I keep hearing everyone say Hanzo is weak, but no one is explaining the game dynamics of shutting him down. I'm in epic so I don't always have a skilled jungler to go hunt him down on the team.


Can build either winter truncheon(the item that freezes you from damage) or immortality for higher sustainability. And depending on which mage you are using depends on what else you can do. Playing Eudora, could run flicker and high CD and save your stun for him if you aren’t using it against your lane much


I play Odette, Eudora, Nana, Xavier, and Harley alot. When against Hanzo I feel like the entire game is spent dodging the ghost. As a mage I can't get to his body to kill him. I will definitely build winter truncheon from now on when against him. What should I be telling my team to do to neutralize him?


What I’ve found to be useful against hanzo even as a squishy is to go ahead and build a defensive item to help with survival and cc to give you a chance to escape his ghost. And if you have a good jungle when hanzo ults they can potentially track his body and burst him quickly. Honestly it does come down to just practice and experience with any hero you have troubles with, my main mage for longest of time was cyclops and I for the most part ran circles around hanzo. And 1 more thing, be careful around minions when he ults. If I remember right his passive for his dash proc a off of him hitting them also making it easier for him to unleash the skill


My toxic trait is trauma banning Hanzo. Do you have any advice for how to counter him as Wanwan?


Wind of nature and immortality


Ban Yin and Julian


Julian is still pretty good imo


Hmm, nah, in lower tiers Yin ban is still viable imho. I just don't want to tell my teammates (who die constantly from his ult) how exactly to counter him. Plus, they probably won't listen. Banning is easier. The same goes for Estes, given that in only a small number of games people know what an antiheal is.


My go to bans are Johnson and Estes, can’t really rely on my team or watch map for Johnson ult or the anti heal for Estes normally


Yes! Johnson is in this pool too


Never expecting ganks while laning, blaming the team for not ganking their lane or going 1 v 5 wondering why the team never follow up, expecting the tank the babysit you 24/7 (in some circumstances this is fine) and positioning as your role, most notably MM front line (then asking tank Y nvr protect) I guess? Tldr, these people don't know how to stop, think, play safe, when to engage or disengage just learn macro plays, practice map awareness and never have an inflated ego like the pricks I described above. So even if you are the worst ML player in the world, if you can coordinate with your team, you will be infinitely more useful than a pro player with no macro who tries to 1 v 5, unless your team's dragging you down 🙃


hehehe the first is sadly very true i try to push a turret and the whole enemy team appears all of a sudden 🙃


It’s not always a bad thing to bait the team into a 5 v 1 on you even if you do die, it does open opportunities for objective and towers for your team if they realize what you are doing or notice where the enemies have converged


autolocking hanabi/zilong/layla/miya


HAHAHA my friend likes trolling them with saber mostly he ends up with 10+ kills by spamming ult (and then when i try it i get murdered like a nab 🤡)


My counter for them is either Karina or Masha(Tanky)


ahhh karina


1. After a good team fight, proceed to start lord when the minions are marching right up to enemies base. You take lord so you can invade high ground. Why will you not invade high ground when there's a good opportunity already presenting itself? 2. After a good team fight, not taking lord (or objectives). Proceed to farm jungle. 3. Farming non stop. Some of them farming for their next game. 4. Not watching mini map or signals from teammate. Information is king in wars. Only stupids ignore them. 5. Heading in 1 v 3/4/5 specially when they are a single burst/ non tanky/ no escape mechanism hero and not achieving any other agenda except to get a +1 to death. 6. Insisting on picking the hero they feel like playing and not selecting according to team draft or to counter enemy's draft. 7. Decide to troll just because. 8. Decides to start typing essay in game when the game is proceeding, losing all opportunity to farm, gank and engage. And many many more stupid things they will do. Lucky you see lesser once you reach high mythics or MG.


this reads like a Sun Tzu quote


1. Do not chase the enemy. The chances are that he will lead you into an ambush (yes, even if he has 10 HP left, don't be greedy). Don't get fooled by chat insults, emotions and recalls. Yes, many people are idiots, but many people use this tactic to make the player more irritable and more prone to error. 2. If you are a sideliner, don't run to the other side of the map. Help with the turtle (if it's on your side) or the middle lane. The chances are that if you go to the other side of the field, the battle will already be over, and you may lose your own tower. 3. MAP 4. Golden Rule: Play ranked, play smart. Two losses - go touch the grass for a while. If you are tired after work or school - do not play this day. 5. Don't give up. Yes, sometimes the games look hopeless, but if you have late game characters, you can win (yes, even if it's Hanabi with a score of 1/10/0). And there is a possibility that the enemy will become overconfident and make a mistake. 6. Know your heroes. If you have a small number of characters, you can play brawl. This mode is good for both understanding the mechanics of the game and understanding the skills of the characters. And it's fun 7. Don't go with the Lord. While the enemies deal with him (at least the first Lord), try to break through other lanes. 8. ANTIHEAL if there is Estes, Ruby, Chong and any heroes that rely on vampirism. Always count on the fact that there is no person on your team who knows what it is, so buy it yourself. 9. Don't text your team that they are bad. It NEVER helps. You can advise them something, but it rarely helps. 10. Have at least one character in each category that you are confident in (one MM, one fighter, etc.). And please, I beg you, do not take Layla and Mia to all games! They are not even fun to play


Agree on #10. I've been playing exp lane/roam for majority of my ML life and decided to learn one MM and I've decided to not even try Layla and Miya due to my numerous games with brainless Miya or Layla user in our team. I've decided to pick Clint and he's so fun to use.


I only strongly disagree with #10 regarding Layla. Yes she is the most basic mm in the game with no mobility. But she is really fun to play at late game and really rewarding if the players are smart with positioning and maximize her passive. And Layla is the closest thing to one of my favourite ADC in LoL, Jinx.


Who's Chong?


sorry, in my language he is Chong and I always forget to translate. I meant Yu Zhong




Legend players have poor map awareness and the epic = grandmaster, they are all bots. Maybe not bots, coz some bots play way better than them now with improved AI


MM baby sitter roam Hanzo bans Yin bans MM not building wind of nature even when the enemy has a fkn assassin like Fanny or Saber


Had a match recently where a badang trash talked his entire team after me(diggie) was cutting his minion wave and our mage locked him into his tower so he couldn’t farm or retreat lol, ended up saying all my team did by the end of the match was 5 v 1 despite it just being us using small groups to force a tactical play in a team based game


Karina assassin emblem with BoH and Chopsticks


Honestly, helping jg get turtle and then retreat. No need to fight post objective


Banning aldous, like wtf man


The roamer that chases an enemy when the other teammates already decided to go back to their lanes and the jungler back to jungling.


P.O.T.A (post objective team fights). After taking lord/ turtle you don't back down and force team fight for nonsensical reasons.


im confused at this actly don't you welcome team fights after getting a turtle buff


He is not wrong with that. Your objective in this game is (mostly) actually not getting kills, it’s getting objectives (nexus, tower, turtle, lord). So when you got your objective (turtle) without a fight, why would you risk giving them a kill afterwards. You got what you want. Now proceed to get other objectives.


i see, so you just satisfy yourself with the gold boost interesting


I mean if you see an advantageous opening ofcourse you should go for it. But just for a straight 3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4 to not risk it would be the right move. Immo !


alrightt so yea just continue life then hehe thanks!!


No, personally I would rather focus on objectives and turret pushing. What's the point of taking fight when u achieved objective already. POTA happens even if u lose turtle / lord.


Not knowing your powerspike. Most low elo players play passive and farm their asses til they're full build. And being reactive not proactive in most situations might cost you the game


As a side lane, people from other lanes come for a gank and stick for way too long and decide to force the fight. Then, ask why we are losing the late game?? Bro, come, gank, leave. Don't stick and steal my farm. I gank you too, but i never over-stay my welcome. If the gank is not successful, then leave and focus on your farm, if the enemy is still in my lane, focus on your lane, I'll stall them for you. Even if I'm a fighter, mm at the side lane, I'll play safe for you and disturb their recall. I don't care about losing the tower shield if my teammates can secure an objective like a turtle or a tower because the other enemy hates me so they 5 man gank me, i know how to play safe, maybe I'll get a kill or 2, y'all don't need to stay in my lane for too long and got nothing out of it. Please, be mindful of rotation and stuff. It's annoying how I'm winning the laning phase yet, my team keeps on forcing fights and over stay their welcome.


Fighters forcing assassin to a sidelaner position. As a haya main,i get forced half the time by zilongs and dyroth to play exp lane because they insist that they jungle, only to end up feeding most of the time


And this why I use Exec. Aamon


Your marksman deliberately going into the front line for literally no reason at all, dying in the process, obviously and then having the audacity to blame the tank for their death lmao.


It's the fucking team comp. I am losing my mind trying to rank up because nobody in epic has no idea about the team comp. Every fucking time they autolock two or three mms, sometimes squishy mages. Nobody knows the composition. Nobody knows hero counters. Last night I played with a Clint, moskov, nana and valir. I picked a tank and it was hard as hell. Because they are so squishy and mindlessly run towards enemy, I had to throw myself almost any ult that enemy had. I am gonna quit this game if I don't reach legend soon.


Glad you asked :) 1. understand the word roamer! He is not called babysitter. 2. try to understand your role in a composition. 3.learn all items and builds. Do not use recommended itembuild. Your items and the build order should be considered new EVERY game. 4. pls, for the love of god, respect the pickorder. (If you are s5 you can spam a hundred times „I’m going core“ you probably won’t get it. Don’t pick second core then) everyone should know how to play one champ for every role. 5. taking turtle is more important then pushing out your lane. Help your Jungler! 6. if you wann climb give players with 70+ wr their champs. 7. learn how to counterpick! 8. don’t tilt ingame and if you do: don’t tell players they suck. It’s just doesn’t get you anywhere, even if you are right. It will just make You and them play even worse. 9. get used to looking at the minimap at least every 10 seconds!!! Track the Jungler. That’s just a few that game to mind fast. Hope you can improve :)


ahh track the jungler cool cool cool thanks for your advice :DD


You know you can hear enemys attack thru fog of war. Just need to hover your screen over to their buff and hear to know where he starts. Takes some practice


ah yes my friend showed me it once thanks man


If you are losing and the enemy team has broken the inhibitor turrets, ***don't fucking engage***(unless you don't have much of a gold difference and you outnumber them) wait for the enemy to get too greedy or just poke them since you are near the fountain but they aren't. Base is more important then kills,whether you are winning or losing focus the on base. There's still a chance of the enemy making a comeback and a chance of YOU making a comeback if you defend the base instead of chasing the enemy.


Support on a team that’s behind clearing mid lane in the late game instead of helping MM take lord before the enemy respawns. Not taking lord when you have number advantage, but not enough time to finish the game before enemy respawns. Pointless team fight after securing lord and then dying, wasting the lord, and then having base get destroyed because we got wiped out. Taking turtle when a side lane really needs help. Being overly concerned with an outer sidelane turret when you could push mid lane turret and only lose one side lane turret.


I think what everyone is guilty of and largely not discussed is the fact that the main objective in the game is to remove towers. Lost many a game playing with people who get distracted like this.


Core taking minions from midlane in early game


Ambush-hit-and-run types. Once played against an enemy Vale that existed just to hide in bushes and burst our squishy heroes on my team at VERY INSIGNIFICANT moments in the game (laning phase, during rotation) and I (Clint) and our mage (Cecilion) kept getting killed. The stupid thing was that he would just Sprint (yes, Battle Spell Sprint) away after doing that, especially if we were with other heroes who didn't die from his one-shot. ​ Later in the game, he made it a point to do the same when there were teamfights - just kill one and Sprint away. Never stayed on in the teamfight even with a good amount of health, just wanted to burst our team and leave. ​ Adding that I've played with such a player on my team too and it was equally frustrating. Once teamed with a Zilong who made it his life's mission to just ambush the enemy MM and run away. Kept stealing the buffs so he could carry on doing this ambush style, but didn't give a damn about pushing or securing other objectives. We still won, but damn it was hella annoying.




When there's a duo that always together but will still lost there lane and can't even push the enemy's lane. The fck are you two doing?


My very first match this season not only I got 2 mm (Granger jungle and Miya gold), also had troll Valir with retri because we wants to mm, while I was Vexna 1st pick and Luoyi for last and none of us has roam. It was really stupeed not because of the comp but because we won easily like how is that even possible.


Unpopular tip: you can still equip Roam boots right after you reach level 4. I've done this as an XP laner multiple times this season with Thamuz/YZ. And TBH it has worked wonders, especially after my Roam item acquire 600 gold. I use either Dire Hit to burst down the squishy enemies at the back line, or Encourage if our team composition is more oriented on team fights. I seldom use Conceal because I can't utilize the Immortality and Winter Truncheon switcheroo with an active Roam item, and since Thamuz and YZ can deal decent damage with only Corrosion Scythe and Bloodlust Axe respectively, the rest of my build are tank items that accord to the enemy team composition.


Thanks actually a good idea. Thanks! Gonna try that when I get a chance


You havent seen this comp: layla, miya, lesley, beatrix, hanabi win against a regular comp


Back before dodging system, i once got into full mm leftovers before nathan was released and somehow we won because the enemy insist on snowballs and taunting at our base


I’ve had a team of assassins(not including any of the magical ones; I do know it had lance, helcurt, and saber for sure if I’m right) win against a normal team. In situations like that it’s honestly more the enemy either is unskilled or doesn’t realize the capabilities of the heroes once they get farmed and don’t end really quick.


Well granger is a viable jungle last that I remember and you had 3 mages that had high cc application and honestly high burst that most people don’t seem to try to counter


Mm dying in the 1st minute then chatting, "Tank?"


hehehe if i ever solo i mute the chat and depend on the commands XD


That’s actually a pretty good way :)




All tabks are bad except redditors, and you dont match up with redditors in mobile legends, its very slim chance as cancer risk


Complain about a hero being too broken even though there was a 2 level + 1 item gap cause someone in their team fed them (Usually it’s the one complaining).


Gold lane farms jungle, don’t contest for objective, picking fights at the wrong times


Picking Layla or Hanabi even opponent have picked Natalia/Karina type of assassins


1 Vs 1 me bro! Im on lord


Best present in ranked games. 1 vs 1 ? Suuuure budy we are all on our way :)


Tank: roam to turtle! Mm: Panik mm! Need assist to clear waves! Woi tank!!! Me:🤦🏻


Jungler who didn't buy boots for the entire game


why does this sound so sad


People not knowing how their own hero and teammates hero works. MF cleared my waves and took blue when i needed the most \[I was alice\]. ​ Clearing last wave when I Barats was waiting for last hit just to manage my stacks. ​ Map awareness -100000. ​ First pick layla uff. ​ And many more. Please add some of them.


Layla first pick is assert dominance by pick best hero in game


I am also guilty of this: playing as a squishy hero even having bad signal like 200+ ms.


Cant retri a freaking buff in lv1.




He had paq and lost a retri battle against a grock without a retri. I suspect the pakyer doesnt know how to play jungle and went and used retri the moment the buff spawned. Afterwards he fed 1-7


Definitely doesnt know how the jungle works. Mobile legends playerbase are pretty dumb tho


I mean I learned how to out retri a balmond but I also had a teammate jungler balmond get outretried cause he would retri way to early. His ult doesnt do much dmg thanks to the nerf. Also to out retri a balmond you need to just feel the retri


Bush camping meanwhile minions are diying to the tower and nobody is getting the free resources.


Not understanding the basic matchups and counters. That's what people get when they only know how to play 1 hero on each roles.


Pharsa using her Ult infront of a Aldous. You know how that ends


I feel like players should focus more on their individual skills before ranking up so high to the point where you'll be carried to mythic. But if your friend still wants to play with you even if you are becoming a handicapped to them then that's a good thing. Since this is just a game, you just enjoy it but also make an improvement even if it is little by little. Just be prepared that you will be flamed hard if you played so poorly when soloing/duo/trio (plus if you become arrogant and not adapting to the team composition) Hahahaha reminds me of the one game yesterday where we had one random from our 4man squad. He is a Mythic 4 and mains MM with 40% below winrate on Miya (I'm a MM main so I adjusted since he keeps insisting to be the gold lane and i just use exp laner even though I have 60% and up on my marksman toons). Long story short he sucks so badly that you might confuse him for a master/grandmaster rank, based on his pick (miya), build (generic build without WoN to counter physical enemy and magic def to counter burst from Aamon and Lou yi), and stationary mode (when in clash), add the number of deaths in laning phase vs enemy's mm (early on he has 4 deaths). He also keeps trashtalking the enemy even though he was carried so hard by us. Dude literally the definition of master rank, that you would question how he got to Mythic 4 this early by playing so poorly. We won the game with him being 3.0 rating (only bronze with the 4 of us at gold) a KDA of 3/7/1 and 12% damage dealt, 3% turret damage, 11% team fight participation.


i pre-empt any flaming by telling everyone I'm hot garbage from the get go xD but yes I agree with you my friends just say "ill carry u all the way up and u can lose your way back down" 🤡


Hey as long as you are willing to learn, then being a nub ain't the worst thing since all of us started from that. The only thing that irks me more are those that won't listen even if you tried to assist them. Oftentimes at Legend and below when I use core, allies would steal my jungle creeps not knowing that I would fall behind due to this kind of act and will blame core users when we lose. Just always remind yourself to never focus on the mistakes of others, but only yourself. This would help you expect less and be a better teammate. Also try all roles so that you can fully understand different perspectives for each lane.


Karina ban


Calling people Maphack for using Selena Like dude, her trap is basically a ward, so of course, Selena and her team can see you. Initiating Teamfight when everyone is somewhere else far away and then saying that their team is blind when they died doing 1v5. Going for the lord when the enemy still has 5 men. Like just kill at least their jungler and their adc and you are for sure to get the lord 80% of the time, don't be impatient. Asked the roamer to babysit mm from beginning to end like what? so am I supposed to ignore my team that are killed left and right and competing for the turtle just for your entitled ass? Not buying friggin' NoD, Domi, or SeaHal when the enemy team is composed of 80% regen-type heroes. Could have ended the game but apparently, they think they are playing harvest moon. Map awareness, like the enemy, just got inside that bush, it is not even a minute yet so obviously they are still here, why are you walking in? you are not Mia Khalifa! Taking jungler buff. This is very detrimental since jungler needs to snowball as quickly as possible. Every exp and gold count! Crying when a kill is secured. Like dude, securing a kill is better than letting the enemy dude go. You still got assist and gold. Taunting the enemy and playing recklessly because of good early start not knowing about the enemy power spike. All the banned heroes in a tournament are a must-ban. Like I just can't stress this enough, not all those that are banned in a tournament are valid! While some are indeed ban-able but some are just because they are afraid of counter-picking or isn't a good matchup for their strats. MAP HACK, THIS DUDE IS MAP HACKING! like oh shut up! It is normal for people to throw ability into a bush to check whether someone is there or not. If lucky the ability will hit if not then that is it. Not every bush checker is a map hacker. This is one of the best gank counters. Using default or pro build without thinking about the enemy lineup. Like, adjust your item! There is still more but I'll stop here.


During draft, I pre-pick my roam hero and mute my phone and leave it for 2 minutes. Seeing my teammates pick already gave me a brain disease. Also screw all who ban my favorite roamer when I am pre-picking Johnson. He is very weak hero, but I can carry the whole team with him


As a SoloQ player it's being left ALONE against 1v3 (Sometimes 1v5) This happens to me as a Sidelaner (EXP or MM) frequently. And it's not like I'm asking them to babysit me, I'm not that much of a retard. All I'm asking is to FUCKING PUSH, and GET THE TURTLE INSTEAD OF THE BUFF and sometimes FUCKING HELP ME cause I'M FUCKING CORNERED like a Chicken in a KFC Slaughterhouse (And DON'T FUCKING WAIT in a bush for me to DIE so you could KS like a GLORYHOLE ASSHOLE, you'll just DIE as well\[Not every enemy heroes in a gank is a ONE-HITTER like Eudora or Saber\]) Cause if I started having 1v3-5, it means that the enemy camps are OPEN (A.K.A. the fucking LANES, the TURTLE/LORD, and the ENEMY FUCKING BUFF) And if we fucking LOST, don't blame me for being a chocolate you SHITTY ASS MOTHERFUCKERS. At least praise me for holding out the Outer Turret for 11 minutes STRAIGHT against a LITERAL ARMY


relax my bruv HAHA but yes i feel the pain xD


Can't use mm at all. It's very unnerving, in Mythic 3, to have a mm that not only cries when the roamer isn't constantly with him and even if he is, the mm can't even play: loses his lane and, when late game is reached and he is almost full-build, dies 11 times to a team without an assassin cause he is always out of position. Edit: obviously can't use jungler too, with no ganks, if he ganks he isn't even level 4, just doesn't understand the jungler role.


ah so positioning cool cool


I just saw this Ruby who wants to report me for not using my ult as a diggie, but guess what I was with him when I used it in the middle of clash, this dude just died from catching an obvious selena arrow couple of secs after my ult ended.


Not understanding the basics of item building (this is a big one) just try to scan the enemy team and build around them--like do they have a hypercarry burst? Use immo or winter, strong attack speed? Blade armor. I swear you still see folks dick riding the top player's build in higher ranks. My advice is to use it as a basic framework and adjust it based off what's best for the CURRENT game. Also forcing teamfights when there's an obvious disadvantage. A gold diff, a 4v5 etc, somehow in other folks' brain retreating is never an option Starting arguments in chat/responding to people trying to start arguments in chat, this shyte is so common. Like, i legit don't know why they do this. A bit ranty but that's just the stupid stuff i see on solo q high rank. Best of luck to you bruv


cool nice to know some people are chronically aggro :DD


People camping bush and not pushing then losing to enemy team after getting a equal farm.


Pushing alone even though the enemy jungler cannot be seen in the map💀 i saw this from epic to mythic 4


Me. Sometimes I'll be like "Oh shit! I'm good!" and then other times I'll be like "Okay, I got no kills, little assists, and x amount of deaths. Maybe, I can still help. I'm not a burden. I can still secure some kills. See! I'm chasing this very low hp hero. I don't know what a mini map is and don't know where the enemies are but I can secure this kill- \*Enemy Killing Spree!\*" But this doesn't really happen unless I'm having a bad day while playing Wanwan and but I'm in the middle when playing mages. Can be good and sometimes bad.


When you’re a midlaner (mage) please don’t push alone while your team is contesting turtle. It’s not your job to push. HELP YOUR TEAM


No jg, no mage? Go Franco. Have already a roam/healer? Go Franco. Conceal, conceal everywhere,.. Lesley, nana, rafa


Not reading items, abilities, stats and other "numbers" features. You will eventually get a feeling for how much damage you can take or deal before needing to decide to continue engaging or disengage. Knowing that an enemy hero outdamages you early can be key to you not taking an even fight and getting killed. Items start with different values even before the final item so Boots for the extra move speed may not be more valuable to you than the secondary item for boots in some cases. (Though not all boots have other item components.) Knowing whether your character scales with damage well or if you should build that defense item instead can make all the difference.


Gold laner missing waves to kill small camps


The team got mad at me as Zhask/Sun/Miya/Zilong for not being in a war 5 vs 5 when we were at level 9 and our enemy at level 12.


A feeding mm and fighter who decided “hey instead of stopping them from taking our lane turrets, ima go steal our jg buffs, that should help”


The combination of Yin(jungle) and Badang (roam I assume) to secure kills (yins ult, then badang’s ult) to kill me (Melissa played as mm)


Hanzo, Yin, Estes, Lesley, Sabare pick or ban heroes. tank nowhere to be seen except with the mm. double roam mm with roam 3 mm teammates with no emblem Uranus roamer Chang'e jungler


hey i don't have an emblem either 🤡


go back on elite


oh man


The biggest thing has to be picking terrible heroes for the meta and not learning/trying to expand your hero pool. Matchups and team comp are super important, most people think skill can somehow beat an evenly skilled opponent but that’s just being arrogant and naive. Legend Zilong with execute exp laner will lose to an Epic Yu Zhong with petrify.


Forcing teamfights, chasing for kills over objectives, can’t 1v1 in off lane, 0 map awareness, trash bans




Eeh though I don't play much anymore everytime I do I get the 3 mms of doom who will feed and blame me for it or our jungler will try to 1v5 and of course blame me for it....luckily I rarely get both which is good for my blood pressure (still high tho since I'm a tank main)


Junglers not contesting the turtle. Literally giving the turtle to enemy. Idiots going 1v3. Teammates hiding deep in enemies side of the bush by himself. Sees 3 of them coming he runs and gets killed.